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Opencv 特征训练分类器_opencv训练分类器



首先,opencv目前仅支持三种特征的训练检测, HAAR、LBP、HOG,选择哪个特征就去补充哪个吧。opencv的这个训练算法是基于adaboost而来的,所以需要先对adaboost进行基础知识补充啊,网上一大堆资料,同志们速度去查阅。我的资源里也有,大家去下载吧,这些我想都不是大家能直接拿来用的,我下面将直接手把手告诉大家训练怎么操作,以及要注意哪些细节。



因为正样本最后需要大小归一化,所以我在采集样本的时候就直接把它从原图里抠出来了,方便后面缩放嘛,而不是只保存它的框个数和框位置信息(框个数、框位置信息看下一步解释),在裁剪的过程中尽量保持样本的长宽比例一致。比如我最后要归一化成20 X 20,在裁剪样本的时候,我都是20X20或者21X21、22X22等等,最大我也没有超过30X30(不超过跟我的自身用途有关,对于人脸检测这种要保证缩放不变性的样本,肯定就可以超过啦),我资源里也给出可以直接用的裁剪样本程序。

(这里我说错了,根据createsamples.cpp ,我们不需要提前进行缩放操作,它在第3步变成vec时就包含了缩放工作.如果我们是用objectMaker标记样本,程序同时生成的关于每一幅图的samplesInfo信息,直接给第三步用即可。当然,你提前缩放了也没关系,按照第2步操作即可)


在你的图片文件夹里,编写一个bat程序(get route.bat,bat是避免每次都需要去dos框输入,那里又不能复制又不能粘贴!),如下所示:


把这个dat文件中的所有非图片的路径都删掉,比如上图的头两行,再将bmp 替换成 bmp 1 0 0 20 20,如下:

(1代表个数,后四个分别对应 left top width height,如果我们之前不是把样本裁剪下来的,那么你的这个dat可能就长成这样1. bmp 3 1 3 24 24 26 28 25 25 60 80 26 26,1.bmp是完全的原图啊,你之前的样本就是从这张图上扣下来的)




















  1. #include <windows.h>  
  2. #include <mmsystem.h>  
  3. #include <stdio.h>  
  4. #include <stdlib.h>  
  5. #include “wininet.h”  
  6. #include <direct.h>  
  7. #include <string.h>  
  8. #include <list>  
  9. #pragma comment(lib,”Wininet.lib”)  
  12. #include “opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp”  
  13. #include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”  
  14. #include “opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp”  
  15. #include “opencv2/ml/ml.hpp”  
  17. #include <iostream>  
  18. #include <stdio.h>  
  20. using namespace std;  
  21. using namespace cv;  
  23. String cascadeName = ”./cascade.xml”;//训练数据  
  25. struct PathElem{  
  26.     TCHAR   SrcImgPath[MAX_PATH*2];  
  27.     TCHAR   RstImgPath[MAX_PATH*2];  
  28. };  
  29. int FindImgs(char  pSrcImgPath, char  pRstImgPath, std::list<PathElem> &ImgList);  
  31. int main( )  
  32. {  
  33.     CascadeClassifier cascade;//创建级联分类器对象  
  34.     std::list<PathElem> ImgList;   
  35.     std::list<PathElem>::iterator pImgListTemp;   
  36.     vector<Rect> rects;  
  37.     vector<Rect>::const_iterator pRect;  
  39.     double scale = 1.;  
  40.     Mat image;  
  41.     double t;  
  42.     if( !cascade.load( cascadeName ) )//从指定的文件目录中加载级联分类器  
  43.     {  
  44.         cerr << ”ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade” << endl;  
  45.         return 0;  
  46.     }  
  49.     int nFlag = FindImgs(“H:/SrcPic/”,“H:/RstPic/”, ImgList);         
  50.     if(nFlag != 0)     
  51.     {  
  52.         cout<<”Read Image  error !  Input 0 to exit \n”;  
  53.         exit(0);  
  54.     }  
  56.     pImgListTemp = ImgList.begin();  
  57.     for(int iik = 1; iik <= ImgList.size(); iik++,pImgListTemp++)  
  58.     {  
  59.         image = imread(pImgListTemp->SrcImgPath);      
  60.         if( !image.empty() )//读取图片数据不能为空  
  61.         {  
  62.             Mat gray, smallImg( cvRound (image.rows/scale), cvRound(image.cols/scale), CV_8UC1 );//将图片缩小,加快检测速度  
  63.             cvtColor( image, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );//因为用的是类haar特征,所以都是基于灰度图像的,这里要转换成灰度图像  
  64.             resize( gray, smallImg, smallImg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );//将尺寸缩小到1/scale,用线性插值  
  65.             equalizeHist( smallImg, smallImg );//直方图均衡  
  67.             //detectMultiScale函数中smallImg表示的是要检测的输入图像为smallImg,rects表示检测到的目标序列,1.1表示  
  68.             //每次图像尺寸减小的比例为1.1,2表示每一个目标至少要被检测到3次才算是真的目标(因为周围的像素和不同的窗口大  
  69.             //小都可以检测到目标),CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE表示不是缩放分类器来检测,而是缩放图像,Size(30, 30)为目标的  
  70.             //最小最大尺寸  
  71.             rects.clear();  
  72.             printf( ”begin…\n”);  
  73.             t = (double)cvGetTickCount();//用来计算算法执行时间  
  74.             cascade.detectMultiScale(smallImg,rects,1.1,2,0,Size(20,20),Size(30,30));  
  77.             t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t;  
  78.             printf( ”detection time = %g ms\n\n”, t/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()1000.) );  
  79.             for(pRect = rects.begin(); pRect != rects.end(); pRect++)  
  80.             {  
  81.                 rectangle(image,cvPoint(pRect->x,pRect->y),cvPoint(pRect->x+pRect->width,pRect->y+pRect->height),cvScalar(0,255,0));  
  82.             }  
  83.             imwrite(pImgListTemp->RstImgPath,image);  
  84.         }  
  85.     }  
  87.     return 0;  
  88. }  
  90. int FindImgs(char  pSrcImgPath, char  pRstImgPath, std::list<PathElem> &ImgList)  
  91. {  
  92.     //源图片存在的目录  
  93.     TCHAR   szFileT1[MAX_PATH*2];  
  94.     lstrcpy(szFileT1,TEXT(pSrcImgPath));     
  95.     lstrcat(szFileT1, TEXT(”.*”));  
  97.     //结果图片存放的目录  
  98.     TCHAR   RstAddr[MAX_PATH*2];   
  99.     lstrcpy(RstAddr,TEXT(pRstImgPath));  
  100.     _mkdir(RstAddr);   //创建文件夹  
  102.     WIN32_FIND_DATA   wfd;    
  103.     HANDLE   hFind   =   FindFirstFile(szFileT1, &wfd);   
  106.     PathElem stPathElemTemp;  
  107.     if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)     
  108.     {  
  109.         do   
  110.         {   
  111.             if(wfd.cFileName[0] == TEXT(‘.’))   
  112.                 continue;  
  113.             if(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY || strcmp(“Thumbs.db”, TEXT(wfd.cFileName)) == 0)   
  114.             {   
  115.                 ;  
  116.             }    
  117.             else   
  118.             {   
  120.                 TCHAR   SrcImgPath[MAX_PATH*2];  
  121.                 lstrcpy(SrcImgPath, pSrcImgPath);   
  122.                 lstrcat(SrcImgPath, TEXT(wfd.cFileName));  
  124.                 lstrcpy(stPathElemTemp.SrcImgPath, SrcImgPath);   
  126.                 TCHAR   AdressTemp[MAX_PATH*2];  
  127.                 lstrcpy(AdressTemp,pRstImgPath);   
  129.                 //lstrcat(AdressTemp, TEXT(“/”));    
  130.                 lstrcat(AdressTemp, TEXT(wfd.cFileName));    
  131.                 lstrcpy(stPathElemTemp.RstImgPath, AdressTemp);   
  133.                 ImgList.push_back(stPathElemTemp);  
  135.             }  
  136.         }while(FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd));  
  137.     }  
  138.     else  
  139.     {  
  140.         return -1;  
  141.     }  
  142.     return 0;  
  143. }  
#include <windows.h>

