本文基于ComfyUI API编写了类似于webUI的Gradio交互式界面,支持文生图/图生图(SD1.x,SD2.x,SDXL,Stable Cascade),Lora,ControlNet,图生视频(SVD_xt_1_1),图像修复(FaceDetailer),图像放大(Extras),图片/API工作流信息读取(Info)。
本文代码已部署到百度飞桨AI Studio平台,以供大家在线体验Stable Diffusion ComfyUI/webUI 原版界面及自制Gradio界面。
项目链接:Stable Diffusion ComfyUI 在线体验
Stable Diffusion 文生图/图生图界面:
Stable Cascade 文生图/图生图界面:
Stable Video Diffusion 图生视频界面:
- import io
- import json
- import os
- import random
- import re
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import urllib.parse
- import uuid
- sys.path.append("/home/aistudio/ComfyUI/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages")
- import gradio as gr
- import requests
- import websocket
- from collections import OrderedDict, deque
- from PIL import Image
- class Default:
- # 1表示启用,0表示禁用
- design_mode = 0
- lora_weight = 0.8
- controlnet_num = 5
- controlnet_saveimage = 1
- facedetailer_num = 3
- prompt = "(best quality:1), (high quality:1), detailed/(extreme, highly, ultra/), realistic, 1girl/(beautiful, delicate, perfect/), "
- negative_prompt = "(worst quality:1), (low quality:1), (normal quality:1), lowres, signature, blurry, watermark, duplicate, bad link, plump, bad anatomy, extra arms, extra digits, missing finger, bad hands, bad feet, deformed, error, mutation, text"
- if design_mode == 1:
- width = 64
- hight = 64
- steps = 2
- else:
- width = 512
- hight = 768
- steps = 20
- class Initial:
- os.environ["GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED"] = "False"
- client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- server_address = ""
- if Default.design_mode == 0:
- cmd = "ps -eo pid,args | grep 'export GRADIO_SERVER_PORT=' | awk '{print $8, $14}'"
- ps_output = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True).stdout.splitlines()
- for i in ps_output:
- if "/home/aistudio/ComfyUI.gradio.py" in i:
- port = i.split(" ")[0].split("=")[1]
- server_address = f"{port}"
- output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ComfyUI/output/")
- uploaded_image = {}
- class Choices:
- ws = websocket.WebSocket()
- ws.connect("ws://{}/ws?clientId={}".format(Initial.server_address, Initial.client_id))
- object_info = requests.get(url="http://{}/object_info".format(Initial.server_address)).json()
- embedding = requests.get(url="http://{}/embeddings".format(Initial.server_address)).json()
- ws.close()
- ckpt = []
- ckpt_list = {}
- ckpt_name = object_info["ImageOnlyCheckpointLoader"]["input"]["required"]["ckpt_name"][0]
- hidden_ckpt = ["stable_cascade_stage_c.safetensors", "stable_cascade_stage_b.safetensors", "svd_xt_1_1.safetensors", "control_v11p_sd15_canny.safetensors", "control_v11f1p_sd15_depth.safetensors", "control_v11p_sd15_openpose.safetensors"]
- for i in ckpt_name:
- path, file = os.path.split(i)
- if file not in hidden_ckpt:
- ckpt.append(file)
- ckpt_list[file] = i
- ckpt = sorted(ckpt)
- controlnet_model = []
- controlnet_model_list = {}
- controlnet_name = object_info["ControlNetLoader"]["input"]["required"]["control_net_name"][0]
- for i in controlnet_name:
- path, file = os.path.split(i)
- controlnet_model.append(file)
- controlnet_model_list[file] = i
- controlnet_model = sorted(controlnet_model)
- preprocessor = ["Canny"]
- if "AIO_Preprocessor" in object_info:
- preprocessor = ["none", "Canny", "CannyEdgePreprocessor", "DepthAnythingPreprocessor", "DWPreprocessor", "OpenposePreprocessor"]
- for i in sorted(object_info["AIO_Preprocessor"]["input"]["optional"]["preprocessor"][0]):
- if i not in preprocessor:
- preprocessor.append(i)
- if "FaceDetailer" in object_info:
- facedetailer_detector_model = []
- facedetailer_detector_model_list = {}
- facedetailer_detector_model_name = object_info["UltralyticsDetectorProvider"]["input"]["required"]["model_name"][0]
- for i in facedetailer_detector_model_name:
- path, file = os.path.split(i)
- facedetailer_detector_model.append(file)
- facedetailer_detector_model_list[file] = i
- facedetailer_detector_model = sorted(facedetailer_detector_model)
- lora = object_info["LoraLoader"]["input"]["required"]["lora_name"][0]
- sampler = object_info["KSampler"]["input"]["required"]["sampler_name"][0]
- scheduler = object_info["KSampler"]["input"]["required"]["scheduler"][0]
- upscale_method = object_info["ImageScaleBy"]["input"]["required"]["upscale_method"][0]
- upscale_model = object_info["UpscaleModelLoader"]["input"]["required"]["model_name"][0]
- vae = ["Automatic"]
- for i in sorted(object_info["VAELoader"]["input"]["required"]["vae_name"][0]):
- vae.append(i)
- class Function:
- def format_prompt(prompt):
- prompt = re.sub(r"\s+,", ",", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(",,+", ",", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(",", ", ", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r"^,", "", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r"^ ", "", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r" $", "", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(r",$", "", prompt)
- prompt = re.sub(": ", ":", prompt)
- return prompt
- def get_model_path(model_name):
- return Choices.ckpt_list[model_name]
- def gen_seed(seed):
- seed = int(seed)
- if seed < 0:
- seed = random.randint(0, 18446744073709551615)
- if seed > 18446744073709551615:
- seed = 18446744073709551615
- return seed
- def initialize():
- Lora.cache = {}
- Upscale.cache = {}
- UpscaleWithModel.cache = {}
- ControlNet.cache = {}
- FaceDetailer.cache = {}
- def upload_image(image):
- buffer = io.BytesIO()
- image.save(buffer, format="png")
- image = buffer.getbuffer()
- image_hash = hash(image.tobytes())
- if image_hash in Initial.uploaded_image:
- return Initial.uploaded_image[image_hash]
- image_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".png"
- Initial.uploaded_image[image_hash] = image_name
- image_file = {"image": (image_name, image)}
- ws = websocket.WebSocket()
- ws.connect("ws://{}/ws?clientId={}".format(Initial.server_address, Initial.client_id))
- requests.post(url="http://{}/upload/image".format(Initial.server_address), files=image_file)
- ws.close()
- return image_name
- def order_workflow(workflow):
- link_list = {}
- for node in workflow:
- node_link = []
- for input in workflow[node]["inputs"]:
- if isinstance(workflow[node]["inputs"][input], list):
- node_link.append(workflow[node]["inputs"][input][0])
- link_list[node] = node_link
- in_degree = {v: 0 for v in link_list}
- for node in link_list:
- for neighbor in link_list[node]:
- in_degree[neighbor] += 1
- queue = deque([node for node in in_degree if in_degree[node] == 0])
- order_list = []
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- order_list.append(node)
