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Conferences  can be stressful even if you are not giving a talk. On the other hand,  speaking can really boost your career, help you network, allow you to  travel for (almost) free, and give back to others at the same time.

即使您不讲话,会议也会让人感到压力很大。 另一方面,演讲确实可以促进您的职业发展,帮助您建立人脉关系,让您(几乎)免费旅行,同时回馈他人。

I’ve given over a dozen conference talks in the last few years and I want to  share some of the things I’ve learned from my experience here.


申请会议 (Applying to Conferences)

It can be tricky to get accepted at your first conference. Your best bet is to speak at local meetups, user group meetings, or nearby events  first. The people who run those groups are always happy to have  volunteer speakers and the audience is much more forgiving when you are  starting out.

在您的第一次会议上被接受可能很棘手。 最好的选择是先在本地聚会,用户小组会议或附近的活动上发言。 参加这些小组的人们总是很高兴有志愿演说家,而且当您刚开始时,听众会更加宽容。

Before speaking at my first conference, I met lots of people by speaking at local events. This really helped to boost my confidence enough to start  projecting my voice better and make eye contact. After a few local  talks, someone recommended that I apply for a new, local conference. I  got in! Then one talk led to another and here I am today.

在我的第一次会议上发言之前,我在当地活动上发言遇到了很多人。 这确实有助于增强我的信心,足以开始更好地表达我的声音并进行眼神交流。 在当地进行了几次交谈后,有人建议我申请一个新的当地会议。 我进来了! 然后一个话题引向另一个话题,今天我在这里。

Here are some conferences I recommend applying to:


  1. Any  local conference — They love to attract local speakers because it’s, A:  cheaper, and B: better for local advertising and promotion. You can  also usually connect with the people who run it beforehand and ask them  to give you a chance as a first-time speaker.

    任何本地会议-他们都喜欢吸引本地演讲者,因为A:更便宜,B:更适合本地广告和促销。 通常,您还可以与事先运行它的人联系,并要求他们给您作为首次演讲者的机会。
  2. NDC conferences — These  are very well run conferences that are hosted all over the world. They  pay for your airfare, hotel, and some events, meals, and, of course,  give you a free ticket to the conference. It’s not just about the free  stuff though; they attract top notch speakers and a wonderful community  of people. I’ve personally been to NDC conferences in London, Sydney,  and Minnesota. I plan on applying for many more in the future, so maybe I  will see you at one soon :)

    NDC会议 -这些是运行良好的会议,在世界各地举办。 他们为您支付飞机票,酒店以及一些活动,膳食的费用,当然,您还可以免费获得会议的入场券。 不过,这不只是免费的东西。 他们吸引了顶尖的演讲者和一群很棒的人。 我亲自去过伦敦,悉尼和明尼苏达州的NDC会议。 我计划将来再申请更多,所以也许我很快就会见到您:)

  3. Python  conferences — The Python community is known for being very open and  welcoming to newcomers. Many of the conferences are low cost or free and  you can sign up to give a five minute lightning talk if you just want  to get your feet wet. The people at all of the Python conferences I’ve  been to are so nice and will try to help you and give you feedback on  what you can do better.

    Python会议-Python社区非常开放并欢迎新来者。 许多会议都是低成本或免费的,如果您只是想弄湿自己的话,可以注册进行5分钟的闪电演讲。 我去过的所有Python会议的人都非常友好,他们会尽力帮助您,并就可以做的更好的事情给您反馈。

提出建议 (Making a Proposal)

Once  you have found a conference you want to apply at, you have to write a  proposal for the talk and come up with a title. Most of the time, the  requirements will be similar or the same so you can pretty much  copy/paste to reuse talk proposals. Here are some general steps to  making good proposals:

找到要申请的会议后,您必须为这次演讲撰写建议并提出标题。 在大多数情况下,需求将是相同或相同的,因此您几乎可以复制/粘贴以重复使用通话建议。 以下是提出好的建议的一些一般步骤:

  1. Research the topic:  Usually, you can see a list of the speakers and talks from previous  years on the conference website (u

