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k8s下安装redis_no preemption victims found for incoming pod

no preemption victims found for incoming pod


1.1 添加repo

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

 redis有两种部署方式:redis &redis cluster,  详细内容参见 redis 17.11.6 · bitnami/bitnami

1.2 修改redis的pv size

创建的master和replica pod的默认size是8Gi,如果k8s的node没有足够的空间,会抛出如下错误:default-scheduler  0/3 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 No preemption victims found for incoming pod为此,我们可以在安装时控制以下参数重新设置pod的size,

--set replica.persistence.size=2Gi --set master.persistence.size=2Gi

1.3 指定storageclass


--set global.storageClass=<storageclass name> (i.e., manual in this examples)

1.4 总命令



--set  replica.replicaCount=2 --set master.count=1
  1. helm install --set replica.persistence.size=2Gi --set master.persistence.size=1Gi \
  2. --set global.storageClass=manual --set replica.replicaCount=2 --set master.count=1 linkage-redis bitnami/redis



--set cluster.nodes=3
  1. helm install --set replica.persistence.size=2Gi --set master.persistence.size=2Gi \
  2. --set global.storageClass=manual linkage-redis bitnami/redis-cluster


  1. kind: StorageClass
  2. apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  3. metadata:
  4. name: manual
  5. provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
  6. volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer


  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: PersistentVolume
  3. metadata:
  4. name: $pv_name
  5. spec:
  6. storageClassName: manual
  7. capacity:
  8. storage: 2Gi
  9. accessModes:
  10. - ReadWriteOnce
  11. hostPath:
  12. path: $data_path

pv的storageClassName指向先前创建的storageclass (manual)。此外,还需要指定data的存放路径 hostPath,这要求在k8s的各node上创建该路径,并修改路径权限;

chmod 777 $data_path

否则pod会抛出如下错误: Can't open or create append-only dir appendonlydir: Permission denied

四、修改pvc (deprecated)

一旦执行helm install命令,k8s就会生成对应的pvc。通常,K8S不提倡pvc的修改,而是强调删除outdated pvc,创建新的pvc。因此,不建议修改pvc(修改的的时候会报错,该问题未解决)。

修改redis下master & replica pod使用的pvc,使其指向步骤3中创建的pv

  1. metadata:
  2. annotations:
  3. pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: "yes"
  4. pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: "yes"
  5. creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T11:18:24Z"
  6. finalizers:
  7. - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection
  8. labels:
  9. app.kubernetes.io/component: master
  10. app.kubernetes.io/instance: my-redis
  11. app.kubernetes.io/name: redis
  12. name: redis-data-my-redis-master-0
  13. namespace: default
  14. resourceVersion: "2608115"
  15. uid: 4f1b0e39-8078-4fdc-8aff-388437ab9922
  16. spec:
  17. accessModes:
  18. - ReadWriteOnce
  19. resources:
  20. requests:
  21. storage: 2Gi
  22. storageClassName: $storage_name #指定storage name
  23. volumeMode: Filesystem
  24. volumeName: $pv_name #指定pv
  25. status:
  26. accessModes:
  27. - ReadWriteOnce
  28. capacity:
  29. storage: 2Gi
  30. phase: Bound
  31. ~


1. storage、pv、pvc的关联关系及配置方法
kubernetes - Error "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set" - Stack Overflow

 2. 详细的安装过程

iDeploying Redis Cluster on Kubernetes | AirplaneiyIn this guide, learn how to run Redis on Kubernetes and explore tips for improving performance, security, and more.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.airplane.dev/blog/deploy-redis-cluster-on-kubernetes




On-disk files in a container are ephemeral, which presents some problems for non-trivial applications when running in containers. One problem occurs when a container crashes or is stopped. Container state is not saved so all of the files that were created or modified during the lifetime of the container are lost. During a crash, kubelet restarts the container with a clean state. Another problem occurs when multiple containers are running in a Pod and need to share files. It can be challenging to setup and access a shared filesystem across all of the containers. The Kubernetes volume abstraction solves both of these problems. Familiarity with Pods is suggested.

 a volume is a directory, possibly with some data in it, which is accessible to the containers in a pod. How that directory comes to be, the medium that backs it, and the contents of it are determined by the particular volume type used.

 Ephemeral volume types have a lifetime of a pod, but persistent volumes exist beyond the lifetime of a pod. When a pod ceases to exist, Kubernetes destroys ephemeral volumes; however, Kubernetes does not destroy persistent volumes. For any kind of volume in a given pod, data is preserved across container restarts.


可以使用python包访问以pod形式存在的redis DB,详细教程参见Python guide | Redis

  1. pip install redis #安装python包
  2. # 使用如下程序完成redis访问
  3. import redis
  4. r = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, decode_responses=True)
  5. r.set('foo', 'bar')
  6. print(r.get('foo'))

上述程序执行运行时错误:redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError: Authentication required.

  1. File "/home/ubuntu/Projects/socc23/motivation/logs/load-memory-intensive-req.py", line 3, in <module>
  2. r.set('foo', 'bar')
  3. ....
  4. response = self._parser.read_response(disable_decoding=disable_decoding)
  5. File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/linkage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 349, in read_response
  6. result = self._read_response(disable_decoding=disable_decoding)
  7. File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/linkage/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 372, in _read_response
  8. raise error
  9. redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError: Authentication required.



  1. helm install my-release \
  2. --set auth.password=secretpassword \
  3. oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/redis


  1. kubectl get secret --namespace default my-redis-nodes -o \
  2. jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode #获取default password
  3. import redis
  4. r = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, decode_responses=True,password='jWDFay24fY') #这里的password上一步的查询结果

