brats中的四个序列是不同模态的图像,因此图像对比度也不一样,所以采用z-score方式来对每个模态图像进行标准化,即将每个模态的数据标准化为零均值和单位标准差 ,但是GT文件是不需要进行标准化的.函数实现代码如下
def normalize(slice, bottom=99, down=1): """ normalize image with mean and std for regionnonzero,and clip the value into range :param slice: :param bottom: :param down: :return: """ #有点像“去掉最低分去掉最高分”的意思,使得数据集更加“公平” b = np.percentile(slice, bottom) t = np.percentile(slice, down) slice = np.clip(slice, t, b)#限定范围numpy.clip(a, a_min, a_max, out=None) #除了黑色背景外的区域要进行标准化 image_nonzero = slice[np.nonzero(slice)] if np.std(slice) == 0 or np.std(image_nonzero) == 0: return slice else: tmp = (slice - np.mean(image_nonzero)) / np.std(image_nonzero) # since the range of intensities is between 0 and 5000 , # the min in the normalized slice corresponds to 0 intensity in unnormalized slice # the min is replaced with -9 just to keep track of 0 intensities # so that we can discard those intensities afterwards when sampling random patches tmp[tmp == tmp.min()] = -9 #黑色背景区域 return tmp
- def crop_ceter(img,croph,cropw):
- #for n_slice in range(img.shape[0]):
- height,width = img[0].shape
- starth = height//2-(croph//2)
- startw = width//2-(cropw//2)
- return img[:,starth:starth+croph,startw:startw+cropw]
由于大多数医学图像都是三维数据,所以只有切成2D数据,才能适应2D网络,此外切片中不含有病灶部分的可以舍弃,同样也是为了缓解类别不均衡问题,又由于是多模态,因此要将各模态的切片组合成多通道,最后保存为npy, 而对于其相应的GT切片我是直接保存为npy
#切片处理,并去掉没有病灶的切片,合并多模态组合多通道 for n_slice in range(flair_crop.shape[0]): if np.max(mask_crop[n_slice,:,:]) != 0: maskImg = mask_crop[n_slice,:,:] FourModelImageArray = np.zeros((flair_crop.shape[1],flair_crop.shape[2],4),np.float) flairImg = flair_crop[n_slice,:,:] flairImg = flairImg.astype(np.float) FourModelImageArray[:,:,0] = flairImg t1Img = t1_crop[n_slice,:,:] t1Img = t1Img.astype(np.float) FourModelImageArray[:,:,1] = t1Img t1ceImg = t1ce_crop[n_slice,:,:] t1ceImg = t1ceImg.astype(np.float) FourModelImageArray[:,:,2] = t1ceImg t2Img = t2_crop[n_slice,:,:] t2Img = t2Img.astype(np.float) FourModelImageArray[:,:,3] = t2Img imagepath = outputImg_path + "\\" + str(pathlgg_list[subsetindex]) + "_" + str(n_slice) + ".npy" maskpath = outputMask_path + "\\" + str(pathlgg_list[subsetindex]) + "_" + str(n_slice) + ".npy" np.save(imagepath,FourModelImageArray)#(160,160,4) np.float dtype('float64') np.save(maskpath,maskImg) # (160, 160) dtype('uint8') 值为0 1 2 4
用 jupyter notebook 执行
# Data loading code img_paths = glob(r'D:\Project\CollegeDesign\dataset\Brats2018FoulModel2D\trainImage\*') mask_paths = glob(r'D:\Project\CollegeDesign\dataset\Brats2018FoulModel2D\trainMask\*') train_img_paths, val_img_paths, train_mask_paths, val_mask_paths = train_test_split(img_paths, mask_paths, test_size=0.2, random_state=41) print("train_num:%s"%str(len(train_img_paths))) print("val_num:%s"%str(len(val_img_paths))) train_dataset = Dataset(args, train_img_paths, train_mask_paths, args.aug) val_dataset = Dataset(args, val_img_paths, val_mask_paths) train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( val_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False) ... for epoch in range(args.epochs): # train for one epoch train_log = train(args, train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch) # evaluate on validation set val_log = validate(args, val_loader, model, criterion) ...
由于用到了 Dataset ,需要人工去复现这个类中的 __getitem__函数,代码如下
def __getitem__(self, idx): img_path = self.img_paths[idx] mask_path = self.mask_paths[idx] #读numpy数据(npy)的代码 npimage = np.load(img_path) npmask = np.load(mask_path) npimage = npimage.transpose((2, 0, 1)) WT_Label = npmask.copy() WT_Label[npmask == 1] = 1. WT_Label[npmask == 2] = 1. WT_Label[npmask == 4] = 1. TC_Label = npmask.copy() TC_Label[npmask == 1] = 1. TC_Label[npmask == 2] = 0. TC_Label[npmask == 4] = 1. ET_Label = npmask.copy() ET_Label[npmask == 1] = 0. ET_Label[npmask == 2] = 0. ET_Label[npmask == 4] = 1. nplabel = np.empty((160, 160, 3)) nplabel[:, :, 0] = WT_Label nplabel[:, :, 1] = TC_Label nplabel[:, :, 2] = ET_Label nplabel = nplabel.transpose((2, 0, 1)) nplabel = nplabel.astype("float32") npimage = npimage.astype("float32") return npimage,nplabel
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