表达式 | 操作 |
title() | 获取title标签,或者使用title属性 |
get(url) | get方式请求url |
get_attribute(name) | 获取属性值 |
back() | 浏览器后退 |
forward() | 浏览器前进 |
close() | 关闭当前页面 |
refresh() | 刷新浏览器 |
quit() | 关闭浏览器 |
maximize_window() | 浏览器最大化 |
minimize_window() | 浏览器最小化 |
click() | 鼠标左键单击 |
clear() | 清除内容 |
send_keys(key) | 输入内容 |
switch_to.window | 切换页面句柄 |
switch_to.frame | 切换iframe |
switch_to.alert | 切换弹窗 |
实例展示 |
from selenium import webdriver #导入模块
driver = webdriver.Chrome() #创建一个浏览器实例
driver.get("http://www.baidu.com") #使用get方法访问指定url
driver.maximize_window() # 最大化浏览器
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@id="kw"]').clear() #对定位element进行清除内容操作
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@id="su"]').click() #对定位element进行鼠标左键点击操作
from selenium import webdriver class Driver(object): def __init__(self,url=None,browser="",options=None,capabilities=None): self.driver = None self.url = url self.browser = browser try: if self.browser=="chrome": self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options,desired_capabilities=capabilities) elif self.browser == 'firefox': self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() elif self.browser == 'edge': self.driver = webdriver.Edge() else: raise TypeError('未找到指定浏览器及其对应的驱动') except: raise TypeError('浏览器启动失败')
from selenium import webdriver def waitpages(self): ''' 检测页面,页面不变化了,认为页面稳定了 :return: page_source ''' begin = int(time.time()) source = self.driver.page_source while True: time.sleep(0.3) nowsource = self.driver.page_source if source == nowsource: break else: now = int(time.time()) if now - begin > 3: break source = nowsource def waithtml(self, outtime=3): ''' 方法二 ''' try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, outtime).until( lambda driver: driver.execute_script('return document.readyState') == 'complete') except exceptions.TimeoutException: pass
from selenium import webdriver def elementisvisable(self,element): ''' 判断元素是否可见,在selenium的判断的基础上增加了一些特殊的判断,判断了元素尺寸。 :param element:页面元素 :return:element ''' try: if not element.is_displayed(): return False size = element.size if not int(size['height']) and not int(size['width']): return False loc = element.location if int(loc['x']) < -9000 and int(loc['y']) < -9000: return False if not element.is_enabled(): return False except: return False return True
from selenium import webdriver def getelement(self, value=None, by=By.XPATH, outtime=30,check=Ture): ''' 返回xpath指向的元素,如果指向多个可见的,只返回第一个,能自动过滤网页中的隐藏元素,并且带超时等待 :param value: xpath,或者是用其他方式查找元素依赖的参数 :param by: 默认用xpath的方法去找,也可以根据自己的需求定义 :param outtime: 一个作用是等待元素出现,第二是配置了超时时间,不能低于2s,有可能会导致元素获取不到 :param check: 控制是否启用waitpages方法,默认启用 :return: webelemnet元素 ''' if check: self.waitpages() # 循环查找可见元素,直到超时,每隔0.3秒查找一次,如果超时报异常 starttime = int(time.time()) while True: visable_elements = [] elements = self.driver.find_elements(by=by, value=value) for element in elements: if self.elementisvisable(element): visable_elements.append(element) if visable_elements: return visable_elements[0] else: nowtime = int(time.time()) if nowtime - starttime >= outtime: raise exceptions.NoSuchElementException('此xpath未找到元素:{}'.format(value)) else: time.sleep(0.3)
from selenium import webdriver def getelements(self,value=None,by=By.XPATH,filter=False,outtime=5,check=True) -> list: ''' 返回xpath指向的页面所有元素 :param value: xpath :param by: 默认使用xpath方法 :param filter: 是否开启过滤,过滤隐藏元素,如果设置为False,不会过滤,只会有selenium的默认等待时间 :param outtime: 隐士等待时间,默认30s,可以根据自己的需求配置 :param check: 控制是否启用waitpages方法,默认启用 :return: 不开启过滤,会返回所有找到的webelement数组 开启过滤只会返回显示在页面上的webelement数组 ''' if check: self.waitpages(check) starttime = int(time.time()) while True: visable_elements = [] elements = self.driver.find_elements(by=by, value=value) if filter: for element in elements: if self.elementisvisable(element): visable_elements.append(element) else: visable_elements = elements if visable_elements: return visable_elements else: nowtime = int(time.time()) if nowtime - starttime >= outtime: return visable_elements else: time.sleep(0.3)
