无人机利用A * 算法规划当前认为可行的路径,绿色的线段
// // Created by hazyparker on 2021/12/10. // #ifndef INC_5_FINAL_SOLUTION_H #define INC_5_FINAL_SOLUTION_H #include "cmath" #include <array> #include <chrono> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <stack> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; typedef pair<int, int> Pair; typedef vector<vector<int>> Vec2int; typedef tuple<bool, int, int, int> PathVar; class Solution { private: int ROW; int COL; Pair StartPoint; Pair EndPoint; stack<Pair> DynamicPath; // FIXME: cannot define vector in class? like vector<int> vec; have to be vec = vector<int>(100) // reference: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70332332/how-to-use-vector-as-a-private-member-in-class-to-store-and-pass-data/70332667#70332667 // however, it's still not fixed Vec2int map_vector; Vec2int radar_vector; Vec2int check_vector; Vec2int show_vector; public: Solution(): ROW{ 100 }, COL{ 100 }, map_vector(ROW, vector<int>(COL)), radar_vector(ROW, vector<int>(COL)), check_vector(ROW, vector<int>(COL)), show_vector(ROW, vector<int>(COL)), StartPoint({10, 10}), EndPoint({90, 90}) {} // A structure to hold the necessary parameters struct cell { // Row and Column index of its parent Pair nodeParent; // f = g + h double cost_f, cost_g, cost_h; cell(): nodeParent(-1, -1), cost_f(-1), cost_g(-1), cost_h(-1){} }; /** * set start point in coordinate position, then trans to array pos * @param x corPos x * @param y corPos y */ void setStartPoint(int x, int y); /** * set end point in coordinate position, then trans to array pos * @param x corPos x * @param y corPos y */ void setEndPoint(int x, int y); /** * transfer coordinate position to (i, j) display in array which starting at [0] * @param corPos pair(STL, C++) coordinate position of a point * @return array position */ static Pair cor2ArrayPos(Pair corPos); /** * check whether given cell (row, col) is a valid cell or not. * @param grid * @param point * @return bool */ bool isValid(const vector<vector <int>> &grid, const Pair& point) const; /** * A Utility Function to check whether the given cell is blocked or not * @param grid * @param point * @return */ bool isUnBlocked(const vector<vector <int>> &grid, const Pair& point) const; /** * A Utility Function to check whether destination cell has been reached or not * @param position * @param dest * @return */ bool isDestination(const Pair& position); /** * A Utility Function to calculate the 'h' heuristics * @param src * @param dest * @return */ static double calculateHValue(const Pair& src, const Pair& dest); /** * transfer vector<vector<int>> to gray scale Mat(image) * @param grid * @return Mat mat */ Mat vector2ObstacleMap(Vec2int &grid) const; /** * read m_map array from file(mapName), write it in map_vector * @param mapName * @return map_vector */ Vec2int getVectorRawGrid(const string& mapName); /** * using erode function in openCV to add boundaries * @param grid * @return vector<vector<int>> */ Vec2int getVectorBoundaryGrid(Vec2int &grid) const; /** * transfer cv::Mat to vector<vector<int>> * @param src * @param m * @param n * @return */ static vector<vector<int>> mat2Vector(Mat &src, int m, int n); /** * transfer vector<vector<int>> to cv::Mat * @param vec * @return */ static Mat vector2Mat(vector<vector<int>> &vec); /** * Lidar Stimulation, fetch data from radar based on position currently * @param pos * @param Vec */ void fetchLidarData(Pair &pos, Vec2int &Vec); /** * merge Intervals * @param newRange * @param intervals * @return */ static vector<pair<double, double>> mergeInterval(const pair<double, double> &newRange, vector<pair<double, double>> &intervals); /** * check if the interval you input is included in intervals that you check * @param newRange * @param intervals * @return */ static bool checkInterval(const pair<double, double> &newRange, vector<pair<double, double>> &intervals); /** * calculate degree range of a RECT * assuming radar located at point_0, target pos is point_d * @param point_0 * @param point_d * @return */ static pair<double, double> getThetaRange(Pair point_0, Pair point_d); /** * clear vector maps already scanned * cos 1 means visible and reachable, setting it as 1 */ void clearRadarMap(); /** * launch radar */ void launchRadar(); /** * A star search while pos and grid is changing * @param pos * @param m_grid */ void dynamicSearch(Pair &pos, Vec2int &m_grid); /** * trace path when A star is finished * @param cellDetails * @param pos */ void dynamicTracePath(const vector<vector <cell>> &cellDetails, const Pair &pos); /** * check if there is Obstacle on Path calculated by A star * @param path * @return */ PathVar ifPathObstacle(vector<Pair> &path); /** * show path using openCV */ void showPath(); }; #endif //INC_5_FINAL_SOLUTION_H
