ContentProvider (内容提供者) 属于四大组件之一,可以说它是在四大组件中开发者使用率最少的一个,它的作用就是进程间进行数据交互,底层采用 Binder 机制进行进程间通信。
下面我们就以分析 ContentProvider 工作流程为主来进行全面分析。
- fun getContactsLists(): MutableList<String> {
- var contactsLists: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf<String>()
- lateinit var cursor: Cursor
- try {
- //使用 getContentResolver() 查询联系人列表
- cursor = contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null)
- //对 cursor 进行遍历
- if (cursor != null) {
- while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
- //电话号码
- val number = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER))
- contactsLists.add("电话:$number")
- }
- }
- cursor.close()
- } catch (error: Exception) {
- logger.error("error:$error")
- }
- return contactsLists
- }
- //测试
- val contactsLists = getContactsLists()
- contactsLists.forEach { it -> println("通过ContentResolver获取联系人: $contactsLists") }

通过上面代码示例想要 query 数据先要拿到 contentResolver
对象,通过父类 getContentResolver()
- @Override
- public ContentResolver getContentResolver() {
- return mBase.getContentResolver();
- }
这里的 mBase 是 Context 对象,它的实现类就是 ContextImpl
- //ContextImpl.java
- @Override
- public ContentResolver getContentResolver() {
- return mContentResolver;
- }
这里的 getContentResolver
方法中返回了 ApplicationContentResolver
对象,它是 ContextImpl 的静态内部类,继承自 ContentResolver
,它在 ContextImpl
的构造方法中被创建,就会启动 ContentProvider,这里以上面我们示例 query
- //ContentResolver.java
- public final @Nullable Cursor query(final @RequiresPermission.Read @NonNull Uri uri,
- @Nullable String[] projection, @Nullable Bundle queryArgs,
- @Nullable CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
- Preconditions.checkNotNull(uri, "uri");
- 1. 拿到 IContentProvider 对象,它是 ContentProvider 的本地代理
- IContentProvider unstableProvider = acquireUnstableProvider(uri);
- if (unstableProvider == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IContentProvider stableProvider = null;
- Cursor qCursor = null;
- try {
- try {
- 2. 调用 IContentProvider 的 query 函数来进行 query
- qCursor = unstableProvider.query(mPackageName, uri, projection,
- queryArgs, remoteCancellationSignal);
- } catch (DeadObjectException e) {
- //...
- return wrapper;
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- return null;
- } finally {
- ...
- }
- }

通过 acquireUnstableProvider
方法拿到 ContentProvider 的本地代理对象,我们先来看下注释 1 的 acquireUnstableProvider
方法怎么拿到 ContentProvider 本地代理对象,代码如下:
- //ContentResolver.java
- public final IContentProvider acquireUnstableProvider(Uri uri) {
- if (!SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(uri.getScheme())) {
- return null;
- }
- String auth = uri.getAuthority();
- if (auth != null) {
- //调用内部抽象方法
- return acquireUnstableProvider(mContext, uri.getAuthority());
- }
- return null;
- }
- /** @hide */
- protected abstract IContentProvider acquireUnstableProvider(Context c, String name);
- //ContextImpl.java
- @Override
- protected IContentProvider acquireUnstableProvider(Context c, String auth) {
- return mMainThread.acquireProvider(c,
- ContentProvider.getAuthorityWithoutUserId(auth),
- resolveUserIdFromAuthority(auth), false);
- }
return 返回的对象,首先拿到 mMainThread
对象,然后调用它内部的 acquireProvider 方法
- //ActivityThread.java
- public final IContentProvider acquireProvider(
- Context c, String auth, int userId, boolean stable) {
- 1. acquireExistingProvider 方法主要检查 ActivityThread 全局变量 mProviderMap 中是否有目标 ContentProvider 存在,有就返回,没有就通过注释 2 处获取,
- final IContentProvider provider = acquireExistingProvider(c, auth, userId, stable);
- if (provider != null) {
- return provider;
- }
- ContentProviderHolder holder = null;
- try {
- 2. 调用 IAcitivityManager 获取 ContentProviderHolder 对象
- holder = ActivityManager.getService().getContentProvider(
- getApplicationThread(), auth, userId, stable);
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
- }
- ...
- 3. 用来安装 ContentProvider
- holder = installProvider(c, holder, holder.info,
- true /*noisy*/, holder.noReleaseNeeded, stable);
- return holder.provider;
- }