- for neighbor in link_list[node]:
- in_degree[neighbor] -= 1
- if in_degree[neighbor] == 0:
- queue.append(neighbor)
- order_list = order_list[::-1]
- max_nodes = 1000
- new_node_id = max_nodes * 10 + 1
- workflow_string = json.dumps(workflow)
- for node in order_list:
- workflow_string = workflow_string.replace(f'"{node}"', f'"{new_node_id}"')
- new_node_id += 1
- workflow = json.loads(workflow_string)
- workflow = OrderedDict(sorted(workflow.items()))
- new_node_id = 1
- workflow_string = json.dumps(workflow)
- for node in workflow:
- workflow_string = workflow_string.replace(f'"{node}"', f'"{new_node_id}"')
- new_node_id += 1
- workflow = json.loads(workflow_string)
- for node in workflow:
- if "_meta" in workflow[node]:
- del workflow[node]["_meta"]
- return workflow
- def post_interrupt():
- Initial.interrupt = True
- ws = websocket.WebSocket()
- ws.connect("ws://{}/ws?clientId={}".format(Initial.server_address, Initial.client_id))
- requests.post(url="http://{}/interrupt".format(Initial.server_address))
- ws.close()
- def add_embedding(embedding, negative_prompt):
- for i in Choices.embedding:
- negative_prompt = negative_prompt.replace(f"embedding:{i},", "")
- negative_prompt = Function.format_prompt(negative_prompt)
- for i in embedding[::-1]:
- negative_prompt = f"embedding:{i}, {negative_prompt}"
- return negative_prompt
- def gen_image(workflow, counter, batch_count, progress):
- if counter == 1:
- progress(0, desc="Processing...")
- if batch_count == 1:
- batch_info = ""
- else:
- batch_info = f"Batch {counter}/{batch_count}: "
- workflow = Function.order_workflow(workflow)
- current_progress = 0
- Initial.interrupt = False
- ws = websocket.WebSocket()
- ws.connect("ws://{}/ws?clientId={}".format(Initial.server_address, Initial.client_id))
- data = {"prompt": workflow, "client_id": Initial.client_id}
- prompt_id = requests.post(url="http://{}/prompt".format(Initial.server_address), json=data).json()["prompt_id"]
- while True:
- try:
- ws.settimeout(0.1)
- wsrecv = ws.recv()
- if isinstance(wsrecv, str):
- data = json.loads(wsrecv)["data"]
- if "node" in data:
- if data["node"] is not None:
- if "value" in data and "max" in data:
- if data["max"] > 1:
- current_progress = data["value"]/data["max"]
- progress(current_progress, desc=f"{batch_info}" + workflow[data["node"]]["class_type"] + " " + str(data["value"]) + "/" + str(data["max"]))
- else:
- progress(current_progress, desc=f"{batch_info}" + workflow[data["node"]]["class_type"])
- if data["node"] is None and data["prompt_id"] == prompt_id:
- break
- else:
- continue
- except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException:
- if Initial.interrupt is True:
- ws.close()
- return None, None
- history = requests.get(url="http://{}/history/{}".format(Initial.server_address, prompt_id)).json()[prompt_id]
- images = []
- file_path = ""
- for node_id in history["outputs"]:
- node_output = history["outputs"][node_id]
- if "images" in node_output:
- for image in node_output["images"]:
- file_path = Initial.output_dir + image["filename"]
- data = {"filename": image["filename"], "subfolder": image["subfolder"], "type": image["type"]}
- url_values = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)
- image_data = requests.get("http://{}/view?{}".format(Initial.server_address, url_values)).content
- image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_data))
- images.append(image)
- ws.close()
- return images, file_path
- def get_gallery_index(evt: gr.SelectData):
- return evt.index
- def get_image_info(image_pil):
- image_info=[]
- if image_pil is None:
- return
- for key, value in image_pil.info.items():
- image_info.append(value)
- if image_info != []:
- image_info = image_info[0]
- if image_info == 0:
- image_info = "None"
- else:
- image_info = "None"
- return image_info
- def send_to(data, index):
- if data == [] or data is None:
- return None
- return data[index]
- class Lora:
- cache = {}
- def add_node(module, workflow, node_id, model_port, clip_port):
- for lora in Lora.cache[module]:
- strength_model = Lora.cache[module][lora]
- strength_clip = Lora.cache[module][lora]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"lora_name": lora, "strength_model": strength_model, "strength_clip": strength_clip, "model": model_port, "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "LoraLoader"}
- model_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- clip_port = [str(node_id), 1]
- return workflow, node_id, model_port, clip_port
- def update_cache(module, lora, lora_weight):
- if Initial.initialized is False:
- Function.initialize()
- if lora == []:
- Lora.cache[module] = {}
- return True, [], gr.update(value="", visible=False)
- lora_list = {}
- for i in lora_weight.split("<"):
- for j in i.split(">"):
- if j != "" and ":" in j:
- lora_name, weight = j.split(":")
- lora_list[lora_name] = weight
- lora_weight = ""
- Lora.cache[module] = {}
- for i in lora:
- if i in lora_list:
- weight = lora_list[i]
- else:
- weight = Default.lora_weight
- if lora.index(i) == 0:
- lora_weight = f"<{i}:{weight}>"
- else:
- lora_weight = f"{lora_weight}\n\n<{i}:{weight}>"
- if weight != "":
- weight = float(weight)
- Lora.cache[module][i] = weight
- return True, gr.update(), gr.update(value=lora_weight, visible=True)
- def blocks(module):
- module = gr.Textbox(value=module, visible=False)
- lora = gr.Dropdown(Choices.lora, label="Lora", multiselect=True, interactive=True)
- lora_weight = gr.Textbox(label="Lora weight | Lora 权重", visible=False)
- for gr_block in [lora, lora_weight]:
- gr_block.change(fn=Lora.update_cache, inputs=[module, lora, lora_weight], outputs=[Initial.initialized, lora, lora_weight])
- class Upscale:
- cache = {}
- def add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port):
- upscale_method = Upscale.cache[module]["upscale_method"]
- scale_by = Upscale.cache[module]["scale_by"]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"upscale_method": upscale_method, "scale_by": scale_by, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "ImageScaleBy"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- return workflow, node_id, image_port
- def auto_enable(scale_by):
- if scale_by > 1:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def update_cache(module, enable, upscale_method, scale_by):
- if Initial.initialized is False:
- Function.initialize()
- if module not in Upscale.cache:
- Upscale.cache[module] = {}
- if enable is True:
- Upscale.cache[module]["upscale_method"] = upscale_method
- Upscale.cache[module]["scale_by"] = scale_by
- else:
- del Upscale.cache[module]
- return True
