(二) gitblit用户使用教程
(三) gitblit管理员手册
阿里云上ECS使用ubuntu20.04作为平台, 由于没有桌面,不能进行授权(authority)操作,需要先在本地linux桌面平台上进行授权操作,然后把本地的安装复制到阿里云ECS服务器上.
gitblit官网http://www.gitblit.com/, 下载Download Gitblit GO (Linux/OSX)版本.
Java Runtime Requirement
Gitblit requires a Java 7 Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java 7 Development Kit (JDK).
├── gitblit-1.9.3.tar.gz
└── jdk-8u381-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -zxf jdk-8u381-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -zxf gitblit-1.9.3.tar.gz
├── gitblit-1.9.3
└── jdk1.8.0_381
vim ~/.bashrc
export JAVA_HOME=/home/bin/jdk1.8.0_381
export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre
export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib/security
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
使环境变量有效 source ~/.bashrc
检查java jdk是否安装成功
java -version
javac -version
. ├── add-indexed-branch.sh ├── authority.sh ├── data ├── docs ├── ext ├── gitblit.jar ├── gitblit.sh ├── gitblit-stop.sh ├── install-service-centos.sh ├── install-service-fedora.sh ├── install-service-freebsd.sh ├── install-service-ubuntu.sh ├── java-proxy-config.sh ├── LICENSE ├── migrate-tickets.sh ├── NOTICE ├── reindex-tickets.sh ├── service-centos.sh ├── service-freebsd.sh └── service-ubuntu.sh
java -cp "gitblit.jar:ext/*" com.gitblit.authority.GitblitAuthority --baseFolder data
java -cp "gitblit.jar:ext/*" com.gitblit.GitBlitServer --baseFolder data
├── certs
├── defaults.properties
├── git
├── gitblit.properties
├── gitignore
├── groovy
├── projects.conf
└── users.conf
# # GITBLIT.PROPERTIES # # Define your custom settings in this file and/or include settings defined in # other properties files. # # Include Gitblit's 'defaults.properties' within your configuration. # # NOTE: Gitblit will not automatically reload "included" properties. Gitblit # only watches the 'gitblit.properties' file for modifications. # # Paths may be relative to the ${baseFolder} or they may be absolute. # # COMMA-DELIMITED # SINCE 1.7.0 include = defaults.properties # # Define your overrides or custom settings below #
# Base folder for repositories. # This folder may contain bare and non-bare repositories but Gitblit will only # allow you to push to bare repositories. # Use forward slashes even on Windows!! # e.g. c:/gitrepos # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED # BASEFOLDER git.repositoriesFolder = ${baseFolder}/git # Location of Groovy scripts to use for Pre and Post receive hooks. # Use forward slashes even on Windows!! # e.g. c:/groovy # # RESTART REQUIRED # SINCE 0.8.0 # BASEFOLDER groovy.scriptsFolder = ${baseFolder}/groovy # Specify the directory Grape uses for downloading libraries. # http://groovy.codehaus.org/Grape # # RESTART REQUIRED # SINCE 1.0.0 # BASEFOLDER groovy.grapeFolder = ${baseFolder}/groovy/grape # Either the full path to a user config file (users.conf) # OR a fully qualified class name that implements the IUserService interface. # # Any custom user service implementation must have a public default constructor. # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED # BASEFOLDER realm.userService = ${baseFolder}/users.conf # You may specify a different logo image for the header but it must be 120x45px. # If the specified file does not exist, the default Gitblit logo will be used. # # SINCE 1.3.0 # BASEFOLDER web.headerLogo = ${baseFolder}/logo.png # Enforce date checks on client certificates to ensure that they are not being # used prematurely and that they have not expired. # # SINCE 1.2.0 git.enforceCertificateValidity = true # Specify the list of acceptable transports for pushes. # If this setting is empty, all transports are acceptable. # # Valid choices are: GIT HTTP HTTPS SSH # # SINCE 1.5.0 # SPACE-DELIMITED git.acceptedPushTransports = HTTP HTTPS SSH # Allow an authenticated user to create a destination repository on a push if # the repository does not already exist. # # Administrator accounts can create a repository in any project. # These repositories are created with the default access restriction and authorization # control values. The pushing account is set as the owner. # # Non-administrator accounts with the CREATE role may create personal repositories. # These repositories are created as VIEW restricted for NAMED users. # The pushing account is set as the owner. # # SINCE 1.2.0 git.allowCreateOnPush = true # Require admin authentication for the admin functions and pages # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED web.authenticateAdminPages = true # Allow deletion of non-empty repositories. This is enforced for all delete vectors. # # SINCE 1.6.0 web.allowDeletingNonEmptyRepositories = true # # Gitblit Web Settings # # If blank Gitblit is displayed. # # SINCE 0.5.0 web.siteName = # Standard http port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector. # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions. # Recommended value: 80 or 8080 # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.httpPort = 0 # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the standard connector. # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces. # Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to # localhost. # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.httpBindInterface = # Secure/SSL https port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector. # On Unix/Linux systems, ports < 1024 require root permissions. # Recommended value: 443 or 8443 # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.httpsPort = 8443 # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the secure connector. # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces. # Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to # localhost. # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.httpsBindInterface = # Alias of certificate to use for https/SSL serving. If blank the first # certificate found in the keystore will be used. # # SINCE 1.2.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.certificateAlias = localhost # Password for SSL keystore. # Keystore password and certificate password must match. # This is provided for convenience, its probably more secure to set this value # using the --storePassword command line parameter. # # If you are using the official JRE or JDK from Oracle you may not have the # JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files bundled with your JVM. Because # of this, your store/key password can not exceed 7 characters. If you require # longer passwords you may need to install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction # Policy files from Oracle. # # http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html # # Gitblit and the Gitblit Certificate Authority will both indicate if Unlimited # Strength encryption is available. # # SINCE 0.5.0 # RESTART REQUIRED server.storePassword = gitblit
mkdir -p /data/gitblit/
cp -ravf /home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3/data/ /data/gitblit/
cd /data/gitblit/data
mv git ../
vim /data/gitblit/data/gitblit.properties
git.acceptedPushTransports =
web.siteName =
git.repositoriesFolder = ${baseFolder}/../git
web.allowDeletingNonEmptyRepositories = false
vim /home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3/authority.sh
java -cp "gitblit.jar:ext/*" com.gitblit.authority.GitblitAuthority --baseFolder /data/gitblit/data
vim /home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3/gitblit.sh
java -cp "gitblit.jar:ext/*" com.gitblit.GitBlitServer --baseFolder /data/gitblit/data
cd /home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3
new certificate defaults
hostname: 输入阿里云公网IP地址
serve https with this certificate:确定选上.
#1.设置用户信息目录 GITBLIT_BASE_FOLDER=/data/gitblit/data #2.设置java,使用deb包安装不需要java设置 #在PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin后面增加 JAVA_HOME=/home/bin/jdk1.8.0_381 JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib/security PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH #3./usr/bin/java 替换成 你安装 java 绝对路径 ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java #4.设置gitblit应用程序目录 GITBLIT_PATH=/home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3 #5.修改用户 GITBLIT_USER="root"
sudo service gitblit restart
sudo service gitblit status
sudo service gitblit stop
cd /etc/init.d/
sudo rm gitblit
sudo update-rc.d gitblit remove
rm -rvf /home/bin/gitblit-1.9.3
rm -rvf /data/gitblit
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