树形结构:有向无环图 树是图的一种
节点:既不是根节点,也不是叶子节点的 普通节点
树的度:树 中有最多叉的节点有多少个插叉,这棵树的度就为多少
树的深度:树最深有几层 深度就为几
- 所有叶子节点都在最底层
- 每个风叶子节点都有两个子节点
- 叶子节点都在最后一层或倒数第二层
- 叶子节点都向左聚拢
- 叶子节点都在最后一层或倒数第二层
- 如果有叶子节点,则必然有两个叶子节点
前序遍历:先根次序遍历 前->左->右 前:当前
中序遍历:先根次序遍历 左->前->右
后序遍历:先根次序遍历 左->右->前
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.left = null
- this.right = null
- }
- var a = new Node('a')
- var b = new Node('b')
- var c = new Node('c')
- var d = new Node('d')
- var e = new Node('e')
- var f = new Node('f')
- var g = new Node('g')
- a.left = c
- a.right = b
- b.left = d
- b.right = e
- c.left = f
- c.right = g

- function getTree (node) {
- if (node == null) return
- console.log(node.value)
- getTree(node.left)
- getTree(node.right)
- }
- getTree(a)
- function getTree (node) {
- if (node == null) return
- getTree(node.left)
- console.log(node.value)
- getTree(node.right)
- }
- getTree(a)
- function getTree (node) {
- if (node == null) return
- getTree(node.left)
- getTree(node.right)
- console.log(node.value)
- }
- getTree(a)
- function changeToLowerCase (item) {
- return Array.from(item).map(o => o.toLowerCase())
- }
- //懒得写小写数组了,转换了一下,可直接代入原始小写数组哦
- var arr1 = changeToLowerCase('ACFGBDE')//arr1 (7) ['a', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'b', 'd', 'e']
- var arr2 = changeToLowerCase('FCGADBE')//arr2 (7) ['f', 'c', 'g', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'e']
- var arr3 = changeToLowerCase('FGCDEBA')//arr3 (7) ['f', 'g', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'a']
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.left = null
- this.right = null
- }
- function restore (arr1, arr2) {
- if (arr1 == null || arr2 == null || arr1.length == 0 || arr2.length == 0 || arr1.length !== arr2.length) return null
- var root = new Node(arr1[0])//先确定根节点
- var index = arr2.indexOf(root.value)//找到根节点在中序遍历数组中的位置索引
- var arr1Left = arr1.slice(1, 1 + index)//前序遍历左子树
- var arr1Right = arr1.slice(1 + index, arr1.length)//前序遍历右子树
- var arr2Left = arr2.slice(0, index)//中序遍历左子树
- var arr2Right = arr2.slice(index + 1, arr2.length)//中序遍历右子树
- root.left = restore(arr1Left, arr2Left)//根据左子树的前序和中序 还原左子树 并赋值给root.left
- root.right = restore(arr1Right, arr2Right)//根据右子树的前序和中序 还原右子树 并赋值给root.right
- return root
- }
- console.log(restore(arr1, arr2))
- function restore (arr2, arr3) {
- if (arr3 == null || arr2 == null || arr3.length == 0 || arr2.length == 0 || arr3.length !== arr2.length) return null
- var root = new Node(arr3[arr3.length - 1])//先确定根节点
- var index = arr2.indexOf(root.value)//找到根节点在后序遍历数组中的位置索引
- var arr2Left = arr2.slice(0, index)//中序遍历左子树
- var arr2Right = arr2.slice(index + 1, arr2.length)//中序遍历右子树
- var arr3Left = arr3.slice(0, index)//后序遍历左子树
- var arr3Right = arr3.slice(index, arr3.length - 1)//后序遍历右子树
- root.left = restore(arr2Left, arr3Left)//根据左子树的后序和中序 还原左子树 并赋值给root.left
- root.right = restore(arr2Right, arr3Right)//根据右子树的后序和中序 还原右子树 并赋值给root.right
- return root
- }
- console.log(restore(arr2, arr3))
- //对于二叉树来说,深度优先搜索 和 前序遍历顺序是一样的
- function deepSearch (root, target) {
- if (root == null) return false
- if (root.value == target) return true
- var left = deepSearch(root.left, target)
- var right = deepSearch(root.right, target)
- return left || right
- }
- console.log(deepSearch(a, 'd'))//true
- function breadthSearch (rootList, target) {
- if (rootList == null || rootList.length == 0) return false
- var childList = []//当前层所有节点的子节点,都在这个list中,这样传入下一层级时候,就可以遍历整个层级的集合
- for (let i = 0; i < rootList.length; i++) {
- console.log(rootList[i])
- if (rootList[i] != null && rootList[i].value == target) {
- return true
- } else {
- childList.push(rootList[i].left)
- childList.push(rootList[i].right)
- }
- }
- return breadthSearch(childList, target)
- }
- console.log(breadthSearch([a], 'c'))//true
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.childs = []
- }
- var a = new Node('a')
- var b = new Node('b')
- var c = new Node('c')
- var d = new Node('d')
- var e = new Node('e')
- var f = new Node('f')
- a.childs.push(c)
- a.childs.push(b)
- a.childs.push(f)
- b.childs.push(e)
- b.childs.push(d)
- function deepSearch (root) {
- if (root == null) return
- // console.log(root.childs)
- console.log(root.value)
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childs.length; i++) {
- deepSearch(root.childs[i])
- }
- }
- deepSearch(a)

