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React Flow检查 Props, State , set Default Props_reactflow nodeprops

reactflow nodeprops

cd yourproject

npm install --save-dev flow-bin

增加"flow" 脚本到 package.json

  1. {
  2. "name": "yourproject",
  3. "version": "1.0.0",
  4. "devDependencies": {
  5. "flow-bin": "^0.74.0"
  6. },
  7. "scripts": {
  8. "flow": "flow"
  9. }
  10. }
npm run flow init
> yourproject@0.1.0 flow D:\NodeWorkspace\ yourproject

> flow "init"

npm run flow
> yourproject@0.1.0 flow D:\NodeWorkspace\yourproject
> flow

Launching Flow server for D:\NodeWorkspace\ch5
Spawned flow server (pid=12376)
Logs will go to C:\Users\dengyw\AppData\Local\Temp\flow\DzCzBNodeWorkspacezBch5.                              log
Monitor logs will go to C:\Users\dengyw\AppData\Local\Temp\flow\DzCzBNodeWorkspa                              cezBch5.monitor_log

Started a new flow server: -Please wait. Server is starting up: \Please wait. Se                              rver is starting up: |Please wait. Server is initializing (starting up): /Please                               wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 2000): -Please wait. Server is initi                              alizing (parsed files 4000): \Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files                               7000): |Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 7000): /Please wait. S                              erver is initializing (parsed files 7000): -Please wait. Server is initializing                               (parsed files 7000): \Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 7000): |                              Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 7000): /Please wait. Server is                               initializing (parsed files 7000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed                               files 7000): \Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 7000): |Please w                              ait. Server is initializing (parsed files 7000): /Please wait. Server is initial                              izing (parsed files 7000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 90                              00): \Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 9000): |Please wait. Ser                              ver is initializing (parsed files 10000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (                              parsed files 10000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 10000):                               \Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 11000): |Please wait. Server                               is initializing (parsed files 11000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (pars                              ed files 11000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 11000): \Ple                              ase wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 13000): |Please wait. Server is i                              nitializing (parsed files 14000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed f                              iles 14000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 15000): \Please                               wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 15000): |Please wait. Server is initi                              alizing (parsed files 15000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files                               15000): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 15000): \Please wait                              . Server is initializing (parsed files 16000): |Please wait. Server is initializ                              ing (parsed files 16000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 160                              00): -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 16000): \Please wait. Se                              rver is initializing (parsed files 17000): |Please wait. Server is initializing                               (parsed files 18000): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047):                               -Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): \Please wait. Server                               is initializing (parsed files 18047): |Please wait. Server is initializing (par                              sed files 18047): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): -Pl                              ease wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): \Please wait. Server is                               initializing (parsed files 18047): |Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed                               files 18047): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): -Please                               wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): \Please wait. Server is init                              ializing (parsed files 18047): |Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed file                              s 18047): /Please wait. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): -Please wai                              t. Server is initializing (parsed files 18047): \Please wait. Server is initiali                              zing (parsed files 18047): |Please wait. Server is initializing (resolving depen                              dencies): /Please wait. Server is initializing (resolving dependencies): -Please                               wait. Server is initializing (resolving dependencies): \Please wait. Server is                               initializing (resolving dependencies): |Please wait. Server is initializing (res                              olving dependencies): /Please wait. Server is initializing (resolving dependenci                              es): -Please wait. Server is initializing (resolving dependencies): \Please wait                              . Server is initializing (calculating dependencies): |Please wait. Server is ini                              tializing (merged files 1/3 (33.3%)): /No errors!

一大串日志,不理会,有个No errors才是关键。


  1. //@flow
  2. import React, { Component } from 'react';
  3. import './App.css';
  4. class App extends Component {
  5. render() {
  6. return (
  7. <div className="App">
  8. My App
  9. </div>
  10. );
  11. }
  12. }
  13. export default App;


npm run flow

> ch5@0.1.0 flow D:\NodeWorkspace\ch5
> flow

Error --------------------------------------------------------------------------                              ------------------------ src/App.js:5:19

Cannot use `Component` [1] with less than 1 type argument.

    5| class App extends Component {

   26| declare class React$Component<Props, State = void> {
                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ [1]

Found 1 error
npm ERR! errno 2
npm ERR! ch5@0.1.0 flow: `flow`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the ch5@0.1.0 flow script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional log                              ging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_cache\_logs\2018-06-07T14_31_45_429Z-d                              ebug.log


  1. //@flow
  2. import React, { Component } from 'react';
  3. import './App.css';
  4. class App extends Component<{}> {
  5. render() {
  6. return (
  7. <div className="App">
  8. My App
  9. </div>
  10. );
  11. }
  12. }
  13. export default App;


> ch5@0.1.0 flow D:\NodeWorkspace\ch5
> flow

No errors!
