#录像|KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023#
Topic | YouTube | Tencent |
主论坛演讲: 欢迎和开幕词 Keynote: Welcome + Opening Remarks - Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, The Linux Foundation | Video[1] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:云原生+ Keynote: Cloud Native + - Keith Chan, Director of Strategic Planning, The Linux Foundation APAC | Video[2] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:中国农业银行金融云原生建设实践 Keynote: A Journey to Cloud-Native: Best Practices from Agricultural Bank of China’s Clo... Qing Liu | Video[3] | 视频 |
赞助主论坛演讲: +开源,跃升数字生产力 Sponsored Keynote: +Open Source, Thriving Together for an Intelligent World - Bill Ren, Huawei | Video[4] | 视频 |
赞助主论坛演讲: 云原生 AI 助力大模型生产普惠提效 Sponsored Keynote: Cloud Native AI Boosts Efficiency and Benefits of Large-scale Mod... Li Yi (Mark) | Video[5] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:从模型到市场:在云上部署开源模型的缺失环节是什么? Keynote: From Models to Market: What's the Missing Link in Scaling Open Source Models on... Fog Dong | Video[6] | 视频 |
赞助主论坛演讲:在云原生中保护 AI 工作负载的机密性? Sponsored Keynote: How to Protect AI Workloads in Cloud Native - Grace Lian, Intel | Video[7] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲: 闭幕词(第一天) Keynote: Closing Remarks | Video[8] | 视频 |
自动化云原生应用的零信任 Automating Zero-Trust for Cloud Native Applications - Raul Mahiques & Erin Quill, SUSE | Video[9] | 视频 |
CoCo-AS:CNCF 的首个保密计算认证解决方案 CoCo-as: First Confidential Computing Attestation Solution of CNCF - Jia Le Zhang & Dave Chen | Video[10] | 视频 |
In-toto:保护云原生和机密容器中的软件供应链 In-Toto: Protecting Software Supply Chain in Cloud Native and Application in Confid... Justin Cappos | Video[11] | 视频 |
后利用被入侵的 ETCD Post-Exploiting a Compromised ETCD - Luis Toro Puig, NCC Group | Video[12] | 视频 |
服务感知的零信任容器网络及其向 DPU 的卸载 Service Aware Zero Trust Container Network and Its Offloading to DPU - Arthur Xiang, Digitalchina | Video[13] | 视频 |
构建一个主动-主动的高可用 Kubernetes 控制平面集群 Building an Active-Active HA Kubernetes Control Plane Clu... MinJie Huang & WenJie Song, Jiashun Dai | Video[14] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:开场致辞(第二天) 主论坛演讲:开场致辞 Keynote: Opening Remarks | Video[15] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:中国规模的云原生 Keynote: Cloud Native at China Scale - Chris Aniszczyk, CTO, Cloud Native Computing Foundation | Video[16] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:选择你的冒险之旅:通往生产环境的险象环生之路 Keynote: Choose Your Own Adventure: The Perilous Passage to Production - Whitney Lee & Viktor Farcic | Video[17] | 视频 |
赞助主论坛演讲: 开放创新,加速共建智能世界云底座 Sponsored Keynote: Open Innovation, Accelerating the Co-construction of the Intellig... Alfred Huang | Video[18] | 视频 |
