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  •  背景

  •  先决条件

  •  运行演示


请阅读有关 QoS 设置的文档页面,以获取有关 ROS 2 中可用支持的背景信息。



本教程假设您已安装并运行 ROS 2 和 OpenCV。有关安装说明,请参阅 OpenCV 文档。您还需要 ROS 包 image_tools 。

  1. cxy@cxy-Ubuntu2404:~$ sudo apt-get install ros-jazzy-image-tools
  2. [sudo] password for cxy:
  3. Reading package lists... Done
  4. Building dependency tree... Done
  5. Reading state information... Done
  6. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  7. ros-jazzy-image-tools
  8. 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
  9. Need to get 185 kB of archives.
  10. After this operation, 1,052 kB of additional disk space will be used.
  11. Get:1 http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu noble/main amd64 ros-jazzy-image-tools amd64 0.33.4-1noble.20240703.161128 [185 kB]
  12. Fetched 185 kB in 4s (46.2 kB/s)
  13. Selecting previously unselected package ros-jazzy-image-tools.
  14. (Reading database ... 270207 files and directories currently installed.)
  15. Preparing to unpack .../ros-jazzy-image-tools_0.33.4-1noble.20240703.161128_amd64.deb ...
  16. Unpacking ros-jazzy-image-tools (0.33.4-1noble.20240703.161128) ...
  17. Setting up ros-jazzy-image-tools (0.33.4-1noble.20240703.161128) ...


git clone https://github.com/ros2/demos.git -b jazzy



一旦你安装了 ROS 2,请源化你的设置文件:

source ~/.bashrc


  1. cxy@cxy-Ubuntu2404:~$ ros2 run image_tools showimage
  2. [INFO] [1721611318.045341212] [showimage]: Subscribing to topic 'image'
  3. [INFO] [1721611322.141314647] [showimage]: Received image #camera_frame
  4. Received image #camera_frame
  5. [INFO] [1721611323.644344772] [showimage]: Received image #camera_frame
  6. Received image #camera_frame

还没有任何事情发生。 showimage 是一个订阅节点,正在等待 image 主题的发布者。

注意:您必须稍后使用 Ctrl-C 关闭 showimage 进程。您不能仅仅关闭窗口。


  1. cxy@cxy-Ubuntu2404:~$ ros2 run image_tools cam2image
  2. [ WARN:0@1.283] global ./modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (1405) open OpenCV | GStreamer warning: Cannot query video position: status=0, value=-1, duration=-1
  3. [INFO] [1721611322.128570743] [cam2image]: Publishing image #1
  4. [INFO] [1721611322.161307078] [cam2image]: Publishing image #2



ros2 run image_tools cam2image --ros-args -p burger_mode:=True



  1. [INFO] [1715662452.055277255] [cam2image]: Publishing image #1
  2. [INFO] [1715662452.119336061] [cam2image]: Publishing image #2
  3. [INFO] [1715662452.187315139] [cam2image]: Publishing image #3
  4. ...


  1. [INFO] [1715662452.188906764] [showimage]: Received image #camera_frame
  2. Received image #camera_frame
  3. [INFO] [1715662452.252836919] [showimage]: Received image #camera_frame
  4. Received image #camera_frame
  5. [INFO] [1715662452.320878578] [showimage]: Received image #camera_frame
  6. Received image #camera_frame
  7. ...


macOS 用户:如果这些示例不起作用或您收到类似 ddsi_conn_write failed -1 的错误,则需要增加系统范围的 UDP 数据包大小

  1. $ sudo sysctl -w net.inet.udp.recvspace=209715
  2. $ sudo sysctl -w net.inet.udp.maxdgram=65500
这些更改在重启后不会保留。如果您希望更改保留,请将这些行添加到 /etc/sysctl.conf (如果文件尚不存在,请创建该文件):
  1. net.inet.udp.recvspace=209715
  2. net.inet.udp.maxdgram=65500


在你的一个终端中,向原始命令添加一个 -h 标志:

  1. cxy@cxy-Ubuntu2404:~$ ros2 run image_tools showimage -h
  2. Usage: showimage [-h] [--ros-args [-p param:=value] ...]
  3. Subscribe to an image topic and show the images.
  4. Example: ros2 run image_tools showimage --ros-args -p reliability:=best_effort
  5. Options:
  6. -h, --help Display this help message and exit
  7. Parameters:
  8. reliability Reliability QoS setting. Either 'reliable' (default) or 'best_effort'
  9. history History QoS setting. Either 'keep_last' (default) or 'keep_all'.
  10. If 'keep_last', then up to N samples are stored where N is the depth
  11. depth Depth of the publisher queue. Only honored if history QoS is 'keep_last'. Default value is 10
  12. show_image Show the image. Either 'true' (default) or 'false'
  13.   window_name  Name of the display window. Default value is the topic name
  1. ros2 run image_tools showimage -h
  2. 用法: showimage [-h] [--ros-args [-p param:=value] ...]
  3. 订阅一个图像主题并显示图像。
  4. 示例: ros2 run image_tools showimage --ros-args -p reliability:=best_effort
  5. 选项:
  6. -h, --help 显示此帮助信息并退出
  7. 参数:
  8. reliability 可靠性QoS设置。可以是'reliable'(默认)或'best_effort'
  9. history 历史QoS设置。可以是'keep_last'(默认)或'keep_all'
  10. 如果是'keep_last',则最多存储N个样本,其中N是深度
  11. depth 发布者队列的深度。仅在历史QoS为'keep_last'时有效。默认值为10
  12. show_image 显示图像。可以是'true'(默认)或'false'
  13.   window_name  显示窗口的名称。默认值是主题名称