- def blocks(module):
- module = gr.Textbox(value=module, visible=False)
- enable = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable(放大系数大于1后自动启用)")
- with gr.Row():
- upscale_method = gr.Dropdown(Choices.upscale_method, label="Upscale method | 放大方法", value=Choices.upscale_method[-1])
- scale_by = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label="Scale by | 放大系数", value=1)
- scale_by.release(fn=Upscale.auto_enable, inputs=[scale_by], outputs=[enable])
- inputs = [module, enable, upscale_method, scale_by]
- for gr_block in inputs:
- if type(gr_block) is gr.components.slider.Slider:
- gr_block.release(fn=Upscale.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized])
- else:
- gr_block.change(fn=Upscale.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized])
- class UpscaleWithModel:
- cache = {}
- def add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port):
- upscale_model = UpscaleWithModel.cache[module]["upscale_model"]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"model_name": upscale_model}, "class_type": "UpscaleModelLoader"}
- upscale_model_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"upscale_model": upscale_model_port, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "ImageUpscaleWithModel"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- return workflow, node_id, image_port
- def update_cache(module, enable, upscale_model):
- if Initial.initialized is False:
- Function.initialize()
- if module not in UpscaleWithModel.cache:
- UpscaleWithModel.cache[module] = {}
- if enable is True:
- UpscaleWithModel.cache[module]["upscale_model"] = upscale_model
- else:
- del UpscaleWithModel.cache[module]
- return True
- def blocks(module):
- module = gr.Textbox(value=module, visible=False)
- enable = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable")
- upscale_model = gr.Dropdown(Choices.upscale_model, label="Upscale model | 超分模型", value=Choices.upscale_model[0])
- inputs = [module, enable, upscale_model]
- for gr_block in inputs:
- gr_block.change(fn=UpscaleWithModel.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized])
- class ControlNet:
- cache = {}
- model_preprocessor_list = {
- "control_v11e_sd15_ip2p.safetensors": [],
- "control_v11e_sd15_shuffle.safetensors": ["ShufflePreprocessor"],
- "control_v11f1e_sd15_tile.bin": ["TilePreprocessor", "TTPlanet_TileGF_Preprocessor", "TTPlanet_TileSimple_Preprocessor"],
- "control_v11f1p_sd15_depth.safetensors": ["DepthAnythingPreprocessor", "LeReS-DepthMapPreprocessor", "MiDaS-NormalMapPreprocessor", "MeshGraphormer-DepthMapPreprocessor", "MeshGraphormer+ImpactDetector-DepthMapPreprocessor", "MiDaS-DepthMapPreprocessor", "Zoe_DepthAnythingPreprocessor", "Zoe-DepthMapPreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_canny.safetensors": ["Canny", "CannyEdgePreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_inpaint.safetensors": [],
- "control_v11p_sd15_lineart.safetensors": ["LineArtPreprocessor", "LineartStandardPreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_mlsd.safetensors": ["M-LSDPreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_normalbae.safetensors": ["BAE-NormalMapPreprocessor", "DSINE-NormalMapPreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_openpose.safetensors": ["DWPreprocessor", "OpenposePreprocessor", "DensePosePreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_scribble.safetensors": ["ScribblePreprocessor", "Scribble_XDoG_Preprocessor", "Scribble_PiDiNet_Preprocessor", "FakeScribblePreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_seg.safetensors": ["AnimeFace_SemSegPreprocessor", "OneFormer-COCO-SemSegPreprocessor", "OneFormer-ADE20K-SemSegPreprocessor", "SemSegPreprocessor", "UniFormer-SemSegPreprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15_softedge.safetensors": ["HEDPreprocessor", "PiDiNetPreprocessor", "TEEDPreprocessor", "DiffusionEdge_Preprocessor"],
- "control_v11p_sd15s2_lineart_anime.safetensors": ["AnimeLineArtPreprocessor", "Manga2Anime_LineArt_Preprocessor"],
- "control_scribble.safetensors": ["BinaryPreprocessor"],
- "ioclab_sd15_recolor.safetensors": ["ImageLuminanceDetector", "ImageIntensityDetector"],
- "control_sd15_animal_openpose_fp16.pth": ["AnimalPosePreprocessor"],
- "controlnet_sd21_laion_face_v2.safetensors": ["MediaPipe-FaceMeshPreprocessor"]
- }
- def add_node(module, counter, workflow, node_id, positive_port, negative_port):
- for unit_id in ControlNet.cache[module]:
- preprocessor = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["preprocessor"]
- model = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["model"]
- input_image = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["input_image"]
- resolution = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["resolution"]
- strength = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["strength"]
- start_percent = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["start_percent"]
- end_percent = ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["end_percent"]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if preprocessor == "Canny":
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"low_threshold": 0.3, "high_threshold": 0.7, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "Canny"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- else:
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"preprocessor": preprocessor, "resolution": resolution, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "AIO_Preprocessor"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if counter == 1 and Default.controlnet_saveimage == 1:
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ControlNet", "images": image_port}, "class_type": "SaveImage"}
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"control_net_name": model}, "class_type": "ControlNetLoader"}
- control_net_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"strength": strength, "start_percent": start_percent, "end_percent": end_percent, "positive": positive_port, "negative": negative_port, "control_net": control_net_port, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "ControlNetApplyAdvanced"}
- positive_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- negative_port = [str(node_id), 1]
- return workflow, node_id, positive_port, negative_port
- def auto_enable():
- return True
- def auto_select_model(preprocessor):
- for model in Choices.controlnet_model:
- if model in ControlNet.model_preprocessor_list:
- if preprocessor in ControlNet.model_preprocessor_list[model]:
- return gr.update(value=model)
- return gr.update(value="未定义/检测到对应的模型,请自行选择!")