赞助主论坛演讲: 与亚马逊云科技和 Kubernetes 社区一起加速全球创新 Sponsored Keynote: Scaling Global Innovation with AWS and the Kubernetes Community - Nathan Taber | Video[19] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲: 华为终端云服务大规模云原生平台工程实践 Keynote: Cloud Native Platform Engineering for Huawei Mobile Services at Scale - Kevin Wang, Huawei | Video[20] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲:代码生成模型的预训练和微调 Keynote: Pre-training and Fine-tuning of Code Generation Models - Loubna Ben-Allal, Hugging Face | Video[21] | 视频 |
主论坛演讲: 闭幕词(第二天) 主论坛演讲: 闭幕词 Keynote: Closing Remarks | Video[22] | 视频 |
使用可插拔和可定制的智能运行时提升工作负载的 QoS Enhance Workload QoS with Pluggable and Customizable Smarter Runtimes - Rougang Han & Kang Zhang | Video[23] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 仙境:平台构建的冒险 Kubernetes Wonderland: Adventures in Platform Building- Alexa Griffith & Mauricio "Salaboy" Salatino | Video[24] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 命名空间揭秘:释放基础设施的全部潜力 Kubernetes Namespaces Unleashed: Unlocking the Full Potential of You... Victor Varza & Adrian Aneci | Video[25] | 视频 |
开发、构建并部署使用 WebAssembly 的轻量级人工智能服务 Develop, Build & Deploy Lightweight AI Services with WebAssembly - Kinfey Lo, Vivian Hu, Jianbai Ye | Video[26] | 视频 |
教程: 一个关于在 Kubernetes 周围的 CNCF/OSS 可观测性解决方案的搭车者指南 Tutorial: A Hitchhiker's Guide to CNCF/OSS Observability So... Matthias Haeussler & Tiffany Jernigan | Video[27] | 视频 |
教程: 从猫到狮子:使用 Tekton 和构建安全、大规模 CI/CD 平台的实用指南 Tutorial: From Cat to Lion: A Practical Guide to Building Secure, Large-Scale CI/CD Pl... Engin Diri | Video[28] | 视频 |
金融行业云原生存储的最佳实践 Best Practice for Cloud Native Storage in Finance Industry - Yang Cao & Jie Chu, Alex Zheng | Video[29] | 视频 |
在 Kubernetes 上运行远程洗牌服务,以解决 Apache Spark 的一个众所周知的挑战。 Running Remote Shuffle Service to Solve a Well-Known Challenge for Apa... Melody Yang & Keyong Zhou | Video[30] | 视频 |
在金融行业构建一个云原生隐私计算平台 Building a Cloud-Native Privacy Computing Platform in Financial Industry - Yiyang Jin & Lecheng Gong | Video[31] | 视频 |
从零到无穷大:如何基于 AI 技术的对冲基金在 Kubernetes 上构建云原生 AI 平台 From Zero to Infinity: How AI-Powered Hedge Fund Build Cloud-Native AI Platfo... Yang Che & Zhiyi Li | Video[32] | 视频 |
基于 Kubernetes+RoCEv2 构建 AI 训练集群的实践 Practice of Building AI Training Cluster Based on Kubernetes+RoCEv2 - Wang DeKui & Wang Chao IEI | Video[33] | 视频 |
在 k8s 上使用 Ray 对异构 AI 加速器进行 ML 增强 Boost ML on Heterogeneous AI Accelerator with Ray on K8s - Tiejun Chen, VMware | Video[34] | 视频 |
使用新的异步 I/O API 构建代理:探索 Envoy 的 Io_uring 集成 Building Proxy with New Asynchronous I/O API: Exploring Envoy's Io_uring In... Hejie Xu & Zhihao Xie | Video[35] | 视频 |
中国移动云的服务网格探索 The Service Mesh Exploration of China Mobile Cloud - Haiwen Zhang, China Mobile | Video[36] | 视频 |
服务网格正在逐渐见证“云计算”更高的崛起 Service Mesh Is on the Way to Witness the... - Huailong Zhang, Zhonghu Xu, Pei Fei, Xi Ning Wang | Video[37] | 视频 |
