1. 代理属性定义:
2. 代理行为规则定义:
3. 影响性别比例的因素:
4. 代理交互规则定义:
5. 可能的公式:
Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) 简介:
import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class EelAgent: def __init__(self, gender, age, growth_rate): self.gender = gender self.age = age self.growth_rate = growth_rate def calculate_competition_factor(): # Placeholder for competition factor calculation return random.uniform(0.2, 0.8) def calculate_age_factor(eel): # Placeholder for age factor calculation return 0.8 if eel.age < 5 else 0.2 #省略部分见完整版 def visualize_population(eel_population, timestep): # Simple bar chart to visualize gender distribution genders = [eel.gender for eel in eel_population] plt.figure() plt.title(f"Population Distribution at Timestep {timestep}") plt.hist(genders, bins=['Male', 'Female', 'Unknown'], color=['blue', 'pink', 'gray']) plt.show() # Simulation parameters population_size = 100 food_availability = 0.8 simulation_duration = 10 # Initialize a population of EelAgents eel_population = [EelAgent(random.choice(['Male', 'Female']), 0, 1.0) for _ in range(population_size)] # Simulation loop for timestep in range(simulation_duration): for eel in eel_population: # Eel's behavior: Acquire food based on food availability and competition eel.growth_rate = food_availability * (1 - calculate_competition_factor()) # Eel's behavior: Reproduce based on age, gender, and competition new_eel = eel.reproduce(calculate_age_factor(eel), calculate_gender_factor(eel), calculate_competition_factor()) if new_eel: eel_population.append(new_eel) # Visualize the population at each timestep visualize_population(eel_population, timestep)
进化过程的可视化: 可以通过绘制种群中每个鳗鱼个体的属性随时间的演变来了解整个进化过程。例如,可以在每个时间步骤结束后记录种群中鳗鱼个体的年龄、性别、生长速率等,并使用折线图或散点图来表示这些属性的变化。
生长速率分布: 可以绘制种群中鳗鱼个体的生长速率分布,以了解生长速率在整个种群中的分布情况。这可以通过直方图或核密度估计图来实现。
种群大小随时间的变化: 可以通过追踪每个时间步骤后的种群大小,并绘制种群大小随时间的变化曲线。这有助于了解模拟过程中种群的增长或减小趋势。
import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class EelAgent: def __init__(self, gender, age, growth_rate): self.gender = gender self.age = age self.growth_rate = growth_rate def calculate_competition_factor(): return random.uniform(0.2, 0.8) def calculate_age_factor(eel): return 0.8 if eel.age < 5 else 0.2 def calculate_gender_factor(eel): return 0.7 if eel.gender == 'Female' else 0.3 def visualize_population(eel_population, timestep): # Simple bar chart to visualize gender distribution genders = [eel.gender for eel in eel_population] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title(f"Population Distribution at Timestep {timestep}") plt.hist(genders, bins=['Male', 'Female', 'Unknown'], color=['blue', 'pink', 'gray']) # Evolution process visualization ages = [eel.age for eel in eel_population] growth_rates = [eel.growth_rate for eel in eel_population] plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title("Evolution Process") plt.plot(ages, label='Age') plt.plot(growth_rates, label='Growth Rate') plt.legend() plt.show() def visualize_growth_rate_distribution(eel_population): growth_rates = [eel.growth_rate for eel in eel_population] plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.title("Growth Rate Distribution") plt.hist(growth_rates, bins=20, color='green', alpha=0.7) plt.xlabel("Growth Rate") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.show() # Simulation parameters population_size = 100 food_availability = 0.8 simulation_duration = 10 # Initialize a population of EelAgents eel_population = [EelAgent(random.choice(['Male', 'Female']), 0, 1.0) for _ in range(population_size)] # Simulation loop for timestep in range(simulation_duration): for eel in eel_population: eel.growth_rate = food_availability * (1 - calculate_competition_factor()) new_eel = eel.reproduce(calculate_age_factor(eel), calculate_gender_factor(eel), calculate_competition_factor()) if new_eel: eel_population.append(new_eel) # Visualize the population at each timestep visualize_population(eel_population, timestep) # Visualize growth rate distribution at the end of simulation visualize_growth_rate_distribution(eel_population)
我们添加了一个新的函数 visualize_growth_rate_distribution
来绘制种群中鳗鱼个体生长速率的分布情况。同时, visualize_population
使用Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) 解决问题二的建模思路(使用字母表示的具体公式):
