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Back in the earlier days of Android, if you wanted to beta test an application, you generally had to sideload it alongside the current stable version of the app. But now, Google has “beta channels” in the Play Store, making it a lot easier to give beta apps a shot.

早在Android的早期,如果您想对应用程序进行Beta测试,则通常必须将其与应用程序的当前稳定版本并驾齐驱 。 但是现在,Google在Play商店中提供了“测试版渠道”,使试用版应用的推出变得容易得多。

Instead of these beta builds running alongside their stable counterparts, however, when you enroll in a beta through the Play Store, you’re effectively opting to use the beta instead of the stable version. There are some exceptions here—like Chrome, Chrome Beta, Chrome Dev, and Chrome Canary, all of which have their own Play Store listings. For the most part, however, beta channels in the Play Store work exactly as Google intended them.

但是,当您通过Play商店注册Beta版本时,您实际上选择使用Beta版本而不是稳定版本, 而不是将这些Beta版本与稳定版本一起运行。 这里有一些例外,例如ChromeChrome BetaChrome DevChrome Canary ,它们都有自己的Play商店列表。 不过,在大多数情况下,Play商店中的Beta频道的工作方式与Google预期的完全相同。

For example, let’s take a look at the official Facebook app. Facebook leverages beta channel access to allow curious users to get a glimpse of what the company is working on behind the scenes if they so choose. In turn, of course, these users are effectively testing the app for Facebook, helping the company find bugs before the build moves into the stable channel. While the company technically calls these early builds “alpha” builds, the point is still the same: they’re using Google Play’s testing program to provide access.

例如,让我们看一下官方的Facebook应用程序 。 Facebook利用Beta通道访问权限,让好奇的用户可以窥见该公司在幕后所做的工作(如果他们愿意的话)。 当然,反过来,这些用户正在有效地为Facebook测试该应用程序,从而帮助该公司在构建进入稳定渠道之前发现错误。 尽管该公司从技术上讲将这些早期版本称为“ alpha”版本,但重点仍然是相同的:他们使用Google Play的测试程序来提供访问权限。

如何查找提供Beta访问权限的应用 (How to Find Apps that Offer Beta Access)

You may or may have enrolled into a testing program for a beta application at some point, but either way, you’re probably wondering the easiest way to find out if an application offers access to a beta build. In short, there really isn’t a simple way to help with this without just digging through a slew of app listings. You sort of have to be in the know. Yeah, it sucks.

您可能已经或可能已经在某个时候加入了Beta版应用程序的测试程序,但是无论哪种方式,您都可能想知道最简单的方法来找出应用程序是否可以访问Beta版。 简而言之,实际上,没有一个简单的方法可以解决这个问题,而不仅仅是挖掘大量的应用程序列表。 你有点必须知道。 是的,很烂。

If you don’t mind the grind, you can find whether or not an offers access to a beta testing program by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the app’s page in the Play Store on your device. You’ll see a box that reads “Become a beta tester” if beta program access is offered.

如果您不介意,可以通过一直滚动到设备上Play商店中应用页面底部的方式来找到是否可以使用Beta测试程序。 如果提供了Beta程序访问权限,您将看到一个框,上面写着“成为Beta测试员”。

Tap “Join in,” then confirm in the following popup. Boom, you’re in.

点击“加入”,然后在以下弹出窗口中确认。 oom,你进去了。

Still, that’s a lot of work just to see if an app even has a testing program. The good news is that there’s an excellent solution by way of a Chrome extension called Toolbox for Google Play Store. This extension will not only let you know if there’s a testing program available for a specific application, but also offer links to AppBrain listings, Android Police coverage of the app, and APK downloads from APKMirror. You can also toggle each of these options in the extension’s Settings page.

不过,这是一个很大的工作只是为了看看一个应用程序,甚至有一个测试程序。 好消息是,有一个出色的解决方案,通过名为Toolbox for Google Play Store的Chrome扩展程序。 此扩展程序不仅可以让您知道特定应用程序是否有可用的测试程序,而且还提供指向AppBrain列表,该应用程序的Android Police覆盖范围以及从APKMirror下载APK的链接 。 您还可以在扩展程序的“设置”页面中切换每个选项。

If you find an app that you may be interested in testing, just click the “More Info” link on the app’s Google Play page, which will redirect you to the testing page. Just click the “Become a Tester” button to get started with that.

如果您发现您可能对测试感兴趣的应用程序,只需单击该应用程序的Google Play页面上的“更多信息”链接,即可将您重定向到测试页面。 只需单击“成为测试人员”按钮即可开始使用。

If you already have the app installed, it will automatically update to the newer build—no input needed on your part. It’s cool.

如果您已经安装了该应用程序,它将自动更新为较新的版本-您无需输入任何内容。 这很酷。

如何管理您的Beta应用程序 (How to Manage Your Beta Applications)

You’re free to leave the beta testing program at any point, which will roll the app back to a stable build once you’ve left the testing program. There are a couple of different ways to do that.

您可以随时离开Beta测试程序,一旦离开测试程序,该程序就会将应用回滚到稳定的版本。 有两种不同的方法可以做到这一点。

First off, you can just jump back into the testing page from Google Play on the web (again, with the Toolbox for Google Play extension installed) and use the “Leave the Program” link to opt out. Easy peasy.

首先,您可以从网络上的Google Play跳回到测试页面(同样,安装了Google Play扩展工具箱),然后使用“离开程序”链接退出。 十分简单。

You can also manage all of your beta applications directly from your device. Fire up Google Play and open the menu by sliding in from left to right (or just tapping the three lines in the top left). Then choose “My apps & games.”

您也可以直接从设备管理所有Beta版应用程序。 从左向右滑动(或点击左上角的三行)启动Google Play并打开菜单。 然后选择“我的应用和游戏”。

The last tab in this interface is “Beta.” Tap it to see all the apps you’re currently testing.

此界面中的最后一个标签是“测试版”。 点按即可查看您当前正在测试的所有应用。

When you tap on an app from this list, you’ll notice a banner near the top of the listing page letting you know that you’re a beta tester for this app. The thing is, you can’t tap it or interact with it in any way—it’s really just there to remind you, I guess.

当您从该列表中点击某个应用时,您会在列表页面顶部附近看到一条横幅,告知您您是该应用的Beta测试人员。 关键是,您不能轻按它或以任何方式与之交互—我想它实际上只是在提醒您。

To unenroll from the testing program, you have to scroll back to the bottom of the page (just like enrolling). There, you’ll find a box that will let you leave the beta channel. Alternatively, you can tap “Learn More” to get more information about Google’s beta testing program.

要取消测试程序的注册,您必须向下滚动至页面底部(就像注册一样)。 在那里,您会找到一个框,可让您离开测试版频道。 或者,您可以点击“了解更多”以获取有关Google Beta测试计划的更多信息。

The Google Play testing program is a really cool way for users to get eyes on the newest stuff cooking in their favorite apps (assuming they offer beta access, of course). If you’re all about trying new things before they hit the masses, I definitely recommend seeing if your favorite apps offer a testing program. Just remember: these are beta apps, so they may cause issues.

Google Play测试计划是一种非常酷的方式,可让用户关注自己喜欢的应用程序中的最新烹饪知识(当然,假设他们提供Beta版访问权限)。 如果您想在新事物出现之前就尝试它们,那么我绝对建议您查看您喜欢的应用程序是否提供测试程序。 请记住:这些 Beta版应用程序,因此可能会引起问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/333666/how-to-join-a-beta-and-download-early-versions-of-android-apps/

