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nnUNet-v2 官方调用教程(节选关键内容)_nnunetv2


[1] How to set environment variables

nnU-Net requires some environment variables so that it always knows where the raw data, preprocessed data and trained
models are. Depending on the operating system, these environment variables need to be set in different ways.

Variables can either be set permanently (recommended!) or you can decide to set them everytime you call nnU-Net.

Linux & MacOS


Locate the .bashrc file in your home folder and add the following lines to the bottom:

export nnUNet_raw="/media/fabian/nnUNet_raw"
export nnUNet_preprocessed="/media/fabian/nnUNet_preprocessed"
export nnUNet_results="/media/fabian/nnUNet_results"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

(of course you need to adapt the paths to the actual folders you intend to use).
If you are using a different shell, such as zsh, you will need to find the correct script for it. For zsh this is .zshrc.


Just execute the following lines whenever you run nnU-Net:

export nnUNet_raw="/media/fabian/nnUNet_raw"
export nnUNet_preprocessed="/media/fabian/nnUNet_preprocessed"
export nnUNet_results="/media/fabian/nnUNet_results"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

(of course you need to adapt the paths to the actual folders you intend to use).

Important: These variables will be deleted if you close your terminal! They will also only apply to the current
terminal window and DO NOT transfer to other terminals!

Alternatively you can also just prefix them to your nnU-Net commands:

nnUNet_results="/media/fabian/nnUNet_results" nnUNet_preprocessed="/media/fabian/nnUNet_preprocessed" nnUNetv2_train[...]

Verify that environment parameters are set

You can always execute echo ${nnUNet_raw} etc to print the environment variables. This will return an empty string if
they were not set.


Useful links:


See Set Environment Variable in Windows via GUI here.
Or read about setx (command prompt).


Just execute the following before you run nnU-Net:


$Env:nnUNet_raw = "/media/fabian/nnUNet_raw"
$Env:nnUNet_preprocessed = "/media/fabian/nnUNet_preprocessed"
$Env:nnUNet_results = "/media/fabian/nnUNet_results"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

(command prompt)

set nnUNet_raw="/media/fabian/nnUNet_raw"
set nnUNet_preprocessed="/media/fabian/nnUNet_preprocessed"
set nnUNet_results="/media/fabian/nnUNet_results"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

(of course you need to adapt the paths to the actual folders you intend to use).

Important: These variables will be deleted if you close your session! They will also only apply to the current
window and DO NOT transfer to other sessions!

Verify that environment parameters are set

Printing in Windows works differently depending on the environment you are in:

powershell: echo $Env:[variable_name]

command prompt: echo %[variable_name]%

[2] nnU-Net dataset format

The only way to bring your data into nnU-Net is by storing it in a specific format. Due to nnU-Net’s roots in the
Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD), its dataset is heavily inspired but has since
diverged (see also here) from the format used in the MSD.

Datasets consist of three components: raw images, corresponding segmentation maps and a dataset.json file specifying
some metadata.

If you are migrating from nnU-Net v1, read this to convert your existing Tasks.

What do training cases look like?

Each training case is associated with an identifier = a unique name for that case. This identifier is used by nnU-Net to
connect images with the correct segmentation.

A training case consists of images and their corresponding segmentation.

Images is plural because nnU-Net supports arbitrarily many input channels. In order to be as flexible as possible,
nnU-net requires each input channel to be stored in a separate image (with the sole exception being RGB natural
images). So these images could for example be a T1 and a T2 MRI (or whatever else you want). The different input
channels MUST have the same geometry (same shape, spacing (if applicable) etc.) and
must be co-registered (if applicable). Input channels are identified by nnU-Net by their FILE_ENDING: a four-digit integer at the end
of the filename. Image files must therefore follow the following naming convention: {CASE_IDENTIFIER}_{XXXX}.{FILE_ENDING}.
Hereby, XXXX is the 4-digit modality/channel identifier (should be unique for each modality/chanel, e.g., “0000” for T1, “0001” for
T2 MRI, …) and FILE_ENDING is the file extension used by your image format (.png, .nii.gz, …). See below for concrete examples.
The dataset.json file connects channel names with the channel identifiers in the ‘channel_names’ key (see below for details).