1. 代理属性定义:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class EelAgent: def __init__(self, gender, age, reproduction_state, resource_need): self.gender = gender self.age = age self.reproduction_state = reproduction_state self.resource_need = resource_need def acquire_resource(self, environment_availability, competition_factor, neighbors_resource): acquired_resource = self.resource_need * environment_availability - competition_factor * np.sum(neighbors_resource) return acquired_resource def reproduce(self, reproduction_competition_factor, acquired_resource): reproduction_success_rate = reproduction_competition_factor * acquired_resource return np.random.rand() < reproduction_success_rate def adjust_gender_ratio(self, gender_adjust_factor, environment_availability, base_threshold): new_male_ratio = gender_adjust_factor * (environment_availability - base_threshold) return new_male_ratio #部分省略见完整版 def simulate_step(self): environment_availability = np.random.rand() # Placeholder for environmental changes competition_factor = np.random.rand() # Placeholder for competition changes neighbors_resource = [agent.resource_need for agent in self.agents] for agent in self.agents: acquired_resource = agent.acquire_resource(environment_availability, competition_factor, neighbors_resource) if agent.reproduce(self.reproduction_competition_factor, acquired_resource): self.agents.append(EelAgent(gender=np.random.choice(['Male', 'Female']), age=0, reproduction_state=False, resource_need=np.random.rand())) new_male_ratio = agent.adjust_gender_ratio(self.gender_adjust_factor, environment_availability, self.base_threshold) # Adjust gender ratio (not implemented in this simplified example) # Parameters population_size = 100 time_steps = 100 base_resource_rate = 0.5 base_reproduction_rate = 0.2 base_male_ratio = 0.5 reproduction_competition_factor = 0.3 gender_adjust_factor = 0.1 base_threshold = 0.3 # Initialize population eel_population = EelPopulation(size=population_size, base_resource_rate=base_resource_rate, base_reproduction_rate=base_reproduction_rate, base_male_ratio=base_male_ratio, reproduction_competition_factor=reproduction_competition_factor, gender_adjust_factor=gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold=base_threshold) # Simulation loop for step in range(time_steps): eel_population.simulate_step() # Data collection and visualization (not shown in this simplified example)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class EelPopulation: # ... (之前的代码保持不变) def visualize(self, step): male_count = sum(1 for agent in self.agents if agent.gender == 'Male') female_count = sum(1 for agent in self.agents if agent.gender == 'Female') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(range(step + 1), [len(self.agents)] * (step + 1), label='Total Population') plt.title('Total Population over Time') plt.xlabel('Time Steps') plt.ylabel('Population Size') plt.legend() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(range(step + 1), [male_count / len(self.agents)] * (step + 1), label='Male Ratio') plt.plot(range(step + 1), [female_count / len(self.agents)] * (step + 1), label='Female Ratio') plt.title('Gender Ratio over Time') plt.xlabel('Time Steps') plt.ylabel('Gender Ratio') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.show() # Parameters (保持不变) # Initialize population eel_population = EelPopulation(size=population_size, base_resource_rate=base_resource_rate, base_reproduction_rate=base_reproduction_rate, base_male_ratio=base_male_ratio, reproduction_competition_factor=reproduction_competition_factor, gender_adjust_factor=gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold=base_threshold) # Simulation loop for step in range(time_steps): eel_population.simulate_step() eel_population.visualize(step)
这段代码中,我添加了一个 visualize
方法,该方法绘制了两个子图,一个显示总体种群大小随时间的变化,另一个显示雄性和雌性比例随时间的变化。在每个时间步骤结束时,都会调用 visualize
解决问题三涉及评估鳗鱼性别比例变化对生态系统稳定性的影响。这可以通过Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)的模拟和对模拟结果的分析来实现。以下是一种可能的建模思路:
R a = N × E − C × ∑ i = 1 N R n i R_a = N \times E - C \times \sum_{i=1}^{N} R_{n_i} Ra=N×E−C×i=1∑NRni
R s = R r × R c × R a R_s = R_r \times R_c \times R_a Rs=Rr×Rc×Ra
R e p r o d u c e = random ( 0 , 1 ) < R s Reproduce = \text{random}(0, 1) < R_s Reproduce=random(0,1)<Rs
N e w _ M R = B M R + G A R × ( E − B T ) New\_MR = BMR + GAR \times (E - BT) New_MR=BMR+GAR×(E−BT)
Agent-Based Modeling (ABM):