    #include <mmsystem.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "wininet.h" #include <direct.h> #include <string.h> #include <list> #pragma comment(lib,"Wininet.lib") #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/ml/ml.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; String cascadeName = "./cascade.xml";//训练数据 struct PathElem{ TCHAR SrcImgPath[MAX_PATH*2]; TCHAR RstImgPath[MAX_PATH*2]; }; int FindImgs(char * pSrcImgPath, char * pRstImgPath, std::list<PathElem> &ImgList); int main( ) { CascadeClassifier cascade;//创建级联分类器对象 std::list<PathElem> ImgList; std::list<PathElem>::iterator pImgListTemp; vector<Rect> rects; vector<Rect>::const_iterator pRect; double scale = 1.; Mat image; double t; if( !cascade.load( cascadeName ) )//从指定的文件目录中加载级联分类器 { cerr << "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade" << endl; return 0; } int nFlag = FindImgs("H:/SrcPic/","H:/RstPic/", ImgList); if(nFlag != 0) { cout<<"Read Image error ! Input 0 to exit \n"; exit(0); } pImgListTemp = ImgList.begin(); for(int iik = 1; iik <= ImgList.size(); iik++,pImgListTemp++) { image = imread(pImgListTemp->SrcImgPath); if( !image.empty() )//读取图片数据不能为空 { Mat gray, smallImg( cvRound (image.rows/scale), cvRound(image.cols/scale), CV_8UC1 );//将图片缩小,加快检测速度 cvtColor( image, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );//因为用的是类haar特征,所以都是基于灰度图像的,这里要转换成灰度图像 resize( gray, smallImg, smallImg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );//将尺寸缩小到1/scale,用线性插值 equalizeHist( smallImg, smallImg );//直方图均衡 //detectMultiScale函数中smallImg表示的是要检测的输入图像为smallImg,rects表示检测到的目标序列,1.1表示 //每次图像尺寸减小的比例为1.1,2表示每一个目标至少要被检测到3次才算是真的目标(因为周围的像素和不同的窗口大 //小都可以检测到目标),CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE表示不是缩放分类器来检测,而是缩放图像,Size(30, 30)为目标的 //最小最大尺寸 rects.clear(); printf( "begin...\n"); t = (double)cvGetTickCount();//用来计算算法执行时间 cascade.detectMultiScale(smallImg,rects,1.1,2,0,Size(20,20),Size(30,30)); //|CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT//|CV_HAAR_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf( "detection time = %g ms\n\n", t/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); for(pRect = rects.begin(); pRect != rects.end(); pRect++) { rectangle(image,cvPoint(pRect->x,pRect->y),cvPoint(pRect->x+pRect->width,pRect->y+pRect->height),cvScalar(0,255,0)); } imwrite(pImgListTemp->RstImgPath,image); } } return 0; } int FindImgs(char * pSrcImgPath, char * pRstImgPath, std::list<PathElem> &ImgList) { //源图片存在的目录 TCHAR szFileT1[MAX_PATH*2]; lstrcpy(szFileT1,TEXT(pSrcImgPath)); lstrcat(szFileT1, TEXT("*.*")); //结果图片存放的目录 TCHAR RstAddr[MAX_PATH*2]; lstrcpy(RstAddr,TEXT(pRstImgPath)); _mkdir(RstAddr); //创建文件夹 WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(szFileT1, &wfd); PathElem stPathElemTemp; if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if(wfd.cFileName[0] == TEXT('.')) continue; if(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY || strcmp("Thumbs.db", TEXT(wfd.cFileName)) == 0) { ; } else { TCHAR SrcImgPath[MAX_PATH*2]; lstrcpy(SrcImgPath, pSrcImgPath); lstrcat(SrcImgPath, TEXT(wfd.cFileName)); lstrcpy(stPathElemTemp.SrcImgPath, SrcImgPath); TCHAR AdressTemp[MAX_PATH*2]; lstrcpy(AdressTemp,pRstImgPath); //lstrcat(AdressTemp, TEXT("/")); lstrcat(AdressTemp, TEXT(wfd.cFileName)); lstrcpy(stPathElemTemp.RstImgPath, AdressTemp); ImgList.push_back(stPathElemTemp); } }while(FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); } else { return -1; } return 0; }






