[root@app01 tmp]$ sqlcmd -? Microsoft (R) SQL Server Command Line Tool Version 17.7.0001.1 Linux Copyright (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. usage: sqlcmd [-U login id] [-P password] [-S server or Dsn if -D is provided] [-H hostname] [-E trusted connection] [-N Encrypt Connection][-C Trust Server Certificate] [-d use database name] [-l login timeout] [-t query timeout] [-h headers] [-s colseparator] [-w screen width] [-a packetsize] [-e echo input] [-I Enable Quoted Identifiers] [-c cmdend] [-q "cmdline query"] [-Q "cmdline query" and exit] [-m errorlevel] [-V severitylevel] [-W remove trailing spaces] [-u unicode output] [-r[0|1] msgs to stderr] [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-k[1|2] remove[replace] control characters] [-y variable length type display width] [-Y fixed length type display width] [-p[1] print statistics[colon format]] [-R use client regional setting] [-K application intent] [-M multisubnet failover] [-b On error batch abort] [-D Dsn flag, indicate -S is Dsn] [-X[1] disable commands, startup script, environment variables [and exit]] [-x disable variable substitution] [-g enable column encryption] [-G use Azure Active Directory for authentication] [-? show syntax summary] sqlcmd -? Microsoft (R) SQL Server 命令行工具 版本 17.7.0001.1 Linux 版权所有 (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。 用法: sqlcmd [-U 登录 ID] [-P 密码] [-S 服务器或 Dsn(如果提供 -D)] [-H 主机名] [-E 使用信任连接] [-N 加密连接] [-C 信任服务器证书] [-d 使用数据库名称] [-l 登录超时] [-t 查询超时] [-h 标头] [-s 列分隔符] [-w 屏幕宽度] [-a 分组大小] [-e 回显输入] [-I 启用引用标识符] [-c 命令结束符] [-q "命令行查询"] [-Q "命令行查询" 并退出] [-m 错误级别] [-V 严重级别] [-W 移除尾随空格] [-u Unicode 输出] [-r[0|1] 将消息输出到 stderr] [-i 输入文件] [-o 输出文件] [-k[1|2] 移除[替换]控制字符] [-y 变长类型显示宽度] [-Y 固定长度类型显示宽度] [-p[1] 打印统计信息[冒号格式]] [-R 使用客户端区域设置] [-K 应用程序意图] [-M 多子网故障转移] [-b 在错误时批处理中止] [-D Dsn 标志,指示 -S 是 Dsn] [-X[1] 禁用命令、启动脚本、环境变量 [并退出]] [-x 禁用变量替换] [-g 启用列加密] [-G 使用 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证] [-? 显示语法摘要]
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