An Image is Worth 16x16 Words:Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale
ViT(Vision Transformer) 是直接将Transformer直接应用在图像,经过微调:将图像拆成16x16 patch,然后将patch 的 the sequence of linear embedding 作为 Transformers 的输入。
但是实验表明,在中等尺寸数据集训练后,分类正确率相比于ResNet上往往降低几个百分点,这是由于transformer缺乏CNN的固有的inductive bias 如 translation equivariance and locality,因而在数据不充分情况时不能很好泛化。而在数据尺寸足够的情况下训练transfprmer,是能够应对这种inductive bias,实现对流行模型的性能逼近甚至超越。
1. 什么是CNN 的 inductive bisa?
表现为:transformers 在小数据上的预测正确率比 CNN 低,当采用混合结构时(即将CNN的输出特征作为输入序列时,尽在小数据上实现性能提升),这与我们预期有差,期望CNN的引入能够提升所有尺寸训练样本下的性能。就是凭借一些规律得出的偏好:如CNN天然的对图像处理的较好,天然的具有平移不变性等;
2. Patch 如何理解?
patch 是将 3 维图像 reshape 为2维之后进行切分,使用的 position embedding 是1维,将 patch作为一个小整体,然后对patch在整个图像中的位置进行编码,还是按照分割后的位置信息。
这个工作首先把 x ∈ H × W × C x\in H \times W \times C x∈H×W×C 的图像,变成一个 x p ∈ N × ( P 2 ⋅ C ) x_p \in N \times (P^2 \cdot C) xp∈N×(P2⋅C) 的sequence of flattened 2D patches。它可以看做是一系列的展平的2D块的序列,这个序列中一共有 N = H W / P 2 N =HW/P^2 N=HW/P2 个展平的2D块,每个块的维度是 ( P 2 × C ) (P^2\times C) (P2×C) 。其中 P P P 是块大小, C C C 是channel数。
(N,D) ,其中
N 是sequence的长度,
D 是sequence的每个向量的维度,常用256。所以这里也要设法把
H\times W \times C
H×W×C 的三维图片转化成
(N,D) 的二维输入。
所以有: H × W × C → N × ( P 2 ⋅ C ) H \times W \times C \to N \times (P^2 \cdot C) H×W×C→N×(P2⋅C),where N = H W / P 2 N=HW/P^2 N=HW/P2 。
其中, N N N 是Transformer输入的sequence的长度。
x = rearrange(img, 'b c (h p1) (w p2) -> b (h w) (p1 p2 c)', p1=p, p2=p)
具体是采用了einops库实现,具体可以参考这篇博客,科技猛兽:PyTorch 70.einops:优雅地操作张量维度
现在得到的向量维度是: x p ∈ N × ( P 2 × C ) x_p \in N \times (P^2 \times C) xp∈N×(P2×C) ,要转化成 ( N , D ) (N,D) (N,D) 的二维输入,我们还需要做一步叫做Patch Embedding的步骤。
方法是对每个向量都做一个线性变换(即全连接层),压缩后的维度为 D D D ,这里我们称其为 Patch Embedding。
z 0 = [ x c l a s s ; x p 1 E ; x p 2 E ; . . . . ; x p n E ] + E p o s (1) z_0 = [\color{green}x_{class}; \color{back} x_p^1E; x_p^2E; .... ; x_p^nE]+ E_{pos} \tag1 z0=[xclass;xp1E;xp2E;....;xpnE]+Epos(1)
这个全连接层就是上式(5.1)中的 E \color{red}E E ,它的输入维度大小是 ( P 2 ⋅ C ) (P^2 \cdot C) (P2⋅C) ,输出维度大小是 D D D。
# 将3072变成dim,假设是1024
self.patch_to_embedding = nn.Linear(patch_dim, dim)
x = self.patch_to_embedding(x)
注意这里的绿色字体 x c l a s s \color{green}x_{class} xclass ,假设切成9个块,但是最终到Transfomer输入是10个向量,这是人为增加的一个向量。
N=9 个向量输入Transformer Encoder,输出9个编码向量,然后呢?对于分类任务而言,我应该取哪个输出向量进行后续分类呢?
