conda install pandas
pip install pandas
- import numpy as np # pandas和numpy常常结合在一起使用,导入numpy库
- import pandas as pd # 导入pandas库
- print(pd.__version__) # 打印pandas版本信息
- #> 0.23.4
- mylist = list('abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') # 列表
- myarr = np.arange(26) # 数组
- mydict = dict(zip(mylist, myarr)) # 字典
- # 构建方法
- ser1 = pd.Series(mylist)
- ser2 = pd.Series(myarr)
- ser3 = pd.Series(mydict)
- print(ser3.head()) # 打印前5个数据
- #> a 0
- b 1
- c 2
- d 4
- e 3
- dtype:int64

- mylist = list('abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
- myarr = np.arange(26)
- mydict = dict(zip(mylist, myarr))
- ser = pd.Series(mydict)
- # series转换为dataframe
- df = ser.to_frame()
- # 索引列转换为dataframe的列
- df.reset_index(inplace=True)
- print(df.head())
- #> index 0
- 0 a 0
- 1 b 1
- 2 c 2
- 3 e 3
- 4 d 4

- # 构建series1
- ser1 = pd.Series(list('abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))
- # 构建series2
- ser2 = pd.Series(np.arange(26))
- # 方法1,axis=1表示列拼接,0表示行拼接
- df = pd.concat([ser1, ser2], axis=1)
- # 与方法1相比,方法2设置了列名
- df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ser1, 'col2': ser2})
- print(df.head())
- #> col1 col2
- 0 a 0
- 1 b 1
- 2 c 2
- 3 e 3
- 4 d 4

- ser = pd.Series(list('abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))
- # 命名索引列名称
- ser.name = 'alphabets'
- # 显示前5行数据
- ser.head()
- #> 0 a
- 1 b
- 2 c
- 3 e
- 4 d
- Name: alphabets, dtype: object
- ser1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
- ser2 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
- # 返回ser1不包含ser2的布尔型series
- ser3=~ser1.isin(ser2)
- # 获取ser不包含ser2的元素
- ser1[ser3]
- #> 0 1
- 1 2
- 2 3
- dtype: int64
- ser1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
- ser2 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
- # 求ser1和ser2的并集
- ser_u = pd.Series(np.union1d(ser1, ser2))
- # 求ser1和ser2的交集
- ser_i = pd.Series(np.intersect1d(ser1, ser2))
- # ser_i在ser_u的补集就是ser1和ser2不相同的项
- ser_u[~ser_u.isin(ser_i)]
- #> 0 1
- 1 2
- 2 3
- 5 6
- 6 7
- 7 8
- dtype: int64

- # 设置随机数种子
- state = np.random.RandomState(100)
- # 从均值为5标准差为25的正态分布随机抽取5个点构成series
- ser = pd.Series(state.normal(10, 5, 25))
- # 求ser的四分位数
- np.percentile(ser, q=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100])
- #> array([ 1.25117263, 7.70986507, 10.92259345, 13.36360403, 18.0949083 ])
- #从0~7随机抽取30个列表值,组成series
- ser = pd.Series(np.take(list('abcdefgh'), np.random.randint(8, size=30)))
- # 对该series进行计数
- ser.value_counts()
- #> d 8
- g 6
- b 6
- a 5
- e 2
- h 2
- f 1
- dtype: int64
- np.random.RandomState(100)
- # 从1~4均匀采样12个点组成series
- ser = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 5, [12]))
- # 除前两行索引对应的值不变,后几行索引对应的值为Other
- ser[~ser.isin(ser.value_counts().index[:2])] = 'Other'
- ser
- #> 0 Other
- 1 4
- 2 2
- 3 2
- 4 4
- 5 Other
- 6 Other
- 7 Other
- 8 4
- 9 4
- 10 4
- 11 2
- dtype: object