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains def click(self,xpath,outtime=30):#方法一 ''' 调用getelement方法,用click()方法对页面元素进行点击 :param xapth: 元素xpath表达式 :param outtime: 元素超时等待时间 ''' self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime).click() def click(self,xpath,outtime=30):#方法二 ''' 调用getelement方法,基于ActionChains库,用click()方法对应元素进行点击 :param xpath: 元素xpath表达式 :param outtime: 元素超时等待时间 ''' ac = self.getelement(xpath,outtime=outtime) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(ac).click(ac).perform() def click_offset(self,x,y,ouyttime):#方法三 ''' 基于ActionChains库,在页面指定坐标处进行点击 :param x: 目标位置横坐标 :param y: 目标位置纵坐标 :param outtime: 元素超时等待时间 ''' ActionChains(driver).move_by_offset(x,y).click().perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def double_click(self, xpath, outtime=30):
:param xpath: 元素xpath表达式
:param outtime: 元素超时等待时间
ActionChains(driver).double_click(self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime)).perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def move_to_element(self, xpath, outtime=30):
:param xpath: 元素xpath表达式
:param outtime: 元素超时等待时间
ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime)).perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def context_click(self, xpath, outtime=30):
:param xpath: 元素xpath表达式
:param outtime: 元素超时等待时间
ActionChains(driver).context_click(self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime)).perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def drag_and_drop_to_element(self, sr_xpath, tg_xpath, outtime=30):
:param sr_xpath: 定位需要拖拽元素的xpath
:param tg_xpath: 定位拖拽至目标元素的xpath
:param outtime: 定位元素超时时间
self.getelement(sr_xpath, outtime=outtime),
self.getelement(tg_xpath, outtime=outtime)).perform()
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains class BorderPoints(IntEnum): LEFT_TOP = 1 # 左上角 TOP = 2 # 上边缘中间 RIGHT_TOP = 3 # 右上角 LEFT = 4 # 左边缘中间 CENTER = 5 # 中心 RIGHT = 6 # 右边缘中间 LEFT_BOTTOM = 7 # 左下角 BOTTOM = 8 # 下边缘中间 RIGHT_BOTTOM = 9 # 右下角 PART_UP = 10 # 上半部 PART_DOWN = 11 # 下半部 PART_LEFT = 12 # 左半部 PART_RIGHT = 13 # 右半部 QUARDRANT_A = 14 # 第一象限 QUARDRANT_B = 15 # 第二象限 QUARDRANT_C = 16 # 第二象限 QUARDRANT_D = 17 # 第二象限 def drag_and_drop_to_element(self, sr_xpath, tg_xpath, sr_borderpoint=BorderPoints.CENTER, tg_borderpoint=BorderPoints.CENTER, outtime=30): ''' 拖拽页面元素到目标页面元素 :param sr_xpath: 定位需要拖拽元素的xpath :param tg_xpath: 定位拖拽至目标元素的xpath :param borderpoint: 元素的边缘、部位、或者中央的位置点。 :param borderpoint: 元素的边缘、部位、或者中央的位置点。 :param outtime: 定位元素超时时间 ''' sr_element = self.driver.getelement(sr_xpath, outtime=outtime, proxy=proxy) sr_size = sr_element.size tg_element = self.driver.getelement(tg_xpath, outtime=outtime, proxy=proxy) tg_size = tg_element.size action = ActionChains(self.driver.driver) action.move_to_element(sr_element) if sr_borderpoint == 1: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 2, -sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 2: action.move_by_offset(0, -sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 3: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 2, -sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 4: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 2, 0) elif sr_borderpoint == 5: pass elif sr_borderpoint == 6: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 2, 0) elif sr_borderpoint == 7: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 2, sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 8: action.move_by_offset(0, sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 9: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 2, sr_size["height"] / 2) elif sr_borderpoint == 10: action.move_by_offset(0, -sr_size["height"] / 4) elif sr_borderpoint == 11: action.move_by_offset(0, sr_size["height"] / 4) elif sr_borderpoint == 12: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 4, 0) elif sr_borderpoint == 13: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 4, 0) elif sr_borderpoint == 14: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 