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#include <stdio.h>  
#include <math.h>  
#include "portaudio.h"  
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846  
#define TWO_PI (2.0 * PI)  
typedef struct {  
    double phase;  
    double amplitude;  
} SineWave;  
SineWave sine;  
int Pa_callback( void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,   
                unsigned long framesPerBuffer,   
                const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,   
                PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,   
                void *userData )  
    unsigned long i;  
    int j;  
    int k = (int)(timeInfo->sampleTime * 44100.0); // number of sine waves in a second (44100Hz)  
    double sampleRate = 44100.0; // sample rate (44100Hz)  
    double phaseIncrement = 2.0 * PI * k / sampleRate; // increment the phase each sample time  
    SineWave *sine = (SineWave *)userData;  
    float *out = (float*)outputBuffer; // float outputBuffer[] = {0};  
    for( i=0; i<framesPerBuffer; i++ ) { // for each frame...  
        sine->phase += phaseIncrement; // increment the phase...  
        if( sine->phase > TWO_PI ) { // if the phase is greater than 2PI...  
            sine->phase -= TWO_PI; // subtract 2PI...  
        } // end if  
        *out++ = sine->amplitude * sin(sine->phase); // output the sine wave...  
    } // end for  
    return 0; // return 0 for success...  
} // end Pa_callback()  
int main(void) {  
    PaStreamParameters outputParameters;  
    PaStream *stream;  
    PaError err;  
    SineWave sine = {0, 1}; // initialise sine wave with phase 0 and amplitude 1  
    outputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */  
    outputParameters.channelCount = 1; /* mono output */  
    outputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32; /* 32 bit floating point output */  
    outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device )->defaultLowOutputLatency; /* use default low latency */  
    outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;  
    err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, NULL, &outputParameters, 44100., 0, paClipOff, &Pa_callback, &sine);  
    if( err != paNoError ) { /* error handling */  
        printf("Error opening stream\n"); fflush(stdout);  
        goto error; } else printf("Stream opened successfully\n"); fflush(stdout);  
    err = Pa_StartStream(stream); /* play */  
    if( err != paNoError ) { /* error handling */  
        printf("Error starting stream\n"); fflush(stdout); error = -1; } else printf("Stream started successfully\n"); fflush(stdout);  
    printf("Press any key to stop the sound\n"); fflush(stdout); getchar(); /* wait for user input */  
    err = Pa_StopStream(stream); /* stop playing */  
    if( err != paNoError ) { /* error handling */ } else printf("Stream stopped successfully\n"); fflush(stdout);  
    err = Pa_CloseStream(stream); /* close stream, release resources */ if( err != paNoError ) { /* error handling */ } else printf("Stream closed successfully\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; /* success */ error: { printf("An error has occurred: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err )); return -1; } /* error handling */ } // end main()

