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When leaks about what the chassis of the iPhone 7 might look like hit headlines earlier this week, technology columnists and industry analysts jumped on the chance to report that Apple’s next device may finally ditch its 3.5mm audio port altogether. Instead of clinging to the nearly-ancient technology, the next iPhone could begin paving the road to a world where we’re finally past the point of relying on cords to listen to our audiobooks, podcasts, or playlists altogether.

当本周早些时候有关iPhone 7底盘的外观看起来像是头条新闻时,技术专栏作家和行业分析家纷纷抓住机会报道苹果的下一代设备可能最终完全放弃了其3.5mm音频端口。 下一代的iPhone可能不再依赖于近乎古老的技术,而可能会开始铺平通往一个世界的道路,在这个世界中,我们终于摆脱了完全依靠绳索收听我们的有声读物,播客或播放列表的地步。

But why do we still use audio jacks in 2015 that were invented in the 19th century? And what’s going to be the next best thing that comes along to replace it?

但是为什么我们仍然使用2015年音频插Kong在19世纪发明的? 取代它的下一个最佳选择是什么?

数字杀了模拟之星 (Digital Killed the Analog Star)

When discussing the nuts and bolts of how your digital song on your digital phone plays as an analog audio signal to the analog speakers inside your headphones, it helps to know how the transmission of audio actually works first. Not to slow anything down with an entire technical manual on the subject, but in short, it looks a little something like this:

在讨论数字电话上的数字歌曲如何作为模拟音频信号发送到耳机内的模拟扬声器的基本细节时,它有助于了解音频传输首先如何真正起作用。 不要放慢整个主题的技术手册的速度,但总之,它看起来像这样:


To explain what we’re talking about even further, we’ll follow the lifespan of a song from start to finish via a Spotify selection.


First, a song is recorded: in 2015, this almost always done with a specific mix of digital and analog tracks mixed together inside a computer sent through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which is then used to digitally master that music into the final track. This file is uploaded to one of Spotify’s servers, and next, the company makes the song available to stream over the air at a quality level of 320 kilobytes per second, or the same quality as an average CD rip if you pay for the monthly Premium service.

首先,要录制一首歌:在2015年,这几乎总是通过在计算机内部通过模数转换器(ADC)发送的数字和模拟音轨的特定混合来完成的,然后再将其用于数字母带音乐进入最终轨道。 该文件被上传到Spotify的一台服务器上,然后,该公司使歌曲可以以每秒320 KB的质量水平通过空中传输,如果您支付每月的Premium,则其质量与平均CD rip相同。服务。


Your phone takes that digital data (about 7MB for a full song at 320kbps), and sends it through what’s called a “digital-to-analog converter, or DAC. The DAC is usually installed inside the phone itself, and is designed to take the binary data of your song and translate that into analog audio signals, morphing each one and zero into a series of different currents and voltages that push the driver inside a headphone to create the sound you eventually hear. The jack on the end of every smartphone is attached to a very small DAC, which allows you to plug in everything from a pair of headphones to a full stack of tower speakers and still get the same amount of sound out of either. And while the headphones would be loud enough considering their size, conversely the sound would be very quiet on larger speakers without the help of an external amplifier to boost the signal.

您的手机将获取这些数字数据(完整歌曲以320kbps的速度大约需要7MB),然后通过所谓的“数模转换器”或DAC发送数据。 DAC通常安装在手机内部,旨在获取歌曲的二进制数据并将其转换为模拟音频信号,将一个和零分别变形为一系列不同的电流和电压,从而将驱动器推入耳机中。创建最终听到的声音。 每个智能手机末端的插Kong都连接到一个很小的DAC,使您可以插入从一对耳机到一堆完整的塔式扬声器的所有声音,并且仍然从其中的任何一个获得相同的声音。 尽管考虑到耳机的大小,耳机将足够响亮,但是相反,如果没有外部放大器来增强信号,则在较大的扬声器上声音将非常安静。

The trick of keeping headphones small is relying on a DAC that’s stored inside the phone, the computer, or the laptop to take care of the heavy lifting. As such, 3.5mm audio jacks have survived this long because they’re the essential, universal way to play music on any device in 2015, but doesn’t all this back and forth conversion seem like a little much?

减小耳机尺寸的技巧是依靠存储在手机,计算机或笔记本电脑内部的DAC来减轻繁重的负担。 因此,3.5毫米音频插Kong之所以能够存活这么长的时间,是因为它们是2015年在任何设备上播放音乐的必不可少的通用方式,但是来回转换似乎并不多吗?

