- d = open('debug.dat', 'rb').read().decode()
- debug = bool(d)
- if d != 'True' and d != 'False':
- debug = False
- list = [[None, None, None],[None, None, None],[None, None, None]]
- def __init__():
- global list
- global debug
- global d
- d = open('debug.dat', 'rb').read().decode()
- debug = bool(d)
- if d != 'True' and d != 'False':
- debug = False
- list = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]]
- def ying(b):
- if b:
- name = 'X'
- elif b is False:
- name = 'O'
- else:
- if debug:
- print('debug::错误!\n')
- return 0
- print(f'{name}赢了!')
- print('下一局...\n\n')
- __init__()
- def main():
- while True:
- # 行列输入
- for i in range(2):
- while True:
- ni = None
- if i == 0:
- ni = 'O'
- elif i == 1:
- ni = 'X'
- else:
- if debug:
- print('debug::错误!')
- a_ = input(ni + " 输入行/列:")
- a = a_.split('/')
- try:
- n = int(a[0]) - 1, int(a[1]) - 1
- if list[n[0]][n[1]] is not False and not list[n[0]][n[1]]:
- if n[0] >= 0 and n[1] >= 0:
- list[n[0]][n[1]] = bool(i)
- else:
- print('超出范围!')
- continue
- else:
- print('已有子')
- continue
- break
- except IndexError:
- print('超出范围!')
- continue
- except ValueError:
- print('字符错误!应为digit/digit,而不是' + a_ + '.')
- continue
- # 判断是否赢
- for i in range(len(list)):
- # 横
- if list[i][0] == list[i][1] == list[i][2] and list[i][0] is not None and list[i][1] is not None and list[i][2] is not None:
- ying(list[i][0])
- if debug:
- print('debug::横')
- continue
- # 竖
- elif list[0][i] == list[1][i] == list[2][i] and list[0][i] is not None and list[1][i] is not None and list[2][i] is not None:
- ying(list[0][i])
- if debug:
- print('debug::竖')
- continue
- # 右下斜
- elif list[0][0] == list[1][1] == list[2][2] and list[0][0] is not None and list[1][1] is not None and list[2][2] is not None:
- ying(list[0][0])
- if debug:
- print('debug::右下')
- continue
- # 左上斜
- elif list[0][2] == list[1][1] == list[2][0] and list[0][2] is not None and list[1][1] is not None and list[0][2] is not None:
- ying(list[0][2])
- if debug:
- print('debug::左上')
- continue
- if debug:
- print('debug::' + list)
- # 打印井字旗
- print('-------')
- for i in list:
- print('|', end = '')
- for i2 in i:
- if i2:
- print('X', end = '|')
- elif i2 is False:
- print('O', end = '|')
- else:
- print(' ', end = '|')
- print('\n-------')
- # 判断是否平局
- p = True
- for i in list:
- for i2 in i:
- if not i2 or i2 is not False:
- p = False
- break
- if p:
- print('平局!')
- __init__()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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