\color{green}x_{class}(vector ,dim =D)
xclass(vector,dim=D) ,这个向量是可学习的嵌入向量,它和那9个向量一并输入Transfomer Encoder,输出1+9个编码向量。然后就用第0个编码向量,即
xclass 的输出进行分类预测即可。
这么做的原因可以理解为:ViT其实只用到了Transformer的Encoder,而并没有用到Decoder,而 x c l a s s \color{green}x_{class} xclass 的作用有点类似于解码器中的 Q u e r y Query Query 的作用,相对应的 K e y , V a l u e Key, Value Key,Value 就是其他9个编码向量的输出。 x c l a s s \color{green}x_{class} xclass 是一个可学习的嵌入向量,它的意义说通俗一点为:寻找其他9个输入向量对应的 i m a g e image image 的类别。
# dim=1024
self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, dim))
# forward前向代码
# 变成(b,64,1024)
cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, '() n d -> b n d', b=b)
# 跟前面的分块进行concat
# 额外追加token,变成b,65,1024
x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1)
按照Transformer的位置编码的习惯,这个工作也使用了位置编码。引入了一个 Positional encoding E p o s \color{violet}E_{pos} Epos来加入序列的位置信息,同样在这里也引入了pos_embedding,是用一个可训练的变量。
z 0 = [ x c l a s s ; x p 1 E ; x p 2 E ; . . . . ; x p n E ] + E p o s z_0 = [x_{class}; x_p^1E; x_p^2E; .... ; x_p^nE]+ \color{violet}E_{pos} z0=[xclass;xp1E;xp2E;....;xpnE]+Epos
sincos 编码,而是直接设置为可学习的Positional Encoding,效果差不多。对训练好的pos_embedding进行可视化,如下图所示。
# num_patches=64,dim=1024,+1是因为多了一个cls开启解码标志
self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_patches + 1, dim))
z 0 = [ x c l a s s ; x p 1 E ; x p 2 E ; . . . . ; x p n E ] + E p o s , E ∈ R P 2 × C × D , E p o s ∈ R ( N + 1 ) × D (2) z_0 = [x_{class}; x_p^1E; x_p^2E; .... ; x_p^nE]+ E_{pos}, \qquad \qquad E\in \mathbb{R}^{P^2 \times C\times D}, E_{pos} \in \mathbb{R}^{(N+1)\times D} \tag2 z0=[xclass;xp1E;xp2E;....;xpnE]+Epos,E∈RP2×C×D,Epos∈R(N+1)×D(2)
z ℓ ′ = M S A ( L N ( z ℓ − 1 ) ) + z ℓ − 1 , ℓ = 1... L (3) {z}'_\ell = \color{violet}MSA(LN(z_{\ell-1}))+z_{\ell-1}, \qquad \qquad \color{back}\ell=1...L \qquad \qquad \qquad \tag3 zℓ′=MSA(LN(zℓ−1))+zℓ−1,ℓ=1...L(3)
z ℓ = M L P ( L N ( z ℓ ′ ) ) + z e l l ′ , ℓ = 1... L (4) z_{\ell} = \color{blue}MLP(LN({z}'_\ell))+{z}'_{ell}, \qquad \qquad \color{back} \ell=1...L \qquad \qquad \quad \tag4 zℓ=MLP(LN(zℓ′))+zell′,ℓ=1...L(4)
y = L N ( z ℓ 0 ) (5) y = LN(z^0_{\ell}) \qquad\qquad\qquad \tag5 y=LN(zℓ0)(5)
作者采用的是没有任何改动的 Transformer。
最后是一个 M L P MLP MLP 的 C l a s s f i c a t i o n − H e a d Classfication - Head Classfication−Head ,整个的结构只有这些,如下图所示,为了方便读者的理解,我把变量的维度变化过程标注在了图中。
x = x.mean(dim = 1) if self.pool == 'mean' else x[:, 0]
先在大数据集上预训练,再迁移到小数据集上面。做法是把ViT的 p r e d i c t i o n − h e a d \color{violet}prediction-head prediction−head 去掉,换成一个 D × K D \times K D×K 的 F e e d F o r w a r d L a y e r \color{violet}FeedForwardLayer FeedForwardLayer 。其中 K K K 为对应数据集的类别数。
当输入的图片是更大的shape时,patch size P P P 保持不变,则 N = H W / P 2 N=HW/P^2 N=HW/P2 会增大。
ViT可以处理任意 N N N 的输入,但是Positional Encoding是按照预训练的输入图片的尺寸设计的,所以输入图片变大之后,Positional Encoding需要根据它们在原始图像中的位置做2D插值。
DModel | Layers | Hidden size | MLP size | Heads | Params |
ViT-Base | 12 | 768 | 3072 | 12 | 86M |
ViT-Large | 24 | 1024 | 4096 | 16 | 307M |
ViT-Huge | 32 | 1280 | 5120 | 16 | 632M |
ViT-L/16代表ViT-Large + 16 patch size
评价指标 Metrics :
2020年ECCV的Big Transfer (BiT)模型,它使用大的ResNet进行有监督转移学习。
2020年CVPR的Noisy Student模型,这是一个在ImageNet和JFT300M上使用半监督学习进行训练的大型高效网络,去掉了标签。
All models were trained on TPUv3 hardware。
在JFT-300M上预先训练的较小的ViT-L/16模型在所有任务上都优于BiT-L(在同一数据集上预先训练的),同时训练所需的计算资源要少得多。 更大的模型ViT-H/14进一步提高了性能,特别是在更具挑战性的数据集上——ImageNet, CIFAR-100和VTAB数据集。 与现有技术相比,该模型预训练所需的计算量仍然要少得多。
下图为VTAB数据集在Natural, Specialized, 和Structured子任务与CNN模型相比的性能,ViT模型仍然可以取得最优。
作者分别在下面这几个数据集上进行预训练:ImageNet, ImageNet-21k, 和JFT-300M。
我们发现: 当在最小数据集ImageNet上进行预训练时,尽管进行了大量的正则化等操作,但ViT-大模型的性能不如ViT-Base模型。
