我想除开BOB提及的路(工程师—> IT经理 —> CIO—>。。。),我想也许还有另外一条路就是:工程师—》IT经理(兼顾业务)—》经过深造-》企业管理层。
工程师—> IT经理 —> CIO—>。。。
The Seven Action Logics (zz)
Firstly I’d really like to take the chance congratulate Xenor’s successfully running away from all of us old buddies and found himself a better place for the time being. Heard of the bear joke millions of times yet still couldn’t get to see it even once, except the reason and passion of change, has never changed.
In life here are status quo - something to compare everything to, in life there are restless minds - committed to figure things out differently beyond status quo. Just wanna wish you all the best on the road of your TRANSFORMATION from Opportunist to Alchemist, and wish the brunch you own me could be repayed soon as well, hiahia…
This is a powerful, well researched methodology that has discovered a strong link between individual performance and what David Rooke and William Torbert refer to as “Action Logics”.
For a more detailed explanation you can read papers on the subject by David Rooke and William Torbert. A shorter summary is provided below. The seven logics (originally 9) are:
Opportunist - focuses on own immediate needs and opportunities. Seeks short-term advantage.
Diplomat - seeks approval through socially expected behaviour. Seeks conformity, belonging and pleasant low stress relationships.
Expert - believes in the ‘right way’ to do things, seeking to display own skills and expertise, follows procedures and behaves as expected. Admires efficiency, consistency, incremental improvement and perfection.
Achiever - seeks effectiveness through logical application of objectives, plans, controls, delivers results and goals to secure success within the system.
Individualist - enjoys being appreciated for own uniqueness, working through diverse relationships, experimenting with own power, developing increased sponteneity and pursuing new ideas.
Strategist - sees the world as a dynamic of inter-related processes and relationships - plays many roles in these. Sees big picture and holds long-term perspective. Values integrity, principles and freedom in creating positive change.
Alchemist - committed to transformation of self, organisations and society. Seeks common good. Enjoys interplay of purposes, actions and results. Is illusive, chameleon-like and powerful.
The research discovered that three types of leaders (Opportunists, Diplomats and Experts) were associated with low levels of performance and accnted for 55% of the sample. They were less effective at introducing change strategies than 30% of the sample who measured as achievers. Only 15% of the sample fell into the categories if Individualist, Strategist and Alchemist.
The research recognises, though believes it to statistically small, that environmental conditions influence the way leaders apply their preferred “action logic”. If the culture values experts, then that is the action logic that is likely to dominate - even the work of natural strategists.
The Seven Action Logics
The Opportunist tends to focus on winning, seeing the world and other people as opportunities to be exploited. How they react to events depends on the extent to which they feel they can control them. They treat other people as objects or cogs in their machine. They reject feedback, externalise blame and retaliate harshly. They just think they are being “open and honest”. Constant fighting and rule breaking make them impossible to work for for long, yet they can survive in a culture that values control and compliance.
The Diplomat is less aggrresive than the optimist but they still generate negative repercussions. They seek to please higher status colleagues to avoid conflict and stay in control of themselves, cooperating with the norms and rules to provide the social glue and ensure that due attention is paid to the needs of colleagues. Such behaviour is valued at supervisory levels as they tend to be over polite and friendly. Fearing conflict they resist change - even to the point of self-destruction. They find it difficult to deal with staff who are not performing.
The Expert represents the largest category and account for narly 40% of all professionals. They effect control by perfecting their knoweldge in their work and personal lives. Things need to be done properly and they prefer hard data and logic to get buy-in from others. Experts are valued because they pursue continuous improvement, efficiency and excellence. They view collaboration as a waste of time and treat lesser experts with contempt. Having emotional intelligence is neither admired nor appreciated.
The Achiever will both challenge and support others and want to create a positive team and good relationships wity other functions and service partners. They focus their efforts on solutions and what they can deliver within the confines of their brief and resources - they find it difficult to think creatively ‘oustide the box’. Achievers display a more complex and intgrated understanding of the world around them. They are open to feedback and appreciate that most conflicts are due to differences in interpretation and ways of relating and require sensitivity and the ability to influence others in positive ways. Achievers also tend to delegate more responsibly and achieved significantly higher levels of performance from their staff that those in the previous three action logics. As a result they don’t always get on well with experts who want to “stop change” happening.
The Individualist recognises that all action logics are constructions of oneself and the world. They understand the conflict that arises between their principles and their actions. It becomes a source of tension, creativity and a growing desire for further development. Individuals tend to get results by ignoring rules that they regard as irrelevant, which makes them a source of irritation to both colleagues and bosses.
The Strategist accounts for only 4% of leaders. What sets them apart from Individualiosts is their focus on organisational constraints and perceptions, which they discuss as transformable. They can create shared visions with colleagues who have different action logics. Strategists seem to deal with conflict more comfortably because they handle people’s instintive resistance to change. They are also concerned with personal relationships, organisational relations and national developments - they are socially conscious.
2、其实只是个人的经历与大家分享一下。我2000年南下,其实出来后一直比较幸运,8年我只待过两家大型复合企业,一家一呆就是四年,行业涉及到电子/五金/模真/塑胶/制衣/等行业。在MIS部呆了两年,后来去财务呆了一段时间,学习财务,后来被下放到仓库/QC/生管等各部门都学习一段时间,所以对企业流程熟悉,对ERP中的BOM与MRP/等有太多的要说了。。。后来主导神码ERP上线/SAP B1,与财务金碟的K3等,一系列含我们自己开发的ERP系统。其实不是什么ERP,应该是MRP/MRP2之间吧。。。ERP行业国内外我应该都接触过,善长后台的SQL与VIEW到REPORT并形成BOSS需要的甘特图/柏拉图。不聊ERP,累!
我都36了,有8年的SAP经验,4年的外部实施经验,SAP PP PA认证,学计算机出身,当然了ABAP、workflow等不在话下,可是现在也是不能稳定下来,不知再过两年是否真到要被淘汰掉了!痛苦啊。。。。。。
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