1 run()方法
1.1 单个线程
from time import ctime,sleep import threading # 定义自己类的功能 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name = ""): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.func = func self.args = args self.name = name # 调用start自动执行的函数 def run(self): self.func(*self.args) def player(song_file,time): for i in range(2): print("start player %s . %s"%(song_file,ctime()) ) sleep(time) threads = [] t = MyThread(player,('You and me .mp3',4),'Ipod') threads.append(t) t.start() t.join()
start player You and me .mp3 . Sat Apr 7 19:16:10 2018 start player You and me .mp3 . Sat Apr 7 19:16:10 2018
2.2 多个线程
# 多个线程 from time import ctime,sleep import threading # 定义自己类的功能 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name = ""): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.func = func self.args = args self.name = name # 调用start自动执行的函数 def run(self): self.func(*self.args) def player(song_file,time): for i in range(2): print("start player %s . %s"%(song_file,ctime()) ) sleep(time) threads = [] d = {'body.mp3':3,"Avater.mp4":5,"You and me.mp3":6} for song_file,time in d.items(): t = MyThread(player, (song_file,time), 'Ipod') threads.append(t) t.start() for i in threads: t.join()
start player You and me.mp3 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018 start player You and me.mp3 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018 start player body.mp3 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018 start player body.mp3 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018 start player Avater.mp4 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018 start player Avater.mp4 . Sat Apr 7 21:42:12 2018
注:在run()语句重写过程中经常会用到super(),具体参考Python 内置函数-super
2 daemon()
A boolean value indicating whether this thread is a daemon thread.
这个函数的设置 t.daemon = True 必须在 t.start() 之前设置,否则会抛出RuntimeError错误。
setDaemon(self, daemonic):设置线程守护/非守护线程;
当设置一个线程为守护线程 t.daemon = True 或 t.setDaemon(True) ( t.start() 之前)时,就表示这个线程不重要,当主线程退出时,不用等待子线程完成可直接退出。
若想等待子线程完成后再退出,那选择默认的False即可。或者显示地调用 t.daemon = False 或者 t.setDaemon(False) ,设置线程的daemon标志。此时python会在所有非守护线程退出后才会结束(即使存在守护线程也会结束)。
daemon = False
import threading from time import sleep,ctime def fun(): print('set daemon test') sleep(3) print('thread over') t = threading.Thread(target= fun) #daemon默认为False,故可以不写,此处列出仅为对比说明 # 等价于 t.setDaemon(False) t.daemon = False t.start() t.join(1) print('all over',ctime())
set daemon test all over Sun Apr 8 21:13:33 2018 thread over
注意:运行结果中含有threan over
import threading from time import sleep,ctime def fun(): print('set daemon test') sleep(3) print('threan over') t = threading.Thread(target= fun) # 等价于 t.setDaemon(True) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(1) print('all over',ctime())
set daemon test
all over Sun Apr 8 21:16:08 2018
说明:这里没有thread over 语句,因为当主进程运行完后,而daemon = True,所以直接退出。