- ser = pd.Series(np.random.random(20))
- # 离散化10个类别值,只显示前5行的数据
- pd.qcut(ser, q=[0, .10, .20, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1],
- labels=['1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', '5th', '6th', '7th', '8th', '9th', '10th']).head()
- #>
- 0 3rd
- 1 1st
- 2 6th
- 3 6th
- 4 9th
- dtype: category
- Categories (10, object): [1st < 2nd < 3rd < 4th ... 7th < 8th < 9th < 10th]
- ser = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 10, 35))
- # serier类型转换numpy类型,然后重构
- df = pd.DataFrame(ser.values.reshape(7,5))
- print(df)
- #> 0 1 2 3 4 5
- 0 1 2 1 2 5
- 1 1 2 4 5 2
- 2 1 3 3 2 8
- 3 8 6 4 9 6
- 4 2 1 1 8 5
- 5 3 2 8 5 6
- 6 1 5 5 4 6
- ser = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 10, 7))
- print(ser)
- # 获取值是3倍数的索引
- np.argwhere(ser % 3==0)
- #> 0 6
- 1 8
- 2 6
- 3 7
- 4 6
- 5 2
- 6 4
- dtype: int64
- #> array([[0],
- [2],
- [4]])

- ser = pd.Series(list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))
- index = [0, 4, 8, 14, 20]
- # 获取指定索引的元素
- ser.take(index)
- #> 0 a
- 4 e
- 8 i
- 14 o
- 20 u
- dtype: object
- ser1 = pd.Series(range(5))
- ser2 = pd.Series(list('abcde'))
- # 垂直拼接
- df = pd.concat([ser1, ser2], axis=0)
- # 水平拼接
- df = pd.concat([ser1, ser2], axis=1)
- print(df)
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 0 a
- 1 1 b
- 2 2 c
- 3 3 d
- 4 4 e

- # ser1必须包含ser2,否则会报错
- ser1 = pd.Series([10, 9, 6, 5, 3, 1, 12, 8, 13])
- ser2 = pd.Series([1, 3, 10, 13])
- # 方法 1
- [np.where(i == ser1)[0].tolist()[0] for i in ser2]
- # 方法 2
- [pd.Index(ser1).get_loc(i) for i in ser2]
- #> [5, 4, 0, 8]
- 16.如何计算series之间的均方差
- truth = pd.Series(range(10))
- pred = pd.Series(range(10)) + np.random.random(10)
- # 均方差
- np.mean((truth-pred)**2)
- #> 0.25508722434194103

- # series的元素为str类型
- ser = pd.Series(['how', 'to', 'kick', 'ass?'])
- # 方法 1
- ser.map(lambda x: x.title())
- # 方法 2 ,字符串相加
- ser.map(lambda x: x[0].upper() + x[1:])
- # 方法 3
- pd.Series([i.title() for i in ser])
- #> 0 How
- 1 To
- 2 Kick
- 3 Ass?
- dtype: object

- ser = pd.Series(['how', 'to', 'kick', 'ass?'])
- # 方法
- ser.map(lambda x: len(x))
- #> 0 3
- 1 2
- 2 4
- 3 4
- dtype: int64
- ser = pd.Series([1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 27, 35])
- # 求一阶导并转化为列表类型
- print(ser.diff().tolist())
- # 求二阶导并转化为列表类型
- print(ser.diff().diff().tolist())
- #> [nan, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.0, 8.0]
- [nan, nan, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0]
- ser = pd.Series(['01 Jan 2010', '02-02-2011', '20120303', '2013/04/04', '2014-05-05', '2015-06-06T12:20'])
- pd.to_datetime(ser)
- #> 0 2010-01-01 00:00:00
- 1 2011-02-02 00:00:00
- 2 2012-03-03 00:00:00
- 3 2013-04-04 00:00:00
- 4 2014-05-05 00:00:00
- 5 2015-06-06 12:20:00
- dtype: datetime64[ns]
- ser = pd.Series(['Apple', 'Orange', 'Plan', 'Python', 'Money'])
- # 方法
- from collections import Counter
- # Counter是一个类字典类型,键是元素值,值是元素出现的次数,满足条件的元素返回True
- mask = ser.map(lambda x: sum([Counter(x.lower()).get(i, 0) for i in list('aeiou')]) >= 2)
- ser[mask]
- #> 0 Apple
- 1 Orange
- 4 Money
- dtype: object
- fruit = pd.Series(np.random.choice(['apple', 'banana', 'carrot'], 10))
- weights = pd.Series(np.linspace(1, 10, 10))
- # 根据fruit对weight分组
- weightsGrouped = weights.groupby(fruit)
- print(weightsGrouped.indices)
- # 对分组后series求每个索引的平均值
- weightsGrouped.mean()
- #> {'apple': array([0, 3], dtype=int64), 'banana': array([1, 2, 4, 8],
- dtype=int64), 'carrot': array([5, 6, 7, 9], dtype=int64)}
- #> apple 2.50
- banana 4.75
- carrot 7.75
- dtype: float64