    1. ”  [-info <collection_file_name>]\n”  
    2. ”  [-img <image_file_name>]\n”  
    3. ”  [-vec <vec_file_name>]\n”  
    4. ”  [-bg <background_file_name>]\n  [-num <number_of_samples = %d>]\n”  
    5. ”  [-bgcolor <background_color = %d>]\n”  
    6. ”  [-inv] [-randinv] [-bgthresh <background_color_threshold = %d>]\n”  
    7. ”  [-maxidev <max_intensity_deviation = %d>]\n”  
    8. ”  [-maxxangle <max_x_rotation_angle = %f>]\n”  
    9. ”  [-maxyangle <max_y_rotation_angle = %f>]\n”  
    10. ”  [-maxzangle <max_z_rotation_angle = %f>]\n”  
    11. ”  [-show [<scale = %f>]]\n”  
    12. ”  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n”//默认24*24  
        "  [-info <collection_file_name>]\n"
        "  [-img <image_file_name>]\n"
        "  [-vec <vec_file_name>]\n"
        "  [-bg <background_file_name>]\n  [-num <number_of_samples = %d>]\n"
        "  [-bgcolor <background_color = %d>]\n"
        "  [-inv] [-randinv] [-bgthresh <background_color_threshold = %d>]\n"
        "  [-maxidev <max_intensity_deviation = %d>]\n"
        "  [-maxxangle <max_x_rotation_angle = %f>]\n"
        "  [-maxyangle <max_y_rotation_angle = %f>]\n"
        "  [-maxzangle <max_z_rotation_angle = %f>]\n"
        "  [-show [<scale = %f>]]\n"
        "  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n"//默认24*24
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    1)提供imagename 和vecname时,调用以下操作
    1. /* 
    2.  * cvCreateTrainingSamples 
    3.  * 
    4.  * Create training samples applying random distortions to sample image and 
    5.  * store them in .vec file 
    6.  * 
    7.  * filename        - .vec file name 
    8.  * imgfilename     - sample image file name 
    9.  * bgcolor         - background color for sample image 
    10.  * bgthreshold     - background color threshold. Pixels those colors are in range 
    11.  *   [bgcolor-bgthreshold, bgcolor+bgthreshold] are considered as transparent 
    12.  * bgfilename      - background description file name. If not NULL samples 
    13.  *   will be put on arbitrary background 
    14.  * count           - desired number of samples 
    15.  * invert          - if not 0 sample foreground pixels will be inverted 
    16.  *   if invert == CV_RANDOM_INVERT then samples will be inverted randomly 
    17.  * maxintensitydev - desired max intensity deviation of foreground samples pixels 
    18.  * maxxangle       - max rotation angles 
    19.  * maxyangle 
    20.  * maxzangle 
    21.  * showsamples     - if not 0 samples will be shown 
    22.  * winwidth        - desired samples width 
    23.  * winheight       - desired samples height 
    24.  */  
     * cvCreateTrainingSamples
     * Create training samples applying random distortions to sample image and
     * store them in .vec file
     * filename        - .vec file name
     * imgfilename     - sample image file name
     * bgcolor         - background color for sample image
     * bgthreshold     - background color threshold. Pixels those colors are in range
     *   [bgcolor-bgthreshold, bgcolor+bgthreshold] are considered as transparent
     * bgfilename      - background description file name. If not NULL samples
     *   will be put on arbitrary background
     * count           - desired number of samples
     * invert          - if not 0 sample foreground pixels will be inverted
     *   if invert == CV_RANDOM_INVERT then samples will be inverted randomly
     * maxintensitydev - desired max intensity deviation of foreground samples pixels
     * maxxangle       - max rotation angles
     * maxyangle
     * maxzangle
     * showsamples     - if not 0 samples will be shown
     * winwidth        - desired samples width
     * winheight       - desired samples height
    • 1
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    3)提供 infoname和 vecname时,调用以下操作 (这里是我们训练需要的)
    1. /* 
    2.  * cvCreateTrainingSamplesFromInfo 
    3.  * 
    4.  * Create training samples from a set of marked up images and store them into .vec file 
    5.  * infoname    - file in which marked up image descriptions are stored 
    6.  * num         - desired number of samples 
    7.  * showsamples - if not 0 samples will be shown 
    8.  * winwidth    - sample width 
    9.  * winheight   - sample height 
    10.  *  
    11.  * Return number of successfully created samples 
    12.  */  
    13. int cvCreateTrainingSamplesFromInfo( const char* infoname, const char* vecfilename,  
    14.                                      int num,  
    15.                                      int showsamples,  
    16.                                      int winwidth, int winheight )  
     * cvCreateTrainingSamplesFromInfo
     * Create training samples from a set of marked up images and store them into .vec file
     * infoname    - file in which marked up image descriptions are stored
     * num         - desired number of samples
     * showsamples - if not 0 samples will be shown
     * winwidth    - sample width
     * winheight   - sample height
     * Return number of successfully created samples
    int cvCreateTrainingSamplesFromInfo( const char* infoname, const char* vecfilename,
                                         int num,
                                         int showsamples,
                                         int winwidth, int winheight )
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    1. /* 
    2.  * cvShowVecSamples 
    3.  * 
    4.  * Shows samples stored in .vec file 
    5.  * 
    6.  * filename 
    7.  *   .vec file name 
    8.  * winwidth 
    9.  *   sample width 
    10.  * winheight 
    11.  *   sample height 
    12.  * scale 
    13.  *   the scale each sample is adjusted to(这个scale与3中的缩放不是一回事,这里仅为了显示而再次缩放) 
    14.  */  
    15. void cvShowVecSamples( const char* filename, int winwidth, int winheight, double scale );  
     * cvShowVecSamples
     * Shows samples stored in .vec file
     * filename
     *   .vec file name
     * winwidth
     *   sample width
     * winheight
     *   sample height
     * scale
     *   the scale each sample is adjusted to(这个scale与3中的缩放不是一回事,这里仅为了显示而再次缩放)
    void cvShowVecSamples( const char* filename, int winwidth, int winheight, double scale );
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    (haartraining.cpp )