赋予开发者开源能力:来自 WasmEdge 的经验教训 Empowering Developers with Open Source: Lessons from WasmEdge, - Miley Fu, Second State | Video[38] | 视频 |
重新思考服务网格负载均衡 Rethink About Service Mesh Load Balancing - Zhonghu Xu, Huawei | Video[39] | 视频 |
如何加速模型训练并消除云计算中的 I/O 瓶颈 How to Accelerate Model Training and Eliminate the I/O bottleneck for the Cloud - Rui Su, Juicedata | Video[40] | 视频 |
不受 CNI 限制的网络性能加速器,使用 eBPF 技术 CNI-Agnostic Network Performance Accelerator with eBPF - Mengxin Liu, Alauda & Yizhou Xu, Intel | Video[41] | 视频 |
使用 eBPF 进行跨集群流量编排 Cross-Cluster Traffic Orchestration with eBPF - Xiaohui Zhang, Flomesh & Zhen Chang, Huawei Cloud | Video[42] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 中的边缘计算:未来的最佳实践 Edge Computing in Kubernetes: Best Practices for the Future - Tina Tsou, Arm & Yin Ding, Google | Video[43] | 视频 |
Envoy 网关:云原生时代的 API 网关 Envoy Gateway: The API Gateway in the Cloud Native Era - Xunzhuo Liu, Tencent & Huabing Zhao | Video[44] | 视频 |
如何建立一个云原生的流量管理平台? How to Establish a Cloud Native Traffic Management Platform? - Miles Zhang, Yingfei Networks | Video[45] | 视频 |
使用 Kyverno 和 Notary 在 GitOps 中摆脱安全链攻击 Kicking Security Chain Attacks to the Curb with Kyverno and Notary... - Shuting Zhao & Feynman Zhou | Video[46] | 视频 |
使用 K8S 和 QEMU 加速软硬件协同仿真 Accelerate Software and Hardware Co-Simulation Using K8s and QEMU - Pu Wang, DatenLord | Video[47] | 视频 |
构建支持无限时间序列的 Prometheus 高性能远程存储方案 Build a High Performance Remote Storage for Prometheus with Unlimited Time Series - Yang Xiang | Video[48] | 视频 |
2023 年亚洲地区的开源项目办公室(OSPO)现状 The State of OSPOs in Asia 2023 - Ana Jimenez, The Linux Foundation | Video[49] | 视频 |
调查全球开源趋势与动态:Linux 基金会研究的最新发现 Investigating Global Open Source Trends and Dynamics: The Latest Findings from... - Cailean Osborne | Video[50] | 视频 |
待处理 Pod 的积极方面:应用生命周期工具包 The Positive Side of Pending Pods: A Toolkit for App Lifecycle - Aayush Sharma, WeMakeDevs | Video[51] | 视频 |
Harbor 进展:安全性、OCI 规范 v1.1 和性能增强 Advancements in Harbor: Security, OCI Spec v1.1, & Performance Enhancement - Yan Wang & Chenyu Zhang | Video[52] | 视频 |
Istio 毕业后的下一步 Next Hop of Istio After Graduation - Zhonghu Xu, Huawei | Video[53] | 视频 |
项目更新和深入探讨:containerd Project Update and Deep Dive: Containerd - Wei Fu, Microsoft & Iceber Gu, DaoCloud | Video[54] | 视频 |
Prometheus 介绍和深入剖析 Prometheus Intro and Deep Dive - Richard Hartmann, Grafana Labs | Video[55] | 视频 |
SIG 仪器仪表:介绍、深入探讨和最新发展 SIG Instrumentation: Intro, Deep Dive and Recent... - Mengjiao Liu & Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava | Video[56] | 视频 |
使用 Notary 项目、ORAS 和 Harbor 来保障 CI/CD 中的容器供应链安全 Securing Container Supply Chain in CI/CD with Notary Project, ORAS and Harbor - Yan Wang, Yi Zha | Video[57] | 视频 |
SIG 集群生命周期:Kubespray 的新功能 SIG Cluster Lifecycle: What's New in Kubespray - Kay Yan, DaoCloud | Video[58] | 视频 |