4, -sr_size["height"] / 4) elif sr_borderpoint == 15: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 4, -sr_size["height"] / 4) elif sr_borderpoint == 16: action.move_by_offset(-sr_size["width"] / 4, sr_size["height"] / 4) elif sr_borderpoint == 17: action.move_by_offset(sr_size["width"] / 4, sr_size["height"] / 4) else: raise Exception("参数错误:sr_borderpoint") action.click_and_hold() action.move_to_element(tg_element) if tg_borderpoint == 1: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 2, -tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 2: action.move_by_offset(0, -tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 3: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 2, -tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 4: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 2, 0) elif tg_borderpoint == 5: pass elif tg_borderpoint == 6: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 2, 0) elif tg_borderpoint == 7: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 2, tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 8: action.move_by_offset(0, tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 9: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 2, tg_size["height"] / 2) elif tg_borderpoint == 10: action.move_by_offset(0, -tg_size["height"] / 4) elif tg_borderpoint == 11: action.move_by_offset(0, tg_size["height"] / 4) elif tg_borderpoint == 12: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 4, 0) elif tg_borderpoint == 13: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 4, 0) elif tg_borderpoint == 14: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 4, -tg_size["height"] / 4) elif tg_borderpoint == 15: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 4, -tg_size["height"] / 4) elif tg_borderpoint == 16: action.move_by_offset(-tg_size["width"] / 4, tg_size["height"] / 4) elif tg_borderpoint == 17: action.move_by_offset(tg_size["width"] / 4, tg_size["height"] / 4) else: raise Exception("参数错误:tg_borderpoint") action.release().perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def drag_and_drop_to_setoff(self,sr_xpath,x,y,outtime=30):
:param sr_xpath: 定位需要拖拽元素的xpath
:param x: 目标横坐标
:param y: 目标纵坐标
:param outtime: 定位元素超时时间
ac = self.getelement(sr_xpath)
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains class BorderPoints(IntEnum): LEFT_TOP = 1 # 左上角 TOP = 2 # 上边缘中间 RIGHT_TOP = 3 # 右上角 LEFT = 4 # 左边缘中间 CENTER = 5 # 中心 RIGHT = 6 # 右边缘中间 LEFT_BOTTOM = 7 # 左下角 BOTTOM = 8 # 下边缘中间 RIGHT_BOTTOM = 9 # 右下角 PART_UP = 10 # 上半部 PART_DOWN = 11 # 下半部 PART_LEFT = 12 # 左半部 PART_RIGHT = 13 # 右半部 QUARDRANT_A = 14 # 第一象限 QUARDRANT_B = 15 # 第二象限 QUARDRANT_C = 16 # 第二象限 QUARDRANT_D = 17 # 第二象限 def drag_and_drop_by_offset(self, sr_xpath, offset_x, offset_y, borderpoint=BorderPoints.CENTER, outtime=30): ''' 拖拽页面元素的边缘点、部位、或中央点到偏移的位置,共有9个位置,默认为中央点,可以设置为上下左右,或者四个角,或者上部、下部、左部,右部。 :param sr_xpath: 定位需要拖拽元素的xpath :param borderpoint: 元素的边缘、部位、或者中央的位置点。 :param offset_x: 水平偏移量 :param offset_y: 垂直偏移量 :param outtime: 定位元素超时时间 :return: ''' element = self.driver.getelement(sr_xpath, outtime=outtime, proxy=proxy) size = element.size action = ActionChains(self.driver.driver) action.move_to_element(element) if borderpoint == 1: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 2, -size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 2: action.move_by_offset(0, -size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 3: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 2, -size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 4: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 2, 0) elif borderpoint == 5: pass elif borderpoint == 6: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 2, 0) elif borderpoint == 7: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 2, size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 8: action.move_by_offset(0, size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 9: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 