    1. ”  -data <dir_name>\n”  
    2. ”  -vec <vec_file_name>\n”  
    3. ”  -bg <background_file_name>\n”  
    4. ”  [-bg-vecfile]\n”  
    5. ”  [-npos <number_of_positive_samples = %d>]\n”  
    6. ”  [-nneg <number_of_negative_samples = %d>]\n”  
    7. ”  [-nstages <number_of_stages = %d>]\n”  
    8. ”  [-nsplits <number_of_splits = %d>]\n”  
    9. ”  [-mem <memory_in_MB = %d>]\n”  
    10. ”  [-sym (default)] [-nonsym]\n”  
    11. ”  [-minhitrate <min_hit_rate = %f>]\n”  
    12. ”  [-maxfalsealarm <max_false_alarm_rate = %f>]\n”  
    13. ”  [-weighttrimming <weight_trimming = %f>]\n”  
    14. ”  [-eqw]\n”  
    15. ”  [-mode <BASIC (default) | CORE | ALL>]\n”  
    16. ”  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n”  
    17. ”  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n”  
    18. ”  [-bt <DAB | RAB | LB | GAB (default)>]\n”  
    19. ”  [-err <misclass (default) | gini | entropy>]\n”  
    20. ”  [-maxtreesplits <max_number_of_splits_in_tree_cascade = %d>]\n”  
    21. ”  [-minpos <min_number_of_positive_samples_per_cluster = %d>]\n”  
    "  -data <dir_name>\n"
    "  -vec <vec_file_name>\n"
    "  -bg <background_file_name>\n"
    "  [-bg-vecfile]\n"
    "  [-npos <number_of_positive_samples = %d>]\n"
    "  [-nneg <number_of_negative_samples = %d>]\n"
    "  [-nstages <number_of_stages = %d>]\n"
    "  [-nsplits <number_of_splits = %d>]\n"
    "  [-mem <memory_in_MB = %d>]\n"
    "  [-sym (default)] [-nonsym]\n"
    "  [-minhitrate <min_hit_rate = %f>]\n"
    "  [-maxfalsealarm <max_false_alarm_rate = %f>]\n"
    "  [-weighttrimming <weight_trimming = %f>]\n"
    "  [-eqw]\n"
    "  [-mode <BASIC (default) | CORE | ALL>]\n"
    "  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n"
    "  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n"
    "  [-bt <DAB | RAB | LB | GAB (default)>]\n"
    "  [-err <misclass (default) | gini | entropy>]\n"
    "  [-maxtreesplits <max_number_of_splits_in_tree_cascade = %d>]\n"
    "  [-minpos <min_number_of_positive_samples_per_cluster = %d>]\n"
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    (performance.cpp )