controller-runtime 每天的新功能--使您的 Operator 更高效 What's New on Controller-Runtime of the Day -- Make Your Operator More Efficient - Siyu Wang | Video[59] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 数据保护工作组深入探讨 Kubernetes Data Protection WG Deep Dive - Xiangqian Yu, Google | Video[60] | 视频 |
革命性的 Kubernetes 日志记录:结构化日志以增强监控 Revolutionizing Kubernetes Logging: Structured Logs for Enhanced Monitoring - Naman Lakhwani, VMware | Video[61] | 视频 |
SIG-Scheduling 介绍与深入探讨 SIG-Scheduling 介绍与深入探讨 SIG-Scheduling Intro & Deep Dive - Qingcan Wang, Shopee & Kante Yin | Video[62] | 视频 |
Dragonfly(蜻蜓):介绍、更新和快手中的 AI 模型分发实践 Dragonfly: Intro, Updates and AI Model Distribution in the Practice of... - Wenbo Qi & Zekun Liu | Video[63] | 视频 |
混合网络:让底层网络和覆盖网络在您的 Kubernetes 集群中共存! Hybridnet: Let Underlay & Overlay Network Coexist in Your Kubernetes... - Bruce Ma & Fang Liang | Video[64] | 视频 |
KubeVirt v1.0:从终端用户的角度来看意味着什么 KubeVirt v1.0: What It Means from an End-User Perspective - Howard Zhang, ARM | Video[65] | 视频 |
Kyverno 游乐场:让策略测试变得轻松愉快,享受整个过程! Kyverno Playground: Make Policy Testing a Breeze and Enjoy the Process! - Shuting Zhao, Nirmata | Video[66] | 视频 |
使用 Volcano 更轻松高效地在 Kubernetes 上运行您的 AI 工作负载和微服务 Run Your AI Workloads and Microservices on Kubernetes More Easily and Efficiently... - William Wang | Video[67] | 视频 |
Dapr 中 WebAssembly 的现状和未来 The State and Future of WebAssembly in Dapr - Loong Dai, Intel | Video[68] | 视频 |
使用 Cilium 进行网络的扩展和扩容、可观测性和安全性 Scaling up and Scaling Out Networking, Observability, and Security... - Bill Mulligan & Jaff Cheng | Video[69] | 视频 |
非侵入式地在多集群联邦中启用 OpenKruise 和 Argo Workflow Non-Intrusively Enable OpenKruise and Argo Workflow in a Multi... - Tiecheng Shen & Rong Zhang | Video[70] | 视频 |
平台现实具有令人惊讶的细节量 Platform Reality Has a Surprising Amount of Detail - Puja Abbassi, Giant Swarm | Video[71] | 视频 |
您的平台工程的心理安全 Psychological Safety for Your Platform Engineering - Shinya Yanagihara, VMware | Video[72] | 视频 |
⚡ 闪电演讲: 带有人工智能能力的云原生 Kubernetes 运维 Lightning Talk: Sailing Kubernetes Operation with AI Power - Peter Pan, Daocloud | Video[73] | 视频 |
⚡ 闪电演讲: 运行大规模 Harbor 服务的最佳实践 Lightning Talk: Best Practice to Run Large Scale Harbor Service - Daojun Zhang, VMware | Video[74] | 视频 |
⚡ 闪电演讲: 如何使用 AIGC-Gateway 在 Kubernetes 上构建无服务器的 AIGC 平台 Lightning Talk: How to Build a Serverless AIGC Platform on Kubernetes Using AIGC-Gateway - Yuan Mo | Video[75] | 视频 |
在任何基础设施上使用 OpenFunction 运行无服务器工作负载 Run Serverless Workloads on Any Infrastructure with OpenFunction - Benjamin Huo & Wang YiFei | Video[76] | 视频 |
扩展云原生边界!通过 KubeEdge 将云原生负载引入 AndroidOS Extending Cloud Native Boundaries! Bringing Cloud Native Workloads to... - Yue Bao & Fucai Wen | Video[77] | 视频 |
突破集群边界,在大规模上自动扩展工作负载 Break Through Cluster Boundaries to Autoscale Workloads Across Them on...- Wei Jiang & XingYan Jiang | Video[78] | 视频 |
