背景:引入ISAC With the development of innovative applications that demand accurate environment information, for example, autonomous driving, sensing becomes an important requirement for future wireless networks. To this end, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) provides a promising platform to exploit the synergy between sensing and communication, 引入PMNs:(感知移动网络)where perceptive mobile networks (PMNs) were proposed to add accurate sensing capability to existing wireless networks. The well-developed cellular networks offer exciting opportunities for sensing, including large coverage, strong computation, communication power, and, most importantly, networked sensing, where the perspectives from multiple sensing nodes can be collaboratively utilized for sensing the same target. PMNs存在的挑战:However, PMNs also face big challenges, such as the inherent interference between sensing and communication, the complex sensing environment, and the tracking of high-speed targets by cellular networks. 本文内容:This article provides a comprehensive review on the design of PMNs, covering the popular network architectures, sensing protocols, standing research problems, and available solutions. Several future research directions that are critical for the development of PMNs are also discussed.
背景:The air-ground integrated sensing and communications (AG-ISAC) network, which consists of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground terrestrial networks, offers unique capabilities and demands special design techniques. 本文内容:In this article, we provide a review on AG-ISAC, by introducing UAVs as “relay” nodes for both communications and sensing to resolve the power and computation constraints on UAVs. 内容细节:We first introduce an AG-ISAC framework, including the system architecture and protocol. Four potential use cases are then discussed, with the analysis on the characteristics and merits of AG-ISAC networks. The research on several critical techniques for AG-ISAC is then discussed. Finally, we present our vision of the challenges and future research directions for AG-ISAC, to facilitate the advancement of the technology.
背景:The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has been proposed as an enabling technology for improving the network efficiency, where the wireless infrastructures and spectrum resources can be reused by co-designing the sensing and communication (S&C) functionalities. Different networks adopt the technique of ISAC to achieve the enhanced capabilities in precise localization, tracking, and imaging. 目标:To further improve the performance of cooperative detection, data dissemination can be carried out for ISAC-enabled networks. However, as sensing information sharing among S&C devices generally proceeds in a multi-hop manner, there exist various design challenges in ISAC-enabled networks, e.g., data dissemination modeling and deployment of S&C devices. 引入流行病理论:Since epidemic theory has been developed as an innovative tool for modeling data dissemination, it can also be applied to design and analyze the ISAC-enabled network. 本文方法:In this article, we first introduce the ISAC-enabled network as well as several design challenges. Then, we present some key design issues of the ISAC-enabled network, including the sensing information dissemination, where some scenarios or use cases for practical applications of the ISAC-enabled network are given to validate the effectiveness of the epidemic theory-based modeling. Finally, the potential directions of epidemic theory on ISAC-enabled networks are discussed to motivate future works.
背景:Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) is capable of circumventing the limitations of existing frequency-division sensing and communications (FDSAC) techniques. Hence, it has recently attracted significant attention.本文内容:This article proposes a novel framework for ISAC from a mutual information (MI) perspective. Based on the proposed framework, the sensing performance and the communication performance are evaluated by the sensing MI and the communication MI, respectively. Under this framework, the sensing and communication (S&C) performance metrics, i.e., the S&C MI, have similar physical and mathematical properties as well as the same unit of measurement, which could facilitate theoretical analyses and waveform design. This framework defines ISAC’s fundamental performance limits, which serves as an alternative candidate for evaluating the S&C performance tradeoffs. Based on this framework, the S&C performance of downlink and uplink ISAC systems is investigated and compared with that of FDSAC systems. 性能分析:Numerical results are provided to demonstrate the superiority of ISAC over conventional FDSAC designs. Finally, promising open research directions are provided in the context of MI-based ISAC.
背景:Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is emerged as a research hotspot of key technologies in future wireless communication systems with the purpose of achieving environment sensing within a wireless communication framework. To achieve complete and accurate sensing of the large-scale complex environment, multiple views from different user equipments (UEs) and base stations (BSs) in a wireless network should be fully and cooperatively exploited. 本文方法:In this article, both centralized and distributed architectures of multi-view sensing for wireless communications are proposed. For each architecture, the key performance indicators are pointed out. To realize the multi-view sensing, various signal processing as well as machine learning methods are discussed with detailed classifications and comparisons. 性能分析:Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed architectures and schemes.
背景:As one of the candidate technologies for 6G mobile system, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) can support the mobile network evolving from the communication-only network to the multi-functional network. The networking based ISAC can empower the effective multi-node cooperative perception and sensing data sharing among multiple sensing nodes. 本文方法:In this article, we explore different properties of signals available for radar sensing and aim to combine the ISAC technology with the cellular network by optimizing the multi-dimensional resource scheduling. 仿真平台:In the developed simulation platform, different mapping patterns of reference signals are exploited to realize the performance trade-off between communication and sensing functions. 性能分析:Finally, the ISAC enabled cooperative perception hardware testbed has been designed and implemented, which can decrease the positioning error by 61 percent compared to a single ISAC system.