本演示的这一部分在 RTI 的 Connext DDS 和 Fast-DDS 上无法运行。当在同一主机上运行多个节点时,这些 DDS 实现使用共享内存和回环接口。降低回环接口的吞吐量不会影响共享内存,因此两个节点之间的流量不会受到影响。


下一节是特定于 Linux 的。

然而,对于 macOS 和 Windows,你可以使用“Network Link Conditioner”(xcode 工具套件的一部分)和“Clumsy”(http://jagt.github.io/clumsy/index.html)等工具来实现类似的效果,但它们不会在本教程中介绍。

我们将使用 Linux 网络流量控制工具, tc (http://linux.die.net/man/8/tc)。

sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem loss 5%


这个神奇的咒语将模拟本地回环设备上的 5%数据包丢失。如果您使用更高分辨率的图像(例如 --ros-args -p width:=640 -p height:=480 ),您可能需要尝试较低的数据包丢失率(例如 1% )。


接下来我们启动 cam2image 和 showimage ,我们很快会注意到两个程序似乎都减慢了图像传输的速度。这是由默认 QoS 设置的行为引起的。在有损信道上强制可靠性意味着发布者(在本例中为 cam2image )将重新发送网络数据包,直到收到消费者(即 showimage )的确认。

现在让我们尝试运行两个程序,但使用更合适的设置。首先,我们将使用 -p reliability:=best_effort 选项来启用尽力而为的通信。发布者现在只会尝试传递网络数据包,并且不期望消费者的确认。我们现在看到 showimage 端的一些帧被丢弃了,所以在运行 showimage 的 shell 中的帧号将不再是连续的。

  1. ros2 run image_tools cam2image --ros-args -p reliability:=best_effort
  2.  ros2 run image_tools showimage --ros-args --param reliability:=best_effort


sudo tc qdisc delete dev lo root netem loss 5%




  1. cxy@cxy-Ubuntu2404:~/second_ros2_ws/src/demos/image_tools$ tree
  2. .
  3. ├── CHANGELOG.rst
  4. ├── CMakeLists.txt
  5. ├── doc
  6. │   └── qos-best-effort.png
  7. ├── Doxyfile
  8. ├── img
  9. │   └── result.png
  10. ├── include
  11. │   └── image_tools
  12. │   ├── cv_mat_sensor_msgs_image_type_adapter.hpp
  13. │   └── visibility_control.h
  14. ├── package.xml
  15. ├── README.md
  16. ├── src
  17. │   ├── burger.cpp
  18. │   ├── burger.hpp
  19. │   ├── cam2image.cpp
  20. │   ├── cv_mat_sensor_msgs_image_type_adapter.cpp
  21. │   ├── policy_maps.hpp
  22. │   └── showimage.cpp
  23. └── test
  24. ├── cam2image.txt
  25. ├── showimage.regex
  26. └── test_executables_demo.py.in
  27. 7 directories, 18 files