1 处的 acquireExistingProvider
方法内部会检查 ActivityThread 的全局变量 mProviderMap 中是否有 ContentProvider 存在
2 处 的 IActivityManager 的 getContentProvider
方法与 AMS 进行通信来获取
3 是安装 ContentProvider,并将 ContentProvider 相关数据存储在 mProviderMap
我们现在来看下AMS 的 getContentProvider
- //AMS.java
- @Override
- public final ContentProviderHolder getContentProvider(
- IApplicationThread caller, String name, int userId, boolean stable) {
- enforceNotIsolatedCaller("getContentProvider");
- ...
- //调动内部 getContentProviderImpl 方法
- return getContentProviderImpl(caller, name, null, stable, userId);
- }
- //AMS.java
- private ContentProviderHolder getContentProviderImpl(IApplicationThread caller,
- String name, IBinder token, boolean stable, int userId) {
- ContentProviderRecord cpr;
- ContentProviderConnection conn = null;
- ProviderInfo cpi = null;
- ..1. 获取目标 ContentProvider 应用程序进程的信息,如果进程已经启动就调用注释 2 ,否则调用注释 3
- ProcessRecord proc = getProcessRecordLocked(
- cpi.processName, cpr.appInfo.uid, false);
- if (proc != null && proc.thread != null && !proc.killed) {
- "Installing in existing process " + proc);
- if (!proc.pubProviders.containsKey(cpi.name)) {
- checkTime(startTime, "getContentProviderImpl: scheduling install");
- proc.pubProviders.put(cpi.name, cpr);
- try {
- 2. 调用 IApplicationThreadscheduleInstallProvider 函数
- proc.thread.scheduleInstallProvider(cpi);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- }
- }
- } else {
- checkTime(startTime, "getContentProviderImpl: before start process");
- 3. 启动新进程
- proc = startProcessLocked(cpi.processName,
- cpr.appInfo, false, 0, "content provider",
- new ComponentName(cpi.applicationInfo.packageName,
- cpi.name), false, false, false);
- checkTime(startTime, "getContentProviderImpl: after start process");
- if (proc == null) {
- Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to launch app "
- + cpi.applicationInfo.packageName + "/"
- + cpi.applicationInfo.uid + " for provider "
- + name + ": process is bad");
- return null;
- }
- }
- cpr.launchingApp = proc;
- mLaunchingProviders.add(cpr);
- } finally {
- Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);
- }
- }
- ....
- }

2 位置执行流程,首先调用 ActivityThread 的内部类 IApplication 的scheduleInstallProvider
函数,然后通过 H sendMessage 通知进行安装 ContentProvider
看3位置处我们直接看 ActivityThread main 函数,代码如下
- //AMS.java
- final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName,
- ApplicationInfo info, boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags,
- String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName, boolean allowWhileBooting,
- boolean isolated, boolean keepIfLarge) {
- return startProcessLocked(processName, info, knownToBeDead, intentFlags, hostingType,
- hostingName, allowWhileBooting, isolated, 0 /* isolatedUid */, keepIfLarge,
- null /* ABI override */, null /* entryPoint */, null /* entryPointArgs */,
- null /* crashHandler */);
- }
我们直接看 ActivityThread main 函数,代码如下
- //ActivityThread.java
- //通过反射调用执行的
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- ....
- //主线程消息循环
- Looper.prepareMainLooper();
- //创建 ActivityThread 对象
- ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread();
- //Application,Activity 入口
- thread.attach(false);
- if (sMainThreadHandler == null) {
- sMainThreadHandler = thread.getHandler();
- }
- if (false) {
- Looper.myLooper().setMessageLogging(new
- LogPrinter(Log.DEBUG, "ActivityThread"));
- }
- // End of event ActivityThreadMain.
- Looper.loop();
- throw new RuntimeException("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited");
- }

