Hybrid Composition with IdleBlock: More Efficient Networks for Image Recognition
We propose a new building block, IdleBlock, which naturally prunes connections within the block.
使用新颖的hybrid composition with IdleBlock.
include Network in Network , VGGNet , ResNet , DenseNet, ResNext , MobileNet v1/v2/v3 , and ShuffleNet v1/v2。
design complex connections inside a block to handle information exchanges of different resolutions.
like: MultiGrid-Conv , OctaveConv , and HRNet
At the beginning of each stage, we insert a reduction block, and repeatedly stack the normal block. We repeat each stage multiple times, and for each stage we may have different number of normal blocks
For example
Method 1: Neural Architecture Search (NAS)
given a constraint on computation resources, NAS attempts to automatically determine the best network connections, blo
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