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基础入门章节请查阅:ESP32-C3入门教程 基础篇①——基于VS Code构建Hello World
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇①——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇②——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战之ESP32固件端源码解析
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇③——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战之Android端源码解析
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇④——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战之微信小程序端源码解析
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇⑤——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战之设备生产流程
ESP32-C3入门教程 IoT篇⑥——阿里云 物联网平台 EspAliYun RGB LED 实战之设备批量生产工具
ESP32固件端源码已经全部开源:小康师兄 / EspAliYun (gitee地址)
//按键扫描 void read_button() { if(gpio_get_level(GPIO_INPUT_IO_0)==0){ uint32_t tick1 = xTaskGetTickCount(); uint32_t tick2 = xTaskGetTickCount(); while(gpio_get_level(GPIO_INPUT_IO_0)==0){ vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_RATE_MS); if(xTaskGetTickCount()>tick1+100){ tick1 = xTaskGetTickCount(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "按键长按\n"); rgb_led.red*=1.1; rgb_led.green*=1.1; rgb_led.blue*=1.1; rgb_led.red=rgb_led.red>255?255:rgb_led.red; rgb_led.green=rgb_led.green>255?255:rgb_led.green; rgb_led.blue=rgb_led.blue>255?255:rgb_led.blue; rgb_led_update(); example_publish(); } } if(xTaskGetTickCount()>tick2 && xTaskGetTickCount()<tick2+100){ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "按键短按\n"); if(rgb_led.led_switch) { rgb_led.led_switch = 0; }else{ rgb_led.led_switch = 1; if(rgb_led.red==0&&rgb_led.green==0&&rgb_led.blue==0){ rgb_led.red=100; rgb_led.green=100; rgb_led.blue=100; } } rgb_led_update(); example_publish(); } } }
,更新彩色灯状态#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "esp_log.h" #include "driver/rmt.h" #include "led_strip.h" #include "rgb_led.h" #define RMT_TX_CHANNEL RMT_CHANNEL_0 #define EXAMPLE_RMT_TX_GPIO 8 #define EXAMPLE_STRIP_LED_NUMBER 1 static const char *TAG = "rgb_led"; led_strip_t *strip; rgb_led_t rgb_led; void rgb_led_update(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "rgb_led_update led_switch: %d, red: %d, green: %d, blue: %d", rgb_led.led_switch, rgb_led.red, rgb_led.green, rgb_led.blue); if(rgb_led.led_switch){ strip->set_pixel(strip, 0, rgb_led.red, rgb_led.green, rgb_led.blue); }else{ strip->set_pixel(strip, 0, 0, 0, 0); } strip->refresh(strip, 50); }
,初始化彩色灯void rgb_led_init(void) { rmt_config_t config = RMT_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TX(EXAMPLE_RMT_TX_GPIO, RMT_TX_CHANNEL); // set counter clock to 40MHz config.clk_div = 2; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_config(&config)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_driver_install(config.channel, 0, 0)); // install ws2812 driver led_strip_config_t strip_config = LED_STRIP_DEFAULT_CONFIG(EXAMPLE_STRIP_LED_NUMBER, (led_strip_dev_t)config.channel); strip = led_strip_new_rmt_ws2812(&strip_config); if (!strip) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "install WS2812 driver failed"); } // Clear LED strip (turn off all LEDs) ESP_ERROR_CHECK(strip->clear(strip, 100)); // Show simple rainbow chasing pattern ESP_LOGI(TAG, "LED Rainbow Chase Start"); }
int example_subscribe(void *handle) { int res = 0; const char *fmt = "/sys/%s/%s/thing/service/property/set"; char *topic = NULL; int topic_len = 0; topic_len = strlen(fmt) + strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1; topic = HAL_Malloc(topic_len); if (topic == NULL) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough"); return -1; } memset(topic, 0, topic_len); HAL_Snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); res = IOT_MQTT_Subscribe(handle, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, example_message_arrive, NULL); if (res < 0) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("subscribe failed"); HAL_Free(topic); return -1; } HAL_Free(topic); return 0; }
int example_publish(void) { int res = 0; char *topic = NULL; const char *topic_fmt = "/sys/%s/%s/thing/event/property/post"; int topic_len = 0; char *payload = NULL; const char *payload_fmt = "{ \ \"version\": \"1.0\", \ \"params\": { \ \"RGBColor\": { \ \"value\": %s, \ },\ \"LEDSwitch\": { \ \"value\": %d, \ }\ },\ \"method\": \"thing.event.property.post\" \ }"; int payload_len = 0; cJSON *rgb = cJSON_CreateObject(); topic_len = strlen(topic_fmt) + strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1; topic = HAL_Malloc(topic_len); if (topic == NULL) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough"); return -1; } memset(topic, 0, topic_len); HAL_Snprintf(topic, topic_len, topic_fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); cJSON_AddItemToObject(rgb, "Red", cJSON_CreateNumber(rgb_led.red)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(rgb, "Green", cJSON_CreateNumber(rgb_led.green)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(rgb, "Blue", cJSON_CreateNumber(rgb_led.blue)); payload_len = strlen(payload_fmt) + strlen(cJSON_Print(rgb)) + 1 + 1; payload = HAL_Malloc(payload_len); if (payload == NULL) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough"); return -1; } memset(payload, 0, payload_len); HAL_Snprintf(payload, payload_len, payload_fmt, cJSON_Print(rgb), rgb_led.led_switch); EXAMPLE_TRACE("publish %s", payload); res = IOT_MQTT_Publish_Simple(0, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, payload, strlen(payload)); if (res < 0) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("publish failed, res = %d", res); HAL_Free(topic); return -1; } HAL_Free(topic); return 0; }