主要看 ActivityThread attach 函数具体实现,代码如下:
- //ActivityThread.java
- private void attach(boolean system) {
- ...
- final IActivityManager mgr = ActivityManager.getService();
- try {
- 关联 Application
- mgr.attachApplication(mAppThread);
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
- }
- ...
- }
从上得到 AMS 的代理类 IActivityManager ,在注释 调用 AMS 的 attachApplication
函数,并将 IApplicationThread 对象传入 AMS 保持应用进程和 AMS 跨进程通信,应用程序调用 AMS 的过程就分析完了,下面我们分析 AMS 到应用程序进程的 ContentProvider 安装过程
- //AMS.java
- private final boolean attachApplicationLocked(IApplicationThread thread,
- int pid) {
- ...
- thread.bindApplication(processName, appInfo, providers,
- app.instr.mClass,
- profilerInfo, app.instr.mArguments,
- app.instr.mWatcher,
- app.instr.mUiAutomationConnection, testMode,
- mBinderTransactionTrackingEnabled, enableTrackAllocation,
- isRestrictedBackupMode || !normalMode, app.persistent,
- new Configuration(getGlobalConfiguration()), app.compat,
- getCommonServicesLocked(app.isolated),
- mCoreSettingsObserver.getCoreSettingsLocked(),
- buildSerial);
- ...
- }

在 attachApplicationLocked
函数中调用了 thread.bindApplication 方法,thread 是 IApplicationThread ,这里和 IActivityManager 一样采用了 aidl 进行进程间传输数据,我们回到 ActivityThread 内部类 ApplicationThread 的 bindApplication
- //ActivityThread.java
- public final void bindApplication(String processName, ApplicationInfo appInfo,
- List<ProviderInfo> providers, ComponentName instrumentationName,
- ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle instrumentationArgs,
- IInstrumentationWatcher instrumentationWatcher,
- IUiAutomationConnection instrumentationUiConnection, int debugMode,
- boolean enableBinderTracking, boolean trackAllocation,
- boolean isRestrictedBackupMode, boolean persistent, Configuration config,
- CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, Map services, Bundle coreSettings,
- String buildSerial) {
- if (services != null) {
- // Setup the service cache in the ServiceManager
- ServiceManager.initServiceCache(services);
- }
- setCoreSettings(coreSettings);
- AppBindData data = new AppBindData();
- data.processName = processName;
- data.appInfo = appInfo;
- data.providers = providers;
- data.instrumentationName = instrumentationName;
- data.instrumentationArgs = instrumentationArgs;
- data.instrumentationWatcher = instrumentationWatcher;
- data.instrumentationUiAutomationConnection = instrumentationUiConnection;
- data.debugMode = debugMode;
- data.enableBinderTracking = enableBinderTracking;
- data.trackAllocation = trackAllocation;
- data.restrictedBackupMode = isRestrictedBackupMode;
- data.persistent = persistent;
- data.config = config;
- data.compatInfo = compatInfo;
- data.initProfilerInfo = profilerInfo;
- data.buildSerial = buildSerial;
- //发送消息给 H 类
- sendMessage(H.BIND_APPLICATION, data);
- }

