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《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——5. Bus or taxi

《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——5. Bus or taxi


Bus or taxi

Hou often do you take the bus?


Not so often, actually, I seldom take bus because I had a car-sick, when I take a bus, when the car runs in a bad road, when it start and stop reversly, I would be sick within minutes.


首先,你使用的 “I had a car-sick” 这个表达不太正确。在英文中,描述这种感觉应该使用 “I get carsick”,意思是你会因为车晃动而感到恶心。你还说了 “I seldom take bus”,正确的表达应该是 “I seldom take the bus”,因为这里需要一个定冠词来指代具体的交通工具。

然后,“when the car runs in a bad road, when it start and stop reversly” 这句话里有几个问题:首先,“a bad road” 应该是 “bad roads”,因为你可能会遇到多个路况不好的情况;其次,“start and stop reversly” 应该是 “starts and stops abruptly”,这样表达更加地道,意思是车辆突然启动和停止。



“Not very often, actually. I seldom take the bus because I get carsick quite easily. Especially on bad roads, or when the bus starts and stops abruptly, I can feel sick within just a few minutes.”




When was the first time you took a taxi?


Well, I can’t remenber it so clearly, maybe it’s the time when I visit ShangHai to attend the world’s exhibition conference in 2008, I and my father have took a green-cap taxi to somewhere.



  1. “remenber”应该是“remember”。
  2. “it’s the time when I visit”中的“visit”应该用过去式“visited”,因为你在描述过去的事情。
  3. “ShangHai”通常写作“Shanghai”。
  4. “have took”是语法错误,应该用现在完成时的正确形式“had taken”。
  5. “green-cap taxi”虽然描述了出租车的颜色,但更常用的表达是“green taxi”。
  6. “to somewhere”听起来有点笼统,如果能稍微具体点会更好。


“Well, I can’t remember it too clearly, but it was probably back in 2008 when I visited Shanghai with my dad. We were there to attend the world exhibition conference. I remember we took a green taxi from our hotel to the conference center. It was quite an experience navigating the bustling city for the first time!”



“I remember we took a green taxi from our hotel to the conference center.” 为什么不用过去式“remembered”?

在英语中,有时候我们会使用现在时来讲述过去的事情,尤其是在口语交流中。这种用法叫做“历史现在时”,可以使叙述更加生动和直接。在你的句子里,“I remember”表达的是你现在回想起的一个记忆,虽然这个记忆来源于过去,但使用现在时可以让听者感觉更亲近这段经历,好像这件事正在眼前发生一样。因此,在这种情境下使用“remember”而不是“remembered”,可以让整个叙述显得更加活泼和真实。这在口语考试中是一个很好的策略,可以增强表达的效果。



“It was quite an experience navigating the bustling city for the first time!”中的“navigating ”想表达什么,导航吗,但是我们当时没用导航啊?

在这个句子中,“navigating”确实可以解释为使用导航工具,但在更广泛的英语用法中,它还有“找到路线”或“在某地移动”的意思,不一定涉及到实际使用导航设备。当你说“It was quite an experience navigating the bustling city for the first time!”时,它传达的是你第一次在一个繁忙的城市中尝试找路或者穿行其间的经历,这种表达强调了在陌生环境中的探索和适应过程。

因此,这里的“navigating”更多的是指在城市中自己找路的经历,而不必特指使用了导航设备。这样的用法在英语中很常见,用来描述在新环境中的自我引导和探索。如果你觉得“navigating”可能会引起误解,也可以用其他表达,如“moving through”或“exploring”,这些都能很好地传达同样的意思。


A: Um, it was last Saturday, My girlfriend and I went to the aquarium and since it’s a little far from our university and we didn’t want to take the bus or subway, we just hailed a cab. The cab driver was pretty nice and the ride was quite comfy.

A: 嗯,是上周六,我和我的女朋友去了水族馆。因为那里离我们大学有点远,我们不想坐公交或地铁,就直接拦了一辆出租车。出租车司机人很好,车程也相当舒适。



  1. 语气和正式程度:”Comfy“是”comfortable“的非正式说法,通常在口语或者非正式的写作中使用。使用"comfy"可以让语气听起来更轻松和亲切。例如,在和朋友聊天时,你可能会说:“These shoes are really comfy.”

  2. 使用场合:“Comfortable”比“comfy”更正式,适用于正式文档或正式场合。例如,在商务会议或在正式文档中,你可能会说:“The chairs in the conference room are very comfortable.”

