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Qwen学习笔记1:Qwen模型使用ReAct原理实现function calling,增强模型能力_qwen1.5 function call

qwen1.5 function call






【太牛了】Qwen结合ReAct,几分钟就能构建一个AI Agent,保姆级实操讲解,理论与实践相结合,讲述ReAct是如何作用于Qwen模型的_哔哩哔哩_bilibili




  1. from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
  2. from transformers.generation import GenerationConfig


  1. # model_path = './model/qwen/Qwen-1_8B-Chat'
  2. model_path = './model/qwen/Qwen-7B-Chat'
  3. tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path,trust_remote_code=True)
  4. model=AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_path,device_map="auto",trust_remote_code=True)


  1. query = '请帮我查一下:我们的大模型技术实战课程目前一共上线了多少节?'
  2. response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, query, history=None,)
  3. print(response)


  1. PROMPT_REACT = """
  2. Use the following format:
  3. Question: the input question you must answer
  4. Thought: you should always think about what to do
  5. Begin!
  6. Question:{query}"""


  1. import json
  2. reason_prompt = PROMPT_REACT.format(query=query)
  3. print(reason_prompt)



  1. # 带入模型中,查看模型是否进入思考模式
  2. response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, reason_prompt, history=None,)
  3. print(response)


Thought: 任务是查询大模型技术实战课程的节数。我可以直接搜索相关的信息,或者询问有权限的人。我会选择前者。
Answer: 目前,我们大模型技术实战课程已经上线了20节课。


  1. class CourseDatabase:
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. self.database = {
  4. "大模型技术实战":{
  5. "课时": 200,
  6. "每周更新次数": 3,
  7. "每次更新小时": 2
  8. },
  9. "机器学习实战":{
  10. "课时": 230,
  11. "每周更新次数": 2,
  12. "每次更新小时": 1.5
  13. },
  14. "深度学习实战":{
  15. "课时": 150,
  16. "每周更新次数": 1,
  17. "每次更新小时": 3
  18. },
  19. "AI数据分析":{
  20. "课时": 10,
  21. "每周更新次数": 1,
  22. "每次更新小时": 1
  23. },
  24. }
  25. def course_query(self, course_name):
  26. return self.database.get(course_name, "目前没有该课程信息")
  1. # 创建课程数据库实例
  2. course_db = CourseDatabase()
  1. # 查询已有课程的详细信息
  2. course_name = "大模型技术实战"
  3. print(course_db.course_query(course_name))
{'课时': 200, '每周更新次数': 3, '每次更新小时': 2}
  1. # 查询不存在课程的详细信息
  2. course_name = "人工智能"
  3. print(course_db.course_query(course_name))


  1. TOOLS = [
  2. {
  3. 'name_for_human': '课程信息数据库',
  4. 'name_for_model': 'CourseDatabase',
  5. 'description_for_model': '课程信息数据库存储有各课程的详细信息,包括目前的上线课时,每周更新次数以及每次更新的小时数。通过输入课程名称,可以返回该课程的详细信息。',
  6. 'parameters': [{
  7. 'name': 'course_query',
  8. 'description': '课程名称,所需查询信息的课程名称',
  9. 'required': True,
  10. 'schema': {
  11. 'type': 'string'
  12. },
  13. }],
  14. },
  15. # 其他工具的定义可以在这里继续添加
  16. ]


  1. # 将一个插件的关键信息拼接成一段文本的模板
  2. TOOL_DESC = """{name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters:{parameters}
  3. """
  4. PROMPT_REACT = """Answer the following questions as best you con. You have access to the following
  5. {tool_descs}
  6. Use the following format:
  7. Question: the input question you must answer
  8. Thought: you should always think about what to do
  9. Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}]
  10. Action Input: the input to the action
  11. Observation: the result of the action
  12. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  13. Begin!
  14. Question: {query}"""


  1. import json
  2. def generate_action_prompt(query):
  3. """
  4. 根据用户查询生成最终的动作提示字符串。
  5. 函数内部直接引用全局变量 TOOLS, TOOL_DESC, 和 PROMPT_REACT.
  6. 参数:
  7. - query: 用户的查询字符串。
  8. 返回:
  9. - action_prompt: 格式化后的动作提示字符串。
  10. """
  11. tool_descs = []
  12. tool_names = []
  13. for info in TOOLS:
  14. tool_descs.append(
  15. TOOL_DESC.format(
  16. name_for_model = info['name_for_model'],
  17. name_for_human = info['name_for_human'],
  18. description_for_model = info['description_for_model'],
  19. parameters = json.dumps(info['parameters'], ensure_ascii=False),
  20. )
  21. )
  22. tool_names.append(info['name_for_model'])
  23. tool_descs_str = '\n\n'.join(tool_descs)
  24. tool_names_str = ','.join(tool_names)
  25. action_prompt = PROMPT_REACT.format(tool_descs=tool_descs_str, tool_names=tool_names_str, query=query)
  26. return action_prompt


  1. action_prompt = generate_action_prompt(query)
  2. print(action_prompt)
Answer the following questions as best you con. You have access to the following

CourseDatabase: Call this tool to interact with the 课程信息数据库 API. What is the 课程信息数据库 API useful for? 课程信息数据库存储有各课程的详细信息,包括目前的上线课时,每周更新次数以及每次更新的小时数。通过输入课程名称,可以返回该课程的详细信息。 Parameters:[{"name": "course_query", "description": "课程名称,所需查询信息的课程名称", "required": true, "schema": {"type": "string"}}]

Use the following format:

Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of [CourseDatabase]
Action Input: the input to the action
Observation: the result of the action
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)


Question: 请帮我查一下:我们的大模型技术实战课程目前一共上线了多少节?