  1. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # 设置CMake的最低版本为3.5
  2. project(image_tools) # 定义项目名称为image_tools
  3. # Default to C++17
  4. if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) # 如果没有设置C++标准
  5. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # 设置C++标准为C++17
  6. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # 强制使用C++17标准
  7. endif()
  9. add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic) # 添加编译选项:显示所有警告、额外警告和严格警告
  10. endif()
  11. find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED) # 查找ament_cmake包,必需
  12. find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED) # 查找rclcpp包,必需
  13. find_package(rclcpp_components REQUIRED) # 查找rclcpp_components包,必需
  14. find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED) # 查找sensor_msgs包,必需
  15. find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED) # 查找std_msgs包,必需
  16. find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED COMPONENTS core highgui imgcodecs imgproc videoio) # 查找OpenCV包及其组件
  17. add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED # 添加共享库
  18. src/burger.cpp
  19. src/cam2image.cpp
  20. src/cv_mat_sensor_msgs_image_type_adapter.cpp
  21. src/showimage.cpp
  22. )
  23. target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME}
  25. target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
  26. "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include>" # 设置包含目录
  28. target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}
  29. rclcpp::rclcpp # 链接rclcpp库
  30. ${sensor_msgs_TARGETS} # 链接sensor_msgs库
  31. ${std_msgs_TARGETS} # 链接std_msgs库
  32. rclcpp_components::component # 链接rclcpp_components库
  33. ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # 链接OpenCV库
  34. rclcpp_components_register_node(${PROJECT_NAME} PLUGIN "image_tools::Cam2Image" EXECUTABLE cam2image) # 注册节点Cam2Image
  35. rclcpp_components_register_node(${PROJECT_NAME} PLUGIN "image_tools::ShowImage" EXECUTABLE showimage) # 注册节点ShowImage
  36. install(
  38. ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib # 安装归档文件到lib目录
  39. LIBRARY DESTINATION lib # 安装库文件到lib目录
  40. RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) # 安装可执行文件到bin目录
  41. install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/${PROJECT_NAME}) # 安装包含目录
  42. # TODO(sloretz) stop exporting old-style CMake variables in the future
  43. ament_export_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}) # 导出库
  44. ament_export_targets(${PROJECT_NAME}) # 导出目标
  45. ament_export_dependencies(rclcpp_components) # 导出依赖
  46. if(BUILD_TESTING) # 如果启用了测试
  47. find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED) # 查找ament_lint_auto包,必需
  48. ament_lint_auto_find_test_dependencies() # 查找测试依赖
  49. find_package(ament_cmake_pytest REQUIRED) # 查找ament_cmake_pytest包,必需
  50. find_package(launch_testing_ament_cmake REQUIRED) # 查找launch_testing_ament_cmake包,必需
  51. find_package(rmw_implementation_cmake REQUIRED) # 查找rmw_implementation_cmake包,必需
  52. # These are the regex's for validating the output of the executables.
  53. set(RCLCPP_DEMO_SHOWIMAGE_EXPECTED_OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/showimage") # 设置showimage的预期输出
  54. set(RCLCPP_DEMO_CAM2IMAGE_EXPECTED_OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/cam2image") # 设置cam2image的预期输出
  55. macro(testing_targets) # 定义宏testing_targets
  56. set(RCLCPP_DEMO_CAM2IMAGE_EXECUTABLE $<TARGET_FILE:cam2image>) # 设置cam2image可执行文件
  57. set(RCLCPP_DEMO_SHOWIMAGE_EXECUTABLE $<TARGET_FILE:showimage>) # 设置showimage可执行文件
  58. configure_file(
  59. test/test_executables_demo.py.in
  60. test_showimage_cam2image${target_suffix}.py.genexp
  61. @ONLY
  62. ) # 配置文件
  63. file(GENERATE
  64. OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_showimage_cam2image${target_suffix}_$<CONFIG>.py"
  65. INPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_showimage_cam2image${target_suffix}.py.genexp"
  66. ) # 生成文件
  67. add_launch_test(
  68. "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_showimage_cam2image${target_suffix}_$<CONFIG>.py"
  69. TARGET test_showimage_cam2image${target_suffix}
  70. ENV
  71. RCL_ASSERT_RMW_ID_MATCHES=${rmw_implementation}
  72. RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=${rmw_implementation}
  73. TIMEOUT 30
  74. ) # 添加启动测试
  75. endmacro()
  76. call_for_each_rmw_implementation(testing_targets) # 为每个rmw实现调用testing_targets
  77. endif()
  78. ament_package() # 定义ament包


  1. <!-- 声明XML版本为1.0 -->
  2. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  3. <!-- 声明XML模型的链接和模型类型 -->
  4. <?xml-model href="http://download.ros.org/schema/package_format2.xsd" schematypens="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"?>
  5. <!-- 声明包的格式为2 -->
  6. <package format="2">
  7. <!-- 声明包的名称为image_tools -->
  8. <name>image_tools</name>
  9. <!-- 声明包的版本为0.33.4 -->
  10. <version>0.33.4</version>
  11. <!-- 声明包的描述 -->
  12. <description>Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications.</description>
  13. <!-- 声明包的维护者 -->
  14. <maintainer email="aditya.pande@openrobotics.org">Aditya Pande</maintainer>
  15. <maintainer email="audrow@openrobotics.org">Audrow Nash</maintainer>
  16. <!-- 声明包的许可证 -->
  17. <license>Apache License 2.0</license>
  18. <!-- 声明包的作者 -->
  19. <author email="dthomas@osrfoundation.org">Dirk Thomas</author>
  20. <author email="mabel@openrobotics.org">Mabel Zhang</author>
  21. <!-- 声明构建工具依赖 -->
  22. <buildtool_depend>ament_cmake</buildtool_depend>
  23. <!-- 声明构建依赖 -->
  24. <build_depend>libopencv-dev</build_depend>
  25. <build_depend>rclcpp</build_depend>
  26. <build_depend>rclcpp_components</build_depend>
  27. <build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend>
  28. <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend>
  29. <!-- 声明执行依赖 -->
  30. <exec_depend>libopencv-dev</exec_depend>
  31. <exec_depend>rclcpp</exec_depend>
  32. <exec_depend>rclcpp_components</exec_depend>
  33. <exec_depend>sensor_msgs</exec_depend>
  34. <exec_depend>std_msgs</exec_depend>
  35. <!-- 声明测试依赖 -->
  36. <test_depend>ament_cmake_pytest</test_depend>
  37. <test_depend>ament_lint_auto</test_depend>
  38. <test_depend>ament_lint_common</test_depend>
  39. <test_depend>launch</test_depend>
  40. <test_depend>launch_ros</test_depend>
  41. <test_depend>launch_testing</test_depend>
  42. <test_depend>launch_testing_ament_cmake</test_depend>
  43. <test_depend>launch_testing_ros</test_depend>
  44. <test_depend>rmw_implementation_cmake</test_depend>
  45. <!-- 声明导出信息 -->
  46. <export>
  47. <!-- 声明构建类型 -->
  48. <build_type>ament_cmake</build_type>
  49. </export>
  50. </package>


