By default, a full ODBC installation is performed with a standard InterSystems installation. If you perform a custom installation (as described in the Installation Guide), you can select the “SQL client only” option to install only the client access components (ODBC client driver).
In addition, however, a stand-alone installer is provided for InterSystems ODBC. To use this installer:
Create the directory where you wish to install the client, such as /usr/irisodbc/.
Copy the appropriate zipped tar file into the directory that you just created.
The ./dist/ODBC/ directory contains zipped tar files with names like the following:
where release-code is a release-specific code (that varies among InterSystems versions and releases) and platform specifies the operating system that the ODBC client runs on.
Go to the directory you created and manually unpack the .tar file, as follows:
- # gunzip ODBC-release-code-platform.tar.gz
- # tar xvf ODBC-release-code-platform.tar
This creates bin and dev directories and installs a set of files.
Run the ODBCInstall program, which will be in the directory that you created. This program creates several sample scripts and configures irisodbc.ini under the mgr directory. For example:
- # pwd
- /usr/irisodbc
- # ./ODBCInstall
InterSystems IRIS | Driver Packages
根据官方文档提供的信息,以下是在 Linux 系统上安装和配置 ODBC 驱动程序的总结:
### 执行独立安装
1. 创建安装客户端的目录,如 `/usr/irisodbc/`。
2. 将适当的压缩 tar 文件复制到您创建的目录中。
3. 手动解压 `.tar` 文件,创建 `bin` 和 `dev` 目录并安装一组文件。
4. 运行 `ODBCInstall` 程序,该程序位于您创建的目录中,用于创建示例脚本并配置 `irisodbc.ini`。
### ODBC 客户端文件
- `libiodbc.so`:iODBC 驱动程序管理器,支持 8 位和 Unicode ODBC API。
- `libodbc.so`:unixODBC 驱动程序管理器,用于 8 位 ODBC API。
- InterSystems ODBC 客户端驱动程序:`libirisodbc35` 支持 8 位 ODBC 3.5,`libirisodbciw35` 支持 Unicode ODBC 3.5。
### 设置共享库路径
- 在 UNIX 系统上使用第三方共享库时,必须通过设置 `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` 来定义 `InterSystems IRIS LibPath` 参数。这是一项安全措施,以防止非特权用户更改路径。
### 故障排除共享对象依赖关系
1. 使用适当的命令列出 InterSystems ODBC 驱动程序的动态依赖项,例如在 Solaris 上使用 `ldd` 命令。
2. 如果没有找到依赖项,则说明所有依赖项都是有效的。如果有错误,请运行命令强制共享对象加载器查找当前目录。
以上总结可以帮助您在 Linux 系统上安装和配置 ODBC 驱动程序。如果您需要进一步的帮助或指导,请随时告诉我!
- #1 创建路径/usr/irisodbc
- root@ubuntu24:/home# cd /usr/
- root@ubuntu24:/usr# mkdir irisodbc
- root@ubuntu24:/usr# cd irisodbc/
- #2 解压驱动 ODBC-2023.
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ls
- ODBC-2023.
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# tar -zxvf ODBC-2023.
- ODBCinstall
- bin/
- bin/libirisodbc35.so
- bin/libirisodbciw35.so
- bin/libirisodbcur6435.so
- bin/odbcgateway.so
- bin/odbcgatewayiw.so
- bin/odbcgatewayur64.so
- bin/irisconnect.so
- bin/libiodbc.so
- bin/libodbc.so
- bin/libodbc.so.2
- bin/libodbc.so.2.0.0
- dev/
- dev/odbc/
- dev/odbc/redist/
- dev/odbc/redist/iodbc/
- dev/odbc/redist/iodbc/odbc.ini_iODBCtemplate
- dev/odbc/redist/iodbc/include/
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/odbcinst.ini_unixODBCtemplate
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/readme.txt
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/odbc.ini_unixODBCtemplate
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/autotest.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/ini.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/log.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/lst.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/odbcinst.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/odbcinstext.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/odbctrac.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/odbctrace.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sql.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sqlext.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sqlspi.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sqltypes.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sqlucode.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/sqp.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/unixodbc_conf.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/uodbc_extras.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/include/uodbc_stats.h
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/libodbcinst.so
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/libodbcinst.so.2
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/libodbcinst.so.2.0.0
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/isql
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/iusql
- dev/odbc/redist/unixodbc/odbcinst
- dev/odbc/redist/ssl/
- dev/odbc/redist/ssl/readme.txt
- dev/odbc/redist/ssl/odbcssl.ini.template
- dev/odbc/redist/ssl/irisodbc.ini.template
- # 解压后情况
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ls
- bin dev ODBC-2023. ODBCinstall
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ll
- total 4636
- drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:16 ./
- drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:15 ../
- drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 bin/
- drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 dev/
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4720787 Jul 15 14:16 ODBC-2023.