- p = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
- q = pd.Series([10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
- \# 方法1
- sum((p - q)**2)**.5
- \# 方法2
- np.linalg.norm(p-q)
- #> 18.16590212458495
- ser = pd.Series([2, 10, 3, 4, 9, 10, 2, 7, 3])
- \# 二阶导
- dd = np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(ser)))
- \# 二阶导的最小值对应的值为最大值,返回最大值的索引
- peak_locs = np.where(dd == -2)[0] + 1
- peak_locs
- #> array([1, 5, 7], dtype=int64)
- my_str = 'dbc deb abed gade'
- # 方法
- ser = pd.Series(list('dbc deb abed gade'))
- # 统计元素的频数
- freq = ser.value_counts()
- print(freq)
- # 求最小频数的字符
- least_freq = freq.dropna().index[-1]
- # 替换
- "".join(ser.replace(' ', least_freq))
- #> d 4
- 3
- b 3
- e 3
- a 2
- c 1
- g 1
- dtype: int64
- #> 'dbcgdebgabedggade'

- ser = pd.Series(np.arange(20) + np.random.normal(1, 10, 20))
- # 求series的自相关系数,i为偏移量
- autocorrelations = [ser.autocorr(i).round(2) for i in range(11)]
- print(autocorrelations[1:])
- # 选择最大的偏移量
- print('Lag having highest correlation: ', np.argmax(np.abs(autocorrelations[1:]))+1)
- #> [0.33, 0.41, 0.48, 0.01, 0.21, 0.16, -0.11, 0.05, 0.34, -0.24]
- #> Lag having highest correlation: 3
- # 如何对series之间进行算法运算
- import pandas as pd
- series1 = pd.Series([3,4,4,4],['index1','index2','index3','index4'])
- series2 = pd.Series([2,2,2,2],['index1','index2','index33','index44'])
- # 加法
- series_add = series1 + series2
- print(series_add)
- # 减法
- series_minus = series1 - series2
- # series_minus
- # 乘法
- series_multi = series1 * series2
- # series_multi
- # 除法
- series_div = series1/series2
- series_div
- series是基于索引进行算数运算操作的,pandas会根据索引对数据进行运算,若series之间有不同的索引,对应的值就为Nan。结果如下:
- #加法:
- index1 5.0
- index2 6.0
- index3 NaN
- index33 NaN
- index4 NaN
- index44 NaN
- dtype: float64
- #除法:
- index1 1.5
- index2 2.0
- index3 NaN
- index33 NaN
- index4 NaN
- index44 NaN
- dtype: float64

- # 只读取前2行和指定列的数据
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv',nrows=2,usecols=['Model','Length'])
- df
- #> Model Length
- 0 Integra 177
- 1 Legend 195
- # 每隔50行读取一行数据
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/BostonHousing.csv', chunksize=50)
- df2 = pd.DataFrame()
- for chunk in df:
- # 获取series
- df2 = df2.append(chunk.iloc[0,:])
- #显示前5行
- print(df2.head())
- #> crim zn indus chas nox rm age \
- 0 0.21977 0.0 6.91 0 0.44799999999999995 5.602 62.0
- 1 0.0686 0.0 2.89 0 0.445 7.416 62.5
- 2 2.7339700000000002 0.0 19.58 0 0.871 5.597 94.9
- 3 0.0315 95.0 1.47 0 0.40299999999999997 6.975 15.3
- 4 0.19072999999999998 22.0 5.86 0 0.431 6.718 17.5
- dis rad tax ptratio b lstat medv
- 0 6.0877 3 233 17.9 396.9 16.2 19.4
- 1 3.4952 2 276 18.0 396.9 6.19 33.2
- 2 1.5257 5 403 14.7 351.85 21.45 15.4
- 3 7.6534 3 402 17.0 396.9 4.56 34.9
- 4 7.8265 7 330 19.1 393.74 6.56 26.2

