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android 无线调试_Android 11的无线调试

adb: unknown command pair

android 无线调试

Android 11 developer preview has lots of new features to look but one of the coolest is Wireless debugging. It is a new method for developers to pair their Android devices with a computer wirelessly. Before we dive more into this new method let’s check the methods available before this.

Android 11开发人员预览版具有许多新功能,但最酷的功能之一是无线调试 。 这是开发人员将其Android设备与计算机无线配对的一种新方法。 在我们进一步研究这种新方法之前,让我们先检查一下可用的方法。

过去: (Past:)

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Before Android 11 connecting your android device with a computer was possible by the following 2 methods:

在Android 11之前,可以通过以下2种方法将android设备与计算机连接:

  1. Using a USB cable: This is the easiest method and just needs you to plug in your device via USB. The cons here are you always need to have a USB cable, it could limit the number of devices you can plug-in depending on available ports or could also affect your device’s battery over time as it is always charging when plugged in.

    使用USB电缆:这是最简单的方法,只需要您通过USB插入设备即可。 缺点是您始终需要USB电缆,这可能会限制您可以插入的设备数量(取决于可用端口),或者随着时间的流逝也会影响设备的电池电量,因为插入时总是在充电。

  2. ADB Over Wireless: This method is possible using ADB’s tcpip and connect commands which help you use your devices wirelessly. But to execute both of the commands your device needs to