2, size["height"] / 2) elif borderpoint == 10: action.move_by_offset(0, -size["height"] / 4) elif borderpoint == 11: action.move_by_offset(0, size["height"] / 4) elif borderpoint == 12: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 4, 0) elif borderpoint == 13: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 4, 0) elif borderpoint == 14: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 4, -size["height"] / 4) elif borderpoint == 15: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 4, -size["height"] / 4) elif borderpoint == 16: action.move_by_offset(-size["width"] / 4, size["height"] / 4) elif borderpoint == 17: action.move_by_offset(size["width"] / 4, size["height"] / 4) else: raise Exception("参数错误:borderpoint") action.click_and_hold().move_by_offset(offset_x, offset_y).release().perform()
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys def send_keys(self, xpath, key, outtime=30): ''' 调用getelement方法,在定位目标处输入指定内容(可以输入键盘关键字,比如Keys.ENTER) :param xpath: 定位需要输入元素的xpath :param key: 输入的文本信息 ''' self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime).send_keys(key) def send_keys(self,xpath,key,outtime=30): ''' 调用getelement方法,基于ActionChains库,在定位目标处输入指定内容 :param xpath: 定位需要输入元素的xpath :param key: 输入的文本信息 ''' ActionChains(driver).send_keys_to_element(self.getelement(xpath),key).perform()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def clicks(self, xpaths, outtime=30):
:param xpaths: 定位需要点击元素的xpath,数组形式,如['xpath1','xpath2']
:param outtime: 定位元素超时时间
for xpath in xpaths:
self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime).click()
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
def clear(self, xpath, outtime=30):
:param xpaths: 定位需要清除元素的xpath
:param outtime: 定位元素超时时间
self.getelement(xpath, outtime=outtime).clear()
from selenium import webdriver def waitelement(self, xpath=None,time=30, by=By.XPATH): ''' 等待元素出现,设置超时,需要注意iframe,需要对隐藏元素做优化,需要注意的是,首先确定xpath指向的网页元素 是没有隐藏在网页中的,不然会立刻报错,因为selenium的等待函数是不能识别隐藏元素的 :param xpath: 查找元素的xpath :param time: 查找超时时间,默认30s :param by: 定位元素的方法 :return: 如果出现在网页中,返回True;未出现,就返回False ''' try: WebDriverWait(self.driver,time).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((by, xpath))) # 解决有可能是隐藏元素的问题 self.getelement(xpath, outtime=time) except: return False else: return True
from selenium import webdriver
def wait_ele_disappear(self, xpath,outtime=30):
:param xpath: 定位元素的xpath
:param outtime: 超时时间
starttime = int(time.time())
while self.waitelement(xpath=xpath, time=3):
nowtime = int(time.time())
if nowtime - starttime >= outtime:
raise exceptions.NoSuchElementException('元素(xpath:{})未消失!'.format(xpath))
from selenium import webdriver
def addAttribute(self, elementObj, attributeName, value):
:param elementObj: 网页元素,Webelement
:param attributeName: 添加属性名称
:param value: 添加属性值
return self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].%s=arguments[1]" % attributeName, elementObj, value)
from selenium import webdriver
def setAttribute(self, elementObj, attributeName, value):
:param elementObj: 需要修改的网页元素
:param attributeName: 需要修改的属性名称
:param value: 修改的属性值
= '''
return self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1],arguments[2])", elementObj,
attributeName, value)
from selenium import webdriver
def removeAttribute(self, elementObj, attributeName):
:param elementObj: 网页元素,Webelement
:param attributeName: 移除属性名称
return self.driver.execute_script(f'arguments[0].removeAttribute(\"{attributeName}\")',elementObj)
from selenium import webdriver
def settext(self, elementObj, text):
:param elementObj: 网页标签元素
:param text: 想要改变的内容
return self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].innerHTML=arguments[1]", elementObj, text)