- def preprocess(unit_id, preview, preprocessor, input_image, resolution, progress=gr.Progress()):
- if preview is False or input_image is None:
- return
- input_image = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- workflow = {}
- node_id = 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if preprocessor == "Canny":
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"low_threshold": 0.3, "high_threshold": 0.7, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "Canny"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- else:
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"preprocessor": preprocessor, "resolution": resolution, "image": image_port}, "class_type": "AIO_Preprocessor"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"images": image_port}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}
- output = Function.gen_image(workflow, 1, 1, progress)[0]
- if output is not None:
- output = output[0]
- return output
- def update_cache(module, unit_id, enable, preprocessor, model, input_image, resolution, strength, start_percent, end_percent):
- if Initial.initialized is False:
- Function.initialize()
- if module not in ControlNet.cache:
- ControlNet.cache[module] = {}
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id] = {}
- if input_image is None:
- del ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]
- return True, False
- if model not in Choices.controlnet_model:
- del ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]
- return True, False
- if enable is True:
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["preprocessor"] = preprocessor
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["model"] = Choices.controlnet_model_list[model]
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["input_image"] = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["resolution"] = resolution
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["strength"] = strength
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["start_percent"] = start_percent
- ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]["end_percent"] = end_percent
- else:
- del ControlNet.cache[module][unit_id]
- return True, gr.update()
- def unit(module, i):
- module = gr.Textbox(value=module, visible=False)
- unit_id = gr.Textbox(value=i, visible=False)
- with gr.Row():
- enable = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable(上传图片后自动启用)")
- preview = gr.Checkbox(label="Preview")
- with gr.Row():
- preprocessor = gr.Dropdown(Choices.preprocessor, label="Preprocessor", value="Canny")
- model = gr.Dropdown(Choices.controlnet_model, label="ControlNet model", value="control_v11p_sd15_canny.safetensors")
- with gr.Row():
- input_image = gr.Image(type="pil")
- preprocess_preview = gr.Image(label="Preprocessor preview")
- with gr.Row():
- resolution = gr.Slider(label="Resolution", minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=64, value=512)
- strength = gr.Slider(label="Strength", minimum=0, maximum=2, step=0.01, value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- start_percent = gr.Slider(label="Start percent", minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=0)
- end_percent = gr.Slider(label="End percent", minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=1)
- input_image.upload(fn=ControlNet.auto_enable, inputs=None, outputs=[enable])
- preprocessor.change(fn=ControlNet.auto_select_model, inputs=[preprocessor], outputs=[model])
- for gr_block in [preview, preprocessor, input_image]:
- gr_block.change(fn=ControlNet.preprocess, inputs=[unit_id, preview, preprocessor, input_image, resolution], outputs=[preprocess_preview])
- inputs = [module, unit_id, enable, preprocessor, model, input_image, resolution, strength, start_percent, end_percent]
- for gr_block in inputs:
- if type(gr_block) is gr.components.slider.Slider:
- gr_block.release(fn=ControlNet.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized, enable])
- else:
- gr_block.change(fn=ControlNet.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized, enable])
- def blocks(module):
- with gr.Tab(label="控制网络"):
- if Default.controlnet_num == 1:
- ControlNet.unit(module, 1)
- else:
- for i in range(Default.controlnet_num):
- with gr.Tab(label=f"ControlNet Unit {i + 1}"):
- ControlNet.unit(module, i + 1)
- class FaceDetailer:
- cache = {}
- def add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port, model_port, clip_port, vae_port, positive_port, negative_port, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler):
- for unit_id in FaceDetailer.cache[module]:
- model = Choices.facedetailer_detector_model_list[FaceDetailer.cache[module][unit_id]["model"]]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"model_name": model}, "class_type": "UltralyticsDetectorProvider"}
- bbox_detector_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- segm_detector_opt_port = [str(node_id), 1]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"model_name": "sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth", "device_mode": "AUTO"}, "class_type": "SAMLoader"}
- sam_model_opt_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"guide_size": 384, "guide_size_for": "True", "max_size": 1024, "seed": seed, "steps": steps, "cfg": cfg, "sampler_name": sampler_name, "scheduler": scheduler, "denoise": 0.5, "feather": 5, "noise_mask": "True", "force_inpaint": "True", "bbox_threshold": 0.5, "bbox_dilation": 10, "bbox_crop_factor": 3, "sam_detection_hint": "center-1", "sam_dilation": 0, "sam_threshold": 0.93, "sam_bbox_expansion": 0, "sam_mask_hint_threshold": 0.7, "sam_mask_hint_use_negative": "False", "drop_size": 10, "wildcard": "", "cycle": 1, "inpaint_model": "False", "noise_mask_feather": 20, "image": image_port, "model": model_port, "clip": clip_port, "vae": vae_port, "positive": positive_port, "negative": negative_port, "bbox_detector": bbox_detector_port, "sam_model_opt": sam_model_opt_port, "segm_detector_opt": segm_detector_opt_port}, "class_type": "FaceDetailer"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- return workflow, node_id, image_port
- def update_cache(module, unit_id, enable, model):
- if Initial.initialized is False:
- Function.initialize()
- if module not in FaceDetailer.cache:
- FaceDetailer.cache[module] = {}
- FaceDetailer.cache[module][unit_id] = {}
- if enable is True:
- FaceDetailer.cache[module][unit_id]["model"] = model
- else:
- del FaceDetailer.cache[module][unit_id]
- return True
- def unit(module, i):
- module = gr.Textbox(value=module, visible=False)
- unit_id = gr.Textbox(value=i, visible=False)
- enable = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable")
- if i == 1:
- model = gr.Dropdown(Choices.facedetailer_detector_model, label="Detector model", value="face_yolov8m.pt")
- if i == 2:
- model = gr.Dropdown(Choices.facedetailer_detector_model, label="Detector model", value="hand_yolov8s.pt")
- if i == 3:
- model = gr.Dropdown(Choices.facedetailer_detector_model, label="Detector model", value="person_yolov8m-seg.pt")
- inputs = [module, unit_id, enable, model]
- for gr_block in inputs:
- gr_block.change(fn=FaceDetailer.update_cache, inputs=inputs, outputs=[Initial.initialized])
- def blocks(module):
- with gr.Tab(label="图像修复"):
- if Default.facedetailer_num == 1:
- FaceDetailer.unit(module, 1)
- else:
- with gr.Row():
- for i in range(Default.facedetailer_num):
