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1  Sql语句 增删改查

1.1 建表

  1. -- cmd展示数据库
  2. show databases ;
  3. -- cmd登录数据库
  4. mysql localhost -u root -p
  5. -- auto_increment 自动增长,每添加一个表项id自动增1
  6. -- char定长字符串 0-255,不足十个字符按十个字符算, varchar变长字符串:有几个字符给几个的空间
  7. -- varchar(20)最多20个字符的空间,char11)直接给11个字符空间
  8. create table tbuser(
  9. id int primary key auto_increment comment 'ID 唯一标识',
  10. username varchar(20) not null unique comment '用户名',
  11. name varchar(10) not null comment '姓名',
  12. age int comment '年龄',
  13. gender char(1) default '男' comment '性别'
  14. )comment '用户表';



  1. price decimal(8.2)//最多8位,2位小数
  2. image varchar(300) 图像存储的是路径
  1. # 查看指定表结构
  2. desc tbuser;


  1. # 查看建表语句
  2. show create table tbuser;

1.2 修改删除

  1. alter table tbuser add height varchar(11) comment '身高';
  2. alter table tbuser modify height varchar(13) comment '身高';
  3. # 修改height名字为height1
  4. alter table tbuser change height height1 varchar(13) comment '身高';
  5. alter table tbuser drop column height1;
  6. rename table tbuser to tb_user;
  7. # 删除表
  8. drop table if exists tbuser;
  1. insert into tb_user (id,username,name) values (2,"haha","haha"),(3,"haha2","haha2");
  2. # 全部字段添加数据
  3. insert into tb_user values xxx
update  tb_user set username="bus" where id=1;
  1. delete from tb_user where id=1;
  2. #删除表中所有数据
  3. delete from tb_user;

1.3 查询

1.3.1 基本查询 

  1. # distinct表示不要重复
  2. select distinct job from tb_emp;
  3. # 查询并起别名
  4. select name as 姓名 from tb_emp;

 1.3.2 条件查询

  1. select * from tb_emp where id=5;
  2. select * from tb_emp where id is null;
  3. # 查询id不等于5的信息
  4. select * from tb_emp where id !=5;
  5. # 与上一个同义
  6. select * from tb_emp where id <>5;
  7. select * from tb_emp where id >5 and id<10;
  8. select * from tb_emp where id between 5 and 10;
  9. # id在5-10范围而且要gender=2
  10. select * from tb_emp where id between 5 and 10 and gender=2;
  11. select * from tb_emp where id =5 or id=6;
  12. # 与上一个同义
  13. select * from tb_emp where id in (5,6);
  14. # _表示一个字符
  15. select * from tb_emp where name like '__';
  16. # %表示任意字符
  17. select * from tb_emp where name like '张%';

1.3.3 聚合函数 

  1. # 统计,不对null值运算
  2. select count(id) from tb_emp;
  3. select count(*) from tb_emp;
  4. select min(entrydate) from tb_emp;
  5. select max(entrydate) from tb_emp;
  6. select avg(entrydate) from tb_emp;
  7. select sum(entrydate) from tb_emp;

1.3.4 分组查询

  1. # 根据性别分组,统计各自数量
  2. select gender,count(*) from tb_emp group by gender;
  3. # 查询entrydate<='2015-1-1',并职位分组,获取员工数量>=2的职位
  4. # where是分组之前过滤,之后不能使用聚合函数,having是分组之后的过滤
  5. select job,count(*) from tb_emp where entrydate<='2015-1-1' group by job having count(*)>=2;

1.3.5 排序查询

  1. # 排序,asc升序默认,desc默认,此句asc在前
  2. select * from tb_emp order by entrydate asc,id desc ;

1.3.6 分页查询


2 多表设计





  1. create table class(id int primary key auto_increment);
  2. //class_id是外键字段名
  3. create table student(id int primary key auto_increment,class_id int,constraint foreign key(class_id) references class(id));
  1. create table teacher(id int primary key);
  2. create table student (id int primary key);
  3. create table teacher_student(teacher_id int,student_id int,constraint foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(id),constraint foreign key(student_id) references student(id));

3 多表查询

笛卡尔积:两个集合所有的组合情况; 需要设置条件消除无效笛卡尔积,比如where x.id=y.id

3.1 内连接


  1. -- 查询员工的姓名,部门(内连接实现)
  2. select tb_emp.name ,tb_dept.name from tb_dept,tb_emp where tb_emp.dept_id=tb_dept.id;
  3. -- 起别名
  4. select e1.name ,b.name from tb_dept e1 ,tb_emp b where b.dept_id=e1.id;
  5. # 显式内连接
  6. select tb_emp.name ,tb_dept.name from tb_emp inner join tb_dept on tb_emp.dept_id=tb_dept.id;

3.2 外连接


  1. # 左外连接
  2. select tb_emp.name ,tb_dept.name from tb_emp left join tb_dept on tb_emp.dept_id=tb_dept.id;
  3. # 右外连接
  4. select tb_emp.name ,tb_dept.name from tb_emp right join tb_dept on tb_emp.dept_id=tb_dept.id;

 3.3 子查询




select * from tb_emp where dept_id=(select id from tb_dept where name='张三丰');



  1. # 查询教研部与咨询部所有员工信息
  2. select * from tb_emp where dept_id in (select id from tb_dept where name='教研部' or name='咨询部')