- # 使用converters参数,改变medv列的值
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/BostonHousing.csv',
- converters={'medv': lambda x: 'High' if float(x) > 25 else 'Low'})
- print(df.head())
- #> b lstat medv
- 0 396.90 4.98 Low
- 1 396.90 9.14 Low
- 2 392.83 4.03 High
- 3 394.63 2.94 High
- 4 396.90 5.33 High
- # 导入指定的列:crim和medv
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/BostonHousing.csv', usecols=['crim', 'medv'])
- # 打印前四行dataframe信息
- print(df.head())
- #> crim medv
- 0 0.00632 24.0
- 1 0.02731 21.6
- 2 0.02729 34.7
- 3 0.03237 33.4
- 4 0.06905 36.2
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- # 打印dataframe的行和列
- print(df.shape)
- # 打印dataframe每列元素的类型显示前5行
- print(df.dtypes.head())
- # 统计各类型的数目,方法1
- print(df.get_dtype_counts())
- # 统计各类型的数目,方法2
- # print(df.dtypes.value_counts())
- # 描述每列的统计信息,如std,四分位数等
- df_stats = df.describe()
- # dataframe转化数组
- df_arr = df.values
- # 数组转化为列表
- df_list = df.values.tolist()
- #> (93, 27)
- Manufacturer object
- Model object
- Type object
- Min.Price float64
- Price float64
- dtype: object
- float64 18
- object 9
- dtype: int64

- import numpy as np
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- # print(df)
- # 获取最大值的行和列
- row, col = np.where(df.values == np.max(df.Price))
- # 行和列获取最大值
- print(df.iat[row[0], col[0]])
- df.iloc[row[0], col[0]]
- # 行索引和列名获取最大值
- df.at[row[0], 'Price']
- df.get_value(row[0], 'Price')
- #> 61.9
- df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.array([[18,50],[19,51],[20,55]]),index=['man1','man2','man3'],columns=['age','weight'])
- print(df1)
- # 修改列名
- print("\nchange columns :\n")
- #方法1
- df1.rename(columns={'weight':'stress'})
- #方法2
- df1.columns.values[1] = 'stress'
- print(df1)
- #> age weight
- man1 18 50
- man2 19 51
- man3 20 55
- change columns :
- age stress
- man1 18 50
- man2 19 51
- man3 20 55

- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- # 若有缺失值,则为Ture
- df.isnull().values.any()
- #> True
- 9. 如何统计dataframe的每列中缺失值的个数
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- # 获取每列的缺失值个数
- n_missings_each_col = df.apply(lambda x: x.isnull().sum())
- print(n_missings_each_col.head())
- #> Manufacturer 4
- Model 1
- Type 3
- Min.Price 7
- Price 2
- dtype: int64

- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv',nrows=10)
- print(df[['Min.Price','Max.Price']].head())
- # 平均值替换缺失值
- df_out = df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']] = df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']].apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))
- print(df_out.head())
- #> Min.Price Max.Price
- 0 12.9 18.8
- 1 29.2 38.7
- 2 25.9 32.3
- 3 NaN 44.6
- 4 NaN NaN
- #> Min.Price Max.Price
- 0 12.9 18.8
- 1 29.2 38.7
- 2 25.9 32.3
- 3 23.0 44.6
- 4 23.0 29.9

- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- print(df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']].head())
- # 全局变量
- d = {'Min.Price': np.nanmean, 'Max.Price': np.nanmedian}
- # 列名Min.Price的缺失值用平均值代替,Max.Price的缺失值用中值代替
- df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']] = df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']].apply(lambda x, d: x.fillna(d[x.name](x)), args=(d, ))
- print(df[['Min.Price', 'Max.Price']].head())
- #> Min.Price Max.Price
- 0 12.9 18.8
- 1 29.2 38.7
- 2 25.9 32.3
- 3 NaN 44.6
- 4 NaN NaN
- #> Min.Price Max.Price
- 0 12.900000 18.80
- 1 29.200000 38.70
- 2 25.900000 32.30
- 3 17.118605 44.60
- 4 17.118605 19.15

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(20).reshape(-1, 5), columns=list('abcde'))
- # print(df)
- # 以dataframe的形式选择特定的列
- type(df[['a']])
- type(df.loc[:, ['a']])
- print(type(df.iloc[:, [0]]))
- # 以series的形式选择特定的列
- type(df.a)
- type(df['a'])
- type(df.loc[:, 'a'])
- print(type(df.iloc[:, 1]))
- #> <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
- <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(20).reshape(-1, 5), columns=list('abcde'))
- print(df)
- # 交换col1和col2
- def switch_columns(df, col1=None, col2=None):
- colnames = df.columns.tolist()
- i1, i2 = colnames.index(col1), colnames.index(col2)
- colnames[i2], colnames[i1] = colnames[i1], colnames[i2]
- return df[colnames]
- df1 = switch_columns(df, 'a', 'c')
- print(df1)
- #> a b c d e
- 0 0 1 2 3 4
- 1 5 6 7 8 9
- 2 10 11 12 13 14
- 3 15 16 17 18 19
- #> c b a d e
- 0 2 1 0 3 4
- 1 7 6 5 8 9
- 2 12 11 10 13 14
- 3 17 16 15 18 19