在裸金属或虚拟机上使用 Kubernetes?或者使用 Virtink 来兼具两者的优点。 Kubernetes on Bare-Metals or VMs? Or Using Virtink to Have Pros of Both? - Feng Ye & Yang Ailin | Video[79] | 视频 |
KubeVirt 在 Arm 上的应用:增强 Kubernetes 生态系统中的虚拟化能力 KubeVirt on Arm: Enhancing Virtualization Capabilities Within the Kubernetes Ecosystem- Howard Zhang | Video[80] | 视频 |
大型集群中由 containerd 插件驱动的节点级优化 Node-Level Optimization in Large Cluster Powered by Containerd Plugin - Tianyi Tang, Alibaba Cloud | Video[81] | 视频 |
通过 Istio、Kepler 和智能调度实现优化的微服务性能和可持续性 Towards Optimized Microservices Performance &... - Peng Hui Jiang & Kevin Su & Yingchun Guo | Video[82] | 视频 |
当 FinOps 遇上云原生——如何通过云原生调度技术降低云成本 When FinOps Meets Cloud Native – How We Reduce Cloud Cost with Cloud... - Qiming Hu & Jesse Meng | Video[83] | 视频 |
追踪分析,一种关于如何跟踪应用行为的新方法。 Trace-Profiling: A New Way About How to Track Application Behavior - Cheng Chang | Video[84] | 视频 |
在 OpenTelemetry 中平衡成本和质量:采样策略的评估 Balancing Cost and Quality in OpenTelemetry: An Evaluation of Sampling Policies - Zhu Jiekun, Quwan | Video[85] | 视频 |
与我聊天并获取您想要的 PromQL Chat with Me and Get the PromQL You Want - Kunyi Chen, Alibaba Cloud | Video[86] | 视频 |
利用 WebAssembly 实现金融业务的零侵扰可观测性 Enabling Zero Code Observability for Financial Applications Using WebAssembly - Casey Li | Video[87] | 视频 |
多集群警报:一种基于 Kubernetes 的方法 Multi-Cluster Alerting: A Kubernetes-Native Approach - Junot Xiang & Wanjun Lei, QingCloud | Video[88] | 视频 |
使用 KubeRay 和 Kueue 在 Kubernetes 中托管 Sailing Ray 工作负载 Sailing Ray Workloads with KubeRay and Kueue in Kubernetes - Jason Hu, Volcano Engine & Kante Yin | Video[89] | 视频 |
朝着无缝模型编译集成迈进 Toward Seamless Model Compilation Integration - Hongyu Zhu, ByteDance | Video[90] | 视频 |
LLM 作为机器人大脑:由大型语言模型生成的云驱动机器人动作序列 LLM as a Robotic Brain: Cloud-Driven Robot Action Sequences Generated by Large... - Sitong Mao | Video[91] | 视频 |
FATE-LLM:利用联邦学习赋能大型语言模型 FATE-LLM: Empowering Large Language Models with Federated Learning - Fangchi Wang & Layne Peng | Video[92] | 视频 |
AI ASIC 的基准测试、优化和生态系统协作的整合 Consolidation in Benchmarking, Optimization, and Ecosystem Collaboration for AI ASICs - Minghui Yu | Video[93] | 视频 |
加速 AI 应用:NAVER 从模型到应用的旅程 Accelerating AI Application: NAVER's Journey from Model to Application - Eric Liu, BentoML | Video[94] | 视频 |
通过 containerd 和 Kata Containers 接口演进提高节点稳定性 Enhancing Node Stability Through Containerd and Kata Containers Interface... - Chao Wu & Peng Tao | Video[95] | 视频 |
如何使用集群自动缩放器将批处理作业的节点扩展到 2k 个节点 How We Scale up to 2k Nodes for Batch Jobs Using Cluster Autoscaler - Lei Qian, ByteDance | Video[96] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 上的干扰检测和资源隔离增强的最佳实践 Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation Enhancement on... - Haogang Wang | Video[97] | 视频 |
