- #coding:utf8
- '''
- Created on 2016年6月27
- @author: hehe
- '''
- import xlrd
- import time
- import datetime
- import sys
- default_encoding = 'utf-8'
- if sys.getdefaultencoding() != default_encoding:
- reload(sys)
- sys.setdefaultencoding(default_encoding)
- # use for to read all tables
- def readtable():
- data = xlrd.open_workbook(r'C:\Users\8888\Desktop\haha.xlsx')
- table = data.sheet_by_index(0)
- return table
- def get_num_nrow(table):
- return table.nrows
- def compute_time(time_begin , time_end):
- hour , minu = (int)(str(compare_time(time_begin, time_end))[0]),(int)(str(compare_time(time_begin, time_end))[2])*10+(int)(str(compare_time(time_begin, time_end))[3])
- return hour*60 + minu
- def compare_time(time_begin, time_end):
- date_1 = time.strptime(time_begin,"%H:%M")
- date_2 = time.strptime(time_end,"%H:%M")
- date1=datetime.datetime(date_1[0],date_1[1],date_1[2],date_1[3],date_1[4],date_1[5])
- date2=datetime.datetime(date_2[0],date_2[1],date_2[2],date_2[3],date_2[4],date_2[5])
- #print date2-date1
- return date2-date1
- def com_chidao(time_begin,time_s_beg):
- a=0
- b=0
- try:
- a=compute_time(time_begin,time_s_beg)
- except Exception:
- b=compute_time(time_s_beg,time_begin)
- return a,b
- def com_zaotui(time_begin,time_s_beg):
- c=0
- d=0
- try:
- c=compute_time(time_begin,time_s_beg)
- except Exception:
- d=compute_time(time_s_beg,time_begin)
- return c,d
- def judge_morning(time_list):
- time_begin = time_list[0]
- time_s_beg = u'8:30'
- time_end = time_list[1]
- time_s_end = u'12:00'
- if time_begin=='':
- print '早上没来'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end=='':
- print '未签退'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end!='':
- a,b=com_chidao(time_begin,time_s_beg)
- #c,d = com_zaotui(time_s_end,time_end)
- if a==0 and b!=0:
- print '迟到%d分'%b
- #if c==0 and d!=0:
- # print '早退%d分'%d
- else :
- print compare_time(time_begin,time_end)
- def judge_afternoon(time_list):
- time_begin = time_list[2]
- time_s_beg = u'14:30'
- time_end = time_list[3]
- time_s_end = u'18:00'
- if time_begin=='':
- print '下午没来'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end=='':
- print '未签退'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end!='':
- a,b=com_chidao(time_begin,time_s_beg)
- #c,d = com_zaotui(time_s_end,time_end)
- if a==0 and b!=0:
- print '迟到%d分'%b
- #if c==0 and d!=0:
- # print '早退%d分'%d
- else :
- print compare_time(time_begin,time_end)
- def judge_neight(time_list):
- time_begin = time_list[4]
- time_s_beg = u'19:30'
- time_end = time_list[5]
- time_s_end = u'22:00'
- if time_begin=='':
- print '晚上没来'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end=='':
- print '未签退'
- elif time_begin!='' and time_end!='':
- a,b=com_chidao(time_begin,time_s_beg)
- #c,d = com_zaotui(time_s_end,time_end)
- if a==0 and b!=0:
- print '迟到%d分'%b
- #if c==0 and d!=0:
- # print '早退%d分'%d
- else :
- print compare_time(time_begin,time_end)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- chidao = 0
- kuang = 0
- kuang_day = 0
- val_time = 0
- all_time = 0
- data = []
- table = readtable()
- print 'done'
- for i in range(get_num_nrow(table) ):
- value = table.row_values(i)
- if value[0][3]=='日':
- continue
- time_1_be , time_1_end , time_2_be ,time_2_end , time_3_be , time_3_end =value[1] ,value[3] ,value[6] ,value[8], value[10] ,value[12]
- #print time_1_be , time_1_end , time_2_be ,time_2_end , time_3_be , time_3_end
- time_list = [time_1_be , time_1_end , time_2_be ,time_2_end , time_3_be , time_3_end]
- if time_list[0]=='旷工':
- print '旷工'
- kuang_day+=1
- kuang+=3
- continue
- #print time_list[0]
- #judje mornaing
- judge_morning(time_list)
- #judje afternoon
- judge_afternoon(time_list)
- #judge neight
- judge_neight(time_list)

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