    1. ”  -data <classifier_directory_name>\n”  
    2. ”  -info <collection_file_name>\n”  
    3. ”  [-maxSizeDiff <max_size_difference = %f>]\n”  
    4. ”  [-maxPosDiff <max_position_difference = %f>]\n”  
    5. ”  [-sf <scale_factor = %f>]\n”  
    6. ”  [-ni <saveDetected = 0>]\n”  
    7. ”  [-nos <number_of_stages = %d>]\n”  
    8. ”  [-rs <roc_size = %d>]\n”  
    9. ”  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n”  
    10. ”  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n”  
    "  -data <classifier_directory_name>\n"
    "  -info <collection_file_name>\n"
    "  [-maxSizeDiff <max_size_difference = %f>]\n"
    "  [-maxPosDiff <max_position_difference = %f>]\n"
    "  [-sf <scale_factor = %f>]\n"
    "  [-ni <saveDetected = 0>]\n"
    "  [-nos <number_of_stages = %d>]\n"
    "  [-rs <roc_size = %d>]\n"
    "  [-w <sample_width = %d>]\n"
    "  [-h <sample_height = %d>]\n"
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    1.  cout << “Usage: ” << argv[0] << endl;  
    2.  cout << ”  -data <cascade_dir_name>” << endl;  
    3.  cout << ”  -vec <vec_file_name>” << endl;  
    4.  cout << ”  -bg <background_file_name>” << endl;  
    5.  cout << ”  [-numPos <number_of_positive_samples = ” << numPos << “>]” << endl;   //默认2000  
    6.  cout << ”  [-numNeg <number_of_negative_samples = ” << numNeg << “>]” << endl;   //默认1000  
    7.  cout << ”  [-numStages <number_of_stages = ” << numStages << “>]” << endl;   //默认20  
    8.  cout << ”  [-precalcValBufSize <precalculated_vals_buffer_size_in_Mb = ” << precalcValBufSize << “>]” << endl;//默认256  
    9.  cout << ”  [-precalcIdxBufSize <precalculated_idxs_buffer_size_in_Mb = ” << precalcIdxBufSize << “>]” << endl;//默认256  
    10.  cout << ”  [-baseFormatSave]” << endl;                     //是否按照旧版存xml文件默认false  
    11. // cout << ”  [-numThreads <max_number_of_threads = ” << numThreads << ”>]” << endl;//这个参数在3.0版本中才出现,默认numThreads = getNumThreads();  
    12. // cout << ”  [-acceptanceRatioBreakValue <value> = ” << acceptanceRatioBreakValue << ”>]” << endl;//这个参数在3.0版本中才出现,默认-1.0  
    13.  cascadeParams.printDefaults();  
    14.  stageParams.printDefaults();  
    15.  forint fi = 0; fi < fc; fi++ )  
    16.      featureParams[fi]->printDefaults();  
            cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << endl;
            cout << "  -data <cascade_dir_name>" << endl;
            cout << "  -vec <vec_file_name>" << endl;
            cout << "  -bg <background_file_name>" << endl;
            cout << "  [-numPos <number_of_positive_samples = " << numPos << ">]" << endl;    //默认2000
            cout << "  [-numNeg <number_of_negative_samples = " << numNeg << ">]" << endl;    //默认1000
            cout << "  [-numStages <number_of_stages = " << numStages << ">]" << endl;    //默认20
            cout << "  [-precalcValBufSize <precalculated_vals_buffer_size_in_Mb = " << precalcValBufSize << ">]" << endl;//默认256
            cout << "  [-precalcIdxBufSize <precalculated_idxs_buffer_size_in_Mb = " << precalcIdxBufSize << ">]" << endl;//默认256
            cout << "  [-baseFormatSave]" << endl;                      //是否按照旧版存xml文件默认false
           // cout << "  [-numThreads <max_number_of_threads = " << numThreads << ">]" << endl;//这个参数在3.0版本中才出现,默认numThreads = getNumThreads();
           // cout << "  [-acceptanceRatioBreakValue <value> = " << acceptanceRatioBreakValue << ">]" << endl;//这个参数在3.0版本中才出现,默认-1.0
            for( int fi = 0; fi < fc; fi++ )
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    其中cascadeParams.printDefaults();——cascadeclassifier.cpp 如下

    1. cout << “  [-stageType <”;                                                 //默认BOOST  
    2. forint i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(stageTypes)/sizeof(stageTypes[0])); i++ )  
    3. {  
    4.     cout << (i ? ” | ” : “”) << stageTypes[i];  
    5.     if ( i == defaultStageType )  
    6.         cout << ”(default)”;  
    7. }  
    8. cout << ”>]” << endl;  
    10. cout << ”  [-featureType <{“;                                              //默认HAAR  
    11. forint i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(featureTypes)/sizeof(featureTypes[0])); i++ )  
    12. {  
    13.     cout << (i ? ”, ” : “”) << featureTypes[i];  
    14.     if ( i == defaultStageType )  
    15.         cout << ”(default)”;  
    16. }  
    17. cout << ”}>]” << endl;  
    18. cout << ”  [-w <sampleWidth = ” << winSize.width << “>]” << endl;        //默认24*24  
    19. cout << ”  [-h <sampleHeight = ” << winSize.height << “>]” << endl;  
        cout << "  [-stageType <";                                                 //默认BOOST
        for( int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(stageTypes)/sizeof(stageTypes[0])); i++ )
            cout << (i ? " | " : "") << stageTypes[i];
            if ( i == defaultStageType )
                cout << "(default)";
        cout << ">]" << endl;
        cout << "  [-featureType <{";                                              //默认HAAR
        for( int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(featureTypes)/sizeof(featureTypes[0])); i++ )
            cout << (i ? ", " : "") << featureTypes[i];
            if ( i == defaultStageType )
                cout << "(default)";
        cout << "}>]" << endl;
        cout << "  [-w <sampleWidth = " << winSize.width << ">]" << endl;        //默认24*24
        cout << "  [-h <sampleHeight = " << winSize.height << ">]" << endl;
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    1. cout << “–boostParams–” << endl;  
    2. cout << ”  [-bt <{“ << CC_DISCRETE_BOOST << “, ”  
    3.                     << CC_REAL_BOOST << ”, ”  
    4.                     << CC_LOGIT_BOOST ”, ”  
    5.                     << CC_GENTLE_BOOST << ”(default)}>]” << endl;                         //默认CC_GENTLE_BOOST   
    6. cout << ”  [-minHitRate <min_hit_rate> = ” << minHitRate << “>]” << endl;                 //默认0.995  
    7. cout << ”  [-maxFalseAlarmRate <max_false_alarm_rate = ” << maxFalseAlarm << “>]” << endl;//默认0.5  
    8. cout << ”  [-weightTrimRate <weight_trim_rate = ” << weight_trim_rate << “>]” << endl;    //默认0.95  
    9. cout << ”  [-maxDepth <max_depth_of_weak_tree = ” << max_depth << “>]” << endl;           //默认1  
    10. cout << ”  [-maxWeakCount <max_weak_tree_count = ” << weak_count << “>]” << endl;         //默认100  
        cout << "--boostParams--" << endl;
        cout << "  [-bt <{" << CC_DISCRETE_BOOST << ", "
                            << CC_REAL_BOOST << ", "
                            << CC_LOGIT_BOOST ", "
                            << CC_GENTLE_BOOST << "(default)}>]" << endl;                         //默认CC_GENTLE_BOOST 
        cout << "  [-minHitRate <min_hit_rate> = " << minHitRate << ">]" << endl;                 //默认0.995
        cout << "  [-maxFalseAlarmRate <max_false_alarm_rate = " << maxFalseAlarm << ">]" << endl;//默认0.5
        cout << "  [-weightTrimRate <weight_trim_rate = " << weight_trim_rate << ">]" << endl;    //默认0.95
        cout << "  [-maxDepth <max_depth_of_weak_tree = " << max_depth << ">]" << endl;           //默认1
        cout << "  [-maxWeakCount <max_weak_tree_count = " << weak_count << ">]" << endl;         //默认100
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    featureParams[fi]->printDefaults();——haarfeatures.cpp 如下