  1. #include <iostream> // 包含输入输出流库
  2. #include <sstream> // 包含字符串流库
  3. #include <string> // 包含字符串库
  4. #include <vector> // 包含向量库
  5. #include "opencv2/core/mat.hpp" // 包含OpenCV核心矩阵库
  6. #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" // 包含OpenCV高层GUI库
  7. #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" // 包含OpenCV图像处理库
  8. #include "rcl_interfaces/msg/parameter_descriptor.hpp" // 包含参数描述符消息
  9. #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" // 包含rclcpp库
  10. #include "rclcpp_components/register_node_macro.hpp" // 包含注册节点宏
  11. #include "sensor_msgs/msg/image.hpp" // 包含图像消息
  12. #include "image_tools/cv_mat_sensor_msgs_image_type_adapter.hpp" // 包含自定义类型适配器
  13. #include "image_tools/visibility_control.h" // 包含可见性控制头文件
  14. #include "./policy_maps.hpp" // 包含策略映射头文件
  16. image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer,
  17. sensor_msgs::msg::Image); // 使用自定义类型作为ROS消息类型
  18. namespace image_tools // 定义命名空间image_tools
  19. {
  20. class ShowImage : public rclcpp::Node // 定义ShowImage类,继承自rclcpp::Node
  21. {
  22. public:
  24. explicit ShowImage(const rclcpp::NodeOptions & options) // 显式构造函数
  25. : Node("showimage", options) // 调用基类构造函数,初始化节点名称为"showimage"
  26. {
  27. setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ); // 设置标准输出缓冲区
  28. // Do not execute if a --help option was provided
  29. if (help(options.arguments())) { // 如果提供了--help选项,则不执行
  30. // TODO(jacobperron): Replace with a mechanism for a node to "unload" itself
  31. // from a container.
  32. exit(0); // 退出程序
  33. }
  34. parse_parameters(); // 解析参数
  35. initialize(); // 初始化
  36. }
  37. private:
  39. void initialize() // 初始化函数
  40. {
  41. // Set quality of service profile based on command line options.
  42. auto qos = rclcpp::QoS(
  43. rclcpp::QoSInitialization(
  44. // The history policy determines how messages are saved until taken by
  45. // the reader.
  46. // KEEP_ALL saves all messages until they are taken.
  47. // KEEP_LAST enforces a limit on the number of messages that are saved,
  48. // specified by the "depth" parameter.
  49. history_policy_, // 设置历史策略
  50. // Depth represents how many messages to store in history when the
  51. // history policy is KEEP_LAST.
  52. depth_ // 设置深度
  53. ));
  54. // The reliability policy can be reliable, meaning that the underlying transport layer will try
  55. // ensure that every message gets received in order, or best effort, meaning that the transport
  56. // makes no guarantees about the order or reliability of delivery.
  57. qos.reliability(reliability_policy_); // 设置可靠性策略
  58. auto callback =
  59. this { // 定义回调函数
  60. process_image(container, show_image_, this->get_logger()); // 处理图像
  61. };
  62. RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Subscribing to topic '%s'", topic_.c_str()); // 打印订阅信息
  63. sub_ = create_subscription<image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer>(topic_, qos, callback); // 创建订阅
  64. if (window_name_ == "") { // 如果没有自定义窗口名称
  65. // If no custom window name is given, use the topic name
  66. window_name_ = sub_->get_topic_name(); // 使用主题名称作为窗口名称
  67. }
  68. }
  70. bool help(const std::vector<std::string> args) // 帮助函数
  71. {
  72. if (std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--help") != args.end() ||
  73. std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "-h") != args.end()) // 如果提供了--help或-h选项
  74. {
  75. std::stringstream ss; // 创建字符串流
  76. ss << "Usage: showimage [-h] [--ros-args [-p param:=value] ...]" << std::endl; // 打印用法
  77. ss << "Subscribe to an image topic and show the images." << std::endl; // 打印描述
  78. ss << "Example: ros2 run image_tools showimage --ros-args -p reliability:=best_effort"; // 打印示例
  79. ss << std::endl << std::endl;
  80. ss << "Options:" << std::endl; // 打印选项
  81. ss << " -h, --help\tDisplay this help message and exit"; // 打印帮助选项
  82. ss << std::endl << std::endl;
  83. ss << "Parameters:" << std::endl; // 打印参数
  84. ss << " reliability\tReliability QoS setting. Either 'reliable' (default) or 'best_effort'"; // 打印可靠性参数
  85. ss << std::endl;
  86. ss << " history\tHistory QoS setting. Either 'keep_last' (default) or 'keep_all'."; // 打印历史参数
  87. ss << std::endl;
  88. ss << "\t\tIf 'keep_last', then up to N samples are stored where N is the depth"; // 打印深度参数
  89. ss << std::endl;
  90. ss << " depth\t\tDepth of the publisher queue. Only honored if history QoS is 'keep_last'."; // 打印深度参数
  91. ss << " Default value is 10"; // 打印默认值