- function deepSearch (root, target) {
- if (root == null) return false
- if (root.value == target) return true
- var result = false
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childs.length; i++) {
- result = deepSearch(root.childs[i], target)
- }
- return result
- }
- deepSearch(a, 'c')//true
还是用上面那个多叉的图 广度搜索
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.childs = []
- }
- var a = new Node('a')
- var b = new Node('b')
- var c = new Node('c')
- var d = new Node('d')
- var e = new Node('e')
- var f = new Node('f')
- a.childs.push(c)
- a.childs.push(b)
- a.childs.push(f)
- b.childs.push(e)
- b.childs.push(d)
- function bfs (root, target) {
- if (root == null || root.length == 0) {
- return false
- }
- var childs = []
- for (let i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
- if (root[i].value == target) {
- return true
- }
- childs = childs.concat(root[i].childs)
- }
- return bfs(childs, target)
- }
- console.log(bfs([a], 'b'))//true
- console.log(bfs([a], 'n'))//false

- var a1 = new Node('a')
- var b1 = new Node('b')
- var c1 = new Node('c')
- var d1 = new Node('d')
- var e1 = new Node('e')
- var f1 = new Node('f')
- var g1 = new Node('g')
- a1.left = c1
- a1.right = b1
- b1.left = d1
- b1.right = e1
- c1.left = f1
- c1.right = g1
- function compare (root1, root2) {
- if (root1 == root2) return true//是同一棵树
- if (root1 == null || root2 == null) return false
- if (root1.value != root2.value) return false//相同位置值不相等
- var leftBool = compare(root1.left, root2.left)//判断左子树是否相等
- var rightBool = compare(root1.right, root2.right)//判断右子树是否相等
- return leftBool && rightBool
- }
- console.log(compare(a, a1))//true
面试时问 确定规则
- function compare (root1, root2) {
- if (root1 == root2) return true//是同一棵树
- if (root1 == null || root2 == null) return false
- if (root1.value != root2.value) return false//相同位置值不相等
- var leftBool = compare(root1.left, root2.left)//判断左子树是否相等
- var rightBool = compare(root1.right, root2.right)//判断右子树是否相等
- //左右可互换情况
- var leftBool1 = compare(root1.left, root2.right)//判断左子树与右子树是否相等
- var rightBool1 = compare(root1.right, root2.left)//判断右子树与左子树是否相等
- return leftBool && rightBool || leftBool1 && rightBool1
- }
- console.log(compare(a, a1))//true
- var a1 = new Node('a')
- var c1 = new Node('c')
- var e1 = new Node('e')
- var f1 = new Node('f')
- var g1 = new Node('g')
- var x1 = new Node('x')
- var z1 = new Node('z')
- a1.left = c1
- a1.right = x1
- x1.right = e1
- c1.left = f1
- c1.right = g1
- g1.right = z1
- // 新增了什么 修改了什么 删除了什么
- var diffList = []
- function difftree (root1, root2, diffList) {
- if (root1 == root2) return diffList
- if (root1 == null && root2 != null) {//新增了节点
- diffList.push({ type: '新增', origin: null, now: root2 })
- } else if (root1 != null && root2 == null) {//删除了节点
- diffList.push({ type: '删除', origin: root1, now: null })
- } else if (root1.value != root2.value) {//相同的位置节点值不同,修改了节点
- diffList.push({ type: '修改', origin: root1, now: root2 })//修改后也要走diffTree 因为修改当前节点 不代表所有子节点都变了
- difftree(root1.left, root2.left, diffList)
- difftree(root1.right, root2.right, diffList)
- } else {
- difftree(root1.left, root2.left, diffList)
- difftree(root1.right, root2.right, diffList)
- }
- return diffList
- }
- console.log(difftree(a, a1, diffList))