只有到了JFT 300M,我们才能看到更大的ViT模型全部优势。 图3还显示了不同大小的BiT模型跨越的性能区域。BiT CNNs在ImageNet上的表现优于ViT(尽管进行了正则化优化),但在更大的数据集上,ViT超过了所有的模型,取得了SOTA。
作者还进行了一个实验: 在9M、30M和90M的随机子集以及完整的JFT300M数据集上训练模型,结果如下图所示。 ViT在较小数据集上的计算成本比ResNet高, ViT-B/32比ResNet50稍快;它在9M子集上表现更差, 但在90M+子集上表现更好。ResNet152x2和ViT-L/16也是如此。这个结果强化了一种直觉,即:
作者还给了注意力观察得到的图片块, Self-attention使得ViT能够整合整个图像中的信息,甚至是最底层的信息。作者欲探究网络在多大程度上利用了这种能力。
注意这里我们只使用了attention,而没有使用CNN,所以这里的attention distance相当于CNN的receptive field的大小。
作者发现:在最底层, 有些head也已经注意到了图像的大部分,说明模型已经可以globally地整合信息了,说明它们负责global信息的整合。其他的head 只注意到图像的一小部分,说明它们负责local信息的整合。Attention Distance随深度的增加而增加。
整合局部信息的attention head在混合模型(有CNN存在)时,效果并不好,说明它可能与CNN的底层卷积有着类似的功能。
import torch from vit_pytorch import ViT v = ViT( image_size = 256, patch_size = 32, num_classes = 1000, dim = 1024, depth = 6, heads = 16, mlp_dim = 2048, dropout = 0.1, emb_dropout = 0.1 ) img = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256) mask = torch.ones(1, 8, 8).bool() # optional mask, designating which patch to attend to preds = v(img, mask = mask) # (1, 1000)
class Residual(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fn): super().__init__() self.fn = fn def forward(self, x, **kwargs): return self.fn(x, **kwargs) + x class PreNorm(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, fn): super().__init__() self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim) self.fn = fn def forward(self, x, **kwargs): return self.fn(self.norm(x), **kwargs) class FeedForward(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, hidden_dim, dropout = 0.): super().__init__() self.net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim), nn.GELU(), nn.Dropout(dropout), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, dim), nn.Dropout(dropout) ) def forward(self, x): return self.net(x)
class Attention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, heads = 8, dim_head = 64, dropout = 0.): super().__init__() inner_dim = dim_head * heads self.heads = heads self.scale = dim ** -0.5 self.to_qkv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 3, bias = False) self.to_out = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim), nn.Dropout(dropout) ) def forward(self, x, mask = None): # b, 65, 1024, heads = 8 b, n, _, h = *x.shape, self.heads # self.to_qkv(x): b, 65, 64*8*3 # qkv: b, 65, 64*8 qkv = self.to_qkv(x).chunk(3, dim = -1) # b, 65, 64, 8 q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = h), qkv) # dots:b, 65, 64, 64 dots = torch.einsum('bhid,bhjd->bhij', q, k) * self.scale mask_value = -torch.finfo(dots.dtype).max if mask is not None: mask = F.pad(mask.flatten(1), (1, 0), value = True) assert mask.shape[-1] == dots.shape[-1], 'mask has incorrect dimensions' mask = mask[:, None, :] * mask[:, :, None] dots.masked_fill_(~mask, mask_value) del mask # attn:b, 65, 64, 64 attn = dots.softmax(dim=-1) # 使用einsum表示矩阵乘法: # out:b, 65, 64, 8 out = torch.einsum('bhij,bhjd->bhid', attn, v) # out:b, 64, 65*8 out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)') # out:b, 64, 1024 out = self.to_out(out) return out class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, depth, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim, dropout): super().__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) for _ in range(depth): self.layers.append(nn.ModuleList([ Residual(PreNorm(dim, Attention(dim, heads = heads, dim_head = dim_head, dropout = dropout))), Residual(PreNorm(dim, FeedForward(dim, mlp_dim, dropout = dropout))) ])) def forward(self, x, mask = None): for attn, ff in self.layers: x = attn(x, mask = mask) x = ff(x) return x