  92. ss << std::endl;
  93. ss << " show_image\tShow the image. Either 'true' (default) or 'false'"; // 打印显示图像参数
  94. ss << std::endl;
  95. ss << " window_name\tName of the display window. Default value is the topic name"; // 打印窗口名称参数
  96. ss << std::endl;
  97. std::cout << ss.str(); // 输出帮助信息
  98. return true; // 返回true
  99. }
  100. return false; // 返回false
  101. }
  103. void parse_parameters() // 解析参数函数
  104. {
  105. // Parse 'reliability' parameter
  106. rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor reliability_desc; // 创建参数描述符
  107. reliability_desc.description = "Reliability QoS setting for the image subscription"; // 设置描述
  108. reliability_desc.additional_constraints = "Must be one of: "; // 设置附加约束
  109. for (auto entry : name_to_reliability_policy_map) { // 遍历可靠性策略映射
  110. reliability_desc.additional_constraints += entry.first + " "; // 添加约束
  111. }
  112. const std::string reliability_param = this->declare_parameter(
  113. "reliability", "reliable", reliability_desc); // 声明参数
  114. auto reliability = name_to_reliability_policy_map.find(reliability_param); // 查找参数
  115. if (reliability == name_to_reliability_policy_map.end()) { // 如果参数无效
  116. std::ostringstream oss; // 创建字符串流
  117. oss << "Invalid QoS reliability setting '" << reliability_param << "'"; // 打印错误信息
  118. throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); // 抛出运行时错误
  119. }
  120. reliability_policy_ = reliability->second; // 设置可靠性策略
  121. // Parse 'history' parameter
  122. rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor history_desc; // 创建参数描述符
  123. history_desc.description = "History QoS setting for the image subscription"; // 设置描述
  124. history_desc.additional_constraints = "Must be one of: "; // 设置附加约束
  125. for (auto entry : name_to_history_policy_map) { // 遍历历史策略映射
  126. history_desc.additional_constraints += entry.first + " "; // 添加约束
  127. }
  128. const std::string history_param = this->declare_parameter(
  129. "history", name_to_history_policy_map.begin()->first, history_desc); // 声明参数
  130. auto history = name_to_history_policy_map.find(history_param); // 查找参数
  131. if (history == name_to_history_policy_map.end()) { // 如果参数无效
  132. std::ostringstream oss; // 创建字符串流
  133. oss << "Invalid QoS history setting '" << history_param << "'"; // 打印错误信息
  134. throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); // 抛出运行时错误
  135. }
  136. history_policy_ = history->second; // 设置历史策略
  137. // Declare and get remaining parameters
  138. depth_ = this->declare_parameter("depth", 10); // 声明深度参数
  139. show_image_ = this->declare_parameter("show_image", true);
  140. window_name_ = this->declare_parameter("window_name", ""); // 声明窗口名称参数
  141. }
  142. /// Convert the ROS Image message to an OpenCV matrix and display it to the user.
  143. // \param[in] container The image message to show.
  145. void process_image(
  146. const image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer & container, bool show_image, rclcpp::Logger logger) // 处理图像函数
  147. {
  148. RCLCPP_INFO(logger, "Received image #%s", container.header().frame_id.c_str()); // 打印接收图像信息
  149. std::cerr << "Received image #" << container.header().frame_id.c_str() << std::endl; // 打印接收图像信息
  150. if (show_image) { // 如果显示图像
  151. cv::Mat frame = container.cv_mat(); // 获取图像矩阵
  152. if (frame.type() == CV_8UC3 /* rgb8 */) { // 如果图像类型为CV_8UC3
  153. cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR); // 转换颜色空间
  154. } else if (frame.type() == CV_8UC2) { // 如果图像类型为CV_8UC2
  155. container.is_bigendian() ? cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_UYVY) :
  156. cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_YUYV); // 转换颜色空间
  157. }
  158. // Show the image in a window
  159. cv::imshow(window_name_, frame); // 在窗口中显示图像
  160. // Draw the screen and wait for 1 millisecond.
  161. cv::waitKey(1); // 刷新窗口并等待1毫秒
  162. }
  163. }
  164. rclcpp::Subscription<image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer>::SharedPtr sub_; // 订阅对象
  165. size_t depth_ = rmw_qos_profile_default.depth; // 深度参数
  166. rmw_qos_reliability_policy_t reliability_policy_ = rmw_qos_profile_default.reliability; // 可靠性策略
  167. rmw_qos_history_policy_t history_policy_ = rmw_qos_profile_default.history; // 历史策略
  168. bool show_image_ = true; // 是否显示图像
  169. std::string topic_ = "image"; // 主题名称
  170. std::string window_name_; // 窗口名称
  171. };
  172. } // namespace image_tools
  173. RCLCPP_COMPONENTS_REGISTER_NODE(image_tools::ShowImage) // 注册节点