Side note: Typically, each channel/modality needs to be stored in a separate file and is accessed with the XXXX channel identifier.
Exception are natural images (RGB; .png) where the three color channels can all be stored in one file (see the road segmentation dataset as an example).

Segmentations must share the same geometry with their corresponding images (same shape etc.). Segmentations are
integer maps with each value representing a semantic class. The background must be 0. If there is no background, then
do not use the label 0 for something else! Integer values of your semantic classes must be consecutive (0, 1, 2, 3,
…). Of course, not all labels have to be present in each training case. Segmentations are saved as {CASE_IDENTIFER}.{FILE_ENDING} .

Within a training case, all image geometries (input channels, corresponding segmentation) must match. Between training
cases, they can of course differ. nnU-Net takes care of that.

Important: The input channels must be consistent! Concretely, all images need the same input channels in the same
order and all input channels have to be present every time
. This is also true for inference!

Supported file formats

nnU-Net expects the same file format for images and segmentations! These will also be used for inference. For now, it
is thus not possible to train .png and then run inference on .jpg.

One big change in nnU-Net V2 is the support of multiple input file types. Gone are the days of converting everything to .nii.gz!
This is implemented by abstracting the input and output of images + segmentations through BaseReaderWriter. nnU-Net
comes with a broad collection of Readers+Writers and you can even add your own to support your data format!
See here.

As a nice bonus, nnU-Net now also natively supports 2D input images and you no longer have to mess around with
conversions to pseudo 3D niftis. Yuck. That was disgusting.

Note that internally (for storing and accessing preprocessed images) nnU-Net will use its own file format, irrespective
of what the raw data was provided in! This is for performance reasons.

By default, the following file formats are supported:

  • NaturalImage2DIO: .png, .bmp, .tif
  • NibabelIO: .nii.gz, .nrrd, .mha
  • NibabelIOWithReorient: .nii.gz, .nrrd, .mha. This reader will reorient images to RAS!
  • SimpleITKIO: .nii.gz, .nrrd, .mha
  • Tiff3DIO: .tif, .tiff. 3D tif images! Since TIF does not have a standardized way of storing spacing information,
    nnU-Net expects each TIF file to be accompanied by an identically named .json file that contains three numbers
    (no units, no comma. Just separated by whitespace), one for each dimension.

The file extension lists are not exhaustive and depend on what the backend supports. For example, nibabel and SimpleITK
support more than the three given here. The file endings given here are just the ones we tested!

IMPORTANT: nnU-Net can only be used with file formats that use lossless (or no) compression! Because the file
format is defined for an entire dataset (and not separately for images and segmentations, this could be a todo for
the future), we must ensure that there are no compression artifacts that destroy the segmentation maps. So no .jpg and
the likes!

Dataset folder structure

Datasets must be located in the nnUNet_raw folder (which you either define when installing nnU-Net or export/set every
time you intend to run nnU-Net commands!).
Each segmentation dataset is stored as a separate ‘Dataset’. Datasets are associated with a dataset ID, a three digit
integer, and a dataset name (which you can freely choose): For example, Dataset005_Prostate has ‘Prostate’ as dataset name and
the dataset id is 5. Datasets are stored in the nnUNet_raw folder like this:

├── Dataset001_BrainTumour
├── Dataset002_Heart
├── Dataset003_Liver
├── Dataset004_Hippocampus
├── Dataset005_Prostate
├── ...
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

Within each dataset folder, the following structure is expected:

├── dataset.json
├── imagesTr
├── imagesTs  # optional
└── labelsTr
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

When adding your custom dataset, take a look at the dataset_conversion folder and
pick an id that is not already taken. IDs 001-010 are for the Medical Segmentation Decathlon.

  • imagesTr contains the images belonging to the training cases. nnU-Net will perform pipeline configuration, training with
    cross-validation, as well as finding postprocessing and the best ensemble using this data.
  • imagesTs (optional) contains the images that belong to the test cases. nnU-Net does not use them! This could just
    be a convenient location for you to store these images. Remnant of the Medical Segmentation Decathlon folder structure.
  • labelsTr contains the images with the ground truth segmentation maps for the training cases.
  • dataset.json contains metadata of the dataset.

