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Upgrading the HMC from Version 7.3.x or Version 7.7.x to Version 7.7.7_v7r.cc

HMC 从V7R3.3.0升级到V7R7.4.0、VAC/VACPP Runtime Environment下载安装 2012-05-11 14:36:57

分类: 系统运维






1.从网上下载Recovery DVDs:




2. 保存原来的数据:

包括Save Profile Data, Save Upgrade Data两部分。

Save Profile Data:

  在HMC上->System management->依次选中每个服务器->Configuration->Manage Partition Data –>Backup –>Profile Data Backup (填入文件名)

Save Upgrade Data:

  HMC->HMC Management –>Save Upgrade Data –>Disk .



4. 选择Upgrade from media. 按照指示, 下一步。


5. 第一个盘升级完成后,重新启动HMC,并要求输入选择:

1 Install additional software from media
2 Finish the installation at a later date


安装完毕后,会重启HMC,并要求设置HMC agent,可以跳过。





另外,用户需要安装linkxlC (ORACLE EBS产品),需要下载vacpp runtime Environmen.









vacpp 12.1的runtime environment 在













In the Navigation area, click HMC Management.

  • SelectBack up HMC Data.
  • Select an archive option. You can back up to media on the local system, back up to a mounted remote system, or send backup data to a remote site.
  • Follow the instructions on the window to back up the data.



      Backing up critical HMC data

      You can back up important console information to a USB Flash Memory Device, DVD, via FTP, or over the network.

      Using the HMC, you can back up all important data, such as the following:

      • User-preference files
      • User information
      • HMC platform-configuration files
      • HMC log files
      • HMC updates through Install Corrective Service
      The Backup function saves the HMC data stored on the HMC hard disk to the following:
      • DVD media
      • USB Flash Memory Device
      • Remote system mounted to the HMC file system (such as NFS)
      • Remote site through FTP
      Back up the HMC after you have made changes to the HMC or to the information associated with logical partitions.
      Note: Before data can be saved to removable media, the media must be formatted. To format media, click HMC Management > Format Media and follow the steps.

      To back up the HMC, you must be a member of one of the following roles:

      • super administrator
      • operator
      • service representative

      To back up the HMC critical data, do the following:

      1. In the Navigation area, click HMC Management.
      2. Select Back up HMC Data.
      3. Select an archive option. You can back up to media on the local system, back up to a mounted remote system, or send backup data to a remote site.
      4. Follow the instructions on the window to back up the data.




      IBM Software Technical Document

      Hide details for       Document Information  Document Information 

      Document Number:661742145
      Functional Area:HMC
      Subfunctional Area:Installation and Upgrade
      Sub-Subfunctional Area:Recovery Upgrade
      OS/400 Release:V5R4M0; V5R4M5; V6R1M0; V6R1M1
      Product:HMC V7 FOR PO (9100HMC70)
      Product Release:N/A


      Document Title 
      Upgrading the HMC from Version 7.3.x or Version 7.7.x to Version 7.7.7

      Document Description

      This document provides instructions to upgrade the HMC from Version 7.3.1 or later to Version 7.7.7.


      Important Notes: 

      o Version 7.7.7 is  not supported and cannot be installed on HMC models C03, C04 or CR2.
      o If an HMC is used to manage any POWER7 processor based server, the HMC must be a model CR3 or later model rack-mount HMC or C05 or later deskside HMC.  

      Click here  for a complete list of supported combinations of HMC V7 code levels and server firmware levels. Servers below the supported level should be updated after the HMC upgrade is complete.

      Confirm machine type/model and serial number are correct

      Use one of the methods below to verify that the Machine Type/Model and Serial Number (MTMS) matches the information on the tag on the front of the physical HMC. If they do not match, do not attempt the upgrade. To resolve the problem, contact IBM Hardware at 1-800-426-7378 (800-IBM-SERV), Option 1 for hardware, and request a BIOS flash to correct the MTMS:
      oOn the HMC GUI interface, select Updates in the left-hand navigation panel. Find Model Type and Serial number in the HMC Code Level section of the right-hand panel.
      oFrom a restricted shell command line, type the following command and press Enter: lshmc -v *TM is the machine type/model, and *SE is the serial number.

      Hide details for Critical special instructions when using redundant Management Consoles Critical special instructions when using redundant Management Consoles
      Critical special instructions when using redundant Management Consoles

      Note: HMC 7.7.7 does not support dual/redundant management with IBM Systems Director Management Console (SDMC).