  1. #include <chrono> // 包含时间库
  2. #include <memory> // 包含智能指针库
  3. #include <sstream> // 包含字符串流库
  4. #include <string> // 包含字符串库
  5. #include <utility> // 包含实用工具库
  6. #include <vector> // 包含向量库
  7. #include "opencv2/core/mat.hpp" // 包含OpenCV核心矩阵库
  8. #include "opencv2/core.hpp" // 包含OpenCV核心库
  9. #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" // 包含OpenCV高层GUI库
  10. #include "opencv2/videoio.hpp" // 包含OpenCV视频输入输出库
  11. #include "rcl_interfaces/msg/parameter_descriptor.hpp" // 包含参数描述符消息
  12. #include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" // 包含rclcpp库
  13. #include "rclcpp_components/register_node_macro.hpp" // 包含注册节点宏
  14. #include "std_msgs/msg/bool.hpp" // 包含布尔消息
  15. #include "image_tools/cv_mat_sensor_msgs_image_type_adapter.hpp" // 包含自定义类型适配器
  16. #include "image_tools/visibility_control.h" // 包含可见性控制头文件
  17. #include "./burger.hpp" // 包含汉堡头文件
  18. #include "./policy_maps.hpp" // 包含策略映射头文件
  20. image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer,
  21. sensor_msgs::msg::Image); // 使用自定义类型作为ROS消息类型
  22. namespace image_tools // 定义命名空间image_tools
  23. {
  24. class Cam2Image : public rclcpp::Node // 定义Cam2Image类,继承自rclcpp::Node
  25. {
  26. public:
  28. explicit Cam2Image(const rclcpp::NodeOptions & options) // 显式构造函数
  29. : Node("cam2image", options), // 调用基类构造函数,初始化节点名称为"cam2image"
  30. is_flipped_(false), // 初始化是否翻转图像为false
  31. publish_number_(1u) // 初始化发布编号为1
  32. {
  33. setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ); // 设置标准输出缓冲区
  34. // Do not execute if a --help option was provided
  35. if (help(options.arguments())) { // 如果提供了--help选项,则不执行
  36. // TODO(jacobperron): Replace with a mechanism for a node to "unload" itself
  37. // from a container.
  38. exit(0); // 退出程序
  39. }
  40. parse_parameters(); // 解析参数
  41. initialize(); // 初始化
  42. }
  43. private:
  45. void initialize() // 初始化函数
  46. {
  47. auto qos = rclcpp::QoS(
  48. rclcpp::QoSInitialization(
  49. // The history policy determines how messages are saved until taken by
  50. // the reader.
  51. // KEEP_ALL saves all messages until they are taken.
  52. // KEEP_LAST enforces a limit on the number of messages that are saved,
  53. // specified by the "depth" parameter.
  54. history_policy_, // 设置历史策略
  55. // Depth represents how many messages to store in history when the
  56. // history policy is KEEP_LAST.
  57. depth_ // 设置深度
  58. ));
  59. // The reliability policy can be reliable, meaning that the underlying transport layer will try
  60. // ensure that every message gets received in order, or best effort, meaning that the transport
  61. // makes no guarantees about the order or reliability of delivery.
  62. qos.reliability(reliability_policy_); // 设置可靠性策略
  63. pub_ = create_publisher<image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer>("image", qos); // 创建发布者
  64. // Subscribe to a message that will toggle flipping or not flipping, and manage the state in a
  65. // callback
  66. auto callback = this -> void // 定义回调函数
  67. {
  68. this->is_flipped_ = msg->data; // 设置是否翻转图像
  69. RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Set flip mode to: %s", this->is_flipped_ ? "on" : "off"); // 打印翻转模式信息
  70. };
  71. // Set the QoS profile for the subscription to the flip message.
  72. sub_ = create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::Bool>(
  73. "flip_image", rclcpp::SensorDataQoS(), callback); // 创建订阅
  74. if (!burger_mode_) { // 如果不是汉堡模式
  75. // Initialize OpenCV video capture stream.
  76. cap.open(device_id_); // 打开视频捕获设备
  77. // Set the width and height based on command line arguments.
  78. cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, static_cast<double>(width_)); // 设置宽度
  79. cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, static_cast<double>(height_)); // 设置高度
  80. if (!cap.isOpened()) { // 如果视频流未打开
  81. RCLCPP_ERROR(this->get_logger(), "Could not open video stream"); // 打印错误信息
  82. throw std::runtime_error("Could not open video stream"); // 抛出运行时错误
  83. }
  84. }
  85. // Start main timer loop
  86. timer_ = this->create_wall_timer(
  87. std::chrono::milliseconds(static_cast<int>(1000.0 / freq_)), // 设置定时器频率
  88. this {return this->timerCallback();}); // 设置定时器回调函数
