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# 根据tf.keras的官方代码修改的mobilenetv3的网络模型 import tensorflow as tf from keras import layers, models """ Reference: - [Searching for MobileNetV3](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.02244.pdf) (ICCV 2019) The following table describes the performance of MobileNets v3: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MACs stands for Multiply Adds |Classification Checkpoint|MACs(M)|Parameters(M)|Top1 Accuracy|Pixel1 CPU(ms)| |---|---|---|---|---| | mobilenet_v3_large_1.0_224 | 217 | 5.4 | 75.6 | 51.2 | | mobilenet_v3_large_0.75_224 | 155 | 4.0 | 73.3 | 39.8 | | mobilenet_v3_large_minimalistic_1.0_224 | 209 | 3.9 | 72.3 | 44.1 | | mobilenet_v3_small_1.0_224 | 66 | 2.9 | 68.1 | 15.8 | | mobilenet_v3_small_0.75_224 | 44 | 2.4 | 65.4 | 12.8 | | mobilenet_v3_small_minimalistic_1.0_224 | 65 | 2.0 | 61.9 | 12.2 | For image classification use cases, see [this page for detailed examples](https://keras.io/api/applications/#usage-examples-for-image-classification-models). For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the [guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning](https://keras.io/guides/transfer_learning/). """ ################################################################################################################################## # 定义V3的完整模型 ################################################################################################################# ################################################################################################################################## def MobileNetV3(input_shape=[224, 224, 3], classes=1000, dropout_rate=0.2, alpha=1.0, weights=None, model_type='large', minimalistic=False, classifier_activation='softmax', include_preprocessing=False): # 如果有权重文件,那就意味着要迁移学习,那就意味着需要让BN层始终处于infer状态,否则解冻整个网络后,会出现acc下降loss上升的现象,终其原因是解冻网络之 # 前,网络BN层用的是之前数据集的均值和方差,解冻后虽然维护着新的滑动平均和滑动方差,但是单次训练时使用的是当前batch的均值和方差,差异太大造成特征崩塌 if weights: bn_training = False else: bn_training = None bn_decay = 0.99 # BN层的滑动平均系数,这个值的设置需要匹配steps和batchsize否则会出现奇怪现象 # 确定通道所处维度 channel_axis = -1 # 根据是否为mini设置,修改部分配置参数 if minimalistic: kernel = 3 activation = relu se_ratio = None name = "mini" else: kernel = 5 activation = hard_swish se_ratio = 0.25 name = "norm" # 定义模型输入张量 img_input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape) # 是否包含预处理层 if include_preprocessing: x = layers.Rescaling(scale=1. / 127.5, offset=-1.)(img_input) else: x = img_input # 定义整个模型的第一个特征提取层 x = layers.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=3, strides=(2, 2), padding='same', use_bias=False, name='Conv')(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=bn_decay, name='Conv/BatchNorm')(x, training=bn_training) x = activation(x) # 定义整个模型的骨干特征提取 if model_type == 'large': x = MobileNetV3Large(x, kernel, activation, se_ratio, alpha, bn_training, bn_decay) last_point_ch = 1280 else: x = MobileNetV3Small(x, kernel, activation, se_ratio, alpha, bn_training, bn_decay) last_point_ch = 1024 # 定义整个模型的后特征提取 last_conv_ch = _depth(x.shape[channel_axis] * 6) # if the width multiplier is greater than 1 we increase the number of output channels if alpha > 1.0: last_point_ch = _depth(last_point_ch * alpha) x = layers.Conv2D(last_conv_ch, kernel_size=1, padding='same', use_bias=False, name='Conv_1')(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization(axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=bn_decay, name='Conv_1/BatchNorm')(x, training=bn_training) x = activation(x) # 如果tf版本大于等于2.6则直接使用下面第一句就可以了,否则使用下面2~3句 # x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(data_format='channels_last', keepdims=True)(x) x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(data_format='channels_last')(x) x = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(x, 1), 1)
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