RK3288 + Linphone 5.1.0 + Android Studio
简单来说, 有了解过互联网电话服务或IM(即时消息)功能的.一般都会接触到VOIP和SIP, 实现即时通讯, 发文本消息也好话音通话也好, 甚至于视频通话.
关于SIP(Session Initiation Protocol,会话初始协议)
在早期开发android的SIP 客户端的时候, 常常可以看到sipdroid的身影, 在前面的文章中已经有提及过并使用测试过, 只是这个项目目前来看, 只能用于做做DEMO, 简单的测试一些功能, 如注册, 登陆, 发文本消息之类的, 项目的推进/更新也不积极,
|-- 尝试过另外两个项目:
|–csipsimple: 不好用/不会用
|–abto_sip: 可测试用, 某些平台崩溃,官方付费
自 2001 年作为第一个在 Linux 上使用 SIP 的开源应用程序推出以来,Linphone 已经变得非常流行,尤其是在开源社区中。 我们的工程团队一直致力于 Linphone 项目,以支持最流行平台的最新版本,并提供高级语音/视频和即时消息功能。
Gradle 版本
当前使用的版本是 linphone-sdk-android-5.1.0-beta.aar
- dependencies {
- implementation files('libs/linphone-sdk-android-5.1.0-beta.aar')
- }
SipPhone.java : 初始化
- import org.linphone.core.Account;
- import org.linphone.core.AuthInfo;
- import org.linphone.core.Call;
- import org.linphone.core.CallParams;
- import org.linphone.core.Config;
- import org.linphone.core.Core;
- import org.linphone.core.CoreListener;
- import org.linphone.core.CoreListenerStub;
- import org.linphone.core.Factory;
- public class SipPhone extends IPhone {
- Factory factory;
- Core core;
- AuthInfo user;
- AccountParams accountParams;
- Call currentCall;
- //初始化Factory, 在APP启动时调用.
- public static void loadSipLibs(){
- Factory.instance();
- }
- void initSip(Activity activity){
- Logger.i(TAG, "initSip");
- factory = Factory.instance();
- core = factory.createCore(null, null, activity);
- core.addListener(coreListener);
- //配置视频通话
- core.enableVideoCapture(true);
- core.enableVideoDisplay(true);
- core.getVideoActivationPolicy().setAutomaticallyAccept(true);
- //音频部分, 这里增加了一个遍历, 用于设置指定的音频格式.
- //h264, no VP8 fixed outgoing call no video.
- PayloadType[] payloads = core.getVideoPayloadTypes();
- for(int i = 0; i < payloads.length; i ++){
- //Payload:null, VP8/90000/0, A VP8 video encoder using libvpx library., VP8
- //Payload:profile-level-id=42801F, H264/90000/0, A H264 encoder based on MediaCodec API., H264
- PayloadType pt = payloads[i];
- //判断是否指定的音频格式.
- boolean goodPayload = PREFER_PAYLOAD.equals(pt.getMimeType());
- pt.enable(goodPayload);
- }
- //https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-android/issues/1153
- //https://blog.csdn.net/AdrianAndroid/article/details/70048040
- //do not working
- //H264Helper.setH264Mode(H264Helper.MODE_AUTO, core);
- //回声消除, 与音频增益.
- //Logger.d(TAG, "initSip Cancellation=" + core.echoCancellationEnabled());
- Logger.d(TAG, "initSip getMicGainDb=" + core.getMicGainDb());
- Logger.d(TAG, "initSip PlaybackGainDb=" + core.getPlaybackGainDb());
- //core.enableEchoCancellation(true);
- Logger.d(TAG, "initSip finish Cancellation=" + core.echoCancellationEnabled());
- }
- }
SipPhone.java : 登陆
- void login(){
- i("login");
- String username = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_USER, "");
- String password = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_PWD, "");
- String domain = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_IP, "");
- String port = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_PORT, App.DEF_SIP_PORT);
- if(!StringTools.isNotEmpty(username, password, domain, port)){
- e("login failed: username(" + username + "), password(" + password + "), domain(" + domain + "), port(" + port + ")");
- return;
- }
- //sip:100@
- if(!domain.contains(":")){
- domain += ":" + port;
- }
- user = factory.createAuthInfo(username, null, password, null, null, domain, null);
- accountParams = core.createAccountParams();
- // A SIP account is identified by an identity address that we can construct from the username and domain
- String sipAddress = "sip:" + username + "@" + domain;
- Address identity = factory.createAddress(sipAddress);
- i("login for address " + sipAddress);
- accountParams.setIdentityAddress(identity);
- // We also need to configure where the proxy server is located
- Address address = factory.createAddress("sip:" + domain);
- // We use the Address object to easily set the transport protocol
- address.setTransport(TransportType.Udp);
- accountParams.setServerAddress(address);
- // And we ensure the account will start the registration process
- accountParams.setRegisterEnabled(true);
- // Asks the CaptureTextureView to resize to match the captured video's size ratio
- //core.getConfig().setBool("video", "auto_resize_preview_to_keep_ratio", true);
- // Now that our AccountParams is configured, we can create the Account object
- Account account = core.createAccount(accountParams);
- //account.setCustomHeader("Header1", "Header2");
- // Now let's add our objects to the Core
- core.addAuthInfo(user);
- core.addAccount(account);
- // Also set the newly added account as default
- core.setDefaultAccount(account);
- core.setUserAgent("User", "Agent");
- // Finally we need the Core to be started for the registration to happen (it could have been started before)
- core.start();
- }
- void logout(){
- i("logout");
- Account account = core.getDefaultAccount();
- if(account != null) {
- accountParams = account.getParams().clone();
- accountParams.setRegisterEnabled(false);
- account.setParams(accountParams);
- }
- }
SipPhone.java : 通话部分
- //拨打电话.