如何在大型集群中加速 Pod 的启动? How Can Pod Start-up Be Accelerated on Nodes in Large Clusters? - Paco Xu, DaoCloud & Byron Wang | Video[98] | 视频 |
平台工程的普及趋势将如何重塑开发者体验? How will the trend towards platform engineering adoption reshape the developer... - Chris Yang | Video[99] | 视频 |
蚂蚁集团跨多个集群交付资源的自动化和无风险解决方案 An Automated and Riskless Solution to Deliver Resources Accross Multiple...- Yikun Wang & Jun Zhang, | Video[100] | 视频 |
数禾使用 Knative 加速 AI 模型服务部署 Shuhe Accelerates AI Model Service Deployment with Knative - Peng Li, Alibaba Cloud & Wenzhe Wei | Video[101] | 视频 |
扩展 Kubernetes 与 CRDs 时需要了解的设计约定 Design Conventions You Need to Know When Extending Kubernetes with CRDs - Hongcai Ren, Huawei | Video[102] | 视频 |
云原生技术与文化背景:跨境最大化业务价值 Cloud Native Technology and Cultural Context: Maximizing Business Value Across...- Katerina Arzhayev | Video[103] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 文档和本地化 Kubernetes 文档和本地化 Kubernetes Documentation and Localization - Michael Yao & Xin Li | Video[104] | 视频 |
多云多集群 HPA 帮助携程集团应对业务低迷和快速恢复 Multi-Cloud Multi-Cluster HPA Helps Trip.com Group Deal with Business... - Honghui Yue & Jingxue Li | Video[105] | 视频 |
揭秘 KubeEdge 的非侵入式服务访问流量闭环 Unveiling Non-Invasive Service Access Traffic Closure with KubeEdge - Xu Shiwei, Huawei | Video[106] | 视频 |
Kubernetes 云边协作:优化大规模智能公园管理 Kubernetes Cloud-Edge Collaboration: Streamlining Large-Scale Smart Park... - Zhen Zhao & Linbo He | Video[107] | 视频 |
云原生时代物流服务的创新:顺丰速运的实践与启示 Innovation in Logistics Services in the Cloud-Native Era: Practice..- Wang Jiezhang & Panggang Cheng | Video[108] | 视频 |
中国招商银行的大规模金融级平台工程实践 Large-Scale Financial-Grade Platform Engineering Practice in China... - Jiahang Xu & Qingguo Zeng | Video[109] | 视频 |
导航 Kubernetes 云提供商 Navigating Kubernetes Cloud Provider - Pengfei Ni, Microsoft | Video[110] | 视频 |
Kubernetes SIG 节点介绍和深入探讨 Kubernetes SIG Node Intro and Deep Dive - Paco Xu, DaoCloud & Xiongxiong Yuan, Gitlab China | Video[111] | 视频 |
我们如何构建生产级 HPA:从有效算法到无风险的自动扩展 How We Build Production-Grade HPA: From Effective Algorithm to Risk-Free... - Ziqiu Zhu & Yiru Guo | Video[112] | 视频 |
深入研究:KWOK Deep Dive: KWOK - Shiming Zhang, DaoCloud & Hao Liang, Tencent | Video[113] | 视频 |
Chaos Mesh:概述、实践与未来 Chaos Mesh: Overview, Practice and Future - Zhou Zhiqiang, Cwen Yin, PingCAP; Xianglin Gao | Video[114] | 视频 |
Crossplane 介绍和深入剖析 - 云原生控制平面框架 Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework - Ying Mo, IBM | Video[115] | 视频 |
为您自己的工作负载和流量定制渐进式交付 Customize Progressive Delivery for Your Own Workload and Traffic - Zhang Zhen & Mingshan Zhao | Video[116] | 视频 |
云原生边缘计算与 KubeEdge:更新与未来 Cloud Native Edge Computing with KubeEdge: Updates and Future - Fei Xu & Hongbing Zhang | Video[117] | 视频 |
Longhorn:介绍、深入探讨和问答 Longhorn: Intro, Deep Dive and Q+A - David Ko & Shuo Wu, SUSE | Video[118] | 视频 |