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Tab(label=f"FaceDetailer Unit {i + 1}"):
- FaceDetailer.unit(module, i + 1)
- if Default.facedetailer_num % 2 != 0:
- with gr.Column():
- gr.HTML("")
- class Postprocess:
- def add_node(module, *args):
- if module == "SD":
- workflow, node_id, image_port, model_port, clip_port, vae_port, positive_port, negative_port, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler = args
- else:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = args
- if module in FaceDetailer.cache:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = FaceDetailer.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port, model_port, clip_port, vae_port, positive_port, negative_port, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler)
- if module in Upscale.cache:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = Upscale.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port)
- if module in UpscaleWithModel.cache:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = UpscaleWithModel.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port)
- return workflow, node_id, image_port
- def blocks(module):
- if module == "SD":
- if "FaceDetailer" in Choices.object_info:
- FaceDetailer.blocks(module)
- with gr.Tab(label="图像放大"):
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Tab(label="算术放大"):
- Upscale.blocks(module)
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Tab(label="超分放大"):
- UpscaleWithModel.blocks(module)
- gr.HTML("注意:同时启用两种放大模式将先执行算术放大,再执行超分放大,最终放大倍数为二者放大倍数的乘积!")
- class SD:
- def generate(initialized, batch_count, ckpt_name, vae_name, clip_mode, clip_skip, width, height, batch_size, negative_prompt, positive_prompt, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, denoise, input_image, progress=gr.Progress()):
- module = "SD"
- ckpt_name = Function.get_model_path(ckpt_name)
- seed = Function.gen_seed(seed)
- if input_image is not None:
- input_image = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- counter = 1
- output_images = []
- node_id = 0
- while counter <= batch_count:
- workflow = {}
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"ckpt_name": ckpt_name}, "class_type": "CheckpointLoaderSimple"}
- model_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- clip_port = [str(node_id), 1]
- vae_port = [str(node_id), 2]
- if vae_name != "Automatic":
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"vae_name": vae_name}, "class_type": "VAELoader"}
- vae_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if input_image is None:
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"width": width, "height": height, "batch_size": batch_size}, "class_type": "EmptyLatentImage"}
- latent_image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- else:
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"}
- pixels_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"pixels": pixels_port, "vae": vae_port}, "class_type": "VAEEncode"}
- latent_image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"stop_at_clip_layer": -clip_skip, "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "CLIPSetLastLayer"}
- clip_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if initialized is True and module in Lora.cache:
- workflow, node_id, model_port, clip_port = Lora.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, model_port, clip_port)
- node_id += 1
- if clip_mode == "ComfyUI":
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"text": positive_prompt, "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"}
- else:
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"text": positive_prompt, "token_normalization": "none", "weight_interpretation": "A1111", "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "BNK_CLIPTextEncodeAdvanced"}
- positive_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- if clip_mode == "ComfyUI":
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"text": negative_prompt, "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"}
- else:
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"text": negative_prompt, "token_normalization": "none", "weight_interpretation": "A1111", "clip": clip_port}, "class_type": "BNK_CLIPTextEncodeAdvanced"}
- negative_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if initialized is True and module in ControlNet.cache:
- workflow, node_id, positive_port, negative_port = ControlNet.add_node(module, counter, workflow, node_id, positive_port, negative_port)
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"seed": seed, "steps": steps, "cfg": cfg, "sampler_name": sampler_name, "scheduler": scheduler, "denoise": denoise, "model": model_port, "positive": positive_port, "negative": negative_port, "latent_image": latent_image_port}, "class_type": "KSampler"}
- samples_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"samples": samples_port, "vae": vae_port}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if initialized is True:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = Postprocess.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port, model_port, clip_port, vae_port, positive_port, negative_port, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler)
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ComfyUI", "images": image_port}, "class_type": "SaveImage"}
- images = Function.gen_image(workflow, counter, batch_count, progress)[0]
- if images is None:
- break
- for image in images:
- output_images.append(image)
- seed += 1
- counter += 1
- return output_images, output_images
- def blocks():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- positive_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Positive prompt | 正向提示词", show_label=False, value=Default.prompt, lines=3)
- negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Negative prompt | 负向提示词", show_label=False, value=Default.negative_prompt, lines=3)
- with gr.Tab(label="基础设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- ckpt_name = gr.Dropdown(Choices.ckpt, label="Ckpt name | Ckpt 模型名称", value=Choices.ckpt[0])
- vae_name = gr.Dropdown(Choices.vae, label="VAE name | VAE 模型名称", value=Choices.vae[0])
- if "BNK_CLIPTextEncodeAdvanced" in Choices.object_info:
- clip_mode = gr.Dropdown(["ComfyUI", "WebUI"], label="Clip 编码类型", value="ComfyUI")
- else:
- clip_mode = gr.Dropdown(["ComfyUI", "WebUI"], label="Clip 编码类型", value="ComfyUI", visible=False)
- clip_skip = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=12, step=1, label="Clip 跳过", value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- width = gr.Slider(minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=64, label="Width | 图像宽度", value=Default.width)
- batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label="Batch size | 批次大小", value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- height = gr.Slider(minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=64, label="Height | 图像高度", value=Default.hight)
- batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, label="Batch count | 生成批次", value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- if Choices.lora != []:
- Lora.blocks("SD")
- if Choices.embedding != []:
- embedding = gr.Dropdown(Choices.embedding, label="Embedding", multiselect=True, interactive=True)