- -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 4501 Apr 14 2023 ODBCinstall*
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# pwd
- /usr/irisodbc
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ls
- bin dev ODBC-2023. ODBCinstall
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# cd /usr/irisodbc
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ll
- total 4636
- drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:16 ./
- drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:15 ../
- drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 bin/
- drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 dev/
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4720787 Jul 15 14:16 ODBC-2023.
- -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 4501 Apr 14 2023 ODBCinstall*
- # 安装驱动 可见创建了一个文件irisodbc.ini文件。
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ./ODBCinstall
- Creating irisodbc.ini ...
- Done setting up ODBC and SQLGateway!
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ls
- bin dev mgr ODBC-2023. ODBCinstall
- # 查找文件路径 /usr/irisodbc/mgr/irisodbc.ini
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# find /usr/irisodbc/ -name "irisodbc.ini"
- /usr/irisodbc/mgr/irisodbc.ini
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# ll
- total 4640
- drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:17 ./
- drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:15 ../
- drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 bin/
- drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 14 2023 dev/
- drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:17 mgr/
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4720787 Jul 15 14:16 ODBC-2023.
- -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 4501 Apr 14 2023 ODBCinstall*
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc# cd mgr/
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc/mgr# ls
- irisodbc.ini
- # 该驱动默认的DSN连接配置,如果直接用dsn连接,直接用dsn=User,或者dsn=Userunixodbc
- # 看配置的driver驱动配置:/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so, 说明iris的驱动就是这个so文件,所以代码里面配置这个路径
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc/mgr# cat irisodbc.ini
- [ODBC Data Sources]
- User = User
- Userunixodbc = Userunixodbc
- [User]
- Driver = /usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so
- Description = IRIS ODBC driver
- Host = localhost
- Namespace = USER
- Password = SYS
- Port = 1972
- Protocol = TCP
- Query Timeout = 1
- Static Cursors = 0
- Trace = off
- TraceFile = iodbctrace.log
- Authentication Method = 0
- Security Level = 2
- Service Principal Name = iris/localhost.domain.com
- [Userunixodbc]
- Driver = /usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbcur6435.so
- Description = IRIS ODBC driver
- Host = localhost
- Namespace = USER
- Password = SYS
- Port = 1972
- Protocol = TCP
- Query Timeout = 1
- Static Cursors = 0
- Trace = off
- TraceFile = iodbctrace.log
- Authentication Method = 0
- Security Level = 2
- Service Principal Name = iris/localhost.domain.com
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc/mgr# ls
- irisodbc.ini
- # python查询版本
- root@ubuntu24:/usr/irisodbc/mgr# cd /home/code/
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# vim c1.py
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# python3 c1.py
- ('',)
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# python3 c1.py
- ('',)
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# cat c1.py
- import pyodbc
- driver = '/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so'
- server = 'ip'
- database = 'test'
- username = ''
- password = ''
- port = '1927'
- cnxn = pyodbc.connect(Driver=driver, Server=server, Database=database, UID=username, PWD=password, Port=port)
- cursor = cnxn.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT $ZVERSION")
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- while row:
- print(row)
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cnxn.close()
- # python select 1
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# cp c1.py c2.py
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# vim c2.py
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# python3 c2.py
- (1,)
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code# cat c2.py
- import pyodbc
- driver = '/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so'
- server = 'ip'
- database = 'test'
- username = ''
- password = ''
- port = '1927'
- cnxn = pyodbc.connect(Driver=driver, Server=server, Database=database, UID=username, PWD=password, Port=port)
- cursor = cnxn.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT 1")
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- while row:
- print(row)
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cnxn.close()
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code#
- root@ubuntu24:/home/code#
- import pyodbc
- driver = '/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so'
- server = 'xxx'
- database = 'xxx'
- username = 'xxx'
- password = 'xxx'
- port = '1927'
- cnxn = pyodbc.connect(Driver=driver, Server=server, Database=database, UID=username, PWD=password, Port=port)
- cursor = cnxn.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT 1")
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- while row:
- print(row)
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cnxn.close()
- ###ensure it reads strings correctly.
- cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf8')
- cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, encoding='utf8')
- cnxn.setencoding(encoding='utf8')
- root@ubuntu:/home/code# cat c1.py
- import pyodbc
- driver = '/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so'
- server = 'ip'
- database = ''
- username = ''
- password = ''
- port = '1972'
- cnxn = pyodbc.connect(Driver=driver, Server=server, Database=database, UID=username, PWD=password, Port=port)
- ###ensure it reads strings correctly.
- cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf8')
- cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, encoding='utf8')
- cnxn.setencoding(encoding='utf8')
- cursor = cnxn.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT $ZVERSION")
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- while row:
- print(row)
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- cnxn.close()
- root@ubuntu:/home/code# vim c1.py
- root@ubuntu:/home/code# python3 c1.py
- ('IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1.2 (Build 338_0_21956U) Thu Nov 3 2022 16:05:53 EDT',)
- root@ubuntu:/home/code#
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