import random class Lamprey: def __init__(self, gender, age, reproduction_status, resource_need): self.gender = gender self.age = age self.reproduction_status = reproduction_status self.resource_need = resource_need def initialize_population(population_size): population = [] for _ in range(population_size): gender = random.choice(['M', 'F']) age = random.randint(1, 5) reproduction_status = random.choice([True, False]) resource_need = random.uniform(0.5, 1.5) lamprey = Lamprey(gender, age, reproduction_status, resource_need) population.append(lamprey) return population def calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor): neighbor_resources = [random.uniform(0, 2) for _ in range(5)] # Example: 5 neighbors acquired_resource = agent.resource_need * environment_availability - competition_factor * sum(neighbor_resources) return acquired_resource def calculate_reproduction_success(agent, base_reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition_factor, acquired_resource): reproduction_success_rate = base_reproduction_rate * reproduction_competition_factor * acquired_resource return random.random() < reproduction_success_rate def adjust_gender_ratio(base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, environment_availability, base_threshold): new_male_ratio = base_male_ratio + gender_adjust_factor * (environment_availability - base_threshold) return max(0, min(1, new_male_ratio)) # Ensure the ratio is between 0 and 1 def simulate_one_time_step(population, environment_availability, competition_factor, base_reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition_factor, base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold): for agent in population: acquired_resource = calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor) if agent.reproduction_status: reproduction_success = calculate_reproduction_success(agent, base_reproduction_rate, #省略部分见完整版 # Adjust gender of existing population based on the new ratio for agent in population: if agent.gender == 'M' and random.random() > new_male_ratio: agent.gender = 'F' elif agent.gender == 'F' and random.random() > (1 - new_male_ratio): agent.gender = 'M' return population # Example simulation parameters initial_population_size = 100 environment_availability = 1.0 competition_factor = 0.2 base_reproduction_rate = 0.1 reproduction_competition_factor = 0.5 base_male_ratio = 0.5 gender_adjust_factor = 0.1 base_threshold = 0.8 # Initialize population population = initialize_population(initial_population_size) # Run simulation for multiple time steps for _ in range(10): population = simulate_one_time_step(population, environment_availability, competition_factor, base_reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition_factor, base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold) # Print final population for agent in population: print(f"Gender: {agent.gender}, Age: {agent.age}, Reproduction Status: {agent.reproduction_status}")
在 Python 中,你可以使用 matplotlib
或 seaborn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_gender_ratio_over_time(gender_ratios): time_steps = range(len(gender_ratios)) plt.plot(time_steps, gender_ratios, label='Male Ratio') plt.xlabel('Time Steps') plt.ylabel('Male Ratio') plt.title('Male Ratio Over Time') plt.legend() plt.show() # Example simulation parameters initial_population_size = 100 environment_availability = 1.0 competition_factor = 0.2 base_reproduction_rate = 0.1 reproduction_competition_factor = 0.5 base_male_ratio = 0.5 gender_adjust_factor = 0.1 base_threshold = 0.8 # Initialize population population = initialize_population(initial_population_size) # Run simulation for multiple time steps male_ratios_over_time = [] for _ in range(10): population = simulate_one_time_step(population, environment_availability, competition_factor, base_reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition_factor, base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold) # Calculate and store male ratio at each time step male_ratio = sum(1 for agent in population if agent.gender == 'M') / len(population) male_ratios_over_time.append(male_ratio) # Visualize the results plot_gender_ratio_over_time(male_ratios_over_time)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ages = [agent.age for agent in population]
reproduction_success_rates = [calculate_reproduction_success(agent, base_reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition_factor,
calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor)) for agent in population]
plt.scatter(ages, reproduction_success_rates, alpha=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Reproduction Success Rate')
