服务器虚拟化是云计算最核心的技术,而KVM是当前最主流的开源的服务器虚拟化技术。KVM 全称是 Kernel-Based Virtual Machine,基于Linux内核的虚拟化技术。KVM基于Linux内核实现,属于半虚拟化的Hypervisor。KVM有一个内核模块叫 kvm.ko,只用于管理虚拟 CPU 和内存,而Qemu则协助提供IO设备半虚拟化,用于虚拟磁盘IO和网络IO等。不过IO设备的虚拟化方向都是往直接透传到宿主机的方向走,比如vhost-net,直接在硬件或内核级别支持。一个 KVM虚机在宿主机中其实是一个qemu-kvm进程。而每个虚机中的vCPU则为宿主机中的一个线程。
Zig 0.12.0
Python 3
sudo apt install libdwarf-dev libelf-dev libssl-dev sudo apt install python3 python3 -m pip install angr
为了使用Intel PT执行基于覆盖率的模糊测试,我们还需要自行安装好libxdc和kAFL。
git clone https://github.com/klecko/kvm-fuzz.git
cd kvm-fuzz zig build
./scripts/run_tests_on_linux.sh ./scripts/run_tests_on_kvm-fuzz.sh
[KERNEL] =============================================================================== [KERNEL] All tests passed (2378 assertions in 44 test cases) [KERNEL] Run ended with reason Exit
kvm-fuzz: fuzz x86_64 closed-source applications with hardware acceleration Usage: kvm-fuzz [ options ] -- /path/to/fuzzed_binary [ args ] Available options: --minimize-corpus 设置语料库最小化模式 --minimize-crashes 设置碰撞最小化模式 -j, --jobs n 要使用的线程数(默认值:8) -m, --memory arg 虚拟机内存限制(默认值:8M) -t, --timeout ms 每次运行的超时时间(毫秒),0表示没有超时(默认值:2) -k, --kernel path 内核路径(默认值:./zig out/bin/kernel) -i, --input dir 输入文件夹(初始语料库)(默认值:./in) -o, --output dir 输出文件夹(语料库、崩溃等)(默认值:./out) -f, --file path 目标的内存加载文件,一次设置一个文件,例如-f file1 -f file2 -s, --single-run [=path] 执行一次任务,可以选择指定输入文件 -T, --tracing type 启用系统调用追踪,类型可以是内核或用户 --tracing-unit unit 追踪单元,它可以是指令或循环(默认循环) -h, --help 打印工具帮助信息
现在,我们使用ls源码作为种子,来对readelf执行模糊测试。运行kvm-fuzz并为虚拟机设置 16 MB 内存和 5 毫秒的超时时间:
$ zig build -Dcoverage=none $ rm in/1 $ cp /bin/ls in/ $ zig-out/bin/kvm-fuzz -m 16M -t 5 -- /bin/readelf -a input Number of threads: 8 Total files read: 1 Max mutated input size: 1421440 Ready to run! [KERNEL] [default] [info] hello from zig [KERNEL] [user] [info] Jumping to user at 0x400000001100 with rsp 0x7ffffffffe70! [...] Performing first runs... Set corpus mode: Normal. Output directories will be ./out/corpus and ./out/crashes. Seed corpus coverage: 0 Creating threads... [1.000] cases: 6265, mips: 10807.154, fcps: 6264.102, cov: 0, corpus: 1/138.812KB, unique crashes: 0 (total: 0), timeouts: 3, no new cov for: 1.000 vm exits: 1.000 (hc: 1.000, cov: 0.000, debug: 0.000), reset pages: 137.765 run: 0.864, reset: 0.045, mut: 0.081, set_input: 0.011, report_cov: 0.000 kvm: 0.863, hc: 0.000, update_cov: 0.000, mut1: 0.007, mut2: 0.075 [2.000] cases: 12907, mips: 11112.763, fcps: 6640.934, cov: 0, corpus: 1/138.812KB, unique crashes: 0 (total: 0), timeouts: 3, no new cov for: 2.000 vm exits: 1.000 (hc: 1.000, cov: 0.000, debug: 0.000), reset pages: 137.109 run: 0.866, reset: 0.044, mut: 0.079, set_input: 0.011, report_cov: 0.000 kvm: 0.865, hc: 0.000, update_cov: 0.000, mut1: 0.007, mut2: 0.072 [3.000] cases: 19397, mips: 11125.964, fcps: 6489.186, cov: 0, corpus: 1/138.812KB, unique crashes: 0 (total: 0), timeouts: 4, no new cov for: 3.000 vm exits: 1.000 (hc: 1.000, cov: 0.000, debug: 0.000), reset pages: 137.286 run: 0.865, reset: 0.044, mut: 0.080, set_input: 0.011, report_cov: 0.000 kvm: 0.865, hc: 0.000, update_cov: 0.000, mut1: 0.007, mut2: 0.074
$ zig build -Drelease-fast $ zig-out/bin/kvm-fuzz -m 16M -t 5 -- /bin/readelf -a input [...] [3.001] cases: 35001, mips: 11669.951, fcps: 11765.726, cov: 2684, corpus: 143/28689.814KB, unique crashes: 0 (total: 0), timeouts: 4, no new cov for: 0.000 vm exits: 1.031 (hc: 1.000, cov: 0.000, debug: 0.031), reset pages: 150.626 run: 0.541, reset: 0.161, mut: 0.242, set_input: 0.055, report_cov: 0.001 kvm: 0.540, hc: 0.000, update_cov: 0.000, mut1: 0.091, mut2: 0.150
我们可以看到我们花了 24% 的时间来改变输入。为了提高模糊测试速度,我们可以使用较小的种子来减少这一时间,将其设置为单个种子并再次运行:
$ rm in/* $ cp /bin/parallel in $ zig-out/bin/kvm-fuzz -m 16M -t 5 -- /bin/readelf -a input [...] [3.001] cases: 88147, mips: 16667.261, fcps: 31502.726, cov: 3030, corpus: 238/5874.473KB, unique crashes: 0 (total: 0), timeouts: 4, no new cov for: 0.000 vm exits: 1.014 (hc: 1.000, cov: 0.000, debug: 0.014), reset pages: 94.269 run: 0.838, reset: 0.102, mut: 0.052, set_input: 0.007, report_cov: 0.001 kvm: 0.837, hc: 0.000, update_cov: 0.000, mut1: 0.010, mut2: 0.041
JNIC 2023 – VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad
Download ⚡Zig Programming Language
GitHub - klecko/libxdc: The fastest Intel-PT decoder for fuzzing
GitHub - IntelLabs/kAFL: A fuzzer for full VM kernel/driver targets
AFLplusplus/instrumentation/README.persistent_mode.md at stable · AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus · GitHub
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