The scheme introduced above results in the following folder structure. Given
is an example for the first Dataset of the MSD: BrainTumour. This dataset hat four input channels: FLAIR (0000),
T1w (0001), T1gd (0002) and T2w (0003). Note that the imagesTs folder is optional and does not have to be present.

├── dataset.json
├── imagesTr
│   ├── BRATS_001_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_001_0001.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_001_0002.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_001_0003.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_002_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_002_0001.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_002_0002.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_002_0003.nii.gz
│   ├── ...
├── imagesTs
│   ├── BRATS_485_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_485_0001.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_485_0002.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_485_0003.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_486_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_486_0001.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_486_0002.nii.gz
│   ├── BRATS_486_0003.nii.gz
│   ├── ...
└── labelsTr
    ├── BRATS_001.nii.gz
    ├── BRATS_002.nii.gz
    ├── ...
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Here is another example of the second dataset of the MSD, which has only one input channel:

├── dataset.json
├── imagesTr
│   ├── la_003_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── la_004_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── ...
├── imagesTs
│   ├── la_001_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── la_002_0000.nii.gz
│   ├── ...
└── labelsTr
    ├── la_003.nii.gz
    ├── la_004.nii.gz
    ├── ...
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Remember: For each training case, all images must have the same geometry to ensure that their pixel arrays are aligned. Also
make sure that all your data is co-registered!

See also dataset format inference!!


The dataset.json contains metadata that nnU-Net needs for training. We have greatly reduced the number of required
fields since version 1!

Here is what the dataset.json should look like at the example of the Dataset005_Prostate from the MSD:

 "channel_names": {  # formerly modalities
   "0": "T2", 
   "1": "ADC"
 "labels": {  # THIS IS DIFFERENT NOW!
   "background": 0,
   "PZ": 1,
   "TZ": 2
 "numTraining": 32, 
 "file_ending": ".nii.gz"
 "overwrite_image_reader_writer": "SimpleITKIO"  # optional! If not provided nnU-Net will automatically determine the ReaderWriter
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The channel_names determine the normalization used by nnU-Net. If a channel is marked as ‘CT’, then a global
normalization based on the intensities in the foreground pixels will be used. If it is something else, per-channel
z-scoring will be used. Refer to the methods section in our paper
for more details. nnU-Net v2 introduces a few more normalization schemes to
choose from and allows you to define your own, see here for more information.

Important changes relative to nnU-Net v1:

  • “modality” is now called “channel_names” to remove strong bias to medical images
  • labels are structured differently (name -> int instead of int -> name). This was needed to support region-based training
  • “file_ending” is added to support different input file types
  • “overwrite_image_reader_writer” optional! Can be used to specify a certain (custom) ReaderWriter class that should
    be used with this dataset. If not provided, nnU-Net will automatically determine the ReaderWriter
  • “regions_class_order” only used in region-based training

There is a utility with which you can generate the dataset.json automatically. You can find it
See our examples in dataset_conversion for how to use it. And read its documentation!

How to use nnU-Net v1 Tasks

If you are migrating from the old nnU-Net, convert your existing datasets with nnUNetv2_convert_old_nnUNet_dataset!

Example for migrating a nnU-Net v1 Task:

nnUNetv2_convert_old_nnUNet_dataset /media/isensee/raw_data/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task027_ACDC Dataset027_ACDC 
  • 1

Use nnUNetv2_convert_old_nnUNet_dataset -h for detailed usage instructions.

How to use decathlon datasets

See convert_msd_dataset.md

How to use 2D data with nnU-Net

2D is now natively supported (yay!). See here as well as the example dataset in this

How to update an existing dataset

When updating a dataset it is best practice to remove the preprocessed data in nnUNet_preprocessed/DatasetXXX_NAME
to ensure a fresh start. Then replace the data in nnUNet_raw and rerun nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess. Optionally,
also remove the results from old trainings.