首先 这是一棵搜索树
其次 有排序的效果,左子树的节点都比当前节点小,右子树的节点都比当前节点大
- //制作一个随机数组
- var arr = []
- for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- arr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
- }
- var num = 0
- function search (arr, target) {
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- num += 1
- if (arr[i] == target) return true
- }
- return false
- }
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.right = null
- this.left = null
- }
- function addNode (root, num) {
- if (root == null) return
- if (root.value == num) return
- if (root.value < num) {//目标值比当前节点大
- if (root.right == null) root.right = new Node(num)//右侧为空 则创建新节点 将目标值放在该位置
- else {
- addNode(root.right, num)//右侧不为空 则向右侧进行递归
- }
- } else {//目标值比当前节点小
- if (root.left == null) {
- root.left = new Node(num)
- }
- else {
- addNode(root.left, num)
- }
- }
- }
- function buildSearchTree (arr) {
- if (arr == null || arr.length === 0) return null
- var root = new Node(arr[0])
- for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
- addNode(root, arr[i])
- }
- return root
- }
- var num2 = 0
- function searchByTree (root, target) {
- if (root == null) return false
- num2 += 1
- if (root.value == target) return true
- if (root.value > target) {
- return searchByTree(root.left, target)
- } else {
- return searchByTree(root.right, target)
- }
- }
- console.log("普通for循环搜索", search(arr, 2344), num)
- var root1 = buildSearchTree(arr)
- console.log(root1)
- console.log("二叉树搜索", searchByTree(root1, 2344), num2)

- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.left = null
- this.right = null
- }
- var a = new Node('a')
- var b = new Node('b')
- var c = new Node('c')
- var d = new Node('d')
- var e = new Node('e')
- var f = new Node('f')
- var g = new Node('g')
- var h = new Node('F')
- var j = new Node('J')
- a.left = b
- a.right = c
- b.left = d
- b.right = e
- c.left = f
- c.right = g
- d.right = h
- e.right = j

- function getDeep (root) {
- if (root == null) return 0
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- return Math.max(leftDeep, rightDeep) + 1//算出左右子树层深后再加当前一层
- }
- function isBalance (root) {
- if (root == null) return true
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) > 1)//绝对值大于1 则不平衡
- {
- return false
- } else {
- return isBalance(root.left) && isBalance(root.right)
- }
- }
- console.log(isBalance(a))//false

- 旋转节点:当前不平衡的节点
- 新根:右子树的根节点
- 变化分支:旋转节点的右子树的左子树
- 不变分支:旋转节点的右子树的右子树
- 旋转节点:不平衡的节点为旋转节点(2)
- 新根:旋转之后称为根节点的节点(5)
- 变化分支:父级节点发生变化的分支(3)
- 不变分支:父级节点不发生变化的分支(6)
to do list
- 旋转节点:当前不平衡的节点
- 新根:左子树的根节点
- 变化分支:旋转节点的左子树的右子树
- 不变分支:旋转节点的左子树的左子树
to do list
- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.left = null
- this.right = null
- }
- var node2 = new Node('2')
- var node5 = new Node('5')
- var node3 = new Node('3')
- var node6 = new Node('6')
- node2.right = node5
- node5.left = node3
- node5.right = node6
- function change (root) {
- // 返回平衡之后的根节点
- if (isBalance(root)) return root
- if (root.left != null) root.left = change(root.left)
- if (root.right != null) root.right = change(root.right)
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) < 2) {
- return true
- } else if (leftDeep > rightDeep) {//不平衡 左边深 右旋
- return rightRotate(root)
- } else {//不平衡 右边深 左旋
- return leftRotate(root)
- }
- }
- function leftRotate (root) {
- // 找到新根
- var newRoot = root.right
- // 找到变化分支
- var changeTree = root.right.left
- // 当前旋转节点的右孩子为变化分支
- root.right = changeTree
- // 新根的左孩子为旋转节点
- newRoot.left = root
- // 返回新的根节点
- return newRoot
- }
- function rightRotate (root) {
- // 找到新根
- var newRoot = root.left
- // 找到变化分支
- var changeTree = root.left.right
- // 当前旋转节点的左孩子为变化分支
- root.left = changeTree
- // 新根的右孩子为旋转节点
- newRoot.right = root
- // 返回新的根节点
- return newRoot
- }
- function getDeep (root) {
- if (root == null) return 0
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- return Math.max(leftDeep, rightDeep) + 1//算出左右子树层深后再加当前一层
- }
- function isBalance (root) {
- if (root == null) return true
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) > 1)//绝对值大于1 则不平衡
- {
- return false
- } else {
- return isBalance(root.left) && isBalance(root.right)
- }
- }
- console.log("node2是否为平衡二叉树", isBalance(node2))
- var newRoot = change(node2)
- console.log("新的二叉树是", newRoot)
- console.log("新的二叉树是否为平衡二叉树", isBalance(newRoot))

