接入高德地图后,通过SDK里的 OfflineMapActivity 先下载需要的离线地图资源,这些资源放在 外部存储/amap 目录下,或者我们代码中通过 MapsInitializer.sdcardDir 设置的目录。
object AssetZipUtils { @Throws(IOException::class) fun unzipFromAssets(context: Context, assetName: String, outputDirPath: String) { val assetManager = context.assets assetManager.open(assetName).use { inputStream -> unzip(inputStream, outputDirPath) } } @Throws(IOException::class) fun unzip(inputStream: InputStream, outputDirPath: String) { val buffer = ByteArray(1024) val outputDir = File(outputDirPath) if (!outputDir.exists()) { outputDir.mkdirs() } ZipInputStream(inputStream).use { zis -> var zipEntry: ZipEntry? = zis.nextEntry while (zipEntry != null) { val newFile = File(outputDir, zipEntry.name) if (zipEntry.isDirectory) { if (!newFile.isDirectory && !newFile.mkdirs()) { throw IOException("Failed to create directory ${newFile.path}") } } else { // Ensure parent directories exist val parent = newFile.parentFile if (!parent.isDirectory && !parent.mkdirs()) { throw IOException("Failed to create directory ${parent.path}") } FileOutputStream(newFile).use { fos -> var len: Int while (zis.read(buffer).also { len = it } > 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, len) } } } zipEntry = zis.nextEntry } zis.closeEntry() } } }
当前使用的高德地图版本是 V10.0.700 2024-05-13,后续更新不确定能不能使用这种方法。
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