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集成ci jenkins_使用jenkins fastlane第1 2部分将ci cd集成到多个环境中

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集成ci jenkins

Incorporating Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) in the development process is undeniably the only way to validate the correctness of code changes and to identify integration errors from early on. It is also a way to have bug-free versions of an application, quickly available for testing, and ready to be shipped to production after significant code alterations.

无可否认,在开发过程中整合持续集成(CI)和持续交付(CD)是唯一可以验证代码更改正确性并尽早发现集成错误的方法。 这也是获得无错误版本的应用程序,快速进行测试并在重大代码更改后准备好交付生产的一种方法。

By integrating CI/CD in our day-to-day work, the developers can achieve two significant goals: First, the ability to run test suites on a server which is different than the development machine, so as the engineer can continue working on developing new features in a distractions-free manner, and second, the ability to send remote builds to their Product Owner or QA Engineer, in order to demo/test/review a new feature even if they cannot build and run the project on their own machines.

通过将CI / CD集成到我们的日常工作中,开发人员可以实现两个重要目标:首先,能够在与开发机器不同的服务器上运行测试套件,以便工程师可以继续进行开发工作。以无干扰的方式发布新功能;其二,能够将远程版本发送给产品负责人或质量检查工程师,以便演示/测试/审查新功能,即使他们无法在自己的计算机上构建和运行项目。

But what happens when there are multiple staging environments, and tests must run in different servers or features must be tested in different environments? Here’s where the magic happens with Jenkins and Fastlane, tools that allow to automate the process for different configurations and this is exactly where this article focuses on.

但是,当存在多个暂存环境并且测试必须在不同的服务器上运行或功能必须在不同的环境中进行测试时,会发生什么情况? 詹金斯(Jenkins)和Fastlane就是神奇的地方,这些工具可以针对不同的配置自动执行该过程,而本文正是着眼于此。

There are many excellent articles and tutorials that describe in detail how to use Jenkins and Fastlane in order to set up CI for a mobile project. However, where I want to concentrate is how we can configure the relevant scripts to work for multiple environments.

有许多出色的文章和教程详细描述了如何使用Jenkins和Fastlane来为移动项目设置CI。 但是,我要集中精力的是如何配置相关脚本以在多种环境下工作。