class ViT(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, image_size, patch_size, num_classes, dim, depth, heads, mlp_dim, pool = 'cls', channels = 3, dim_head = 64, dropout = 0., emb_dropout = 0.): super().__init__() assert image_size % patch_size == 0, 'Image dimensions must be divisible by the patch size.' num_patches = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 patch_dim = channels * patch_size ** 2 assert num_patches > MIN_NUM_PATCHES, f'your number of patches ({num_patches}) is way too small for attention to be effective (at least 16). Try decreasing your patch size' assert pool in {'cls', 'mean'}, 'pool type must be either cls (cls token) or mean (mean pooling)' self.patch_size = patch_size self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_patches + 1, dim)) self.patch_to_embedding = nn.Linear(patch_dim, dim) self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, dim)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(emb_dropout) self.transformer = Transformer(dim, depth, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim, dropout) self.pool = pool self.to_latent = nn.Identity() self.mlp_head = nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(dim), nn.Linear(dim, num_classes) ) def forward(self, img, mask = None): p = self.patch_size # 图片分块 x = rearrange(img, 'b c (h p1) (w p2) -> b (h w) (p1 p2 c)', p1 = p, p2 = p) # 降维(b,N,d) x = self.patch_to_embedding(x) b, n, _ = x.shape # 多一个可学习的x_class,与输入concat在一起,一起输入Transformer的Encoder。(b,1,d) cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, '() n d -> b n d', b = b) x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1) # Positional Encoding:(b,N+1,d) x += self.pos_embedding[:, :(n + 1)] x = self.dropout(x) # Transformer的输入维度x的shape是:(b,N+1,d) x = self.transformer(x, mask) # (b,1,d) x = x.mean(dim = 1) if self.pool == 'mean' else x[:, 0] x = self.to_latent(x) return self.mlp_head(x) # (b,1,num_class)
# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021. # @Author : 绿色羽毛 # @Email : lvseyumao@foxmail.com # @Blog : https://blog.csdn.net/ViatorSun # @Note : import torch from torch import nn, einsum import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange, repeat # from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange class Residual(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fn): super().__init__() self.fn = fn def forward(self, x, **kwargs): return self.fn(x, **kwargs) + x class PreNorm(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, fn): super().__init__() self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim) self.fn = fn def forward(self, x, **kwargs): return self.fn(self.norm(x), **kwargs) class FeedForward(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, hidden_dim, dropout = 0.): super().__init__() self.net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(dim, hidden_dim), nn.GELU(), nn.Dropout(dropout), nn.Linear(hidden_dim, dim), nn.Dropout(dropout) ) def forward(self, x): return self.net(x) class Attention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, heads = 8, dim_head = 64, dropout = 0.): super().