  89. }
  90. /// Publish camera, or burger, image.
  92. void timerCallback() // 定时器回调函数
  93. {
  94. cv::Mat frame; // 定义图像矩阵
  95. // Initialize a shared pointer to an Image message.
  96. // Get the frame from the video capture.
  97. if (burger_mode_) { // 如果是汉堡模式
  98. frame = burger_cap.render_burger(width_, height_); // 渲染汉堡图像
  99. } else {
  100. cap >> frame; // 从视频捕获设备获取图像
  101. }
  102. // If no frame was grabbed, return early
  103. if (frame.empty()) { // 如果未获取到图像
  104. return; // 提前返回
  105. }
  106. // Conditionally flip the image
  107. if (is_flipped_) { // 如果需要翻转图像
  108. cv::flip(frame, frame, 1); // 翻转图像
  109. }
  110. // Conditionally show image
  111. if (show_camera_) { // 如果需要显示图像
  112. // Show the image in a window called "cam2image".
  113. cv::imshow("cam2image", frame); // 在窗口中显示图像
  114. // Draw the image to the screen and wait 1 millisecond.
  115. cv::waitKey(1); // 刷新窗口并等待1毫秒
  116. }
  117. std_msgs::msg::Header header; // 定义消息头
  118. header.frame_id = frame_id_; // 设置帧ID
  119. header.stamp = this->now(); // 设置时间戳
  120. image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer container(frame, header); // 创建图像容器
  121. // Publish the image message and increment the publish_number_.
  122. RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "Publishing image #%zd", publish_number_++); // 打印发布信息
  123. pub_->publish(std::move(container)); // 发布图像消息
  124. }
  126. bool help(const std::vector<std::string> & args) // 帮助函数
  127. {
  128. if (std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--help") != args.end() ||
  129. std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "-h") != args.end()) // 如果提供了--help或-h选项
  130. {
  131. std::stringstream ss; // 创建字符串流
  132. ss << "Usage: cam2image [-h] [--ros-args [-p param:=value] ...]" << std::endl; // 打印用法
  133. ss << "Publish images from a camera stream." << std::endl; // 打印描述
  134. ss << "Example: ros2 run image_tools cam2image --ros-args -p reliability:=best_effort"; // 打印示例
  135. ss << std::endl << std::endl;
  136. ss << "Options:" << std::endl; // 打印选项
  137. ss << " -h, --help\tDisplay this help message and exit"; // 打印帮助选项
  138. ss << std::endl << std::endl;
  139. ss << "Parameters:" << std::endl; // 打印参数
  140. ss << " reliability\tReliability QoS setting. Either 'reliable' (default) or 'best_effort'"; // 打印可靠性参数
  141. ss << std::endl;
  142. ss << " history\tHistory QoS setting. Either 'keep_last' (default) or 'keep_all'."; // 打印历史参数
  143. ss << std::endl;
  144. ss << "\t\tIf 'keep_last', then up to N samples are stored where N is the depth"; // 打
  145. ss << std::endl;
  146. ss << " depth\t\tDepth of the publisher queue. Only honored if history QoS is 'keep_last'."; // 打印深度参数
  147. ss << " Default value is 10"; // 打印默认值
  148. ss << std::endl;
  149. ss << " frequency\tPublish frequency in Hz. Default value is 30"; // 打印频率参数
  150. ss << std::endl;
  151. ss << " burger_mode\tProduce images of burgers rather than connecting to a camera"; // 打印汉堡模式参数
  152. ss << std::endl;
  153. ss << " show_camera\tShow camera stream. Either 'true' or 'false' (default)"; // 打印显示摄像头参数
  154. ss << std::endl;
  155. ss << " device_id\tDevice ID of the camera. 0 (default) selects the default camera device."; // 打印设备ID参数
  156. ss << std::endl;
  157. ss << " width\t\tWidth component of the camera stream resolution. Default value is 320"; // 打印宽度参数
  158. ss << std::endl;
  159. ss << " height\tHeight component of the camera stream resolution. Default value is 240"; // 打印高度参数
  160. ss << std::endl;
  161. ss << " frame_id\t\tID of the sensor frame. Default value is 'camera_frame'"; // 打印帧ID参数
  162. ss << std::endl << std::endl;
  163. ss << "Note: try running v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext to obtain a list of valid values."; // 打印提示信息
  164. ss << std::endl;
  165. std::cout << ss.str(); // 输出帮助信息
  166. return true; // 返回true
  167. }
  168. return false; // 返回false
  169. }
  171. void parse_parameters() // 解析参数函数
  172. {
  173. // Parse 'reliability' parameter
  174. rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor reliability_desc; // 创建参数描述符
  175. reliability_desc.description = "Reliability QoS setting for the image publisher"; // 设置描述
