论文全名为:SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Cross-lingual Focused Evaluation
STS是什么?Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) ,用来表示句子意义的相似性。
主要有哪些应用呢?包括机器翻译(machine translation, MT),总结归纳(summarization),生成(generation),
问答(question answering, QA) ,答案评分(short answer grading),语义搜索(semantic research),
对话系统(diaglog and conversational systems)
分数等级 | 评分标准 | 示例一 | 示例二 |
5 | 这两个句子是完全等价的,意思是一样的 | The bird is bathing in the sink. | Birdie is washing itself in the water basin. |
4 | 这两个句子大部分是等价的,但有些不重要的细节不同 | Two boys on a couch are playing video games. | Two boys are playing a video game. |
3 | 这两个句子大致相等,但是有些重要信息不同/缺失 | John said he is considered a witness but not a suspect. | “He is not a suspect anymore.” John said. |
2 | 这两个句子不相等,但是有一些共同的部分. | They flew out of the nest in groups. | They flew into the nest together. |
1 | 这两个句子不是等价的,而是在同一个主题上。 | The woman is playing the violin. | The young lady enjoys listening to the guitar. |
0 | 两句话完全不一样。 | The black dog is running through the snow. | A race car driver is driving his car through the mud. |
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