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OneForAll-强大的子域名收集工具_oneforall subdomain

oneforall subdomain



OneForAll需要高于Python 3.6.0的版本才能运行,检查python 和 pip3的版本

  1. python -V
  2. pip3 -V
git clone https://github.com/shmilylty/OneForAll.git


git clone https://gitee.com/shmilylty/OneForAll.git


  1. cd OneForAll/
  2. python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
  3. pip3 install -r requirements.txt -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
  4. python3 oneforall.py --help


  1. NAME
  2. oneforall.py - OneForAll help summary page
  4. oneforall.py COMMAND | <flags>
  6. OneForAll is a powerful subdomain integration tool
  7. Example:
  8. python3 oneforall.py version
  9. python3 oneforall.py check
  10. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com run
  11. python3 oneforall.py --targets ./domains.txt run
  12. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --alive False run
  13. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --brute False run
  14. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --port medium run
  15. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --fmt csv run
  16. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --dns False run
  17. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --req False run
  18. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --takeover False run
  19. python3 oneforall.py --target example.com --show True run
  20. Note:
  21. --port small/medium/large See details in ./config/setting.py(default small)
  22. --fmt csv/json (result format)
  23. --path Result path (default None, automatically generated)
  24. FLAGS
  25. --target=TARGET
  26. Type: Optional[]
  27. Default: None
  28. One domain (target or targets must be provided)
  29. --targets=TARGETS
  30. Type: Optional[]
  31. Default: None
  32. File path of one domain per line
  33. --brute=BRUTE
  34. Type: Optional[]
  35. Default: None
  36. Use brute module (default True)
  37. --dns=DNS
  38. Type: Optional[]
  39. Default: None
  40. Use DNS resolution (default True)
  41. --req=REQ
  42. Type: Optional[]
  43. Default: None
  44. HTTP request subdomains (default True)
  45. --port=PORT
  46. Type: Optional[]
  47. Default: None
  48. The port range to request (default small port is 80,443)
  49. --alive=ALIVE
  50. Type: Optional[]
  51. Default: None
  52. Only export alive subdomains (default False)
  53. --fmt=FMT
  54. Type: Optional[]
  55. Default: None
  56. Result format (default csv)
  57. --path=PATH
  58. Type: Optional[]
  59. Default: None
  60. Result path (default None, automatically generated)
  61. --takeover=TAKEOVER
  62. Type: Optional[]
  63. Default: None
  64. Scan subdomain takeover (default False)
  66. COMMAND is one of the following:
  67. check
  68. Check if there is a new version and exit
  69. version
  70. Print version information and exit

--dns=DNS DNS                  解析子域(默认True)

--req=REQ                           HTTP请求子域(默认True)

--port=PORT                        请求验证子域的端口范围(默认只探测80端口)

--valid=VALID                       只导出存活的子域结果(默认False)

--fmt=FMT                             结果保存格式(默认csv)

--path=PATH                         结果保存路径(默认None)

--takeover=TAKEOVER        检查子域接管(默认False)


python3 oneforall.py --target www.XXX.com run

默认测试结果存放在 /home/kali/OneForAll/results/XXX.com.csv