from lxml import etree from selenium import webdriver def gettable(self, sources_xpath, cells_xpath='/td', cell_xpath='/span'): ''' 获取当前页面指定表格的数据,以数组的形式存储 :param sources_xpath: 指定表格的tbody资源 :param cells_xpath: 所有列xpath :param cell_xpath: 列信息xpath ''' table_tip = self.driver.getelement(sources_xpath) table_sources = table_tip.get_attribute('innerHTML') table_source = etree.HTML(table_sources)#此处是获取页面html代码到本地,优化爬取数据的效率 ary = [] rows = table_source.xpath('//tbody/tr')#获取所有行,此处xpath可根据实际dome结构更改 for row in rows: ary_row = [] cells = row.xpath(".{}".format(cells_xpath))#获取所有列 for cell in cells: try: value = cell.xpath(".{}/text()".format(cell_xpath))[0]#获取单个表元数据 except: value = "空" ary_row.append(value) ary.append(ary_row) return ary
import pandas as pd import glob,os def write_excel(self,paths,filename,data): ''' 将数据转换为DataFrame格式,并写入到excel文件中 :param paths: 写入路径,格式为分组 :param filename: 将要生成的excel文件名称,带格式 :param data: 将要写入的数据 ''' data = pd.DataFrame(data) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))#获取一个相对路径,os.path.realpath(__file__)返回当前文件所处路径,os.path.dirname返回指定路径的父目录路径 #该处使用的是一个相对路径,适用于我们将数据存储于工程目录# for writepath in paths: path = os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(writepath))#获取excel将要写入的目录路径 path = os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(filename))#指定将要生成的excel文件名称 fs_page = glob.glob(path) for page in fs_page: os.remove(page)#删除该路径上已存在的同名文件 data.to_excel(path)
import pandas as pd import glob,os def read_execl_str(path): ''' 以文本格式读取execl里面的每一列数据,能解决execl里面以文本格式储存的数据读取出来之后,变成了int64类型 添加遍历所有列的功能,就能实现一个execl里面所有标签的数据都以文本格式读取 :param path: 读取的execl文件的绝对路劲 :return: 返回pands对象 ''' pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) tmp = pd.read_excel(io=path, sheet_name=None) sheets = list(tmp.keys()) # 获取Execl所有sheet名 dic = {} for sheet in sheets: tmp_df = tmp[sheet] col_list = tmp_df.columns.values.tolist() for col in col_list: dic[col] = str return pd.read_excel(io=path, sheet_name=None, dtype=dic) def read_excel(self,paths,filename,sheet='Sheet1'): ''' 读取下指定目录的指定excel文件 :param paths: 写入路径,格式为分组 :param filename: 将要生成的excel文件名称,带格式 :param sheet: 读取excel的sheet页面 ''' path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))#获取一个相对路径,os.path.realpath(__file__)返回当前文件所处路径,os.path.dirname返回指定路径的父目录路径 for readpath in paths: path = os.path.join(path,'{}'.format(readpath)) path = os.path.join(path,'{}'.format(filename)) readdata = read_execl_str(path)['{}'.format(sheet)] return readdata
import time,glob,os,shutil def movefile(slef,downfile,dirpaths,dirfile): ''' 移动download文件下文件至指定目录 :param downfile: download文件下文件,带格式 :param dirpaths: 移动目录的文件夹路径 :param dirfile: 移动目标文件名称,带格式 ''' # 获取下载目录 home = os.path.expanduser('~') starttime = int(time.time()) while True: zipf = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.join(home, 'Downloads'),downfile) if zipf: break nowtime = int(time.time()) if nowtime - starttime >= 60: raise TimeoutError('获取文件超时') time.sleep(1) # 获取目标路径 testDataDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) for path in dirpaths: testDataDir = os.path.join(testDataDir,path) # 定义备份文件 targetf = os.path.join(testDataDir, dirfile) # 判断备份文件是否存在,存在则删除已存在的 if os.path.exists(targetf): os.remove(targetf) # 移动备份文件至目标路径 shutil.move(zipf[0], targetf)
import time,glob,os,shutil def uploadfile(self, paths, filename): ''' 上传指定文件夹下指定路径的文件 paths: 文件路径,数组格式 filename: 文件名称,带格式 ''' dialog = win32gui.FindWindow('#32770', '打开')#获取顶部句柄 ComboBoxEx32 = win32gui.FindWindowEx(dialog, 0, 'ComboBoxEx32', None) ComboBox = win32gui.FindWindowEx(ComboBoxEx32, 0, 'ComboBox', None) Edit = win32gui.FindWindowEx(ComboBox, 0, 'Edit', None)#定位路径输入框 button = win32gui.FindWindowEx(dialog, 0, 'Button', None)#定位按钮 path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) for path in paths: path = os.path.join(path, path) path = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(path):#由于存在目标文件不存在的情况,这里加一个判断 time.sleep(2) win32gui.SendMessage(Edit, win32con.WM_SETTEXT, None, path) win32gui.SendMessage(dialog, win32con.WM_COMMAND, 1, button) else: win32gui.CloseWindow(dialog) raise AssertionError(path + "文件不存在")