- embedding.change(fn=Function.add_embedding, inputs=[embedding, negative_prompt], outputs=[negative_prompt])
- with gr.Row():
- SD.input_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="pil")
- gr.HTML("<br>上传图片即自动转为图生图模式。<br><br>文生图、图生图模式共享设置参数。<br><br>图像宽度、图像高度、批次大小对图生图无效。")
- with gr.Tab(label="采样设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- sampler_name = gr.Dropdown(Choices.sampler, label="Sampling method | 采样方法", value=Choices.sampler[12])
- scheduler = gr.Dropdown(Choices.scheduler, label="Schedule type | 采样计划表类型", value=Choices.scheduler[1])
- with gr.Row():
- denoise = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.05, label="Denoise | 去噪强度", value=1)
- steps = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, label="Sampling steps | 采样次数", value=Default.steps)
- with gr.Row():
- cfg = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=20, step=0.1, label="CFG Scale | CFG权重", value=7)
- seed = gr.Slider(minimum=-1, maximum=18446744073709550000, step=1, label="Seed | 种子数", value=-1)
- if Choices.controlnet_model != []:
- ControlNet.blocks("SD")
- Postprocess.blocks("SD")
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- btn = gr.Button("Generate | 生成", elem_id="button")
- btn2 = gr.Button("Interrupt | 终止")
- output = gr.Gallery(preview=True, height=600)
- with gr.Row():
- SD.send_to_sd = gr.Button("发送图片至 SD")
- if SC.enable is True:
- SD.send_to_sc = gr.Button("发送图片至 SC")
- if SVD.enable is True:
- SD.send_to_svd = gr.Button("发送图片至 SVD")
- SD.send_to_extras = gr.Button("发送图片至 Extras")
- SD.send_to_info = gr.Button("发送图片至 Info")
- SD.data = gr.State()
- SD.index = gr.State()
- btn.click(fn=SD.generate, inputs=[Initial.initialized, batch_count, ckpt_name, vae_name, clip_mode, clip_skip, width, height, batch_size, negative_prompt, positive_prompt, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, denoise, SD.input_image], outputs=[output, SD.data])
- btn2.click(fn=Function.post_interrupt, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- output.select(fn=Function.get_gallery_index, inputs=None, outputs=[SD.index])
- class SC:
- if Default.design_mode == 1:
- enable = True
- elif "stable_cascade_stage_c.safetensors" in Choices.ckpt_list and "stable_cascade_stage_b.safetensors" in Choices.ckpt_list:
- enable = True
- else:
- enable = False
- def generate(initialized, batch_count, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, width, height, batch_size, seed_c, steps_c, cfg_c, sampler_name_c, scheduler_c, denoise_c, seed_b, steps_b, cfg_b, sampler_name_b, scheduler_b, denoise_b, input_image, progress=gr.Progress()):
- module = "SC"
- ckpt_name_c = Function.get_model_path("stable_cascade_stage_c.safetensors")
- ckpt_name_b = Function.get_model_path("stable_cascade_stage_b.safetensors")
- seed_c = Function.gen_seed(seed_c)
- seed_b = Function.gen_seed(seed_b)
- if input_image is not None:
- input_image = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- counter = 1
- output_images = []
- while counter <= batch_count:
- workflow = {
- "1": {"inputs": {"ckpt_name": ckpt_name_c}, "class_type": "CheckpointLoaderSimple"},
- "2": {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"},
- "3": {"inputs": {"compression": 42, "image": ["2", 0], "vae": ["1", 2]}, "class_type": "StableCascade_StageC_VAEEncode"},
- "4": {"inputs": {"text": negative_prompt, "clip": ["1", 1]}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"},
- "5": {"inputs": {"text": positive_prompt, "clip": ["1", 1]}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"},
- "6": {"inputs": {"seed": seed_c, "steps": steps_c, "cfg": cfg_c, "sampler_name": sampler_name_c, "scheduler": scheduler_c, "denoise": denoise_c, "model": ["1", 0], "positive": ["5", 0], "negative": ["4", 0], "latent_image": ["3", 0]}, "class_type": "KSampler"},
- "7": {"inputs": {"conditioning": ["5", 0], "stage_c": ["6", 0]}, "class_type": "StableCascade_StageB_Conditioning"},
- "8": {"inputs": {"ckpt_name": ckpt_name_b}, "class_type": "CheckpointLoaderSimple"},
- "9": {"inputs": {"seed": seed_b, "steps": steps_b, "cfg": cfg_b, "sampler_name": sampler_name_b, "scheduler": scheduler_b, "denoise": denoise_b, "model": ["8", 0], "positive": ["7", 0], "negative": ["4", 0], "latent_image": ["3", 1]}, "class_type": "KSampler"},
- "10": {"inputs": {"samples": ["9", 0], "vae": ["8", 2]}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"}
- }
- if input_image is None:
- del workflow["2"]
- workflow["3"] = {"inputs": {"width": width, "height": height, "compression": 42, "batch_size": batch_size}, "class_type": "StableCascade_EmptyLatentImage"}
- node_id = 10
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if initialized is True:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = Postprocess.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port)
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ComfyUI", "images": image_port}, "class_type": "SaveImage"}
- images = Function.gen_image(workflow, counter, batch_count, progress)[0]
- if images is None:
- break
- for image in images:
- output_images.append(image)
- seed_c += 1
- counter += 1
- return output_images, output_images
- def blocks():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- positive_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Positive prompt | 正向提示词", show_label=False, value=Default.prompt, lines=3)
- negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Negative prompt | 负向提示词", show_label=False, value=Default.negative_prompt, lines=3)
- with gr.Tab(label="基础设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- width = gr.Slider(minimum=128, maximum=2048, step=128, label="Width | 图像宽度", value=1024)
- batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label="Batch size | 批次大小", value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- height = gr.Slider(minimum=128, maximum=2048, step=128, label="Height | 图像高度", value=1024)
- batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, label="Batch count | 生成批次", value=1)
- with gr.Row():
- SC.input_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="pil")
- gr.HTML("<br>上传图片即自动转为图生图模式。<br><br>文生图、图生图模式共享设置参数。<br><br>图像宽度、图像高度、批次大小对图生图无效。")
- with gr.Tab(label="Stage C 采样设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- sampler_name_c = gr.Dropdown(Choices.sampler, label="Sampling method | 采样方法", value=Choices.sampler[12])
- scheduler_c = gr.Dropdown(Choices.scheduler, label="Schedule type | 采样计划表类型", value=Choices.scheduler[1])
- with gr.Row():
- denoise_c = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.05, label="Denoise | 去噪强度", value=1)
- steps_c = gr.Slider(minimum=10, maximum=30, step=1, label="Sampling steps | 采样次数", value=20)
- with gr.Row():
- cfg_c = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=20, step=0.1, label="CFG Scale | CFG权重", value=4)
- seed_c = gr.Slider(minimum=-1, maximum=18446744073709550000, step=1, label="Seed | 种子数", value=-1)
- with gr.Tab(label="Stage B 采样设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- sampler_name_b = gr.Dropdown(Choices.sampler, label="Sampling method | 采样方法", value=Choices.sampler[12])
- scheduler_b = gr.Dropdown(Choices.scheduler, label="Schedule type | 采样计划表类型", value=Choices.scheduler[1])
- with gr.Row():
- denoise_b = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.05, label="Denoise | 去噪强度", value=1)