为什么不完全摆脱电线? (Why Not Just Get Rid of the Wires Altogether?)

Without wasting any more of your time than we have to: it just doesn’t sound as good, as much as we might want it to.


When looking at this debate, it’s easy to draw parallels toward another argument that’s been raging with PC gaming geeks everywhere for years – wired vs. wireless mice. Even with all the advancements made to wireless mice and the technology it uses to communicate every click or scroll your mouse makes, the responsiveness is still miles behind what you’d get with a wired setup. This is because the air between the transmitter and the receiver (in the case of mobile music: the phone to your headphones) isn’t always an empty space. There are walls and floors and denim-lined pockets to get through, all of which cause resistance on the wireless link between two devices.

在看这场辩论时,很容易将与多年来一直困扰着PC游戏爱好者的另一种论点相提并论-有线鼠标与无线鼠标。 即使无线鼠标已取得了所有进步,并且它用于传达鼠标的每次单击或滚动所使用的技术,其响应速度仍远远落后于有线设置。 这是因为发送器和接收器之间的空气(对于移动音乐:耳机中的电话)并不总是空的。 有墙壁和地板以及衬有牛仔布的口袋可以穿过,所有这些都会在两个设备之间的无线链路上产生阻力。


To handle audio, currently Bluetooth transmits over what’s known as the A2DP standard, short for the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile. And while Bluetooth 4.2 is plenty fast enough to digitally transmit the file of your song in a few seconds, actually getting it to play out of audio speakers is another job entirely. This is handled by a DAC installed inside the Bluetooth headphones themselves, and while the quality of wireless signal decoding continues to get better as time goes on, most audiophiles already know you’d never listen to your favorite album over Bluetooth unless you were completely out of other options.

为了处理音频,当前蓝牙通过所谓的A2DP标准(高级音频分发配置文件的缩写)进行传输。 尽管蓝牙4.2足够快,可以在几秒钟内以数字方式传输歌曲文件,但实际上要使它从音频扬声器中播放是另一项工作。 这是通过安装在蓝牙耳机本身内部的DAC处理的,并且随着时间的推移,无线信号解码的质量会不断提高,但大多数发烧友已经知道,除非您完全不在意,否则您永远不会通过蓝牙收听自己喜欢的专辑。其他选择。

Cost comparatively, a pair of $300 Bluetooth headphones won’t sound as good as good as a wired pair simply for the fact that the wireless version need extra components like a battery or onboard DACs in order to work. Without the need to include these, wired headphone makers can squeeze those extra dollars into higher quality drivers, which leads to higher quality sound at the same price. Not only that, but a higher price means less availability in the developing world, regions where Apple continues to do gangbusters selling pre-owned devices that work with basic 3.5mm headphones.

相对而言,价格仅为300美元的蓝牙耳机听起来不如有线耳机好,原因是无线版本需要额外的组件(如电池或板载DAC)才能正常工作。 无需包括这些,有线耳机制造商可以将这些额外的资金投入到更高质量的驱动器中,从而以相同的价格获得更高质量的声音。 不仅如此,更高的价格还意味着在发展中国家(苹果继续在这些地区卖高价的二手设备,这些设备可以使用基本的3.5mm耳机),发展中国家的可用性下降。

两全其美的 (The Best of Both Worlds)

If Apple really wants to commit to ditching the audio port, they’re going to need to have something that sounds just as good and is as easy to plug in to boot. The company’s MFi program has confirmed that Apple wants more people to start thinking about the Lightning port as a one-stop shop for everything from charging to plugging in your headphones…but this is easier said than done.

如果Apple真的想放弃音频端口,他们将需要有听起来一样好并且易于插入引导的东西。 该公司的MFi计划已经证实,苹果希望更多的人开始考虑将Lightning端口视为一站式商店,从充电到插入耳机……这一切说起来容易做起来难。

First, there’s the issue of sound quality. While adding Lightning audio to say; a new pair of over-the-ear Beats headphones does seem enticing, what kind of monopoly could this lead to? What about the manufacturers who can’t afford to license Apple’s proprietary connection technology to add to their earbuds? Will they simply move on to Android devices instead? What about DRM restrictions, which when attached to a digital audio stream, can automatically prevent anyone from listening to pirated music on that device?

首先,存在音质问题。 同时添加闪电音频说; 一对新的Beats入耳式耳机似乎很诱人,这会导致哪种垄断? 那些负担不起Apple专有连接技术来增加耳塞的制造商呢? 他们会改用Android设备吗? 附加到数字音频流上的DRM限制会自动阻止任何人在该设备上收听盗版音乐吗?

