1. 网上虽然关于redis参数介绍的文章有很多,但都语焉不详,甚至大多是无脑复制来的
2. 本篇博客希望能详细地,通俗地给大家讲明白那些晦涩难懂的参数配置,简单的就不再啰嗦
3. 我用的redis版本是 redis-7.0.4
1. daemonize 是否以守护进程的方式启动redis
2. hz 表示Redis执行定期任务的频率
3. dynamic-hz 可根据客户端连接数动态调整hz的值,需Redis 5.0或以上
4. protected-mode 是否保护模式(是否只允许本机连接该redis)
5. logfile 日志文件名字
这个变量在redis配置文件 redis.conf 中如下所示
- # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
- # Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
- # When Redis is supervised by upstart or systemd, this parameter has no impact.
- daemonize no
注释说得也很清楚:默认情况下redis不是以守护进程的模式运行。如果把该变量的值设置为yes,redis将会把进程的pid(进程号)写到 /var/run/redis.pid,该值由参数 pidfile 指定
linux 系统,在终端上默认开启的进程会受到这个终端的影响,如果终端退出,进程会收到SIGHUP信号,默认处理是关闭进程。如果在终端上按下 "Ctrl + c" 组合键,进程会收到SIGINT信号,默认处理也是关闭进程
综上:把 daemonize 的值配置成yes,那么redis会以守护进程的方式启动,完全不受终端的影响,打印信息也不会输出到终端上,非常推荐。要注意的是如果把 daemonize 配置成yes,并且变量 logfile 配置为空,那么redis的日志会被丢弃掉,如果redis启动失败就没办法查看报错日志了,详情参考变量 logfile 的说明
- # The range is between 1 and 500, however a value over 100 is usually not
- # a good idea. Most users should use the default of 10 and raise this up to
- # 100 only in environments where very low latency is required.
- hz 10
1. 从设置了过期时间的key的集合中随机检查20个key。
2. 删除检查中发现的所有过期key。
3. 如果检查结果中25%以上的key已过期,则重新开启新一轮任务。
- # Normally it is useful to have an HZ value which is proportional to the
- # number of clients connected. This is useful in order, for instance, to
- # avoid too many clients are processed for each background task invocation
- # in order to avoid latency spikes.
- #
- # Since the default HZ value by default is conservatively set to 10, Redis
- # offers, and enables by default, the ability to use an adaptive HZ value
- # which will temporary raise when there are many connected clients.
- #
- # When dynamic HZ is enabled, the actual configured HZ will be used as
- # as a baseline, but multiples of the configured HZ value will be actually
- # used as needed once more clients are connected. In this way an idle
- # instance will use very little CPU time while a busy instance will be
- # more responsive.
- dynamic-hz yes
上面的 hz 参数用于指定Redis定期任务的执行频率,这些任务包括关闭超时的客户端连接、主动清除过期key等。
为了平衡Redis的CPU使用率和响应及时性,Redis 5.0版本新增了dynamic-hz参数,并分离了实际hz(hz)和已设置的hz(configured_hz)。
dynamic-hz 的可选值为yes
- # Protected mode is a layer of security protection, in order to avoid that
- # Redis instances left open on the internet are accessed and exploited.
- #
- # When protected mode is on and if:
- #
- # 1) The server is not binding explicitly to a set of addresses using the
- # "bind" directive.
- # 2) No password is configured.
- #
- # The server only accepts connections from clients connecting from the
- # IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses and ::1, and from Unix domain
- # sockets.
- #
- # By default protected mode is enabled. You should disable it only if
- # you are sure you want clients from other hosts to connect to Redis
- # even if no authentication is configured, nor a specific set of interfaces
- # are explicitly listed using the "bind" directive.
- protected-mode yes
翻译如下:protected-mode 是一个安全保护层,用于避免redis实例被互联网上的访问和使用。
保护模式打开时还有以下要求:1)没有使用 "bind"选项绑定一个地址,2)没有使用 "requirepass"选项设置密码
在保护模式下,redis实例仅仅接受 和 ::1的客户端连接
默认 protected-mode 的值为yes,即开启保护模式
1. 配置选项 protected-mode 的值为yes
2. 不配置选项 bind
3. 不配置选项 requirepass
- # Specify the log file name. Also the empty string can be used to force
- # Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
- # output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
- logfile ""
说得很清楚,该变量用来指定日志文件的名字,如果配置为空,那么redis的日志就会重定向到标准输出。特别注意的是,如果你把redis日志重定向到标准输出(把logfile配置为空)并且把 daemonize 的值配置成yes,那么redis的日志会被发送到 /dev/null,也就是丢弃日志
- # Specify the log file name. Also the empty string can be used to force
- # Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
- # output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
- logfile "./redis.log"
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