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(4)**10, columns=['random'])
- print(df)
- # 显示小数点后四位
- df.apply(lambda x: '%.4f' % x, axis=1)
- print(df)
- #> random
- 0 3.539348e-04
- 1 3.864140e-10
- 2 2.973575e-02
- 3 1.414061e-01
- #> random
- 0 3.539348e-04
- 1 3.864140e-10
- 2 2.973575e-02
- 3 1.414061e-01

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(4), columns=['random'])
- # 格式化为小数点后两位的百分数
- out = df.style.format({
- 'random': '{0:.2%}'.format,
- })
- out
- #> random
- 0 48.54%
- 1 91.51%
- 2 90.83%
- 3 20.45%
- df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selva86/datasets/master/Cars93_miss.csv')
- # 每隔20行读dataframe数据
- print(df.iloc[::20, :][['Manufacturer', 'Model', 'Type']])
- #> Manufacturer Model Type
- 0 Acura Integra Small
- 20 Chrysler LeBaron Compact
- 40 Honda Prelude Sporty
- 60 Mercury Cougar Midsize
- 80 Subaru Loyale Small
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 15, 15).reshape(5,-1), columns=list('abc'))
- print(df)
- # 取'a'列前3个最大值对应的行
- n = 5
- df['a'].argsort()[::-1].iloc[:3]
- #> a b c
- 0 5 5 2
- 1 12 7 1
- 2 5 2 12
- 3 5 14 12
- 4 1 13 13
- #> 4 1
- 3 3
- 2 2
- Name: a, dtype: int64

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, 40, 16).reshape(-1, 4))
- print(df)
- # dataframe每行的和
- rowsums = df.apply(np.sum, axis=1)
- # 选取大于100的最末两行索引
- # last_two_rows = df.iloc[np.where(rowsums > 100)[0][-2:], :]
- nline = np.where(rowsums > 100)[0][-2:]
- nline
- #> 0 1 2 3
- 0 19 34 15 12
- 1 38 35 14 26
- 2 39 32 18 20
- 3 28 27 36 38
- #> array([2, 3], dtype=int64)

- ser = pd.Series(np.logspace(-2, 2, 30))
- # 小于low_per分位的数赋值为low,大于low_per分位的数赋值为high
- def cap_outliers(ser, low_perc, high_perc):
- low, high = ser.quantile([low_perc, high_perc])
- print(low_perc, '%ile: ', low, '|', high_perc, '%ile: ', high)
- ser[ser < low] = low
- ser[ser > high] = high
- return(ser)
- capped_ser = cap_outliers(ser, .05, .95)
- #> 0.05 %ile: 0.016049294076965887 | 0.95 %ile: 63.876672220183934
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(9).reshape(3, -1))
- print(df)
- # 函数
- def swap_rows(df, i1, i2):
- a, b = df.iloc[i1, :].copy(), df.iloc[i2, :].copy()
- # 通过iloc换行
- df.iloc[i1, :], df.iloc[i2, :] = b, a
- return df
- # 2和3行互换
- print(swap_rows(df, 1, 2))
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 0 1 2
- 1 3 4 5
- 2 6 7 8
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 0 1 2
- 1 6 7 8
- 2 3 4 5

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(9).reshape(3, -1))
- print(df)
- # 方法 1
- df.iloc[::-1, :]
- # 方法 2
- print(df.loc[df.index[::-1], :])
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 0 1 2
- 1 3 4 5
- 2 6 7 8
- #> 0 1 2
- 2 6 7 8
- 1 3 4 5
- 0 0 1 2