from selenium import webdriver def scroll(self, speed=50): ''' 页面会以一定的速度滚动到网页的最下面 :param speed: 页面向下滚动的速度 :return: ''' js = """ (function () { //这个是网页被卷去的高度,刚进来肯定是0 var y = document.body.scrollTop; var step = %(speed)s; window.scroll(0, y); function f() { //最后卷曲的高度会大于网页的高度,所以会全部滚动完成 if (y < document.body.scrollHeight) { y += step; window.scroll(0, y); //50毫秒之后执行函数f。这里有点奇怪,是一个递归的函数 setTimeout(f, 100); } } setTimeout(f, 1000); })(); """ js = js % dict(speed='{}'.format(speed), ) self.driver.execute_script(js)
from selenium import webdriver import time,glob,os,shutil def getelement_sizeandloc(self, value=None, by=By.XPATH): ''' 获取网页元素再网页中的位置,用于有时候使用selenium的方法点击元素会报错,可以使用这个函数获取元素位置,再去操作 :param value:xpath :param by:定位方式 :return:picture对象,提供了常规的点击之类的操作 ''' element = self.getelement(value) x = element.location['x'] y = element.location['y'] height = element.size['height'] width = element.size['width'] return (x, y, width, height) def getabsloc(self, value=None, by=By.XPATH, xpath=None): ''' 返回元素在屏幕上的绝对坐标,中心点的坐标 :param value: xpath表达式 :param by: 查找元素方法 :param xpath: [iframe1,iframe2,iframe3]这个需要手动将iframe以数列的形式 传递进来,并且,外层的iframe在前面 :return: 返回一个对象,用来模拟鼠标等事件 ''' # 获取元素位置和大小,8个像素点应该是不会影响操作的,默认用获取到的原点做偏移 if xpath is None: xpath = [] # 获取元素的相对位置 rect_ele = self.getelement_sizeandloc(value=value, by=by) # 获取窗口大小 rect_bro = self.driver.get_window_rect() # 获取到iframe的大小,以及iframe的层数 frame_x = 0 frame_y = 0 if xpath: frame_x, frame_y = self.__getiframerect(xpath) # 获取网页截图大小,只获取一次,不用每次都需要对网页进行截图 if not self.page_origin: pic_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'tmp_img') if not os.path.exists(pic_path): os.mkdir(pic_path) pic_path = os.path.join(pic_path, 'tmp.png') self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(filename=pic_path) img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(pic_path, dtype=np.uint8), -1) size = img.shape self.page_origin = (rect_bro['x'], rect_bro['y'] + (rect_bro['height'] - size[0])) os.remove(pic_path) os.rmdir(os.path.split(pic_path)[0]) mid_absloc_x = rect_ele[0] + rect_ele[2] / 2 + self.page_origin[0] + 8 + frame_x mid_absloc_y = rect_ele[1] + rect_ele[3] / 2 + self.page_origin[1] - 8 + frame_y return absaction(int(mid_absloc_x), int(mid_absloc_y))
import os,zipfile def zip(self,filepath,filename,files:list): ''' :param filepath: 文件目录 :param filename: 压缩文件名称 :param files: 文件组,将被压缩的所有文件 ''' path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) path = os.path.join(path, 'TestData')#获取到存放文件的根目录TestData,这个路径根据你的真实路径去写 for src in filepath:#从根目录往下,找到你要解压的文件的位置 path = os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(src)) zip_src = os.path.join(path,'{}.zip'.format(filename)) old_file = glob.glob(zip_src) for page in old_file: os.remove(page)#判断是否存在历史文件,如果存在则删除历史文件 filedir = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_src,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for file in files: new_file = os.path.join(path,'{}'.format(file)) if glob.glob(new_file): filedir.write(new_file,file) else: raise AssertionError('文件不存在!') filedir.close()
import os,zipfile def unzip(self,filepath,filename): ''' :param filepath: 文件目录 :param filename: 压缩文件名称 ''' path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) path = os.path.join(path, 'TestData') for src in filepath: path = os.path.join(path, '{}'.format(src)) zip_src = os.path.join(path,'{}'.format(filename)) if glob.glob(zip_src): files = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_src,'r') for file in files.namelist(): old_path = os.path.join(path,file) old_file = glob.glob(old_path) for page in old_file: os.remove(page) files.extract(file,path) else: raise AssertionError('文件不存在!')
def expandtree(self,paths,o_xpath='//div[text()="{}"]'):
:param paths: 展开的节点名称,数组形式,如['根节点','父节点','子节点']
:param o_xpath: 资源树根节点xpath
xpath = o_xpath
expand = '/preceding-sibling::i[@class="eui-icon eui-tree-expand"]'
shrink = '/preceding-sibling::i[@class="eui-icon eui-tree-shrink"]'
for path in paths:
if self.wait(xpath.format(path)+expand, 1):
xpath = xpath.format(path)+'/parent::div/following-sibling::ul/li//div[text()="{}"]/'
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