    1. cout << “  [-mode <” CC_MODE_BASIC << “(default)| ”  //默认CC_MODE_BASIC  
    2.            << CC_MODE_CORE <<” | ” << CC_MODE_ALL << endl;  
     cout << "  [-mode <" CC_MODE_BASIC << "(default)| "  //默认CC_MODE_BASIC
                << CC_MODE_CORE <<" | " << CC_MODE_ALL << endl;
    • 1





    包含正样本的vec文件名(由 opencv_createsamples 程序生成)






    每级分类器训练时所用的负样本数目,可以大于 -bg 指定的图片数目




    缓存大小,用于存储预先计算的特征值(feature values),单位为MB


    缓存大小,用于存储预先计算的特征索引(feature indices),单位为MB。内存越大,训练时间越短







    特征的类型: HAAR - 类Haar特征;LBP - 局部纹理模式特征



    训练样本的尺寸(单位为像素)。必须跟训练样本创建(使用 opencv_createsamples 程序创建)时的尺寸保持一致



    Boosted分类器的类型: DAB - Discrete AdaBoost,RAB - Real AdaBoost,LB - LogitBoost, GAB - Gentle AdaBoost


    分类器的每一级希望得到的最小检测率(正样本被判成正样本的比例)。总的检测率大约为 min_hit_rate^number_of_stages。可以设很高,如0.999


    分类器的每一级希望得到的最大误检率(负样本被判成正样本的比例)。总的误检率大约为 max_false_alarm_rate^number_of_stages。可以设较低,如0.5


    Specifies whether trimming should be used and its weight. 一个还不错的数值是0.95




    每一级中的弱分类器的最大数目。The boosted classifier (stage) will have so many weak trees (<=maxWeakCount), as needed to achieve the given-maxFalseAlarmRate


    -mode<BASIC(default)| CORE|ALL>

    选择训练过程中使用的Haar特征的类型。 BASIC 只使用右上特征, ALL 使用所有右上特征和45度旋转特征



    image  -输入的灰度图像,

    objects  -被检测到的目标矩形框向量组,

    scaleFactor  -为每一个图像尺度中的尺度参数,默认值为1.1

    minNeighbors  -为每一个级联矩形应该保留的邻近个数,默认为3,表示至少有3次检测到目标,才认为是目标

    flags -CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING,利用Canny边缘检测器来排除一些边缘很少或者很多的图像区域;




    minSize和maxSize -用来限制得到的目标区域的范围(先找maxsize,再用1.1参数缩小,直到小于minSize终止检测)


    (haarfeatures.cpp ——opencv3.0)

    Detailed Description

    Haar Feature-based Cascade Classifier for Object Detection

    The object detector described below has been initially proposed by Paul Viola [pdf] and improved by Rainer Lienhart [pdf] .

    First, a classifier (namely a cascade of boosted classifiers working with haar-like features) is trained with a few hundred sample views of a particular object (i.e., a face or a car), called positive examples, that are scaled to the same size (say, 20x20), and negative examples - arbitrary images of the same size.

    After a classifier is trained, it can be applied to a region of interest (of the same size as used during the training) in an input image. The classifier outputs a “1” if the region is likely to show the object (i.e., face/car), and “0” otherwise. To search for the object in the whole image one can move the search window across the image and check every location using the classifier. The classifier is designed so that it can be easily “resized” in order to be able to find the objects of interest at different sizes, which is more efficient than resizing the image itself. So, to find an object of an unknown size in the image the scan procedure should be done several times at different scales.