__init__() inner_dim = dim_head * heads self.heads = heads self.scale = dim ** -0.5 self.to_qkv = nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim * 3, bias = False) self.to_out = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim), nn.Dropout(dropout) ) def forward(self, x, mask = None): # b, 65, 1024, heads = 8 b, n, _ = x.shape h = self.heads # self.to_qkv(x): b, 65, 64*8*3 # qkv: b, 65, 64*8 qkv = self.to_qkv(x).chunk(3, dim = -1) # 沿-1轴分为3块 # b, 65, 64, 8 q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = h), qkv) # dots:b, 65, 64, 64 dots = torch.einsum('bhid,bhjd->bhij', q, k) * self.scale mask_value = -torch.finfo(dots.dtype).max if mask is not None: mask = F.pad(mask.flatten(1), (1, 0), value = True) assert mask.shape[-1] == dots.shape[-1], 'mask has incorrect dimensions' mask = mask[:, None, :] * mask[:, :, None] dots.masked_fill_(~mask, mask_value) del mask # attn:b, 65, 64, 64 attn = dots.softmax(dim=-1) # 使用einsum表示矩阵乘法: # out:b, 65, 64, 8 out = torch.einsum('bhij,bhjd->bhid', attn, v) # out:b, 64, 65*8 out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)') # out:b, 64, 1024 out = self.to_out(out) return out class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, depth, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim, dropout): super().__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) for _ in range(depth): self.layers.append(nn.ModuleList([ Residual(PreNorm(dim, Attention( dim, heads = heads, dim_head = dim_head, dropout = dropout))), Residual(PreNorm(dim, FeedForward(dim, mlp_dim, dropout = dropout))) ])) def forward(self, x, mask = None): for attn, ff in self.layers: x = attn(x, mask = mask) x = ff(x) return x class ViT(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, image_size, patch_size, num_classes, dim, depth, heads, mlp_dim, pool = 'cls', channels = 3, dim_head = 64, dropout = 0., emb_dropout = 0.): super().__init__() assert image_size % patch_size == 0, 'Image dimensions must be divisible by the patch size.' num_patches = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 patch_dim = channels * patch_size ** 2 # assert num_patches > MIN_NUM_PATCHES, f'your number of patches ({num_patches}) is way too small for attention to be effective (at least 16). Try decreasing your patch size' assert pool in {'cls', 'mean'}, 'pool type must be either cls (cls token) or mean (mean pooling)' self.patch_size = patch_size self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_patches + 1, dim)) self.patch_to_embedding = nn.Linear(patch_dim, dim) self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, dim)) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(emb_dropout) self.transformer = Transformer(dim, depth, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim, dropout) self.pool = pool self.to_latent = nn.Identity() self.mlp_head = nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(dim), nn.Linear(dim, num_classes) ) def forward(self, img, mask = None): p = self.patch_size # 图片分块 # print(img.shape) x = rearrange(img, 'b c (h p1) (w p2) -> b (h w) (p1 p2 c)', p1 = p, p2 = p) # 1,3,256,256 -> 1,64,3072 # 降维(b,N,d) x = self.patch_to_embedding(x) b, n, _ = x.shape # 多一个可学习的x_class,与输入concat在一起,一起输入Transformer的Encoder。(b,1,d) cls_tokens = repeat(self.cls_token, '() n d -> b n d', b = b) x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1) # Positional Encoding:(b,N+1,d) x += self.pos_embedding[:, :(n + 1)] x = self.dropout(x) # Transformer的输入维度x的shape是:(b,N+1,d) x = self.transformer(x, mask) # (b,1,d) x = x.mean(dim = 1) if self.pool == 'mean' else x[:, 0] x = self.to_latent(x) return self.mlp_head(x) # (b,1,num_class) if __name__ == '__main__': v = ViT(image_size=256, patch_size=32, num_classes=10, dim=1024, depth=6, heads=16, mlp_dim=2048, dropout=0.1, emb_dropout=0.1) img = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256) mask = torch.ones(1, 8, 8).bool() # optional mask, designating which patch to attend to preds = v(img, mask=mask) # (1, 1000) print(preds)
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