Example dataset conversion scripts

In the dataset_conversion folder (see here) are multiple example scripts for
converting datasets into nnU-Net format. These scripts cannot be run as they are (you need to open them and change
some paths) but they are excellent examples for you to learn how to convert your own datasets into nnU-Net format.
Just pick the dataset that is closest to yours as a starting point.
The list of dataset conversion scripts is continually updated. If you find that some publicly available dataset is
missing, feel free to open a PR to add it!

[3] Setting up Paths

nnU-Net relies on environment variables to know where raw data, preprocessed data and trained model weights are stored.
To use the full functionality of nnU-Net, the following three environment variables must be set:

  1. nnUNet_raw: This is where you place the raw datasets. This folder will have one subfolder for each dataset names
    DatasetXXX_YYY where XXX is a 3-digit identifier (such as 001, 002, 043, 999, …) and YYY is the (unique)
    dataset name. The datasets must be in nnU-Net format, see here.

    Example tree structure:

    ├── dataset.json
    ├── imagesTr
    │   ├── ...
    ├── imagesTs
    │   ├── ...
    └── labelsTr
        ├── ...
    ├── dataset.json
    ├── imagesTr
    │   ├── ...
    ├── imagesTs
    │   ├── ...
    └── labelsTr
        ├── ...
    • 1
    • 2
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    • 5
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    • 16
  2. nnUNet_preprocessed: This is the folder where the preprocessed data will be saved. The data will also be read from
    this folder during training. It is important that this folder is located on a drive with low access latency and high
    throughput (such as a nvme SSD (PCIe gen 3 is sufficient)).

  3. nnUNet_results: This specifies where nnU-Net will save the model weights. If pretrained models are downloaded, this
    is where it will save them.

[4] How to run nnU-Net on a new dataset

Given some dataset, nnU-Net fully automatically configures an entire segmentation pipeline that matches its properties.
nnU-Net covers the entire pipeline, from preprocessing to model configuration, model training, postprocessing
all the way to ensembling. After running nnU-Net, the trained model(s) can be applied to the test cases for inference.

Dataset Format

nnU-Net expects datasets in a structured format. This format is inspired by the data structure of
the Medical Segmentation Decthlon. Please read
this for information on how to set up datasets to be compatible with nnU-Net.

Since version 2 we support multiple image file formats (.nii.gz, .png, .tif, …)! Read the dataset_format
documentation to learn more!

Datasets from nnU-Net v1 can be converted to V2 by running nnUNetv2_convert_old_nnUNet_dataset INPUT_FOLDER OUTPUT_DATASET_NAME. Remember that v2 calls datasets DatasetXXX_Name (not Task) where XXX is a 3-digit number.
Please provide the path to the old task, not just the Task name. nnU-Net V2 doesn’t know where v1 tasks were!

Experiment planning and preprocessing

Given a new dataset, nnU-Net will extract a dataset fingerprint (a set of dataset-specific properties such as
image sizes, voxel spacings, intensity information etc). This information is used to design three U-Net configurations.
Each of these pipelines operates on its own preprocessed version of the dataset.

The easiest way to run fingerprint extraction, experiment planning and preprocessing is to use:

nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess -d DATASET_ID --verify_dataset_integrity
  • 1

Where DATASET_ID is the dataset id (duh). We recommend --verify_dataset_integrity whenever it’s the first time
you run this command. This will check for some of the most common error sources!

You can also process several datasets at once by giving -d 1 2 3 [...]. If you already know what U-Net configuration
you need you can also specify that with -c 3d_fullres (make sure to adapt -np in this case!). For more information
about all the options available to you please run nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess -h.

nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess will create a new subfolder in your nnUNet_preprocessed folder named after the dataset.
Once the command is completed there will be a dataset_fingerprint.json file as well as a nnUNetPlans.json file for you to look at
(in case you are interested!). There will also be subfolders containing the preprocessed data for your UNet configurations.

If you prefer to keep things separate, you can also use nnUNetv2_extract_fingerprint, nnUNetv2_plan_experiment
and nnUNetv2_preprocess (in that order).

