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共享smb协议 平替


Do you know that you can store system and user databases in a fileshare? Even for a clustered instance this is an option now. In this article we will check how to implement this solution.

您知道您可以将系统数据库和用户数据库存储在文件共享中吗? 即使对于集群实例,现在也可以选择。 在本文中,我们将检查如何实现此解决方案。

On the latest versions of SQL Server new possibilities to assign storage to a clustered instance became available. In this article, we will talk about one of these options, which is also an option for standalone instances by the way: The network-attached storage – SMB Fileshare.

在最新版本SQL Server中,可以使用新的方式将存储分配给群集实例。 在本文中,我们将讨论以下选项之一,顺便说一下,这也是独立实例的选项:网络附加存储– SMB Fileshare。

At first view, this looks weird and not a good option but, in fact, Microsoft worked to make this happen. The fileshare we are talking about has the Service Message Block (SMB) network protocol supporting it, which had an evolution on its latest versions looking to achieve a better reliability and performance. As an example, here is a list of some of those improvements:

乍一看,这看起来很奇怪,也不是一个好选择,但实际上,Microsoft努力做到了这一点。 我们正在讨论的文件共享具有支持它的服务消息块(SMB)网络协议,该协议在其最新版本上进行了改进,以期实现更好的可靠性和性能。 例如,以下是其中一些改进的列表:

  • Windows Server 2008 (SMB 2.0)
    Durability, which helps recover from temporary network glitches.

    Windows Server 2008( SMB 2.0

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (SMB 2.1)
    Significant performance improvements, specifically for SQL OLTP style workloads.

    Windows Server 2008 R2( SMB 2.1
    显着的性能改进,特别是针对SQL OLTP样式的工作负载。

  • Windows Server 2012 (SMB 3.0)
    Support for transparent failover of file shares providing zero downtime.

    Windows Server 2012( SMB 3.0

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (SMB 3.02)
    MTU is turned on by default, which significantly enhances performance in large sequential transfers like SQL Server data warehouse and database backup or restore.

    Windows Server 2012 R2( SMB 3.02
    默认情况下,MTU是打开的,这会大大提高SQL Server数据仓库和数据库备份或还原等大型顺序传输中的性能。

  • As you can notice, at this moment (January 2015) the current version of SMB is 3.02, the one associated

