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谷歌插件文档 镜像_最好的Google文档插件

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谷歌插件文档 镜像

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Google Docs add-ons work similarly to how a browser extension works. They are a third-party app that you install to Google Docs to gain additional features. Some add-ons increase productivity (like proofreading tools) and some add more extensive capabilities (like allowing teachers to integrate grades into students papers). Here’s how to install them and some of our favorites.

Google文档加载项的工作方式与浏览器扩展的工作方式相似。 它们是您安装到Google Docs以获得其他功能的第三方应用程序。 一些附加组件可以提高工作效率(例如校对工具),而另一些附加组件可以提供更广泛的功能(例如允许教师将成绩整合到学生论文中)。 这是安装它们的方法以及一些我们的最爱。

安装附加组件 (Installing an Add-On)

To get an add-on, open a new or existing file in Google Docs, click “Add-ons,” and then click “Get add-ons.”


Open Add-Ons menu, then click Get Add-Ons

You can browse the list of all add-ons, use the drop-down menu to sort by category or search using the search bar. Once you find an add-on you like, click the “Free” button to install the add-on (if it’s a paid add-on, this button will reflect the purchase price).

您可以浏览所有加载项的列表,使用下拉菜单按类别排序或使用搜索栏进行搜索。 找到您喜欢的附件后,单击“免费”按钮以安装附件(如果是付费附件,则此按钮将反映购买价格)。

searching add-ons by category or with the search box

Upon installing add-ons, you need to grant them specific permissions. These are fundamental to the operation of the add-on in order to function correctly. Make sure you fully understand the permissions and trust the developer before installing any add-on.

安装加载项后,需要授予他们特定的权限。 这些是插件正常运行的基础。 在安装任何附加组件之前,请确保您完全了解权限并信任开发人员。

Click “Allow.”


Give add-on the access permissions it needs

After you’ve installed an add-on, click on “Add-ons”, point to the one you want to use, and then click either “Start” or “Show.” This launches the add-on or docks the sidebar to your window.

安装加载项后,单击“加载项”,指向要使用的加载项,然后单击“开始”或“显示”。 这将启动附加组件或将侧栏停靠在窗口中。

Open Add-Ons menu, point to an add-on, then click Start or Show

删除附加组件 (Removing an Add-On)

If you no longer need an add-on or one just didn’t perform as you expected, they’re easy to remove from Google Docs.


From your document, click “Add-ons,” then click “Manage Add-ons.”


Open the add-ons menu, then click Manage add-ons

In the window that pops up, scroll down to the add-on you’d like to remove, click the green “Manage” button, and then click “Remove.”


Click Manage, then click Remove

The selected add-on is removed and the manage button is now replaced with the blue “Free” install button.


After removal, the Free button is displayed

我们最喜欢的附加组件 (Our Favorite Add-Ons)

Now, with the how-to stuff out of the way, let’s move on to some of our favorite add-ons.


语言工具 (LanguageTool)

LanguageTool add-on

Nobody is a perfect typist. We all make some mistakes and not everyone has the luxury of having an editor. LanguageTool proofreads text in your document for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. It’s offered in 20+ languages, and they never store text, sending everything over an encrypted connection. Oh, and did we mention it’s free? Unlike other popular proofreading apps, LanguageTool offers at no cost many of the same features offered by other paid services.

没有人是完美的打字员。 我们都会犯一些错误,并不是每个人都拥有编辑的特权。 LanguageTool会校对文档中的文本,以防出现拼写,语法和标点错误。 它提供20多种语言,并且它们从不存储文本,而是通过加密连接发送所有内容。 哦,我们提到了它是免费的吗? 与其他流行的校对应用程序不同,LanguageTool免费提供其他付费服务提供的许多相同功能。

One caveat to the free account is the number of characters able to be checked. You are limited to 20,000 characters, meaning you have to highlight the text with your mouse that you want to check in your document, unless the entirety of your document is under the maximum limit.

免费帐户的一个警告是可以检查的字符数。 您的字符数限制为20,000个,这意味着您必须用鼠标突出显示要签入文档的文本,除非文档的整体数量不超过最大限制。

If you elect for a premium account, it’s available for as little as $6/month on a yearly subscription. Premium accounts get Microsoft Word integration, additional typo detections, 40,000 characters per check, and more.

