- var dingding = {
- key: null,
- message: null,
- msgtype: "markdown",
- proxy: null,
- to: null,
- subject: null,
- sendMessage: function () {
- var params = {
- msgtype: "markdown",
- markdown: {
- title: "告警信息⚠️",
- text: dingding.message
- },
- disable_web_page_preview: true,
- disable_notification: false
- },
- data,
- response,
- request = new HttpRequest(),
- url = 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=' + dingding.key;
- if (dingding.proxy) {
- request.setProxy(dingding.proxy);
- }
- request.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
- data = JSON.stringify(params);
- // Remove replace() function if you want to see the exposed key in the log file.
- Zabbix.Log( 4,"[dingding Webhook] URL: " + url.replace(dingding.key, "<BOT KEY>"));
- Zabbix.Log(4, "[dingding Webhook] params: " + data);
- response = request.post(url, data);
- Zabbix.Log(4, "[dingding Webhook] HTTP code: " + request.getStatus());
- try {
- response = JSON.parse(response);
- } catch (error) {
- response = null;
- }
- if (request.getStatus() !== 200 || response.errcode !== 0) {
- if (typeof response.errmsg === "string") {
- throw response.errmsg;
- } else {
- throw "Unknown error. Check debug log for more information.";
- }
- }
- },
- };
- try {
- var params = JSON.parse(value);
- if (typeof params.Key === "undefined") {
- throw 'Incorrect value is given for parameter "Key": parameter is missing';
- }
- dingding.key = params.Key;
- if (params.HTTPProxy) {
- dingding.proxy = params.HTTPProxy;
- }
- dingding.to = params.To;
- dingding.message = params.Subject + "\n" + params.Message;
- dingding.sendMessage();
- return "OK";
- } catch (error) {
- Zabbix.Log(4, "[dingding Webhook] notification failed: " + error);
- throw "Sending failed: " + error + ".";
- }

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