      When two HMCs manage the same Server, both HMCs must be at the same version. Once the server is connected to a V7R7.6 or V7R7.7 HMC, the partition configuration on the server will be migrated to the latest version. HMCs at V7R7.5 or lower will not be able to understand the server's partition data properly.

      If the redundant HMCs are at 7.7.5 or earlier:
      To avoid possible corruption of the partition data on the server, the following is recommended in a redundant HMC environment:

      o On each HMC, perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations - complete steps 1-7 of the section below titled Save Profile Data, Save Upgrade Data and Upgrade HMC to 7.7.7.

      o Physically disconnect the ethernet cable from HMC #1 to the managed server(s)

      Upgrade HMC #1 to V7.7.7 and install recommended fixes (start with step 8 below since 1-7 were already performed above)

      o Physically disconnect the ethernet cable from HMC #2 to the managed server(s)

      Reconnect the ethernet cable from HMC #1 to the managed server(s)

      o Confirm HMC #1 connects successfully to managed server(s)

      Upgrade HMC #2 to V7.7.7 and install recommended fixes (start with step 8 below since 1-7 as they were already performed above)

      Reconnect the ethernet cable from HMC #2 to the managed server(s)

      o Confirm HMC #2 connects successfully to managed server(s)

      If the redundant HMCs are at 7.7.6, continue with upgrade instructions below.

      Additional Required Fixes

      If the HMC is at 7.3.2 or later, 
      no further preparation is required, and the upgrade to 7.7.7 can proceed as indicated below in theDownload and burn HMC .iso images, obtain HMC media from IBM, or download direct from IBM to HMC section. 

      For HMC version 7.3.1, 
      ensure the following prerequisite is met before the upgrade:
      Note: MH01135 must be applied before saving the upgrade data.

      1.To enable the ability to upgrade to HMC, apply PTF MH01135 to HMC . To apply MH01135, refer to Rochester Support Center knowledgebase document 509738064, HMC Upgrade enablement PTF for 7.3.1 To link to document 509738064 immediately, click here Database 'Rochester Support Center KnowledgeBase', View '1.0 DBManagement View\All\Software', Document 'HMC upgrade enablement PTF'.
      2.Use the instructions below to upgrade to HMC using of the HMC V7R770 Recovery media.

      Remote SSH Connectivity
      When upgrading to HMC 7.7.7, "Remote Command Execution" (SSH) may be disabled. Prior to upgrading, ensure that local HMC access, or remote web browser access, is available to re-enable remote command execution after the upgrade should that be necessary. Instructions for enabling are provided in Rochester Support Center knowledgebase document 527678874   Configuring the Version 7 HMC to Accept SSH Connections and Remote Commands.   To link to document 527678874 immediately, click here   Database 'Rochester Support Center KnowledgeBase', View '1.0 DBManagement View\All\Software', Document 'Configuring the Version 7 HMC to Accept SSH Connections and Remote Commands'  .

      Readme file for HMC V7 R7.7.0 Recovery Media can be found at the following URL:

      If the HMC has not been restarted recently, you should  restart before you begin the upgrade.

      Download and burn HMC .iso images, obtain HMC media from IBM, or download direct from IBM to HMC

      Choose one of the following:

      To obtain HMC 7.7.7 .iso images, do the following:

      Step 1: 
      Download the HMC Version Recovery DVDs: HMC_Recovery_V7R770_1.iso andHMC_Recovery_V7R770_2.iso.

      Step 2:
       Burn the Recovery images to DVD-R media.

      Save Profile Data, Save Upgrade Data and Upgrade HMC to 7.7.7 (from Recovery Media)
      Perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations. Then, a Save Upgrade Data task must first be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task again before performing the upgrade.

      Do the following at the HMC interface to upgrade the HMC by means of the Recovery DVDs. 

      Note: If you have redundant HMCs and have already completed steps 1-7, skip to step 8. Otherwise, start with step 1
      1. Expand Systems Management, then select Servers.
      2. Select the first managed system by checking the box in front of the server name.
      3. Under Tasks, expand Configuration, then expand Manage Partition Data.
      4. Select Backup.
      5. In the Profile Data Backup window, type a name for the backup file, and click OK.
      6. You will get a popup window that the profile data has been backed up. Click OK.
      7. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each additional system managed by this HMC. Once you have a partition data backup for each managed system, continue with Step 8.
      8. Prepare media to use for Save Upgrade Data. You will need either a DVD-RAM, or a USB flash drive. 