如果您选择高级帐户,则每年订阅只需低至$ 6 /月。 高级帐户获得Microsoft Word集成,其他错字检测,每张支票40,000个字符等。

HelloSign (HelloSign)

HelloSign add-on

One dilemma that’s plagued people for a while has been the issue of signing a digital report or invoice for clients. HelloSign eliminates the need to print out a report, sign it, scan it, then finally send it back. Instead, you use your mouse—or stylus—to sign your document and send it via email to your coworkers or clients. You can even request other signatures for documents that need co-signees.

困扰人们一段时间的一个难题是为客户签署数字报告或发票的问题。 HelloSign消除了打印报告,对其进行签名,对其进行扫描,然后最终将其发送回的需要。 取而代之的是,您使用鼠标(或手写笔)对文档进行签名,然后通过电子邮件将其发送给您的同事或客户。 您甚至可以为需要共同签名者的文档请求其他签名。

This is one of the best signature add-ons available, as many others either don’t save your signature to use in other documents or don’t have as many features. The free version lets you add your own signature to documents and request signatures from other people up to three times per month.

这是可用的最好的签名附加组件之一,因为许多其他签名要么不保存您的签名以供其他文档使用,要么没有太多功能。 免费版可让您将自己的签名添加到文档中,并每月请求其他人签名多达3次。

Pro plans start at $14.99/month and provide unlimited signing requests, additional templates, and some other advanced features.


沃尔夫拉姆·阿尔法 (WolframAlpha)

WolframAlpha add-on

It’s hard enough writing a report these days without getting distracted by the ping of a notification or a friend messaging you in a chat. With the help of WolframAlpha’s free add-on, you don’t have to leave Google Docs to search the internet to find mathematical computations, science & technology, historical facts, and so on.

这些天写报告很难,而不会被通知的ping或朋友在聊天中向您发送消息而分散注意力。 借助WolframAlpha的免费插件,您不必离开Goog​​le Docs即可在互联网上搜索数学计算,科学技术,历史事实等等。

WolframAlpha uses vast databases and algorithms to answer questions, do analysis and generate reports for just about anything you can think of or may need to know.


你好传真 (HelloFax)

HelloFax add-on

Ever need to send a fax but don’t have a fax machine? It might not happen that often, but there are some people out there who still demand faxes. If you’ve run into this problem, this add-on is for you. HelloFax lets you send and receive faxes online through Google Docs to over 70 countries worldwide. Enter the fax number, fill out a cover sheet, and hit “Send.” That’s all there is to it, and your fax is sent to a physical fax machine.

是否曾经需要发送传真但没有传真机? 可能不会经常发生这种情况,但是仍有一些人仍然需要传真。 如果您遇到此问题,则此附加组件适合您。 HelloFax使您可以通过Google文档在线发送和接收传真到全球70多个国家。 输入传真号码,填写封面,然后单击“发送”。 这就是全部内容,您的传真已发送到物理传真机。

This add-on is free for the first five sent fax pages, which is perfect for anyone that only needs to send a few faxes. If you need more than five pages, a basic plan starts at $9.99 for 300 pages/month.

对于前五个已发送的传真页面,此附件是免费的,非常适合只需要发送少量传真的任何人。 如果您需要超过五页,则基本计划的起价为9.99美元,每月300页。

搜索和导航 (Search & Navigate)

Search&Navigate add-on

Search &Navigate is an all-in-one add-on that automatically generates a table of contents; lists bookmarks, images, and tables; and lets you search your whole document to navigate around with ease.

Search&Navigate是一个多合一的附加组件,可自动生成目录。 列出书签,图像和表格; 并让您搜索整个文档以轻松浏览。

Click on any of the links from any of the categories to move your insertion point directly to that part of your document or use the search feature at the top of the pane to parse your file for any keyword you want. Search & Navigate is 100% free.

单击任何类别中的任何链接,以将插入点直接移动到文档的该部分,或使用窗格顶部的搜索功能为所需的任何关键字解析文件。 搜索和导航是100%免费的。

EasyBib (EasyBib)

EasyBib add-on

Whether you’re doing research or writing essays, EasyBib is a dream when citing sources in your documents. It automatically handles one of the more tedious parts by alphabetizing and citing in MLA, Chicago, and APA format. Search for a source (books, journals, or websites) and add it to the end of your essay with a few simple clicks.