- steps_b = gr.Slider(minimum=4, maximum=12, step=1, label="Sampling steps | 采样次数", value=10)
- with gr.Row():
- cfg_b = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=20, step=0.1, label="CFG Scale | CFG权重", value=1.1)
- seed_b = gr.Slider(minimum=-1, maximum=18446744073709550000, step=1, label="Seed | 种子数", value=-1)
- Postprocess.blocks("SC")
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- btn = gr.Button("Generate | 生成", elem_id="button")
- btn2 = gr.Button("Interrupt | 终止")
- output = gr.Gallery(preview=True, height=600)
- with gr.Row():
- SC.send_to_sd = gr.Button("发送图片至 SD")
- SC.send_to_sc = gr.Button("发送图片至 SC")
- if SVD.enable is True:
- SC.send_to_svd = gr.Button("发送图片至 SVD")
- SC.send_to_extras = gr.Button("发送图片至 Extras")
- SC.send_to_info = gr.Button("发送图片至 Info")
- SC.data = gr.State()
- SC.index = gr.State()
- btn.click(fn=SC.generate, inputs=[Initial.initialized, batch_count, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, width, height, batch_size, seed_c, steps_c, cfg_c, sampler_name_c, scheduler_c, denoise_c, seed_b, steps_b, cfg_b, sampler_name_b, scheduler_b, denoise_b, SC.input_image], outputs=[output, SC.data])
- btn2.click(fn=Function.post_interrupt, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- output.select(fn=Function.get_gallery_index, inputs=None, outputs=[SC.index])
- class SVD:
- if Default.design_mode == 1:
- enable = True
- elif "svd_xt_1_1.safetensors" in Choices.ckpt_list:
- enable = True
- else:
- enable = False
- def generate(input_image, width, height, video_frames, motion_bucket_id, fps, augmentation_level, min_cfg, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, denoise, fps2, lossless, quality, method, progress=gr.Progress()):
- ckpt_name = Function.get_model_path("svd_xt_1_1.safetensors")
- seed = Function.gen_seed(seed)
- if input_image is None:
- return
- else:
- input_image = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- workflow = {
- "1": {"inputs": {"ckpt_name": ckpt_name}, "class_type": "ImageOnlyCheckpointLoader"},
- "2": {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"},
- "3": {"inputs": {"width": width, "height": height, "video_frames": video_frames, "motion_bucket_id": motion_bucket_id, "fps": fps, "augmentation_level": augmentation_level, "clip_vision": ["1", 1], "init_image": ["2", 0], "vae": ["1", 2]}, "class_type": "SVD_img2vid_Conditioning"},
- "4": {"inputs": {"min_cfg": min_cfg, "model": ["1", 0]}, "class_type": "VideoLinearCFGGuidance"},
- "5": {"inputs": {"seed": seed, "steps": steps, "cfg": cfg, "sampler_name": sampler_name, "scheduler": scheduler, "denoise": denoise, "model": ["4", 0], "positive": ["3", 0], "negative": ["3", 1], "latent_image": ["3", 2]}, "class_type": "KSampler"},
- "6": {"inputs": {"samples": ["5", 0], "vae": ["1", 2]}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"},
- "7": {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ComfyUI", "fps": fps2, "lossless": False, "quality": quality, "method": method, "images": ["6", 0]}, "class_type": "SaveAnimatedWEBP"}
- }
- return Function.gen_image(workflow, 1, 1, progress)[1]
- def blocks():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- SVD.input_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="pil")
- with gr.Tab(label="基础设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- width = gr.Slider(minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=64, label="Width | 图像宽度", value=512)
- video_frames = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=25, step=1, label="Video frames | 视频帧", value=25)
- with gr.Row():
- height = gr.Slider(minimum=64, maximum=2048, step=64, label="Height | 图像高度", value=512)
- fps = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=30, step=1, label="FPS | 帧率", value=6)
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- augmentation_level = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, label="Augmentation level | 增强级别", value=0)
- motion_bucket_id = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=256, step=1, label="Motion bucket id | 运动参数", value=127)
- with gr.Column():
- min_cfg = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=20, step=0.5, label="Min CFG | 最小CFG权重", value=1)
- with gr.Tab(label="采样设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- sampler_name = gr.Dropdown(Choices.sampler, label="Sampling method | 采样方法", value=Choices.sampler[12])
- scheduler = gr.Dropdown(Choices.scheduler, label="Schedule type | 采样计划表类型", value=Choices.scheduler[1])
- with gr.Row():
- denoise = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.05, label="Denoise | 去噪强度", value=1)
- steps = gr.Slider(minimum=10, maximum=30, step=1, label="Sampling steps | 采样次数", value=20)
- with gr.Row():
- cfg = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=20, step=0.1, label="CFG Scale | CFG权重", value=2.5)
- seed = gr.Slider(minimum=-1, maximum=18446744073709550000, step=1, label="Seed | 种子数", value=-1)
- with gr.Tab(label="输出设置"):
- with gr.Row():
- method = gr.Dropdown(["default", "fastest", "slowest"], label="Method | 输出方法", value="default")
- lossless = gr.Dropdown(["true", "false"], label="Lossless | 无损压缩", value="false")
- with gr.Row():
- quality = gr.Slider(minimum=70, maximum=100, step=1, label="Quality | 输出质量", value=85)
- fps2 = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=30, step=1, label="FPS | 帧率", value=10)
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- btn = gr.Button("Generate | 生成", elem_id="button")
- btn2 = gr.Button("Interrupt | 终止")
- output = gr.Image(height=600)
- btn.click(fn=SVD.generate, inputs=[SVD.input_image, width, height, video_frames, motion_bucket_id, fps, augmentation_level, min_cfg, seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, denoise, fps2, lossless, quality, method], outputs=[output])
- btn2.click(fn=Function.post_interrupt, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- class Extras:
- def generate(initialized, input_image, progress=gr.Progress()):
- module = "Extras"
- if input_image is None:
- return
- else:
- input_image = Function.upload_image(input_image)
- workflow = {}
- node_id = 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"image": input_image, "upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage"}
- image_port = [str(node_id), 0]
- if initialized is True:
- if module not in Upscale.cache and module not in UpscaleWithModel.cache:
- return
- if module in Upscale.cache:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = Upscale.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port)
- if module in UpscaleWithModel.cache:
- workflow, node_id, image_port = UpscaleWithModel.add_node(module, workflow, node_id, image_port)
- else:
- return
- node_id += 1
- workflow[str(node_id)] = {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ComfyUI", "images": image_port}, "class_type": "SaveImage"}
- output = Function.gen_image(workflow, 1, 1, progress)[0]
- if output is not None:
- output = output[0]
- return output
- def blocks():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- Extras.input_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="pil")
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Tab(label="算术放大"):
- Upscale.blocks("Extras")
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Tab(label="超分放大"):
- UpscaleWithModel.blocks("Extras")
- gr.HTML("注意:同时启用两种放大模式将先执行算术放大,再执行超分放大,最终放大倍数为二者放大倍数的乘积!")