      Insert a formatted DVD-RAM media into the DVD drive.
      Note: You may use the same DVD-RAM that was used to backup HMC data; any existing backup will not be overwritten. If the DVD-RAM has not been formatted previously then format it by selecting Format MediaFormat DVD-RAM, then clickOK. Select Backup/restore, then click the Format button. The format operation will delete any existing data.

      USB Flash Drive (only available if HMC is currently V7.3.5 or later):
      USB flash drive must be formatted FAT32 with a single partition and it cannot be password protected. Plug the flash drive into a USB port on the front of the HMC. Wait until you hear 3 beeps (approximately 1 minute) for the HMC to detect the flash drive.
      9. Select HMC Management.
      10. Select Save Upgrade Data.
      11. Select media type (DVD or USB flash drive), click Next, and then click Finish.
      12. Wait for the Save Upgrade Data task to complete. If the task fails, contact your next level of support before proceeding. If the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, the following optional procedure can be performed to verify the data:

      a Open a restricted shell terminal as follows:

      1 Select HMC Management.
      2 Select Open restricted Shell Terminal.

      b Mount the media:

      1 Run the command lsmediadev to determine the mount point. In the example below, CD/DVD mount point is/media/cdrom; USB flash drive is /media/sda1
      device=/dev/fd0,mount_point=/media/floppy,type=2,description=internal diskette drive
      device=/dev/hda,type=6,description=internal hard disk drive
      device=/dev/sda1,mount_point=/media/sda1,type=3,description=USB flash memory device

      2 Run the command mount <mount point> (i.e., mount /media/cdrom for CD/DVD; mount /media/sda1 for USB flash drive)

      c Run the command ls –l <mount point> using the same mount point as in step b above

      d Verify that there are five tar files with the following names:


      If any of these tar files are missing, contact your next level of support.

      e Issue the command umount <mount point> using the same mount point as in step b above

      Note: The Save Upgrade Data will be saved to the hard drive on the HMC as well as the DVD-RAM or USB flash drive. The Save Upgrade Data on the media is used only to recover from an unexpected error under the direction of support personnel.
      13. Once the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, remove the DVD-RAM or USB flash drive, insert V7.7.7 recovery media MH1343 volume 1 (which was either ordered from IBM or downloaded and burned to DVD as indicated above) into the DVD-RAM drive.
      14. Click HMC Management, then click the Shutdown or Restart menu option.
      15. Select Restart HMC and click OKNote: If the HMC fails to restart from optical, the boot manager may need be called (in other words, press F12 during the boot process) in order to get the HMC to boot from the optical drive.
      16. The HMC reads the media in the DVD-RAM drive and displays the Install/Backup/Restore wizard window. SelectUpgrade, and then click NextNote: A warning window is presented. If you successfully completed Step 5 to Save Upgrade Data, click OK and continue. If not, click OK and return to Step 5.
      17. Select Upgrade from media, and then click Next.
      18. Click Finish to start the Upgrade process.
      19. When the first media is complete, the following message is displayed:

           *  Please remove the disk media from the DVD/CD drive...      *
           *  The machine will now reboot to complete the installation   *
           *                                                             *
           *   ==>  Press any key to reboot the machine                  *

      Remove the V7.7.7 recovery media volume 1 from the drive, and press Enter to reboot the HMC.

      When the reboot is complete, the following options are displayed:

      1 Install additional software from media
      2 Finish the installation at a later date

      Please enter your selection:
      20. Select Option 1, then press the Enter key to continue the upgrade. The following prompt is displayed: 

      Please insert the media into the drive and press Enter to continue.
      21. Insert the second V7.7.7 Recovery Media DVD into the DVD-RAM drive, and then press the Enter key to complete the Upgrade. The HMC restores the data preserved by the Save Upgrade Data task, and then completes the booting process.
      22. At the Hardware Management Console log-in prompt, log in using your user ID and password.

      Install the required fixes for 7.7.7

      Critical fixes for 7.7.7 must be installed. Follow the instructions to get the corrective service updates applied by referring to Rochester Support Center knowledgebase document 661704005,   Update(s) for HMC 7.7.7.   To link to document 661704005 immediately, click here   Database 'Rochester Support Center KnowledgeBase', View 'Personal Views\Documents you have in Idea Status', Document 'Update(s) for HMC 7.7.7'  .

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