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(25).reshape(5,-1), columns=list('abcde'))
- print(df)
- # 对列'a'进行onehot编码
- df_onehot = pd.concat([pd.get_dummies(df['a']), df[list('bcde')]], axis=1)
- print(df_onehot)
- #> a b c d e
- 0 0 1 2 3 4
- 1 5 6 7 8 9
- 2 10 11 12 13 14
- 3 15 16 17 18 19
- 4 20 21 22 23 24
- #> 0 5 10 15 20 b c d e
- 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4
- 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 7 8 9
- 2 0 0 1 0 0 11 12 13 14
- 3 0 0 0 1 0 16 17 18 19
- 4 0 0 0 0 1 21 22 23 24

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 9).reshape(3, -1))
- print(df)
- # 获取每列包含行方向上最大值的个数
- count_series = df.apply(np.argmax, axis=1).value_counts()
- print(count_series)
- # 输出行方向最大值个数最多的列的索引
- print('Column with highest row maxes: ', count_series.index[0])
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 46 31 34
- 1 38 13 6
- 2 1 18 15
- #>统计列的最大值的个数
- 0 2
- 1 1
- dtype: int64
- #> Column with highest row maxes: 0

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 16).reshape(4, -1), columns=list('pqrs'), index=list('abcd'))
- # df
- print(df)
- # 得到四个列的相关系数
- abs_corrmat = np.abs(df.corr())
- print(abs_corrmat)
- # 得到每个列名与其他列的最大相关系数
- max_corr = abs_corrmat.apply(lambda x: sorted(x)[-2])
- # 显示每列与其他列的相关系数
- print('Maximum Correlation possible for each column: ', np.round(max_corr.tolist(), 2))
- #> p q r s
- a 59 99 1 34
- b 89 60 97 40
- c 43 35 14 6
- d 70 59 30 53
- #> p q r s
- p 1.000000 0.200375 0.860051 0.744529
- q 0.200375 1.000000 0.236619 0.438541
- r 0.860051 0.236619 1.000000 0.341399
- s 0.744529 0.438541 0.341399 1.000000
- #> Maximum Correlation possible for each column: [0.86 0.44 0.86 0.74]

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 9).reshape(3, -1))
- print(df)
- # 方法1:axis=1表示行方向,
- min_by_max = df.apply(lambda x: np.min(x)/np.max(x), axis=1)
- # 方法2
- min_by_max = np.min(df, axis=1)/np.max(df, axis=1)
- min_by_max
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 81 68 59
- 1 45 73 23
- 2 20 22 69
- #> 0 0.728395
- 1 0.315068
- 2 0.289855
- dtype: float64

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 9).reshape(3, -1))
- print(df)
- # 行方向上取第二大的值组成series
- out = df.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values().unique()[-2], axis=1)
- # 构建dataframe新的列
- df['penultimate'] = out
- print(df)
- #> 0 1 2
- 0 28 77 1
- 1 43 19 69
- 2 29 30 72
- #> 0 1 2 penultimate
- 0 28 77 1 28
- 1 43 19 69 43
- 2 29 30 72 30

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 80).reshape(8, -1))
- # 正态分布归一化
- out1 = df.apply(lambda x: ((x - x.mean())/x.std()).round(2))
- print('Solution Q1\n',out1)
- # 线性归一化
- out2 = df.apply(lambda x: ((x.max() - x)/(x.max() - x.min())).round(2))
- print('Solution Q2\n', out2)
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 25).reshape(5, -1))
- # 行与行之间的相关性
- [df.iloc[i].corr(df.iloc[i+1]).round(2) for i in range(df.shape[0])[:-1]]
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,100, 25).reshape(5, -1))
- print(df)
- # zhu
- for i in range(df.shape[0]):
- df.iat[i, i] = 0
- df.iat[df.shape[0]-i-1, i] = 0
- print(df)
- #> 0 1 2 3 4
- 0 51 35 71 71 79
- 1 78 25 71 85 44
- 2 90 97 72 14 4
- 3 27 91 37 25 48
- 4 1 26 68 70 20
- #> 0 1 2 3 4
- 0 0 35 71 71 0
- 1 78 0 71 0 44
- 2 90 97 0 14 4
- 3 27 0 37 0 48
- 4 0 26 68 70 0

- df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] * 2,
- 'col2': np.random.randint(0,15,6),
- 'col3': np.random.randint(0, 15, 6)})
- print(df)
- # 按列col1分组后的平均值
- df_grouped_mean = df.groupby(['col1']).mean()
- print(df_grouped_mean)
- # 按列col1分组后的标准差
- df_grouped_std = df.groupby(['col1']).mean()
- print(df_grouped_std)
- #> col1 col2 col3
- 0 apple 2 14
- 1 banana 11 8
- 2 orange 8 10
- 3 apple 5 2
- 4 banana 6 12
- 5 orange 11 13
- #> col2 col3
- col1
- apple 3.5 8.0
- banana 8.5 10.0
- orange 9.5 11.5
- #> col2 col3
- col1
- apple 3.5 8.0
- banana 8.5 10.0
- orange 9.5 11.5