  176. reliability_desc.additional_constraints = "Must be one of: "; // 设置附加约束
  177. for (auto entry : name_to_reliability_policy_map) { // 遍历可靠性策略映射
  178. reliability_desc.additional_constraints += entry.first + " "; // 添加约束
  179. }
  180. const std::string reliability_param = this->declare_parameter(
  181. "reliability", "reliable", reliability_desc); // 声明参数
  182. auto reliability = name_to_reliability_policy_map.find(reliability_param); // 查找参数
  183. if (reliability == name_to_reliability_policy_map.end()) { // 如果参数无效
  184. std::ostringstream oss; // 创建字符串流
  185. oss << "Invalid QoS reliability setting '" << reliability_param << "'"; // 打印错误信息
  186. throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); // 抛出运行时错误
  187. }
  188. reliability_policy_ = reliability->second; // 设置可靠性策略
  189. // Parse 'history' parameter
  190. rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor history_desc; // 创建参数描述符
  191. history_desc.description = "History QoS setting for the image publisher"; // 设置描述
  192. history_desc.additional_constraints = "Must be one of: "; // 设置附加约束
  193. for (auto entry : name_to_history_policy_map) { // 遍历历史策略映射
  194. history_desc.additional_constraints += entry.first + " "; // 添加约束
  195. }
  196. const std::string history_param = this->declare_parameter(
  197. "history", name_to_history_policy_map.begin()->first, history_desc); // 声明参数
  198. auto history = name_to_history_policy_map.find(history_param); // 查找参数
  199. if (history == name_to_history_policy_map.end()) { // 如果参数无效
  200. std::ostringstream oss; // 创建字符串流
  201. oss << "Invalid QoS history setting '" << history_param << "'"; // 打印错误信息
  202. throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); // 抛出运行时错误
  203. }
  204. history_policy_ = history->second; // 设置历史策略
  205. // Declare and get remaining parameters
  206. depth_ = this->declare_parameter("depth", 10); // 声明深度参数
  207. freq_ = this->declare_parameter("frequency", 30.0); // 声明频率参数
  208. burger_mode_ = this->declare_parameter("burger_mode", false); // 声明汉堡模式参数
  209. show_camera_ = this->declare_parameter("show_camera", false); // 声明显示摄像头参数
  210. device_id_ = this->declare_parameter("device_id", 0); // 声明设备ID参数
  211. width_ = this->declare_parameter("width", 320); // 声明宽度参数
  212. height_ = this->declare_parameter("height", 240); // 声明高度参数
  213. frame_id_ = this->declare_parameter("frame_id", "camera_frame"); // 声明帧ID参数
  214. }
  215. rclcpp::Publisher<image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer>::SharedPtr pub_; // 发布者对象
  216. rclcpp::Subscription<std_msgs::msg::Bool>::SharedPtr sub_; // 订阅者对象
  217. rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_; // 定时器对象
  218. cv::VideoCapture cap; // 视频捕获对象
  219. Burger burger_cap; // 汉堡捕获对象
  220. bool is_flipped_; // 是否翻转图像
  221. bool burger_mode_; // 是否为汉堡模式
  222. bool show_camera_; // 是否显示摄像头
  223. size_t depth_; // 深度参数
  224. double freq_; // 频率参数
  225. int device_id_; // 设备ID参数
  226. int width_; // 宽度参数
  227. int height_; // 高度参数
  228. std::string frame_id_; // 帧ID参数
  229. size_t publish_number_; // 发布编号
  230. rmw_qos_reliability_policy_t reliability_policy_; // 可靠性策略
  231. rmw_qos_history_policy_t history_policy_; // 历史策略
  232. };
  233. } // namespace image_tools
  234. RCLCPP_COMPONENTS_REGISTER_NODE(image_tools::Cam2Image) // 注册节点


  1. #ifndef POLICY_MAPS_HPP_ // 如果没有定义POLICY_MAPS_HPP_
  3. #include <map> // 包含map库
  4. #include <string> // 包含string库
  5. namespace image_tools // 定义命名空间image_tools
  6. {
  7. static // 定义静态变量
  8. std::map<std::string, rmw_qos_reliability_policy_t> name_to_reliability_policy_map = { // 定义字符串到可靠性策略的映射
  9. {"reliable", RMW_QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_RELIABLE}, // 可靠性策略映射:reliable
  10. {"best_effort", RMW_QOS_POLICY_RELIABILITY_BEST_EFFORT} // 可靠性策略映射:best_effort
  11. };
  12. static // 定义静态变量
  13. std::map<std::string, rmw_qos_history_policy_t> name_to_history_policy_map = { // 定义字符串到历史策略的映射
  14. {"keep_last", RMW_QOS_POLICY_HISTORY_KEEP_LAST}, // 历史策略映射:keep_last
  15. {"keep_all", RMW_QOS_POLICY_HISTORY_KEEP_ALL} // 历史策略映射:keep_all
  16. };
  17. } // 结束image_tools命名空间
  18. #endif // 结束对POLICY_MAPS_HPP_的定义