void example_message_arrive(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_msg_pt msg) { cJSON * root = NULL; cJSON * params = NULL; cJSON * rgb_color = NULL; iotx_mqtt_topic_info_t *topic_info = (iotx_mqtt_topic_info_pt) msg->msg; switch (msg->event_type) { case IOTX_MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_RECEIVED: /* print topic name and topic message */ EXAMPLE_TRACE("Message Arrived:"); EXAMPLE_TRACE("Topic : %.*s", topic_info->topic_len, topic_info->ptopic); EXAMPLE_TRACE("Payload: %.*s", topic_info->payload_len, topic_info->payload); EXAMPLE_TRACE("\n"); root = cJSON_Parse(topic_info->payload); params = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "params"); rgb_color = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "RGBColor"); rgb_led.led_switch = (int)cJSON_GetNumberValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "LEDSwitch")); rgb_led.red = (int)cJSON_GetNumberValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(rgb_color, "Red")); rgb_led.green = (int)cJSON_GetNumberValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(rgb_color, "Green")); rgb_led.blue = (int)cJSON_GetNumberValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(rgb_color, "Blue")); rgb_led_update(); example_publish(); break; default: break; } }
int mqtt_main(void *paras) { void *pclient = NULL; int res = 0; iotx_mqtt_param_t mqtt_params; HAL_GetProductKey(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY); HAL_GetDeviceName(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); HAL_GetDeviceSecret(DEMO_DEVICE_SECRET); EXAMPLE_TRACE("mqtt example"); /* Initialize MQTT parameter */ /* * Note: * * If you did NOT set value for members of mqtt_params, SDK will use their default values * If you wish to customize some parameter, just un-comment value assigning expressions below * **/ memset(&mqtt_params, 0x0, sizeof(mqtt_params)); /** * * MQTT connect hostname string * * MQTT server's hostname can be customized here * * default value is ${productKey}.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com */ /* mqtt_params.host = "something.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com"; */ /** * * MQTT connect port number * * TCP/TLS port which can be 443 or 1883 or 80 or etc, you can customize it here * * default value is 1883 in TCP case, and 443 in TLS case */ /* mqtt_params.port = 1883; */ /** * * MQTT request timeout interval * * MQTT message request timeout for waiting ACK in MQTT Protocol * * default value is 2000ms. */ /* mqtt_params.request_timeout_ms = 2000; */ /** * * MQTT clean session flag * * If CleanSession is set to 0, the Server MUST resume communications with the Client based on state from * the current Session (as identified by the Client identifier). * * If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any previous Session and Start a new one. * * default value is 0. */ /* mqtt_params.clean_session = 0; */ /** * * MQTT keepAlive interval * * KeepAlive is the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which * the Client finishes transmitting one Control Packet and the point it starts sending the next. * * default value is 60000. */ /* mqtt_params.keepalive_interval_ms = 60000; */ /** * * MQTT write buffer size * * Write buffer is allocated to place upstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted * to send packet no longer than this to Cloud * * default value is 1024. * */ /* mqtt_params.write_buf_size = 1024; */ /** * * MQTT read buffer size * * Write buffer is allocated to place downstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted * to recv packet no longer than this from Cloud * * default value is 1024. * */ /* mqtt_params.read_buf_size = 1024; */ /** * * MQTT event callback function * * Event callback function will be called by SDK when it want to notify user what is happening inside itself * * default value is NULL, which means PUB/SUB event won't be exposed. * */ mqtt_params.handle_event.h_fp = example_event_handle; pclient = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&mqtt_params); if (NULL == pclient) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("MQTT construct failed"); return -1; } res = example_subscribe(pclient); if (res < 0) { IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient); return -1; } example_publish(); while (1) { IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient, 1000); } return 0; }
,转成配置文件bin文件python $IDF_PATH/components/nvs_flash/nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py generate single_mfg_config.csv single_mfg.bin 0x4000
python C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4\components\nvs_flash\nvs_partition_generator\nvs_partition_gen.py generate single_mfg_config.csv single_mfg.bin 0x4000
python C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4\components\esptool_py\esptool\esptool.py -p COM6 -b 460800 write_flash 0x210000 single_mfg.bin esptool.py v3.2-dev Serial port COM6 Connecting.... Detecting chip type... ESP32-C3 Chip is ESP32-C3 (revision 3) Features: Wi-Fi Crystal is 40MHz MAC: 84:f7:03:08:4d:80 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Changing baud rate to 460800 Changed. Configuring flash size... Flash will be erased from 0x00100000 to 0x00103fff... Compressed 16384 bytes to 326... Wrote 16384 bytes (326 compressed) at 0x00100000 in 0.2 seconds (effective 581.6 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting via RTS pin...
文章中关于CJSON部分内容,同学们如有不了解的可以查阅:ESP32-C3入门教程 系统篇④——cJSON应用实例 | C语言中超轻量级JSON解析器
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