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- btn = gr.Button("Generate | 生成", elem_id="button")
- btn2 = gr.Button("Interrupt | 终止")
- output = gr.Image(height=600)
- btn.click(fn=Extras.generate, inputs=[Initial.initialized, Extras.input_image], outputs=[output])
- btn2.click(fn=Function.post_interrupt, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- class Info:
- def generate(image_info, progress=gr.Progress()):
- if not image_info or image_info is None or image_info == "仅支持API工作流!!!" or "Version:" in image_info or image_info == "None":
- return
- workflow = json.loads(image_info)
- return Function.gen_image(workflow, 1, 1, progress)[0]
- def order_workflow(workflow):
- if workflow is None:
- return gr.update(visible=False, value=None)
- workflow = json.loads(workflow)
- if "last_node_id" in workflow:
- return gr.update(show_label=False, visible=True, value="仅支持API工作流!!!", lines=1)
- workflow = Function.order_workflow(workflow)
- lines = len(workflow) + 5
- workflow_string = "{"
- for node in workflow:
- workflow_string = workflow_string + "\n" + f'"{node}": {workflow[node]},'
- workflow_string = workflow_string + "\n}"
- workflow_string = workflow_string.replace(",\n}", "\n}")
- workflow_string = workflow_string.replace("'", '"')
- return gr.update(label="Ordered workflow_api", show_label=True, visible=True, value=workflow_string, lines=lines)
- def get_image_info(image_pil):
- if image_pil is None:
- return gr.update(visible=False, value=None)
- else:
- image_info = Function.get_image_info(image_pil)
- if image_info == "None":
- return gr.update(visible=False, value=None)
- if "Version:" in image_info:
- return gr.update(label="Image info", show_label=True, visible=True, value=image_info, lines=3)
- return Info.order_workflow(image_info)
- def hide_another_input(this_input):
- if this_input is None:
- return gr.update(visible=True)
- return gr.update(visible=False)
- def blocks():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- Info.input_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="pil")
- workflow = gr.File(label="workflow_api.json", file_types=[".json"], type="binary")
- image_info = gr.Textbox(visible=False)
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- btn = gr.Button("Generate | 生成", elem_id="button")
- btn2 = gr.Button("Interrupt | 终止")
- output = gr.Gallery(preview=True, height=600)
- btn.click(fn=Info.generate, inputs=[image_info], outputs=[output])
- btn2.click(fn=Function.post_interrupt, inputs=None, outputs=None)
- Info.input_image.change(fn=Info.hide_another_input, inputs=[Info.input_image], outputs=[workflow])
- Info.input_image.change(fn=Info.get_image_info, inputs=[Info.input_image], outputs=[image_info])
- workflow.change(fn=Info.hide_another_input, inputs=[workflow], outputs=[Info.input_image])
- workflow.change(fn=Info.order_workflow, inputs=[workflow], outputs=[image_info])
- with gr.Blocks(css="#button {background: #FFE1C0; color: #FF453A} .block.padded:not(.gradio-accordion) {padding: 0 !important;} div.form {border-width: 0; box-shadow: none; background: white; gap: 1.15em;}") as demo:
- Initial.initialized = gr.Checkbox(value=False, visible=False)
- with gr.Tab(label="Stable Diffusion"): SD.blocks()
- if SC.enable is True:
- with gr.Tab(label="Stable Cascade"): SC.blocks()
- if SVD.enable is True:
- with gr.Tab(label="Stable Video Diffusion"): SVD.blocks()
- with gr.Tab(label="Extras"): Extras.blocks()
- with gr.Tab(label="Info"): Info.blocks()
- SD.send_to_sd.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SD.data, SD.index], outputs=[SD.input_image])
- if SC.enable is True:
- SD.send_to_sc.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SD.data, SD.index], outputs=[SC.input_image])
- if SVD.enable is True:
- SD.send_to_svd.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SD.data, SD.index], outputs=[SVD.input_image])
- SD.send_to_extras.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SD.data, SD.index], outputs=[Extras.input_image])
- SD.send_to_info.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SD.data, SD.index], outputs=[Info.input_image])
- if SC.enable is True:
- SC.send_to_sd.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SC.data, SC.index], outputs=[SD.input_image])
- SC.send_to_sc.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SC.data, SC.index], outputs=[SC.input_image])
- if SVD.enable is True:
- SC.send_to_svd.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SC.data, SC.index], outputs=[SVD.input_image])
- SC.send_to_extras.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SC.data, SC.index], outputs=[Extras.input_image])
- SC.send_to_info.click(fn=Function.send_to, inputs=[SC.data, SC.index], outputs=[Info.input_image])
- demo.queue(concurrency_count=100).launch(inbrowser=True, inline=False)

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