    The word “cascade” in the classifier name means that the resultant classifier consists of several simpler classifiers (stages) that are applied subsequently to a region of interest until at some stage the candidate is rejected or all the stages are passed. The word “boosted” means that the classifiers at every stage of the cascade are complex themselves and they are built out of basic classifiers using one of four different boosting techniques (weighted voting). Currently Discrete Adaboost, Real Adaboost, Gentle Adaboost and Logitboost are supported. The basic classifiers are decision-tree classifiers with at least 2 leaves. Haar-like features are the input to the basic classifiers, and are calculated as described below. The current algorithm uses the following Haar-like features:


    The feature used in a particular classifier is specified by its shape (1a, 2b etc.), position within the region of interest and the scale (this scale is not the same as the scale used at the detection stage, though these two scales are multiplied). For example, in the case of the third line feature (2c) the response is calculated as the difference between the sum of image pixels under the rectangle covering the whole feature (including the two white stripes and the black stripe in the middle) and the sum of the image pixels under the black stripe multiplied by 3 in order to compensate for the differences in the size of areas. The sums of pixel values over a rectangular regions are calculated rapidly using integral images (see below and the integral description).

    To see the object detector at work, have a look at the facedetect demo: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/samples/cpp/dbt_face_detection.cpp

    The following reference is for the detection part only. There is a separate application called opencv_traincascade that can train a cascade of boosted classifiers from a set of samples.


    In the new C++ interface it is also possible to use LBP (local binary pattern) features in addition to Haar-like features. .. [Viola01] Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones. Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features. IEEE CVPR, 2001. The paper is available online at https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~efros/courses/LBMV07/Papers/viola-cvpr-01.pdf(上述有提到)




    A common machine learning task is supervised learning. In supervised learning, the goal is to learn the functional relationship  between the input  and the output  . Predicting the qualitative output is called classification, while predicting the quantitative output is called regression.

    Boosting is a powerful learning concept that provides a solution to the supervised classification learning task. It combines the performance of many “weak” classifiers to produce a powerful committee [125] . A weak classifier is only required to be better than chance, and thus can be very simple and computationally inexpensive. However, many of them smartly combine results to a strong classifier that often outperforms most “monolithic” strong classifiers such as SVMs and Neural Networks.

    Decision trees are the most popular weak classifiers used in boosting schemes. Often the simplest decision trees with only a single split node per tree (called stumps ) are sufficient.

    The boosted model is based on  training examples  with  and  .  is a  -component vector. Each component encodes a feature relevant to the learning task at hand. The desired two-class output is encoded as -1 and +1.

    Different variants of boosting are known as Discrete Adaboost, Real AdaBoost, LogitBoost, and Gentle AdaBoost [49] . All of them are very similar in their overall structure. Therefore, this chapter focuses only on the standard two-class Discrete AdaBoost algorithm, outlined below. Initially the same weight is assigned to each sample (step 2). Then, a weak classifier  is trained on the weighted training data (step 3a). Its weighted training error and scaling factor  is computed (step 3b). The weights are increased for training samples that have been misclassified (step 3c). All weights are then normalized, and the process of finding the next weak classifier continues for another  -1 times. The final classifier  is the sign of the weighted sum over the individual weak classifiers (step 4).

    Two-class Discrete AdaBoost Algorithm

    • Set  examples  with  .
    • Assign weights as  .
    • Repeat for  :
      • Fit the classifier , using weights  on the training data.
      • Compute  .
      • Set  and renormalize so that  .

    • Classify new samples x using the formula:  .
    Similar to the classical boosting methods, the current implementation supports two-class classifiers only. For M > 2 classes, there is the AdaBoost.MH algorithm (described in  [49]) that reduces the problem to the two-class problem, yet with a much larger training set.

    To reduce computation time for boosted models without substantially losing accuracy, the influence trimming technique can be employed. As the training algorithm proceeds and the number of trees in the ensemble is increased, a larger number of the training samples are classified correctly and with increasing confidence, thereby those samples receive smaller weights on the subsequent iterations. Examples with a very low relative weight have a small impact on the weak classifier training. Thus, such examples may be excluded during the weak classifier training without having much effect on the induced classifier. This process is controlled with the weight_trim_rate parameter. Only examples with the summary fraction weight_trim_rate of the total weight mass are used in the weak classifier training. Note that the weights for all training examples are recomputed at each training iteration. Examples deleted at a particular iteration may be used again for learning some of the weak classifiers further [49]

    See also

    Prediction with Boost

    StatModel::predict(samples, results, flags) should be used. Pass flags=StatModel::RAW_OUTPUT to get the raw sum from Boost classifier.


