./bin/flink list running
新补充一些 jar 包,需要重启 cluster
Could not acquire the minimum required resources.提示资源不够,需要更改配置
首先在 starrocks 上创建一个表,插入一些数据
CREATE TABLE `users` ( `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `name` varchar(65533) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `email` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "", `address` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "", `age` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT "", `sex` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT "", `last_active` datetime NULL COMMENT "", `property0` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `property1` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `property2` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT "", `property3` tinyint(4) NOT NULL COMMENT "" ) ENGINE=OLAP PRIMARY KEY(`user_id`) COMMENT "OLAP" DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`user_id`) BUCKETS 4 PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "3", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "DEFAULT", "enable_persistent_index" = "true", "compression" = "LZ4" ); insert into users (user_id,name,property0,property1,property2,property3) values(10, "jack",1,2,3,4); insert into users (user_id,name,property0,property1,property2,property3) values(11, "mary",1,2,3,4);
在 flink 上创建表
CREATE TABLE flink_test2 ( user_id bigint , name string , email string , address string , age tinyint , sex tinyint , last_active TIMESTAMP(10), property0 tinyint , property1 tinyint , property2 tinyint , property3 tinyint ) WITH ( 'connector'='starrocks', 'scan-url'='', 'jdbc-url'='jdbc:mysql://', 'username'='root', 'password'='', 'database-name'='tn_test', 'table-name'='users' );
Flink SQL> select * from flink_test2;
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