- @Override
- public void call(String number, boolean video) {
- i("call " + number + " video(" + video + ")");
- String domain = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_IP, "");
- String port = PreferenceUtils.getStringFromDefault(App.getApp(), App.PREF_VOIP_PORT, App.DEF_SIP_PORT);
- // As for everything we need to get the SIP URI of the remote and convert it to an Address
- String remoteSipUri = "sip:" + toNumber + "@" + domain + ":" + port;
- Address remoteAddress = factory.createAddress(remoteSipUri);
- if(remoteAddress == null)return;
- // If address parsing fails, we can't continue with outgoing call process
- // We also need a CallParams object
- // Create call params expects a Call object for incoming calls, but for outgoing we must use null safely
- CallParams params = core.createCallParams(null);
- // We can now configure it
- // Here we ask for no encryption but we could ask for ZRTP/SRTP/DTLS
- params.setMediaEncryption(MediaEncryption.None);
- params.enableVideo(video);
- //show preview before caling.
- //core.enableVideoPreview(video);
- // Finally we start the call
- core.inviteAddressWithParams(remoteAddress, params);
- //回声消除
- // Call process can be followed in onCallStateChanged callback from core listener
- }
- //挂断
- @Override
- public void hangup() {
- i("hangup");
- if (core.getCallsNb() == 0) return;
- // If the call state isn't paused, we can get it using core.currentCall
- Call call = core.getCurrentCall() != null ? core.getCurrentCall() : core.getCalls()[0];
- if(call != null) {
- // Terminating a call is quite simple
- call.terminate();
- }
- }
- //接听/应答
- @Override
- public void answer() {
- i("answer");
- if(currentCall != null){
- if(remoteHasVideo()) {
- enableCamera();
- currentCall.getParams().enableVideo(true);
- }
- currentCall.accept();
- }
- }
SipPhone.java : 监听和回调
- //在initSip中使用.
- CoreListener coreListener = new CoreListenerStub(){
- @Override
- public void onCallStateChanged(Core core, Call call, Call.State state, String message) {
- d("onCallStateChanged " + state);
- currentCall = call;
- if(state == Call.State.OutgoingProgress){
- //呼出
- }else if(state == Call.State.IncomingReceived){
- //来电
- }else if(state == Call.State.StreamsRunning){
- //通话中, 有音视频流.
- }else if(state == Call.State.UpdatedByRemote){
- //通话变化, 有可能变成语音, 也有可能是带视频...
- }else if(state == Call.State.Released){
- //挂电或结束通话
- }else if(state == Call.State.Error){
- //出错.
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onRegistrationStateChanged(Core core, ProxyConfig proxyConfig, RegistrationState state, String message) {
- //message:
- // case "io error": server offline.
- //
- i("onRegistrationStateChanged " + state + " with msg:" + message);
- //((Button)findViewById(R.id.btLogin)).setText(state == RegistrationState.Ok ? "Logout":"Login");
- if(state == RegistrationState.Ok) {
- //登陆成功
- }else{
- //登出
- }
- }
- };
如何设置视频显示的控件, 在通话呼起后可以调用这个函数.
- public void setVideoView(View v1, View v2){
- core.setNativePreviewWindowId(v1);
- core.setNativeVideoWindowId(v2);
- }
所有的功能接口, 请以参考源码及官方为主
强烈建议下载linphone-android客户端源码并编译运行, 学习如何更好地使用SDK开发自己需要的功能
在优化视频通话的过程中, 接触到关于初始化配置的问题. 很多资料显示, 可能通过配置方件的方式, 配置优化音频参数来优化通话效果:
Echo suppression does not work
assets/linphone_factory或 assets/linphonerc_factory
res/raw/linphone_factory 或 res/raw/linphonerc_factory
[sip] guess_hostname=1 register_only_when_network_is_up=1 auto_net_state_mon=1 auto_answer_replacing_calls=1 ping_with_options=0 use_cpim=1 zrtp_key_agreements_suites=MS_ZRTP_KEY_AGREEMENT_K255_KYB512 chat_messages_aggregation_delay=1000 chat_messages_aggregation=1 [sound] #remove this property for any application that is not Linphone public version itself ec_calibrator_cool_tones=1 # 打开回声消除 echocancellation=1 # MIC 增益 mic_gain_db=0.0 # 回放增益 playback_gain_db=0.0 [video] displaytype=MSAndroidTextureDisplay auto_resize_preview_to_keep_ratio=1 max_mosaic_size=vga
以上这些方法, 仅适用于linphone-android客户端源码, 针对基于SDK开发的话, 则需要在对应的地方加入载入配置文件的代码:
- //参考
- //-linphone-android/app/src/main/java/org/linphone/core/CorePreferences.kt
- //-linphone-android/app/src/main/java/org/linphone/LinphoneApplication.kt
- //在创建Core之前载入配置文件.
- Config config = factory.createConfigWithFactory(App.LINPHONE_CONFIG_DEF, App.LINPHONE_CONFIG_FAC);
- core = factory.createCoreWithConfig(config, App.getApp().getActivity());
一文详解SIP 协议- xiaxueliang - 博客园
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