Model training


You pick which configurations (2d, 3d_fullres, 3d_lowres, 3d_cascade_fullres) should be trained! If you have no idea
what performs best on your data, just run all of them and let nnU-Net identify the best one. It’s up to you!

nnU-Net trains all configurations in a 5-fold cross-validation over the training cases. This is 1) needed so that
nnU-Net can estimate the performance of each configuration and tell you which one should be used for your
segmentation problem and 2) a natural way of obtaining a good model ensemble (average the output of these 5 models
for prediction) to boost performance.

You can influence the splits nnU-Net uses for 5-fold cross-validation (see here). If you
prefer to train a single model on all training cases, this is also possible (see below).

Note that not all U-Net configurations are created for all datasets. In datasets with small image sizes, the U-Net
cascade (and with it the 3d_lowres configuration) is omitted because the patch size of the full resolution U-Net
already covers a large part of the input images.

Training models is done with the nnUNetv2_train command. The general structure of the command is:

nnUNetv2_train DATASET_NAME_OR_ID UNET_CONFIGURATION FOLD [additional options, see -h]
  • 1

UNET_CONFIGURATION is a string that identifies the requested U-Net configuration (defaults: 2d, 3d_fullres, 3d_lowres,
3d_cascade_lowres). DATASET_NAME_OR_ID specifies what dataset should be trained on and FOLD specifies which fold of
the 5-fold-cross-validation is trained.

nnU-Net stores a checkpoint every 50 epochs. If you need to continue a previous training, just add a --c to the
training command.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to use nnUNetv2_find_best_configuration (see below) add the --npz flag. This makes
nnU-Net save the softmax outputs during the final validation. They are needed for that. Exported softmax
predictions are very large and therefore can take up a lot of disk space, which is why this is not enabled by default.
If you ran initially without the --npz flag but now require the softmax predictions, simply rerun the validation with:

  • 1

You can specify the device nnU-net should use by using -device DEVICE. DEVICE can only be cpu, cuda or mps. If
you have multiple GPUs, please select the gpu id using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=X nnUNetv2_train [...] (requires device to be cuda).

See nnUNetv2_train -h for additional options.

2D U-Net

For FOLD in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], run:

nnUNetv2_train DATASET_NAME_OR_ID 2d FOLD [--npz]
  • 1

3D full resolution U-Net

For FOLD in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], run:

nnUNetv2_train DATASET_NAME_OR_ID 3d_fullres FOLD [--npz]
  • 1

3D U-Net cascade

3D low resolution U-Net

For FOLD in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], run:

nnUNetv2_train DATASET_NAME_OR_ID 3d_lowres FOLD [--npz]
  • 1
3D full resolution U-Net

For FOLD in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], run:

nnUNetv2_train DATASET_NAME_OR_ID 3d_cascade_fullres FOLD [--npz]
  • 1

Note that the 3D full resolution U-Net of the cascade requires the five folds of the low resolution U-Net to be

The trained models will be written to the nnUNet_results folder. Each training obtains an automatically generated
output folder name:


For Dataset002_Heart (from the MSD), for example, this looks like this:

├── Dataset002_Heart
    │── nnUNetTrainer__nnUNetPlans__2d
    │    ├── fold_0
    │    ├── fold_1
    │    ├── fold_2
    │    ├── fold_3
    │    ├── fold_4
    │    ├── dataset.json
    │    ├── dataset_fingerprint.json
    │    └── plans.json
    └── nnUNetTrainer__nnUNetPlans__3d_fullres
         ├── fold_0
         ├── fold_1
         ├── fold_2
         ├── fold_3
         ├── fold_4
         ├── dataset.json
         ├── dataset_fingerprint.json
         └── plans.json
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 9
  • 10
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  • 14
  • 15
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  • 19
  • 20

Note that 3d_lowres and 3d_cascade_fullres do not exist here because this dataset did not trigger the cascade. In each
model training output folder (each of the fold_x folder), the following files will be created:

  • debug.json: Contains a summary of blueprint and inferred parameters used for training this model as well as a
    bunch of additional stuff. Not easy to read, but very useful for debugging