#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import random
import pygame
# FPS FPS = 30 # 屏幕宽高 SCREEN_WIDTH = 288 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 512 # 管道宽高 PIPE_WIDTH = 50 PIPE_HEIGHT = 300 # 管道之间空隙 PIPE_GAP_SIZE = 100 # 小鸟 BIRD_WIDTH = 20 BIRD_HEIGHT = 20 # 地面高度 FLOOR_HEIGHT = 80 # 游戏有效高度 BASE_HEIGHT = SCREEN_HEIGHT - FLOOR_HEIGHT
class Bird(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, position): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.rect = pygame.Rect(*position, BIRD_WIDTH, BIRD_HEIGHT) # 定义飞行变量 self.is_flapped = False self.up_speed = 10 self.down_speed = 0 self.time_pass = FPS / 1000 # 更新小鸟的位置 def update(self): # 判断小鸟是上升还是下降 if self.is_flapped: # 上升速度越来越小 self.up_speed -= 60 * self.time_pass self.rect.top -= self.up_speed # 上升速度小于等于0, 改为下降状态 if self.up_speed <= 0: self.down() self.up_speed = 10 self.down_speed = 0 else: # 下降速度越来越大 self.down_speed += 20 * self.time_pass self.rect.bottom += self.down_speed # 判断小鸟是否撞到了边界死亡 is_dead = False if self.rect.top <= 0: # 上边界 self.up_speed = 0 self.rect.top = 0 is_dead = True if self.rect.bottom >= BASE_HEIGHT: # 下边界 self.up_speed = 0 self.down_speed = 0 self.rect.bottom = BASE_HEIGHT is_dead = True return is_dead # 下落状态 def down(self): self.is_flapped = False # 上升状态 def up(self): if self.is_flapped: self.up_speed = max(12, self.up_speed + 1) else: self.is_flapped = True def draw(self, screen): pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 0), self.rect, 0)#设置小鸟的颜色,0代表填充,1代表无填充
class Pipe(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, position): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) left, top = position # 如果是下边的管道, 通过定义管道高度, 删除地面以下的管道 pipe_height = PIPE_HEIGHT if top > 0: pipe_height = BASE_HEIGHT - top + 1 self.rect = pygame.Rect(left, top, PIPE_WIDTH, pipe_height) # 用于计算分数 self.used_for_score = False def draw(self, screen): pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), self.rect, 0)#设置管的颜色为绿色,0代表填充,1代表无填充 @staticmethod def generate_pipe_position(): # 生成上下两个管道的坐标 top = int(BASE_HEIGHT * 0.2) + random.randrange( 0, int(BASE_HEIGHT * 0.6 - PIPE_GAP_SIZE)) return { 'top': (SCREEN_WIDTH + 25, top - PIPE_HEIGHT), 'bottom': (SCREEN_WIDTH + 25, top + PIPE_GAP_SIZE) }
# 初始化游戏
def init_game():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption('Fly Bird游戏')
return screen
# 初始化精灵 def init_sprite(): # 小鸟类 bird_position = [SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - BIRD_HEIGHT) / 3] bird = Bird(bird_position) # 管道类 pipe_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(2): pipe_pos = Pipe.generate_pipe_position() # 添加上方的管道 pipe_sprites.add( Pipe((SCREEN_WIDTH + i * SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, pipe_pos.get('top')[-1]))) # 添加下方的管道 pipe_sprites.add( Pipe((SCREEN_WIDTH + i * SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, pipe_pos.get('bottom')[-1]))) return bird, pipe_sprites
# 精灵类碰撞检测和小鸟更新位置
def collision(bird, pipe_sprites):
# 检测碰撞
is_collision = False
for pipe in pipe_sprites:
if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(bird, pipe):
is_collision = True
# 更新小鸟
is_dead = bird.update()
if is_dead:
is_collision = True
return is_collision
# 移动pipe实现小鸟往前飞的效果 def move_pipe(bird, pipe_sprites, is_add_pipe, score): flag = False # 下一次是否要增加新的pipe的标志位 for pipe in pipe_sprites: pipe.rect.left -= 4 # 小鸟飞过pipe 加分 if pipe.rect.centerx < bird.rect.centerx and not pipe.used_for_score: pipe.used_for_score = True score += 0.5 # 增加新的pipe if pipe.rect.left < 10 and pipe.rect.left > 0 and is_add_pipe: pipe_pos = Pipe.generate_pipe_position() pipe_sprites.add(Pipe(position=pipe_pos.get('top'))) pipe_sprites.add(Pipe(position=pipe_pos.get('bottom'))) is_add_pipe = False # 删除已不在屏幕的pipe, 更新标志位 elif pipe.rect.right < 0: pipe_sprites.remove(pipe) flag = True if flag: is_add_pipe = True return is_add_pipe, score
# 画分数
def draw_score(screen, score):
font_size = 32
digits = len(str(int(score)))
offset = (SCREEN_WIDTH - digits * font_size) / 2
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Blod', font_size)
screen.blit(font.render(str(int(score)), True, (255, 255, 255)),
(offset, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.1))
# 画游戏结束
def draw_game_over(screen, text):
font_size = 24
font = pygame.font.SysFont("simhei", font_size)#设置字体和字号
screen.blit(font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
(60, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.4))
# 按键
def press(is_game_running, bird):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # 点击关闭按钮退出
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE or event.key == pygame.K_UP: # 空格键或者up键小鸟上升
if is_game_running:
elif event.key == 13 and not is_game_running: # 游戏结束时回车键继续
return True
def main(): img = pygame.image.load('./moneyge_icon.png') pygame.display.set_icon(img) screen = init_game() # 初始化游戏 bird, pipe_sprites = init_sprite() # 初始化精灵 clock = pygame.time.Clock() is_add_pipe = True # 是否需要增加管道 is_game_running = True # 是否在游戏中 score = 0 # 初始分数 while True: restart = press(is_game_running, bird) # 按键 if restart: return screen.fill((100, 10, 10)) # 填充背景 is_collision = collision(bird, pipe_sprites) # 碰撞检测 if is_collision: is_game_running = False # 如果碰撞 游戏结束 if is_game_running: is_add_pipe, score = move_pipe(bird, pipe_sprites, is_add_pipe, score) # 不碰撞 移动管道 else: draw_game_over(screen, '请按回车继续游戏!') # 游戏结束 bird.draw(screen) # 画鸟 draw_score(screen, score) # 画分数 # 画地面 pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 255, 255), (0, BASE_HEIGHT), (SCREEN_WIDTH, BASE_HEIGHT)) # 画管道 for pipe in pipe_sprites: pipe.draw(screen) # 更新画布 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
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