plt.title('Scatter Plot of Age vs. Reproduction Success Rate')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
resource_needs = [agent.resource_need for agent in population]
plt.hist(resource_needs, bins=20, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Resource Needs')
plt.title('Histogram of Resource Needs')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
male_ages = [agent.age for agent in population if agent.gender == 'M']
female_ages = [agent.age for agent in population if agent.gender == 'F']
plt.boxplot([male_ages, female_ages], labels=['Male', 'Female'])
plt.title('Boxplot of Age by Gender')
import random class Lamprey: def __init__(self, resource_need, reproduction_rate, reproduction_competition, gender_ratio_adjustment, gender_threshold): self.resource_need = resource_need self.reproduction_rate = reproduction_rate self.reproduction_competition = reproduction_competition self.gender_ratio_adjustment = gender_ratio_adjustment self.gender_threshold = gender_threshold self.gender = random.choice(['M', 'F']) self.reproduction_status = False # Initially not in reproductive state def initialize_population(population_size): return [Lamprey(random.uniform(0.5, 1.5), random.uniform(0.1, 0.5), random.uniform(0.1, 0.5), random.uniform(0.01, 0.1), random.uniform(0.5, 1.5)) for _ in range(population_size)] def calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor, neighbor_resources): acquired_resource = agent.resource_need * environment_availability - competition_factor * sum(neighbor_resources) return max(0, acquired_resource) def calculate_reproduction_success(agent, acquired_resource): reproduction_success_rate = agent.reproduction_rate * agent.reproduction_competition * acquired_resource return random.random() < reproduction_success_rate def adjust_gender_ratio(base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, environment_availability, base_threshold): new_male_ratio = base_male_ratio + gender_adjust_factor * (environment_availability - base_threshold) return max(0, min(1, new_male_ratio)) #省略部分见完整版 for agent in population: if agent.gender == 'M' and random.random() > new_male_ratio: agent.gender = 'F' elif agent.gender == 'F' and random.random() > (1 - new_male_ratio): agent.gender = 'M' return population, new_male_ratio # Example simulation parameters initial_population_size = 100 environment_availability = 1.0 competition_factor = 0.2 base_male_ratio = 0.5 gender_adjust_factor = 0.1 base_threshold = 0.8 # Initialize population population = initialize_population(initial_population_size) # Run simulation for multiple time steps male_ratios_over_time = [] for _ in range(10): population, male_ratio = simulate_one_time_step(population, environment_availability, competition_factor, base_male_ratio, gender_adjust_factor, base_threshold) male_ratios_over_time.append(male_ratio) # Print final population for agent in population: print(f"Gender: {agent.gender}, Reproduction Status: {agent.reproduction_status}") # Print male ratio over time print("Male Ratios Over Time:", male_ratios_over_time)
def plot_resource_vs_reproduction(population):
resource_acquisitions = [calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor, [random.uniform(0, 2) for _ in range(5)]) for agent in population]
reproduction_success_rates = [calculate_reproduction_success(agent, resource_acquisition) for agent in population]
plt.scatter(resource_acquisitions, reproduction_success_rates, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Resource Acquisition')
plt.ylabel('Reproduction Success Rate')
plt.title('Scatter Plot of Resource Acquisition vs. Reproduction Success Rate')
# 在每个时间步骤后调用
def plot_resource_distribution(population):
resource_acquisitions = [calculate_resource_acquisition(agent, environment_availability, competition_factor, [random.uniform(0, 2) for _ in range(5)]) for agent in population]
plt.hist(resource_acquisitions, bins=20, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Resource Acquisition')
plt.title('Histogram of Resource Acquisition')
# 在每个时间步骤后调用
def plot_age_distribution_by_gender(population):
male_ages = [agent.age for agent in population if agent.gender == 'M']
female_ages = [agent.age for agent in population if agent.gender == 'F']
plt.boxplot([male_ages, female_ages], labels=['Male', 'Female'])
plt.title('Boxplot of Age by Gender')
# 在每个时间步骤后调用
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