  3. 感觉和含义:尽管两者都表示“舒适”,“comfy”通常用来描述给予人温馨、放松感觉的物品,如衣服、鞋子或家具等。而“comfortable”则更广泛,不仅用于描述物品,还可用来描述情况或环境,比如一个人在某个社交场合是否感到自在。


What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared to taking the bus?


Well, I think it’s more free to take a taxi than to take a bus, nowadays the hailing app is very popular and I use it very frequently, if I wanna go to somewhere, I just need to open the app like didi or baidu and tell it my destination, than it would help me to find the nearest vacant cars. While if I chose to take the bus, I need to arrive the bus station firstly, then wait the bus to come.



首先,“it’s more free to take a taxi” 这个表达有点不太自然。在英语中,“free” 通常与自由、免费相关,这里可以使用 “flexible” 或 “convenient” 来代替。

其次,介词的使用需要稍微注意一下,“than” 应该是 “then”,这是一个常见的拼写错误。

在描述使用打车软件的过程中,句子结构可以更简洁一些。此外,“vacant cars” 通常我们会说 “available taxis” 或 “available cars”,这样更符合日常表达。

对于坐公交的部分,“arrive the bus station” 应该用 “get to the bus station” 或 “reach the bus station”,因为 “arrive” 后通常接地点时需要使用介词 “at”。


“Well, I think taking a taxi is more flexible than taking a bus. These days, everyone’s using ride-hailing apps—they’re super popular. Whenever I need to go somewhere, I just whip out my phone, open an app like Didi or Baidu, and enter my destination. It’s really handy because the app quickly shows me the available cars nearby. On the other hand, if I were to take a bus, I’d have to first get to the bus station and then wait for the bus to show up. It’s just not as convenient.”



"if I were to take a bus"中“were to”是什么语法?相当于wanted to吗?

在 “if I were to take a bus” 中使用的 “were to” 是一种特殊的英语条件句结构,用于表达虚拟条件,即假设性的或未发生的情况。这种结构通常用于更正式或更考究的英语中,特别是当谈论那些可能不会真实发生或仅仅作为假设讨论时。

这种用法不完全等同于 “wanted to”。“Wanted to” 通常表达的是意愿或愿望,而 “were to” 结构则更多地用来描绘一种假设性的、未必会发生的情境。“Were to” 的使用强调了虚拟语气,即事情并未发生,但是在探讨如果它发生会怎样的情况。


  • Were to:If I were to win the lottery, I would buy a house. (如果我中了彩票,我会买一栋房子。这里的 “were to” 表示这是一种假设,可能性不大。)
  • Wanted to:If I wanted to buy a house, I would need to save money. (如果我想买房子,我需要存钱。这里的 “wanted to” 表示这是一个具体的愿望或意图。)

因此,“were to” 在语气上更偏向于表达一种非现实或理论上的可能性,而不仅仅是一个人的意愿或计划。这种用法在讨论理论上的情况或做更加推测性的假设时非常有用。

“It’s just not as convenient.”中的"as"是什么词性,什么意思,什么作用?

在句子 “It’s just not as convenient” 中,使用了单个 “as” 来进行比较,这是比较级的一个常见结构,通常出现在比较级的表达中,尽管更常见的形式是 “as…as”。

在这种情况下,“as” 仍然是一个副词,用于表示程度或强度,这里具体指比较便利性的程度。这个句子暗示了一个省略的比较——“It’s just not as convenient [as something else]”。即使没有显式地提到比较的对象,听者或读者通常可以从上下文中推断出来。

  • 词性:副词
  • 意思:用来表达程度,尤其在比较中。
  • 作用:这里的 “as” 用于形成比较的表达,即使比较的另一半没有直接出现在句子中。这种用法强调在某个方面(本例中是便利性)比某个标准或另一个选项差。

总之,即使 “as” 没有与另一个 “as” 配对,它在这里也起到了表达程度和比较的作用,说明事物的特性与其他可能未提及的事物相比较时的差异。这种用法在英语口语和书面语中相当常见,尤其是在讨论和比较特性或质量时。


A: Off the top of my head, it’s more comfortable, for sure. When you’re taking the bus, you’re usually surrounded by tons of people and you can seldom get a seat, which means you might have to stand for a long time, whereas in a taxi…um, it’s just comfy, right? Another difference is that you have privacy coz you’re alone, with a taxi driver of course. In comparison, on a bus, whatever you do, other people are watching you.



When you’re taking the bus, you’re usually surrounded by tons of people and you can seldom get a seat.


When you’re taking the bus, you would be surrounded by tons of people and you can seldom get a seat