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People want to use their smartphones the way they want to use them, and potentially putting rules on top of that about where or how you jam out alone or with friends could backfire immensely if approached without enough caution. History has taught us that the problem with trying to introduce a new way of doing something in the digital world, is that from the very start everyone has to be on board the ship at once – or no one will be. Apple has had an incredible ride over the past decade and a half, dotted with very few missteps, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t massively over-calculated their position in the past or paid the price as a result.

人们想以使用智能手机的方式来使用智能手机,并且如果没有采取足够的谨慎态度,就可能在与朋友独自或与朋友一起出入的地点或方式上制定规则,这可能会适得其反。 历史告诉我们,尝试在数字世界中引入一种新的做事方式的问题是,从一开始,每个人都必须立即上船-否则没人会上船。 苹果在过去的十五年中经历了一次令人难以置信的旅程,几乎没有失误,但这并不意味着苹果过去并没有过分高估自己的地位或为此付出代价。

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Remember Newton? Yeah, neither does anyone under the age of 30.
还记得牛顿吗? 是的,未满30岁的人也没有。

This isn’t to say it can’t be done – and if there’s anyone who could, it is absolutely Apple – but it’s going to be a uphill climb to wipe out a way of listening to audio that’s older than recorded audio itself. Even though the iPhone 7 may be attempting to take the first step for us, it’s likely that the audio port won’t be going anywhere for a few more years. Apple will have a long road ahead of them filled with a lot of people who need convincing, and right now there are just too many wired headphones compared to other Bluetooth options that still lack the umph they’ll need if true audiophiles are going to start taking it seriously as a way to enjoy high-quality music or movies.

这并不是说不可能完成-如果有谁可以做到,那绝对是Apple-但这将是一个艰巨的尝试,以消除收听早于录制音频本身的音频的方式。 即使iPhone 7可能正在尝试为我们迈出第一步,但音频端口很可能几年都不会出现故障。 苹果将​​有很多需要说服力的人走在他们前面,还有很长的路要走。与其他蓝牙选件相比,现在的有线耳机太多了,如果真正的发烧友要开始,它们仍然缺少它们的体积认真对待它,以享受高品质的音乐或电影。

In order to truly change the marketplace for good, Apple will need to do a whole lot more than just take the aging analog audio jack off their next model. They’ll need to help push Bluetooth forward to move past a2dp as its only means of getting consistent sound from one place to the next over the air, and quell the consumer’s concerns about using Lightning audio as a way to introduce DRM restrictions on certain types of music.

为了真正改变市场,Apple不仅需要将老化的模拟音频插Kong从下一个型号中移除,还需要做更多的事情。 他们需要帮助推动蓝牙向前发展,使其超越a2dp,这是通过无线从一个地方到另一个地方获得一致声音的唯一方法,并消除了消费者对使用Lightning音频作为对某些类型引入DRM限制的一种担忧。音乐。

So then, it seems the main reason why we still use analog audio ports because for the time being: they’re what works best across every section of the market, without fail. They’re cheap to manufacture, hold up for years at a time, and provide the same level of quality no matter whether you’re listening on a Sony Walkman from 1997 or an iPhone 6s.

因此,这似乎仍然是我们仍然使用模拟音频端口的主要原因,因为暂时而言:它们是在市场的每个部分都运行得最好的,而不会失败。 它们的制造成本低廉,一次可以使用多年,并且无论您使用1997年的Sony Walkman还是iPhone 6s,都可以提供相同的质量。

That kind of ubiquitous reliability can’t be overestimated, and although Apple has led the way when it comes to encouraging consumers to leave certain technologies in the dust (where they belonged), they also thought FireWire was going to be a revolution in connectivity – and just look how that worked itself out.


All this in mind, it’s clear that we need to start thinking about this as a society, and look forward to wireless as the logical progression of our audio enjoyment experience. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t always mean what we think it does, and sometimes, it’s just a precursor to “don’t fix it unless you know you can do better”.

考虑到所有这些,很明显,我们需要开始将其视为一个社会,并期待将无线作为我们音频享受体验的逻辑发展。 “如果没有破裂,就不要修复”并不总是意味着我们认为它所做的,有时,这只是“除非您知道自己可以做得更好,否则就不要修复”的前兆。

Image Credits: Flickr 1, 2, 3, Wikimedia


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/235578/htg-explains-why-do-we-still-use-analog-audio-ports/