当要对某个节点进行左单旋时,如果变化是唯一的最深分支 ,那么我们要对新根进行右单旋 然后再左单旋 这样的旋转叫右左双旋
当要对某个节点进行右单旋时,如果变化是唯一的最深分支,那么我们要对新根进行左单旋 然后 进行右单旋,这样的旋转叫做左右双旋
- function change (root) {
- // 返回平衡之后的根节点
- if (isBalance(root)) return root
- if (root.left != null) root.left = change(root.left)
- if (root.right != null) root.right = change(root.right)
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) < 2) {
- return true
- } else if (leftDeep > rightDeep) {//不平衡 左边深 右旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.right) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.left)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.left = leftRotate(root.left)
- }
- return rightRotate(root)
- } else {//不平衡 右边深 左旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.left) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.right)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.right = rightRotate(root.right)
- }
- return leftRotate(root)
- }
- }

- function Node (value) {
- this.value = value
- this.left = null
- this.right = null
- }
- var node8 = new Node('8')
- var node7 = new Node('7')
- var node6 = new Node('6')
- var node5 = new Node('5')
- var node2 = new Node('2')
- node8.left = node7
- node7.left = node6
- node6.left = node5
- node5.left = node2
- function change (root) {
- // 返回平衡之后的根节点
- if (isBalance(root)) return root
- if (root.left != null) root.left = change(root.left)
- if (root.right != null) root.right = change(root.right)
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) < 2) {
- return true
- } else if (leftDeep > rightDeep) {//不平衡 左边深 右旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.right) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.left)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.left = leftRotate(root.left)
- }
- return rightRotate(root)
- } else {//不平衡 右边深 左旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.left) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.right)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.right = rightRotate(root.right)
- }
- return leftRotate(root)
- }
- }
- function leftRotate (root) {
- // 找到新根
- var newRoot = root.right
- // 找到变化分支
- var changeTree = root.right.left
- // 当前旋转节点的右孩子为变化分支
- root.right = changeTree
- // 新根的左孩子为旋转节点
- newRoot.left = root
- // 返回新的根节点
- return newRoot
- }
- function rightRotate (root) {
- // 找到新根
- var newRoot = root.left
- // 找到变化分支
- var changeTree = root.left.right
- // 当前旋转节点的左孩子为变化分支
- root.left = changeTree
- // 新根的右孩子为旋转节点
- newRoot.right = root
- // 返回新的根节点
- return newRoot
- }
- function getDeep (root) {
- if (root == null) return 0
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- return Math.max(leftDeep, rightDeep) + 1//算出左右子树层深后再加当前一层
- }
- function isBalance (root) {
- if (root == null) return true
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) > 1)//绝对值大于1 则不平衡
- {
- return false
- } else {
- return isBalance(root.left) && isBalance(root.right)
- }
- }
- console.log("node2是否为平衡二叉树", isBalance(node8))
- var newRoot = change(node8)
- console.log("新的二叉树是", newRoot)
- console.log("新的二叉树是否为平衡二叉树", isBalance(newRoot))

如果变化分支的高度比旋转节点的另一侧高度差距超过2 那么单旋之后依旧不平衡
- function change (root) {
- // 返回平衡之后的根节点
- if (isBalance(root)) return root
- if (root.left != null) root.left = change(root.left)
- if (root.right != null) root.right = change(root.right)
- var leftDeep = getDeep(root.left)
- var rightDeep = getDeep(root.right)
- if (Math.abs(leftDeep - rightDeep) < 2) {
- return root
- } else if (leftDeep > rightDeep) {//不平衡 左边深 右旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.right) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.left.left)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.left = leftRotate(root.left)
- }
- var newRoot = rightRotate(root)
- newRoot.right = change(root.right)
- newRoot = change(newRoot)//右侧分支对自己再做一次平衡
- return newRoot
- } else if (leftDeep < rightDeep) {//不平衡 右边深 左旋
- var changeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.left) //获取变化分支深度
- var noChangeTreeDeep = getDeep(root.right.right)//获取不变化分支深度
- if (changeTreeDeep > noChangeTreeDeep) {
- root.right = rightRotate(root.right)
- }
- var newRoot = leftRotate(root)
- newRoot.left = change(newRoot.left)
- newRoot = change(newRoot)
- return newRoot
- }
- return root
- }

- 二叉平衡排序树性能是极致吗?不是
- 如果我们要提升二叉平衡排序树的性能该如何做?
- 影响二叉平衡排序树的性能的点在哪?
- 如何才能让查找的效率尽可能的少?
- 怎么样才能让二叉平衡排序树的层数变的更少?
也是二叉平衡排序树 只是有的节点有不同的意义
性质4. 从任一节点到其每个叶子的所有路径都包含相同数目的黑色节点。(为什么不算上红色节点呢)
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