#include "Solution.h" using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main() { vector<vector<int>> grid; Solution solve; solve.getVectorRawGrid("test_1.map"); solve.setStartPoint(40, 10); solve.setEndPoint(40, 90); solve.launchRadar(); solve.showPath(); return 0; }
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
# OpenCV
add_executable(5_final main.cpp AStarSearch.cpp AStarSearch.h readMap.cpp readMap.h testRadar.cpp testRadar.h Solution.cpp Solution.h)
# link
// // Created by hazyparker on 2021/12/10. // #include "Solution.h" #include "cmath" #include <array> #include <chrono> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; typedef pair<int, int> Pair; typedef vector<vector<int>> Vec2int; typedef tuple<double, int, int> Tuple; typedef tuple<bool, int, int, int> PathVar; vector<Pair> OverallPath; Vec2int Solution::getVectorRawGrid(const string& mapName) { string FILEPATH = "../../maps/" + mapName; const char *filepath = (char*)FILEPATH.data(); // read map int32_t m_mx, m_my, m_startX, m_startY, m_endX, m_endY; int8_t *m_map; Mat img; FILE *fp; uint32_t f_magic; // open file fp = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if( fp == nullptr ) { printf("ERR: failed to open file %s!\n", filepath); exit(100); } // check file magic number fread(&f_magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); if( f_magic != 0x15432345 ) { printf("ERR: input file format is not correct! %s\n", filepath); goto MAP_LOAD_RET; } // read map nx, ny fread(&m_mx, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); fread(&m_my, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); ROW = m_mx; COL = m_my; // read map m_map = new int8_t[m_mx * m_my]; fread(m_map, sizeof(int8_t), m_mx * m_my, fp); // read start,end point fread(&m_startX, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); fread(&m_startY, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); fread(&m_endX, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); fread(&m_endY, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp); StartPoint = {m_startX, m_startY}; EndPoint = {m_endX, m_endY}; MAP_LOAD_RET: fclose(fp); int cols = m_mx; // Mat to Vector2int for (int i = 0; i < m_mx; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < m_my; j++){ // 1 is reachable // 0 is blocked if (int(m_map[i * cols + j]) == 0){ map_vector[i][j] = 1; } if (int(m_map[i * cols + j]) == 1){ map_vector[i][j] = 0; } } } return map_vector; } Pair Solution::cor2ArrayPos(Pair corPos) { Pair ArrayPos; ArrayPos.first = corPos.second - 1; ArrayPos.second = corPos.first - 1; return ArrayPos; } void Solution::setStartPoint(int x, int y) { Pair corPos; corPos.first = x; corPos.second = y; StartPoint = cor2ArrayPos(corPos); } void Solution::setEndPoint(int x, int y) { Pair corPos; corPos.first = x; corPos.second = y; EndPoint = cor2ArrayPos(corPos); } bool Solution::isValid(const vector<vector<int>> &grid, const Pair &point) const { // Returns true if row number and column number is in range if (ROW > 0 && COL > 0) return (point.first >= 0) && (point.first < ROW) && (point.second >= 0) && (point.second < COL); else return false; } bool Solution::isUnBlocked(const vector<vector<int>> &grid, const Pair &point) const { // Returns true if the cell is not blocked else false return isValid(grid, point) && grid[point.first][point.second] == 1; } bool Solution::isDestination(const Pair &position) { return position == EndPoint; } double Solution::calculateHValue(const Pair &src, const Pair &dest) { // h is estimated with the two points distance formula return sqrt(pow((src.first - dest.first), 2.0) + pow((src.second - dest.second), 2.0)); } Mat