ActivityThread 内部类 H 收到消息,开始处理 BIND_APPLICSTION
- //ActivityThread.java
- ...
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- ...
- AppBindData data = (AppBindData)msg.obj;
- handleBindApplication(data);
- break;
- ...
- }
- ...
- //ActivityThread.java
- ...
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- ...
- AppBindData data = (AppBindData)msg.obj;
- handleBindApplication(data);
- break;
- ...
- }
- ...
- //ActivityThread.java
- private void handleBindApplication(AppBindData data) {
- ...
- 1. 创建 ContentImpl
- final ContextImpl appContext = ContextImpl.createAppContext(this, data.info);
- ...
- 2 通过反射创建 Instrumentation
- final ClassLoader cl = instrContext.getClassLoader();
- mInstrumentation = (Instrumentation)
- cl.loadClass(data.instrumentationName.getClassName()).newInstance();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ...
- }
- final ComponentName component = new ComponentName(ii.packageName, ii.name);
- 3 处初始化 Instrumentaion
- mInstrumentation.init(this, instrContext, appContext, component,
- data.instrumentationWatcher, data.instrumentationUiAutomationConnection);
- ....
- try {
- 创建 Application
- Application app = data.info.makeApplication(data.restrictedBackupMode, null);
- mInitialApplication = app;
- if (!data.restrictedBackupMode) {
- if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(data.providers)) {
- 5 ContentProvider 启动的
- installContentProviders(app, data.providers);
- mH.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(H.ENABLE_JIT, 10*1000);
- }
- }
- try {
- mInstrumentation.onCreate(data.instrumentationArgs);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- ...
- }
- try {
- 6 调用 Application onCreate 生命周期方法
- mInstrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(app);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ...
- }
- }

注释 5 看 ContentProvider 是如何启动的,代码如下:
- //ActivityThread.java
- private void installContentProviders(
- Context context, List<ProviderInfo> providers) {
- final ArrayList<ContentProviderHolder> results = new ArrayList<>();
- 1 遍历当前应用程序进程的 ProviderInfo 列表,得到每个 ContentProvicer 的存储信息
- for (ProviderInfo cpi : providers) {
- StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128);
- buf.append("Pub ");
- buf.append(cpi.authority);
- buf.append(": ");
- buf.append(cpi.name);
- Log.i(TAG, buf.toString());
- }
- 2 调用 installProvider 方法来启动这些 ContentProvider
- ContentProviderHolder cph = installProvider(context, null, cpi,
- false /*noisy*/, true /*noReleaseNeeded*/, true /*stable*/);
- if (cph != null) {
- cph.noReleaseNeeded = true;
- results.add(cph);
- }
- }
- try {
- 3 处是将启动了的 ContentProvider 存入 AMS 的 mProviderMap 中 就是用来缓存启动过的 ContentProvidec
- ActivityManager.getService().publishContentProviders(
- getApplicationThread(), results);
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- throw ex.rethrowFromSystemServer();
- }
- }

现在来看调用 installProvider 方法来启动这些 ContentProvider
- //ActivityThread.java
- private ContentProviderHolder installProvider(Context context,
- ContentProviderHolder holder, ProviderInfo info,
- boolean noisy, boolean noReleaseNeeded, boolean stable) {
- ....
- try {
- final java.lang.ClassLoader cl = c.getClassLoader();
- 1 通过反射实例化 ContentProvider 对象
- localProvider = (ContentProvider)cl.
- loadClass(info.name).newInstance();
- provider = localProvider.getIContentProvider();
- ...
- 2处调用它的 attachInfo 方法
- localProvider.attachInfo(c, info);
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- if (!mInstrumentation.onException(null, e)) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Unable to get provider " + info.name
- + ": " + e.toString(), e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- ....
- }

在注释 2 处调用它的 attachInfo
- //ContentProvider.java
- public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info) {
- attachInfo(context, info, false);
- }
- private void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info, boolean testing) {
- mNoPerms = testing;
- if (mContext == null) {
- mContext = context;
- if (context != null) {
- mTransport.mAppOpsManager = (AppOpsManager) context.getSystemService(
- }
- mMyUid = Process.myUid();
- if (info != null) {
- setReadPermission(info.readPermission);
- setWritePermission(info.writePermission);
- setPathPermissions(info.pathPermissions);
- mExported = info.exported;
- mSingleUser = (info.flags & ProviderInfo.FLAG_SINGLE_USER) != 0;
- setAuthorities(info.authority);
- }
- /**
- * 安装成功,调用生命周期函数 onCreate
- */
- ContentProvider.this.onCreate();
- }
- }
- public abstract boolean onCreate();

可以看到最后在 ContentProvider 的 attachInfo
函数中进行调用了抽象方法 onCreate, 那么它的子类就会进行实现 onCreate 达到启动成功的通知。
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