要使用Python从Modbus IP地址40018读取数据,您可以使用pymodbus库。这是一个流行的库,用于实现Modbus客户端和服务器的通信。以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用pymodbus库从Modbus IP服务器上的地址40018读取数据。
pip install pymodbus
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient from pymodbus.exceptions import ConnectionException # 设置Modbus服务器的IP地址和端口 MODBUS_IP = '' # 替换为您的Modbus服务器IP地址 MODBUS_PORT = 502 # 通常Modbus TCP端口是502 # 创建Modbus客户端实例 client = ModbusTcpClient(MODBUS_IP, port=MODBUS_PORT) try: # 连接到Modbus服务器 connection = client.connect() if connection: print("Connected to Modbus server") # 读取保持寄存器 address = 40018 # Modbus地址 count = 1 # 要读取的寄存器数量 result = client.read_holding_registers(address, count, unit=1) # 检查结果是否有效 if not result.isError(): registers = result.registers print(f"Register value at address {address}: {registers[0]}") else: print(f"Error reading register at address {address}") else: print("Failed to connect to Modbus server") except ConnectionException as e: print(f"Connection failed: {e}") finally: # 关闭连接 client.close() print("Modbus client connection closed")
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