Solution::vector2ObstacleMap(Vec2int &grid) const { Mat img, dst; img = Mat(ROW, COL, CV_8U, Scalar::all(255)); // convert m_map to int, sending to img for (int i = 0; i < COL; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < ROW; j++){ img.at<uchar>(i, j) = grid[i][j] * 255; } } // erode, showing the edge Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5)); erode(img, dst, element); // uplift the gray scale of edges for (int i = 0; i < COL; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < ROW; j++){ if(int(dst.at<uchar>(i, j)) == 0) dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 200; } } // blend two images, using lower gray scale // consider using addWeight() for (int i = 0; i < COL; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < ROW; j++){ if(int(dst.at<uchar>(i, j)) == 200 && int(img.at<uchar>(i, j)) == 0) dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = 0; } } return dst; } Vec2int Solution::getVectorBoundaryGrid(Vec2int &grid) const { Mat img, dst; vector<vector <int>> boundaryGrid(ROW, vector<int>(COL)); img = vector2Mat(grid); Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5)); erode(img, dst, element); boundaryGrid = mat2Vector(dst, ROW, COL); return boundaryGrid; } vector<vector <int>> Solution::mat2Vector(Mat &src, int m, int n) { vector<vector <int>> transferredVector(m, vector<int>(n)); vector<int> flatVector = src.reshape(1,1); // FIXME: how to transfer Mat to vector<vector> // transferredVector = flatVector.resize(m, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){ transferredVector[i][j] = int(src.at<uchar>(i, j)); } } return transferredVector; } Mat Solution::vector2Mat(vector<vector <int>> &vec) { Mat dst; dst = Mat(100, 100, CV_8U, Scalar::all(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++){ dst.at<uchar>(i, j) = vec[i][j]; } } return dst; } void Solution::fetchLidarData(Pair &pos, Vec2int &Vec) { // set radius int radius = 40; int pos_i = pos.first; int pos_j = pos.second; // open Lidar pair<double, double> range; vector<pair<double, double>> degreeInterval; degreeInterval.emplace_back(0.001, 0.002); int i, j; for (int r = 1; r <= radius; r++){ for (i = pos_i - r; i <= pos_i + r; i++){ for (j = pos_j - r; j <= pos_j +r; j++){ if (!isValid(map_vector, {i, j})) continue; if (abs(i - pos_i) + abs(j - pos_j) != r || map_vector[i][j] == 1) continue; range = getThetaRange(pos, {i, j}); if (range.second > 314 && range.first < 46 && map_vector[i][j] == 0){ degreeInterval = mergeInterval({0.0001, range.first}, degreeInterval); degreeInterval = mergeInterval({range.second, 359.9999}, degreeInterval); Vec[i][j] = 0; continue; } if (checkInterval(range, degreeInterval)){ // if totally blocked by other obstacles, UAV was unaware of this obstacle // have to consider another situation, that this [i][j] had been checked before // and set as 0 which means unreachable, we can't make it invisible again in radar_map // however, in image shown as to having used radar, it should be erased again // that step is not necessary(for now) // if (radar_map[i][j] == 0) radar_map[i][j] = 0; // if (radar_map[i][j] == 1) radar_map[i][j] = 1; }else{ Vec[i][j] = 0; } degreeInterval = mergeInterval(range, degreeInterval); } } } } vector<pair<double, double>> Solution::mergeInterval(const pair<double, double> &newRange, vector<pair<double, double>> &intervals) { // https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/merge-intervals/solution/he-bing-qu-jian-by-leetcode-solution/ intervals.emplace_back(newRange); sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end()); vector<pair<double, double>> merged; for (auto & interval : intervals) { double L = interval.first, R = interval.second; if (merged.empty() || merged.back().second < L) { merged.emplace_back(L, R); } else { merged.back().second = max(merged.back().second, R); } } return merged; } bool Solution::checkInterval(const pair<double, double> &newRange, vector<pair<double, double>> &intervals) { bool value = false; if (intervals.empty()){ return false; } sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end()); double left = newRange.first; double right = newRange.second; for (auto & interval : intervals){ if (left >= interval.first && right <= interval.second){ value = true; break; } } return value; } pair<double, double> Solution::getThetaRange(Pair point_0, Pair point_d){ // point_0 center // point_d para double PI = 3.1415926; pair<double, double> range; int i_0 = point_0.first; int j_0 = point_0.second; int i_d = point_d.first; int j_d = point_d.second; // save theta double theta[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // range change from (-PI, PI) to (0, 2PI) // FIXME: special definition around -PI theta[0] = atan2(i_d + 0.5 - i_0, j_d + 0.5 - j_0) * 180 / PI + 180; theta[1] = atan2(i_d + 0.5 - i_0, j_d - 0.5 - j_0) * 180 / PI + 180; theta[2] = atan2(i_d - 0.5 - i_0, j_d + 0.5 - j_0) * 180 / PI + 180; theta[3] = atan2(i_d - 0.5 - i_0, j_d - 0.5 - j_0) * 180 / PI + 180; sort(theta, theta + 4); // if theta[3] >= 315, i_0 == i_d (for sure) // send to pair range range.second = theta[3]; range.first = theta[0]; if (theta[3] > 340 && theta[0] < 19){ range.second = theta[2]; range.first = theta[1]; } return range; } void Solution::clearRadarMap() { cout << "map cleared" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++){ radar_vector[i][j] = 1; check_vector[i][j] = 1; show_vector[i][j] = 1; } } } void Solution::launchRadar() { // clear all obstacles, forming a new map clearRadarMap(); // initialize start point as StartPoint Pair pos = StartPoint; fetchLidarData(pos, radar_vector); int number = 0; cout << "into loop launch.." << endl; while(pos != EndPoint){ // clear check_vector for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++){ check_vector[i][j] = 1; } } cout << "loop:" << number << endl; number = number + 1; printf("(%d, %d) pos\n", pos.first, pos.second); // store path in stack DynamicStack dynamicSearch(pos, radar_vector); // test if obstacle on path vector<Pair> path; while(!DynamicPath.empty()){ Pair p = DynamicPath.top(); DynamicPath.pop(); path.emplace_back(p); } cout << "path data read in..." << endl; for (auto & i : path){ cout << "data in path:" << i.first << ", " << i.second << endl; } PathVar message = ifPathObstacle(path); cout << get<0>(message) << endl; if (get<0>(message)){ // update pos to last one pos = {get<1>(message), get<2>(message)}; int num = get<3>(message); for (int i = 0; i <= num; i++){ fetchLidarData(path[i], radar_vector); OverallPath.emplace_back(path[i]); cout << path[i].first << ", " << path[i].second << endl; } }if (!get<0>(message)){ for (auto & i : path){ OverallPath.push_back(i); } pos = EndPoint; cout << "end founded..." << endl; } } } void Solution::dynamicSearch(Pair &pos, Vec2int &m_grid) { // set begin time chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); Vec2int grid(ROW, vector<int>(COL)); grid = getVectorBoundaryGrid(m_grid); // If the source is out of range if (!isValid(grid, StartPoint)) { printf("Source is invalid\n"); return; } // If the destination is out of range if (!isValid(grid, EndPoint)) { printf("Destination is invalid\n"); return; } // Either the source or the destination is blocked if (!isUnBlocked(grid, StartPoint) || !isUnBlocked(grid, EndPoint)) { printf("Source or the destination is blocked\n"); return; } // If the destination cell is the same as source cell if (isDestination(StartPoint)) { printf("We are already at the destination\n"); return; } // describe detail of each cell // using struct defined vector<vector <cell>> cellDetails(ROW, vector<cell>(COL)); int i, j; // Initialising the parameters of the starting node i = pos.first, j = pos.second; cellDetails[i][j].cost_f = 0.0; cellDetails[i][j].cost_g = 0.0; cellDetails[i][j].cost_h = 0.0; cellDetails[i][j].nodeParent = {i, j}; // Create a closed list and initialise it to false bool closedList[ROW][COL]; memset(closedList, false, sizeof(closedList)); /** * Create an open list having information as <f, <i, j>> * where f = g + h, * and i, j are the row and column index of that cell * Note that 0 <= i <= ROW-1 & 0 <= j <= COL-1 * This open list is implemented as a set of tuple */ priority_queue<Tuple, vector<Tuple>, greater<> > openList; // Type: Tuple // Container: vector // Functional: greater, least f will be on top of the queue openList.emplace(0.0, i, j); while(!openList.empty()){ const Tuple& p = openList.top(); // first time, it will be start point // Add this vertex to the closed list i = get<1>(p); // second element of tuple j = get<2>(p); // third element of tuple // remove this vertex from open list and send it to close list openList.pop(); closedList[i][j] = true; for (int add_x = -1; add_x <= 1; add_x++) { for (int add_y = -1; add_y <= 1; add_y++) { Pair neighbour(i + add_x, j + add_y); if (!isValid(grid, neighbour)){ return; } if (isDestination(neighbour)){ // set parent of destination cell cellDetails[neighbour.first][neighbour.second].nodeParent = {i, j}; // print path cout << "destination is found!" << endl; dynamicTracePath(cellDetails, pos); // set end time and show chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1); cout << "solve time cost = " << time_used.count() << " seconds. " << endl; // end return; } else if (!closedList[neighbour.first][neighbour.second] && isUnBlocked(grid, neighbour)){ // update weight values double f_updated, g_updated, h_updated; g_updated = cellDetails[i][j].cost_g + sqrt(pow(add_x, 2.0) + pow(add_y, 2.0)); h_updated = calculateHValue(neighbour, EndPoint); f_updated = g_updated + h_updated; // send less f_updated to open list double temp_cost_f = cellDetails[neighbour.first][neighbour.second].cost_f; if (f_updated < temp_cost_f || temp_cost_f == -1){ // -1 referring that this node doesn't belong to open list, shall be added in // f_updated is less, shall be added in open list // at first I was concerning about the StartPoint, then I just realized that // StartPoint has been thrown into close list openList.emplace(f_updated, neighbour.first, neighbour.second); // update cost f, g, h and parent node of cellDetails cellDetails[neighbour.first][neighbour.second].cost_f = f_updated; cellDetails[neighbour.first][neighbour.second].cost_g = g_updated; cellDetails[neighbour.first][neighbour.second].cost_h = h_updated; // set parent of successors(not in Close list and is unblocked) cellDetails[i + add_x][j + add_y].nodeParent = {i, j}; /** * why updating parent node must exist here? * if you actually put this update under definition of neighbour, some path might be confusing * set updating here can assure that each node parent heading for gradient lifting * namely f in decline */ } } } } } } void Solution::dynamicTracePath(const vector<vector <cell>> &cellDetails, const Pair &pos) { cout << "trace started..." << endl; int i = EndPoint.first; int j = EndPoint.second; Pair temp_node; while(cellDetails[i][j].nodeParent != pos){ DynamicPath.push({i, j}); temp_node = cellDetails[i][j].nodeParent; // i = cellDetails[i][j].nodeParent.first is illegal! i = temp_node.first; j = temp_node.second; } DynamicPath.push({i, j}); // push StartPoint into Stack DynamicPath.push(pos); cout << "trace finished" << endl; } PathVar Solution::ifPathObstacle(vector<Pair> &path){ PathVar message; bool seg; // FIXME: check_map not best for (int n = 0; n < path.size(); n++){ int i = path[n].first; int j = path[n].second; Pair pos = {i, j}; fetchLidarData(pos, check_vector); for (auto & k : path){ if (check_vector[k.first][k.second] == 0){ seg = true; get<1>(message) = i; get<2>(message) = j; get<3>(message) = n; get<0>(message) = seg; printf("(%d, %d) is on obstacle\n", k.first, k.second); return message; }else{ seg = false; get<0>(message) = seg; } } } return message; } void Solution::showPath() { for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++){ show_vector[i][j] = 1; } } Mat img; img = Mat(100, 100, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(255)); Vec2int temp_map (ROW, vector<int>(COL)); for (auto & i : OverallPath){ fetchLidarData(i, show_vector); temp_map = getVectorBoundaryGrid(show_vector); for (int x = 0; x < ROW; x++){ for (int y = 0; y < COL; y++){ if (show_vector[x][y] == 0) img.at<Vec3b>(x, y) = {0, 0, 0}; if (show_vector[x][y] == 1 && temp_map[x][y] == 0) img.at<Vec3b>(x, y) = {0, 128, 128}; } } img.at<Vec3b>(i.first, i.second) = {0, 255, 0}; img.at<Vec3b>(StartPoint.first, StartPoint.second) = {255, 0, 0}; img.at<Vec3b>(EndPoint.first, EndPoint.second) = {0, 0, 255}; namedWindow("dst", WINDOW_NORMAL); imshow("dst", img); waitKey(100); } }
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