- df = pd.DataFrame({'fruit': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] * 2,
- 'taste': np.random.rand(6),
- 'price': np.random.randint(0, 15, 6)})
- print(df)
- # teste列按fruit分组
- df_grpd = df['taste'].groupby(df.fruit)
- # teste列中banana元素的信息
- x=df_grpd.get_group('banana')
- # 排序并找第2大的值
- s = x.sort_values().iloc[-2]
- print(s)
- #> fruit taste price
- 0 apple 0.521990 7
- 1 banana 0.640444 0
- 2 orange 0.460509 9
- 3 apple 0.818963 4
- 4 banana 0.646138 7
- 5 orange 0.917056 12
- #> 0.6404436436085967

- df = pd.DataFrame({'fruit': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] * 2,
- 'rating': np.random.rand(6),
- 'price': np.random.randint(0, 15, 6)})
- # 按fruit分组后,price列的平均值,并将分组置为一列
- out = df.groupby('fruit', as_index=False)['price'].mean()
- print(out)
- #> fruit price
- 0 apple 4.0
- 1 banana 6.5
- 2 orange 11.0
- 33.如何获取两列值元素相等的位置(并非索引)
- df = pd.DataFrame({'fruit1': np.random.choice(['apple', 'orange', 'banana'], 3),
- 'fruit2': np.random.choice(['apple', 'orange', 'banana'], 3)})
- print(df)
- # 获取两列元素相等的行
- np.where(df.fruit1 == df.fruit2)
- #> fruit1 fruit2
- 0 apple banana
- 1 apple apple
- 2 orange apple
- #> (array([1], dtype=int64),)

- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 100, 20).reshape(-1, 4), columns = list('abcd'))
- # 创建往下偏移后的列
- df['a_lag1'] = df['a'].shift(1)
- # 创建往上偏移后的列
- df['b_lead1'] = df['b'].shift(-1)
- print(df)
- #> a b c d a_lag1 b_lead1
- 0 29 90 43 24 NaN 36.0
- 1 94 36 67 66 29.0 76.0
- 2 81 76 44 49 94.0 97.0
- 3 55 97 10 74 81.0 43.0
- 4 32 43 62 62 55.0 NaN
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 10, 20).reshape(-1, 4), columns = list('abcd'))
- # 统计元素值的个数
- pd.value_counts(df.values.ravel())
- #> 9 3
- 7 3
- 3 3
- 1 3
- 6 2
- 5 2
- 4 2
- 8 1
- 2 1
- dtype: int64
- df = pd.DataFrame(["STD, City State",
- "33, Kolkata West Bengal",
- "44, Chennai Tamil Nadu",
- "40, Hyderabad Telengana",
- "80, Bangalore Karnataka"], columns=['row'])
- print(df)
- # expand=True表示以分割符把字符串分成两列
- df_out = df.row.str.split(',|\t', expand=True)
- # 获取新的列
- new_header = df_out.iloc[0]
- # 重新赋值
- df_out = df_out[1:]
- df_out.columns = new_header
- print(df_out)
- #> row
- 0 STD, City State
- 1 33, Kolkata West Bengal
- 2 44, Chennai Tamil Nadu
- 3 40, Hyderabad Telengana
- 4 80, Bangalore Karnataka
- #> 0 STD City State
- 1 33 Kolkata West Bengal
- 2 44 Chennai Tamil Nadu
- 3 40 Hyderabad Telengana
- 4 80 Bangalore Karnataka

- # 如何构建多级索引的dataframe
- # 先通过元组方式构建多级索引
- import numpy as np
- outside = ['A','A','A','B','B','B']
- inside =[1,2,3,1,2,3]
- my_index = list(zip(outside,inside))
- # my_index
- # 转化为pd格式的索引
- my_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(my_index)
- # my_index
- # 构建多级索引dataframe
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,2),index =my_index,columns=['fea1','fea2'])
- df
- 多索引dataframe结果:
- 获取多索引dataframe的数据:
- df.loc['A'].iloc[1]
- #> fea1 -0.794461
- fea2 0.882104
- Name: 2, dtype: float64
- df.loc['A'].iloc[1]['fea1']
- #> -0.7944609970323794