在 Kubernetes 上构建一个精细化和智能化的资源管理系统 Building a Fine-Grained and Intelligent Resource Management System on Kubernetes - He Cao & Wei Shao | Video[119] | 视频 |
云原生存储产品 CubeFS,助力人工智能加速发展 Cloud Native Storage CubeFS, Empowering AI Acceleration - Hu Yao, OPPO | Video[120] | 视频 |
基于 SPDK 的 Ublk 和 Vduse 的用户空间块服务 Userspace Block Services Based on Ublk and Vduse in SPDK - Liu Xiaodong & Changpeng Liu, Intel | Video[121] | 视频 |
QuarkContainers:用于无服务器的高性能安全容器 QuarkContainers: High Performance Secure Container for Serverless - Shaobao Feng, Huawei Cloud | Video[122] | 视频 |
在 Kubernetes 生产环境中的容器实时迁移 Container Live Migration in Kubernetes Production Environment - Yenan Lang and Hua Liu, Tencent | Video[123] | 视频 |
全球范围内的 EROFS:一种适用于各种用例的基于镜像的内核方法 EROFS Everywhere: An Image-Based Kernel Approach for Various Use Cases - Xiang Gao, Alibaba Cloud | Video[124] | 视频 |
Carvel:云计算问题的清洁工具 Carvel: Clean Tools for Cloudy Problems - Leigh Capili, VMware | Video[125] | 视频 |
从新手到贡献者:在 Kubernetes 和 CNCF 开源项目中留下自己的印记 From Novice to Contributor: Making Your Mark in Kubernetes and CNCF Open Source Projects- Yuan Chen | Video[126] | 视频 |
在特定平台上,开普勒准确吗? Is Kepler Accurate on Specific Platforms? - Jie Ren & Ken Lu, Intel | Video[127] | 视频 |
只是噪音还是真正的字节?云原生中的 eBPF Just Buzz or Real Byte? eBPF in Cloud Native - Bill Mulligan, Isovalent | Video[128] | 视频 |
基于 WebAssembly 的 FaaS 框架,具备分布式机器学习能力 WebAssembly-Based FaaS Framework with Distributed Machine Learning... - Wilson Wang & Michael Yuan | Video[129] | 视频 |
与 KubeEdge 一起航行:通过统一数据接口标准驱动多机器人调度 Sailing with KubeEdge: Driving Multi-Robot Scheduling with Unified Data Interface... - Heng Zhang | Video[130] | 视频 |
忘记 kubectl,与您的集群交流:使用 LLMs 简化 Kubernetes 集群管理 Forget Kubectl and Talk to Your Clusters: Using LLMs to Simplify Kubernetes Cluster... - Qian Ding | Video[131] | 视频 |
填补 Kubernetes 的空白:IO 资源调度和隔离 Fill a Gap of Kubernetes: IO Resource Scheduling and Isolation - Theresa Shan & Cathy Zhang, Intel | Video[132] | 视频 |
开源开发的未来导航:机遇、风险、最佳实践与 GAI Navigating the Future of Open Source Development: Opportunities, Risks, Best Practices... - Anni Lai | Video[133] | 视频 |
开放钱包:为什么世界需要一个开放的钱包,以及它应该如何实现? OpenWallet: Why Does the World Need an Open Wallet & How... - Wenjing Chu & Daniel Goldscheider | Video[134] | 视频 |
生产环境下的 CNI 实时迁移 Live CNI Migration in Production Environments - Yike Wang and Yanzhao Li, VMware | Video[135] | 视频 |
云原生很好,但如何在电信网络中应用它呢? Cloud Native Is Good, but How to Apply It in Telecom Networks? - Hanyu Ding & Qihui Zhao | Video[136] | 视频 |
基于生产案例详细解析和重现 Istio 访问日志的各种应答标记 Detailed Parse and Reproduce Response Flags of Istio Access Log Based on Productio... Chaomeng Zhang | Video[137] | 视频 |
source: 录像|KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023
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