无论您是进行研究还是撰写论文, EasyBib在引用文档中的来源时都是一个梦想。 它通过按MLA,Chicago和APA格式按字母顺序排列和引用来自动处理较繁琐的部分之一。 只需单击几下,即可搜索来源(书籍,期刊或网站),并将其添加到文章的末尾。

EasyBib is free to use, but if you want a bit extra, they offer a pro account that offers plagiarism checks, grammar and punctuation suggestions, and even more styles and sources. Pro starts at $9.95/month.

EasyBib是免费使用的,但如果您需要额外的费用,他们会提供一个专业帐户,提供account窃检查,语法和标点符号建议,以及更多样式和资源。 专业版每月9.95美元起。

翻译加 (Translate Plus)

Translate Plus add-on

Translate Plus is a translation add-on built right inside Google Docs so you don’t have to go back and forth between browser tabs. Translate Plus translates over 100 languages (Google Translate’s add-on only supports five). All you have to do is highlight the text and launch the add-on. Selected text is automatically detected; you only have to specify the output language you want to translate into.

Translate Plus是内置在Google文档中的翻译插件,因此您不必在浏览器选项卡之间来回移动。 Translate Plus可以翻译100多种语言(Google Translate的加载项仅支持五种)。 您所需要做的就是突出显示文本并启动加载项。 自动检测到选定的文本; 您只需指定要翻译成的输出语言。

Translate Plus is 100% free.

Translate Plus是100%免费的。

OrangeSlice:老师专栏 (OrangeSlice: Teacher Rubric)

Orange Slice: Teacher Rubric add-on

OrangeSlice: Teacher Rubric expands upon Google Docs and Classroom to add grades that stand out from the assignments and make rubric selections easier, increasing teacher’s grading productivity by eliminating repetitive clicks. Rubrics are fully customizable, allowing you to change any or all of the cells contained inside.

OrangeSlice:Teacher Rubric在Google Docs和Classroom的基础上进行了扩展,添加了从作业中脱颖而出的成绩,并简化了评词选择,从而消除了重复的点击,从而提高了老师的评分效率。 专栏是完全可自定义的,允许您更改其中的任何或所有单元格。

OrangeSlice is completely free for everyone to use.


魔术链接 (Magic Link)

MagicLink add-on

Ever wanted a fast way to link to other documents in your Google Drive without having to open another tab, go to your Drive, copy the link, and then paste it into your file? Magic Link has you covered. It adds a hyperlink that sends collaborators directly to the Drive document of your choosing. This add-on is perfect for file sharing with team members, setting up agendas, or creating your internal Wikis.

是否曾经想过一种快速链接到Google云端硬盘中其他文档的方法,而无需打开另一个标签,转到云端硬盘,复制链接,然后将其粘贴到文件中? Magic Link覆盖了您。 它将添加一个超链接,该超链接将协作者直接发送到您选择的云端硬盘文档。 该插件非常适合与团队成员共享文件,设置议程或创建内部Wiki。

Magic Link is 100% free.

Magic Link是100%免费的。

LucidChart图 (LucidChart Diagrams)

Lucidchart diagrams add-on

Quickly create flowcharts, ERD’s, UML, Venn diagrams, network diagrams, wireframes, and so much more using the LucidChart Diagrams add-on. LucidChart Diagrams is easy to use, with tons of great features to satisfy anyone who needs highly detailed, professional-looking diagrams in their documents.

使用LucidChart Diagrams附件可快速创建流程图,ERD,UML,Venn图,网络图,线框等。 LucidChart Diagrams易于使用,具有大量的强大功能,可满足任何需要在文档中使用非常详细,专业外观的图表的人。

You must sign up for a free account with LucidCharts to start using this add-on. Free accounts are limited to 60 objects per diagram and 3 active diagrams per account. Basic plans start at $4.95/month for unlimited shapes and diagrams.

您必须使用LucidCharts注册一个免费帐户才能开始使用此附加组件。 免费帐户每个图限制为60个对象,每个帐户限制为3个活动图。 基本计划的每月起价为4.95美元,可无限使用形状和图表。

Do you have any favorite add-ons we missed? Leave us a comment and let us know!

您有我们错过的任何喜欢的加载项吗? 给我们留言,让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/401363/the-best-google-docs-add-ons/

谷歌插件文档 镜像