    1)POS count : consumed   n1 : n2

    每次都调用updateTrainingSet( requiredLeafFARate, tempLeafFARate );函数

    1. bool CvCascadeClassifier::updateTrainingSet( double minimumAcceptanceRatio, double& acceptanceRatio)  
    2. {  
    3.     int64 posConsumed = 0, negConsumed = 0;  
    4.     imgReader.restart();  
    5.     int posCount = fillPassedSamples( 0, numPos, true, 0, posConsumed );//Consumed消耗  
    6.     if( !posCount )  
    7.         return false;  
    8.     cout << ”POS count : consumed   ” << posCount << “ : ” << (int)posConsumed << endl;//这就是打印信息,我的理解是这个stage判成正样本数和正样本数  
    10.     int proNumNeg = cvRound( ( ((double)numNeg) * ((double)posCount) ) / numPos ); // apply only a fraction of negative samples. double is required since overflow is possible  
    11.     int negCount = fillPassedSamples( posCount, proNumNeg, false, minimumAcceptanceRatio, negConsumed );  
    12.     if ( !negCount )  
    13.         return false;  
    15.     curNumSamples = posCount + negCount;  
    16.     acceptanceRatio = negConsumed == 0 ? 0 : ( (double)negCount/(double)(int64)negConsumed );  
    17.     cout << ”NEG count : acceptanceRatio    ” << negCount << “ : ” << acceptanceRatio << endl;//打印信息,我的理解是  
    18.     return true;  
    19. }  
    bool CvCascadeClassifier::updateTrainingSet( double minimumAcceptanceRatio, double& acceptanceRatio)
        int64 posConsumed = 0, negConsumed = 0;
        int posCount = fillPassedSamples( 0, numPos, true, 0, posConsumed );//Consumed消耗
        if( !posCount )
            return false;
        cout << "POS count : consumed   " << posCount << " : " << (int)posConsumed << endl;//这就是打印信息,我的理解是这个stage判成正样本数和正样本数
        int proNumNeg = cvRound( ( ((double)numNeg) * ((double)posCount) ) / numPos ); // apply only a fraction of negative samples. double is required since overflow is possible
        int negCount = fillPassedSamples( posCount, proNumNeg, false, minimumAcceptanceRatio, negConsumed );
        if ( !negCount )
            return false;
        curNumSamples = posCount + negCount;
        acceptanceRatio = negConsumed == 0 ? 0 : ( (double)negCount/(double)(int64)negConsumed );
        cout << "NEG count : acceptanceRatio    " << negCount << " : " << acceptanceRatio << endl;//打印信息,我的理解是
        return true;
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    1. int CvCascadeClassifier::fillPassedSamples( int first, int count, bool isPositive, double minimumAcceptanceRatio, int64& consumed )  
    2. {  
    3.     int getcount = 0;  
    4.     Mat img(cascadeParams.winSize, CV_8UC1);  
    5.     forint i = first; i < first + count; i++ )  
    6.     {  
    7.         for( ; ; )  
    8.         {  
    9.             if( consumed != 0 && ((double)getcount+1)/(double)(int64)consumed <= minimumAcceptanceRatio )  
    10.                 return getcount;  
    12.             bool isGetImg = isPositive ? imgReader.getPos( img ) :  
    13.                                            imgReader.getNeg( img );  
    14.             if( !isGetImg )  
    15.                 return getcount;  
    16.             consumed++;  
    18.             featureEvaluator->setImage( img, isPositive ? 1 : 0, i );  
    19.             if( predict( i ) == 1.0F )  
    20.             {  
    21.                 getcount++;  
    22.                 printf(”%s current samples: %d\r”, isPositive ? “POS”:“NEG”, getcount);  
    23.                 break;  
    24.             }  
    25.         }  
    26.     }  
    27.     return getcount;  
    28. }  
    int CvCascadeClassifier::fillPassedSamples( int first, int count, bool isPositive, double minimumAcceptanceRatio, int64& consumed )
        int getcount = 0;
        Mat img(cascadeParams.winSize, CV_8UC1);
        for( int i = first; i < first + count; i++ )
            for( ; ; )
                if( consumed != 0 && ((double)getcount+1)/(double)(int64)consumed <= minimumAcceptanceRatio )
                    return getcount;
                bool isGetImg = isPositive ? imgReader.getPos( img ) :
                                               imgReader.getNeg( img );
                if( !isGetImg )
                    return getcount;
                featureEvaluator->setImage( img, isPositive ? 1 : 0, i );
                if( predict( i ) == 1.0F )
                    printf("%s current samples: %d\r", isPositive ? "POS":"NEG", getcount);
        return getcount;
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    1. int CvCascadeClassifier::predict( int sampleIdx )  
    2. {  
    3.     CV_DbgAssert( sampleIdx < numPos + numNeg );  
    4.     for (vector< Ptr<CvCascadeBoost> >::iterator it = stageClassifiers.begin();  
    5.         it != stageClassifiers.end(); it++ )  
    6.     {  
    7.         if ( (*it)->predict( sampleIdx ) == 0.f )  
    8.             return 0;  
    9.     }  
    10.     return 1;  
    11. }  
    int CvCascadeClassifier::predict( int sampleIdx )
        CV_DbgAssert( sampleIdx < numPos + numNeg );
        for (vector< Ptr<CvCascadeBoost> >::iterator it = stageClassifiers.begin();
            it != stageClassifiers.end(); it++ )
            if ( (*it)->predict( sampleIdx ) == 0.f )
                return 0;
        return 1;
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    1. float CvCascadeBoost::predict( int sampleIdx, bool returnSum ) const  
    2. {  
    3.     CV_Assert( weak );  
    4.     double sum = 0;  
    5.     CvSeqReader reader;  
    6.     cvStartReadSeq( weak, &reader );  
    7.     cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, 0 );  
    8.     forint i = 0; i < weak->total; i++ )  
    9.     {  
    10.         CvBoostTree* wtree;  
    11.         CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( wtree, reader );  
    12.         sum += ((CvCascadeBoostTree*)wtree)->predict(sampleIdx)->value;  
    13.     }  
    14.     if( !returnSum )  
    15.         sum = sum < threshold - CV_THRESHOLD_EPS ? 0.0 : 1.0;  
    16.     return (float)sum;  
    17. }  
    float CvCascadeBoost::predict( int sampleIdx, bool returnSum ) const
        CV_Assert( weak );
        double sum = 0;
        CvSeqReader reader;
        cvStartReadSeq( weak, &reader );
        cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, 0 );
        for( int i = 0; i < weak->total; i++ )
            CvBoostTree* wtree;
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( wtree, reader );
            sum += ((CvCascadeBoostTree*)wtree)->predict(sampleIdx)->value;
        if( !returnSum )
            sum = sum < threshold - CV_THRESHOLD_EPS ? 0.0 : 1.0;
        return (float)sum;
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