  1. # 查询与金庸的出生日期以及职位都相同的信息
  2. select * from tb_emp where (entrydate,job) =(select entrydate,job from tb_emp where name='金庸')



  1. # 查询入职日期为2000-01-01的员工信息以及部门名称
  2. select * from (select * from tb_emp where entrydate>'2000-01-01') e ,tb_dept d where e.dept_id=d.id

4 事务

  1. # 事务:一组操作的集合,要么同时成功,要么同时失败
  2. # 开启事务
  3. start transaction ;
  4. # 删除部门
  5. delete from tb_dept where id=3;
  6. #删除员工
  7. delete from tb_emp where dept_id=3;
  8. # 提交事务,如果上面两行都成功使用
  9. commit ;
  10. # 回滚事务,只有上面两行有一个失败就使用,相对于撤销原操作
  11. rollback ;

5 索引



  1. create index inname on tb_emp(name);
  2. show index from tb_emp;
  3. # 删除索引
  4. drop index inname on tb_emp;

6 MyBatis

6.1 配置





  1. <!-- druyid连接池-->
  2. <dependency>
  3. <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId>
  4. <artifactId>druid-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
  5. <version>1.2.8</version>
  6. </dependency>

lombok :注解提供相应方法

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>
  4. </dependency>
  1. //@Getter
  2. //@Setter
  3. //@ToString
  4. //@EqualsAndHashCode
  5. @Data//相当于以上四个
  6. @NoArgsConstructor//无参构造
  7. @AllArgsConstructor//全参构造
  8. public class user {}
  1. #配置mybatis日志,指定输出到控制台
  2. mybatis.configuration.log-impl=org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl

6.2 删除


  1. @Mapper
  2. public interface UserMapper {
  3. // #{id}表示占位符
  4. //如果有返回值,成功返回值为1
  5. @Delete("delete from emp where id=#{id}")
  6. public void list(Integer id);
  7. }
  1. @SpringBootTest
  2. class MybatisApplicationTests {
  3. @Autowired
  4. private UserMapper userMapper;
  5. @Test
  6. public void testUser(){
  7. userMapper.list(10);
  8. }
  9. }






  1. //$是拼接,后台直接是delete from emp where id=id
  2. @Delete("delete from emp where id=${id}")
  3. public void list(Integer id);

6.3 插入


  1. @Mapper
  2. public interface UserMapper {
  3. //获取返回的主键
  4. @Options(keyProperty = "id",useGeneratedKeys = true)
  5. //更新是@Update
  6. @Insert("insert into dept (id, name,create_name,update_name) values (#{id},#{name},#{create_name},#{update_name})")
  7. public void insert(user u);
  8. }


  1. @Test
  2. public void testUser(){
  3. user u=new user();
  4. u.setAge((short) 18);
  5. u.setGender((short) 1);
  6. u.setName("123");
  7. u.setPhone(String.valueOf(12321));
  8. u.setId(12);
  9. userMapper.insert(u);
  10. System.out.println(u.getId());
  11. }
  12. }

6.3 查询


  1. @Select("select * from dept where id=#{id}")
  2. public user select(Integer id);


  1. @SpringBootTest
  2. class MybatisApplicationTests {
  3. @Autowired
  4. private UserMapper userMapper;
  5. @Test
  6. public void testUser(){
  7. user u=userMapper.select(2);
  8. System.out.println(u);
  9. }
  10. }




  1. @Select("select id, name, create_time createName, update_time updateName from dept where id=#{id}")
  2. public user select(Integer id);


  1. @Results({
  2. @Result(column="create_time",property="createName"),
  3. @Result(column="update_time",property="updateName"),
  4. })
  5. @Select("select * from dept where id=#{id}")
  6. public user select(Integer id);
  7. }



  1. #开启mybatis驼峰命名自动映射开关
  2. mybatis.configuration.map-underscore-to-camel-case=true

6.4 XML



  1. //namespace是接口copy->copy reference
  2. <mapper namespace="com.tencent.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper">
  3. </mapper>


  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper
  3. PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
  4. "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">



  1. <mapper namespace="com.tencent.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper">
  2. <select id="select" resultType="com.tencent.mybatis.polo.user">
  3. select * from dept
  4. -- 如果if不成立,where不会创建,还会自动除去条件前面的and或者or
  5. -- 如果where改为set,那么set会自动除去条件后面的‘,’
  6. <where>
  7. <if test="name!=null">
  8. name like concat('%',#{name},'%');
  9. </if>
  10. <if test="id!=null">
  11. -- 没有<where>标签,name不成立id成立会报错
  12. and id =#{id}
  13. </if>
  14. </where>
  15. </select>
  16. </mapper>



  1. @Mapper
  2. public interface UserMapper {
  3. public void deleteId(List<Integer> ids);
  4. }
  1. <mapper namespace="com.tencent.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper">
  2. <!-- collection遍历的集合,item是遍历出的元素,separator分隔符-->
  3. <delete id="deleteId">
  4. delete from dept where id in
  5. <foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")">
  6. #{id}
  7. </foreach>
  8. </delete>
  9. </mapper>
  1. @SpringBootTest
  2. class MybatisApplicationTests {
  3. @Autowired
  4. private UserMapper userMapper;
  5. @Test
  6. public void testUser(){
  7. List<Integer> ids= Arrays.asList(1,2,3);
  8. userMapper.deleteId(ids);
  9. }
  10. }

6.5 解决Could not autowire. No beans of ‘UserMapper‘ type found问题