函数 | 含义 |
min() | 计算最小值 |
max() | 计算最大值 |
sum() | 求和 |
mean() | 计算平均值 |
count() | 计数(统计非缺失元素的个数) |
size() | 计数(统计所有元素的个数) |
median() | 计算中位数 |
var() | 计算方差 |
std() | 计算标准差 |
quantile() | 计算任意分位数 |
cov() | 计算协方差 |
corr() | 计算相关系数 |
skew() | 计算偏度 |
kurt() | 计算峰度 |
mode() | 计算众数 |
describe() | 描述性统计(一次性返回多个统计结果) |
groupby() | 分组 |
aggregate() | 聚合运算(可以自定义统计函数) |
argmin() | 寻找最小值所在位置 |
argmax() | 寻找最大值所在位置 |
any() | 等价于逻辑“或” |
all() | 等价于逻辑“与” |
value_counts() | 频次统计 |
cumsum() | 运算累计和 |
cumprod() | 运算累计积 |
pct_change() | 运算比率(后一个元素与前一个元素的比率) |
函数 | 含义 |
duplicated() | 判断序列元素是否重复 |
drop_duplicates() | 删除重复值 |
hasnans() | 判断序列是否存在缺失(返回TRUE或FALSE) |
isnull() | 判断序列元素是否为缺失(返回与序列长度一样的bool值) |
notnull() | 判断序列元素是否不为缺失(返回与序列长度一样的bool值) |
dropna() | 删除缺失值 |
fillna() | 缺失值填充 |
ffill() | 前向后填充缺失值(使用缺失值的前一个元素填充) |
bfill() | 后向填充缺失值(使用缺失值的后一个元素填充) |
dtypes() | 检查数据类型 |
astype() | 类型强制转换 |
pd.to_datetime | 转日期时间型 |
factorize() | 因子化转换 |
sample() | 抽样 |
where() | 基于条件判断的值替换 |
replace() | 按值替换(不可使用正则) |
str.replace() | 按值替换(可使用正则) |
str.split.str() | 字符分隔 |
函数 | 含义 |
isin() | 成员关系判断 |
between() | 区间判断 |
loc() | 条件判断(可使用在数据框中) |
iloc() | 索引判断(可使用在数据框中) |
compress() | 条件判断 |
nlargest() | 搜寻最大的n个元素 |
nsmallest() | 搜寻最小的n个元素 |
str.findall() | 子串查询(可使用正则) |
函数 | 含义 |
hist() | 绘制直方图 |
plot() | 可基于kind参数绘制更多图形(饼图,折线图,箱线图等) |
map() | 元素映射 |
apply() | 基于自定义函数的元素级操作 |
函数 | 含义 |
dt.date() | 抽取出日期值 |
dt.time() | 抽取出时间(时分秒) |
dt.year() | 抽取出年 |
dt.mouth() | 抽取出月 |
dt.day() | 抽取出日 |
dt.hour() | 抽取出时 |
dt.minute() | 抽取出分钟 |
dt.second() | 抽取出秒 |
dt.quarter() | 抽取出季度 |
dt.weekday() | 抽取出星期几(返回数值型) |
dt.weekday_name() | 抽取出星期几(返回字符型) |
dt.week() | 抽取出年中的第几周 |
dt.dayofyear() | 抽取出年中的第几天 |
dt.daysinmonth() | 抽取出月对应的最大天数 |
dt.is_month_start() | 判断日期是否为当月的第一天 |
dt.is_month_end() | 判断日期是否为当月的最后一天 |
dt.is_quarter_start() | 判断日期是否为当季度的第一天 |
dt.is_quarter_end() | 判断日期是否为当季度的最后一天 |
dt.is_year_start() | 判断日期是否为当年的第一天 |
dt.is_year_end() | 判断日期是否为当年的最后一天 |
dt.is_leap_year() | 判断日期是否为闰年 |
函数 | 含义 |
append() | 序列元素的追加(需指定其他序列) |
diff() | 一阶差分 |
round() | 元素的四舍五入 |
sort_values() | 按值排序 |
sort_index() | 按索引排序 |
to_dict() | 转为字典 |
tolist() | 转为列表 |
unique() | 元素排重 |
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