  1. react_stop_words = [
  2. tokenizer.encode('Observation:'),
  3. tokenizer.encode('Observation:\n'),
  4. ]
  1. # 使用action_prompt生成回复
  2. response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, action_prompt, history=None, \
  3. stop_words_ids=react_stop_words)
  4. print(response)
Thought: 我需要使用课程信息数据库API来获取这个信息。
Action: CourseDatabase
Action Input: {"course_query": "大模型技术实战"}



  1. def parse_plugin_action(text: str):
  2. """
  3. 解析模型的ReAct输出文本提取名称及其参数。
  4. 参数:
  5. - text: 模型ReAct提示的输出文本
  6. 返回值:
  7. - action_name: 要调用的动作(方法)名称。
  8. - action_arguments: 动作(方法)的参数。
  9. """
  10. # 查找“Action:”和“Action Input:”的最后出现位置
  11. action_index = text.rfind('\nAction:')
  12. action_input_index = text.rfind('\nAction Input:')
  13. observation_index = text.rfind('\nObservation:')
  14. # 如果文本中有“Action:”和“Action Input:”
  15. if 0 <= action_index < action_input_index:
  16. if observation_index < action_input_index:
  17. text = text.rstrip() + '\nObservation:'
  18. observation_index = text.rfind('\nObservation:')
  19. # 确保文本中同时存在“Action:”和“Action Input:”
  20. if 0 <= action_index < action_input_index < observation_index:
  21. # 提取“Action:”和“Action Input:”之间的文本为动作名称
  22. action_name = text[action_index + len('\nAction:'):action_input_index].strip()
  23. # 提取“Action Input:”之后的文本为动作参数
  24. action_arguments = text[action_input_index + len('\nAction Input:'):observation_index].strip()
  25. return action_name, action_arguments
  26. # 如果没有找到符合条件的文本,返回空字符串
  27. return '', ''


  1. import json
  2. def execute_plugin_from_react_output(response):
  3. """
  4. 根据模型的ReAct输出执行相应的插件调用,并返回调用结果。
  5. 参数:
  6. - response: 模型的ReAct输出字符串。
  7. 返回:
  8. - result_dict: 包括状态码和插件调用结果的字典。
  9. """
  10. # 从模型的ReAct输出中提取函数名称及函数入参
  11. plugin_configuration = parse_plugin_action(response)
  12. first_config_line = plugin_configuration[1:][0].split('\n')[0]
  13. config_parameters = json.loads(first_config_line)
  14. result_dict = {"status_code": 200}
  15. for k, v in config_parameters.items():
  16. if k in TOOLS[0]["parameters"][0]['name']:
  17. # 通过eval函数执行存储在字符串中的python表达式,并返回表达式计算结果。其执行过程实质上是实例化类
  18. tool_instance = eval(TOOLS[0]["name_for_model"])()
  19. # 然后通过getattr函数传递对象和字符串形式的属性或方法名来动态的访问该属性和方法h
  20. tool_func = getattr(tool_instance, k)
  21. # 这一步实际上执行的过程就是:course_db,course_query('大模型技术实战')
  22. tool_result = tool_func(v)
  23. result_dict["result"] = tool_result
  24. return result_dict
  25. result_dict["status_code"] = 404
  26. result_dict["result"] = "未找到匹配的插件配置"
  27. return result_dict
  1. tool_result = execute_plugin_from_react_output(response)
  2. print(tool_result)
{'status_code': 200, 'result': {'课时': 200, '每周更新次数': 3, '每次更新小时': 2}}


  1. response += " " + str(tool_result)
  2. print(response)
Thought: 需要调用课程信息数据库API来获取课程上线节数。
Action: CourseDatabase
Action Input: {"course_query": "大模型技术实战"}
Observation: {'status_code': 200, 'result': {'课时': 200, '每周更新次数': 3, '每次更新小时': 2}}


  1. response, history = model.chat(tokenizer, response, history=history, \
  2. stop_words_ids=react_stop_words)
  3. print(response)
Thought: 从返回结果中可以看出,我们的大模型技术实战课程目前已经上线了200节课,每周更新3次,每次更新2小时。
Answer: 目前,我们的大模型技术实战课程已经上线了200节课。



  1. # 将一个插件的关键信息拼接成一段文本的模板
  2. TOOL_DESC = """{name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters:{parameters}
  3. """
  4. PROMPT_REACT = """Answer the following questions as best you con. You have access to the following
  5. {tool_descs}
  6. Use the following format:
  7. Question: the input question you must answer
  8. Thought: you should always think about what to do
  9. Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}]
  10. Action Input: the input to the action
  11. Observation: the result of the action
  12. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  13. Thought: I now know the final answer
  14. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  15. Begin!
  16. Question: {query}"""

