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The 7 Most Common Learner Mistakes(1)7种最常见的错误学习方法(一)

The 7 Most Common Learner Mistakes(1)7种最常见的错误学习方法(一)
I wirte a lot about how to learn things beter. In doing so, I get a lot of emails from readers attempting to learn anything form biology to basketball.I also see a lot of common mistakes people make which make it harder to learn.


In this article I wanted to share some of the most common mistakes I’ve seen and how you can avoid them.

Mistake #1: Memorizing What Needs to be Understood

I die a little inside whenever I get an email asking how to memorize formulas for a math or physics class.Memory is important, and you do need to be able to remember formulas and facts for exams.But trying to memorize undermines your success in many subjects.

Consider the classic physics formula F=ma.As a student, you might see this formula on a sheet along with a dozen other similar looking strings of letters and numbers.At first glance, it might seem that the only way to learn it is to memorize.

In reality, F=ma is just the skin of a much deeper insight.Here the idea is about how objects move.You should be able to look at this formula and see immediately that a ten pound rock requires twice as much force as a five pund rock to get the same acceleration.You should be able to combine this formula with others-W=Fd to figure out how much energy it takes to get those rocks moving at 100 miles per hour.

The problem with memorizing these facts is that what you really need to learn are the connections between the facts and the deeper insights they represent.The added benefit is when you approach many subjects from this perspective, the need to memorize goes away.Formulas are automatically remembered because they’re the only logically consistent option with the mental framework you’ve created.

Mistake #2 Not Enough Practice

Going to class isn’t practice.Highlighting a textbook isn’t practice.Rereading notes isn’t practice.These activities may be useful, to a point, but your learning generally suffers when you spend most of your time on them instead of practicing.

Pactice means trying to answer a question without looking at the answer first.It means performing a skill not just learning about it.It means getting feedback on whether your attempt was correct or not.

It’s almost impossible to practice too much, especially if the practice activity you’re using is hightly similar to the conditions you want to perform in.For hightly concptual subjects like math or physics, I found spending at least 50% of my time on practice to be ideal.For less conceptual subjects, like languages, that number may be over 90%.

You can practice by self-testing even if you don’t hae a lot of material.The next time you’re reading a book you want to remember deeply, write questions instead of statements in your notebook.For example, if your book explains the difference between breadth-first and depth-first searches, don’t jot down the differences, write a question such as “Which type of search is guaranteed to halt?”

Later, you can use this notebook to ask yourself questions about the subject matter.If you remember , great.If you don’t go back to the page and check it again.Not only will this clue you in on the things you’re forgetting, but the act of rechecking a mistake imprints that fact more deeply into you head.

Mistake #3:Not Choosing the Right Environment

Making one big change is often easier than making many small ones.Your learning environment is often taht big change that can have a dramatic impact on how much you learn for the same amount of effort and intelligence.

Consider learning a language.You could buy self-study courses, sign up for a university class and force yourself through endless grammer exercises.Or you could commit to immersing yourself for a certain amount of your time.I’m doing this right now by living a broad , but other learners have gotten similar results without leaving home.

Another example might be writing.You could read a ton of books on writing and type drafts in your spare time, or you could start a blog and start getting feedback on your writing immediately.If you’re a blogger looking to improve further, writing under an editor for another publication or for a book forces you to reach a higher level of quality taan your readers insist on.