背景:This article focuses on the development of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) from a multiple access (MA) perspective, where the idea of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is exploited for harmoniously accommodating the sensing and communication functionalities. We first reveal that the developing trend of ISAC is from orthogonality to non-orthogonality, and introduce the fundamental models of the downlink and uplink ISAC while identifying the design challenges from the MA perspective. 设计挑战:(1) For the downlink ISAC, we propose two novel designs, namely NOMA-empowered downlink ISAC and NOMA-inspired downlink ISAC to effectively coordinate the inter-user interference and the sensingto- communication interference, respectively. (2) For the uplink ISAC, we first propose a pure-NOMA-based uplink ISAC design, where a fixed communication-to-sensing successive interference cancellation order is employed for distinguishing the mixed sensing-communication signal received over the fully shared radio resources. Then, we propose a general semi-NOMA-based uplink ISAC design, which includes the conventional orthogonal multiple access-based and pure-NOMA-based uplink ISAC as special cases, thus being capable of providing flexible resource allocation strategies between sensing and communication. 性能分析:Along each proposed NOMA-ISAC design, numerical results are provided for showing the superiority over conventional ISAC designs.
背景:To fulfill the requirements of future intelligent transportation system in 6G era, ultra-reliable and low-latency vehicular communications is of great importance. In high-mobility scenarios, the conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation may fail to work due to high Doppler spreads. Moreover, the dynamic network topology imposes challenges on aligning the beams in multiple antenna systems. 本文方法:In this context, this article introduces a new orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) and sensing-assisted predictive beamforming framework for supporting reliable and low-latency vehicular communications. 内容细节:In particular, we will first overview the OTFS modulation scheme, which performs data transmission in the delay-Doppler (DD) domain and discuss its superiority in improving communication reliability in vehicular networks. Then the sensing-assisted predictive beamforming scheme will be introduced, which does not rely on dedicated pilots for beam pairing, leading to very low overhead and latency. Benefiting from the DD channel representation, we briefly discuss the potential of channel prediction. Lastly, the challenges and future research directions are summarized.
To facilitate the development of Internet of Things (IoT) services, tremendous IoT devices are deployed in the wireless network to collect and pass data to the server for further processing. Aiming at improving the data sensing and delivering efficiency, the integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) technique has been proposed to design dual-functional signals for both radar sensing and data communication. To accelerate the data processing, the function computation via signal transmission is enabled by over-the-air computation (AirComp), which is based on the analog-wave addition property in a multi-access channel. As a natural combination, the emerging technology namely over-the-air integrated sensing, communication, and computation (Air-ISCC) adopts both the promising performances of ISAC and AirComp to improve the spectrum efficiency and reduce latency by enabling simultaneous sensing, communication, and computation. In this article, we provide a promptly overview of Air-ISCC by introducing the fundamentals, discussing the advanced techniques, and identifying the applications.
论文内容概括:This paper investigates the orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) transmission for enabling ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC). 背景:实际预编码设计需要发射机精确的瞬时CSI To guarantee excellent reliability performance, pragmatic precoder design is an effective and indispensable solution. However, the design requires accurate instantaneous channel state information at the transmitter (ICSIT) which is not always available in practice. 本文内容:Motivated by this, we adopt a deep learning (DL) approach to exploit implicit features from estimated historical delay-Doppler domain channels (DDCs) |to directly predict the precoder| to be adopted in the next time frame |for minimizing the frame error rate (FER), that can further improve the system reliability without the acquisition of ICSIT. 论文结构:To this end, we first establish a predictive transmission protocol and formulate a general problem for the precoder design where a closed-form theoretical FER expression is derived serving as the objective function to characterize the system reliability. Then, we propose a DL-based predictive precoder design framework which exploits an unsupervised learning mechanism to improve the practicability of the proposed scheme. 方法细节:As a realization of the proposed framework, we design a DDCs-aware convolutional long short-term memory (CLSTM) network for the precoder design, where both the convolutional neural network and LSTM modules are adopted to facilitate the spatial-temporal feature extraction from the estimated historical DDCs to further enhance the precoder performance. 性能分析:Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme facilitates a flexible reliability-latency tradeoff and achieves an excellent FER performance that approaches the lower bound obtained by a genie-aided benchmark requiring perfect ICSI at both the transmitter and receiver.
论文内容概括:A non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-aided joint communication, sensing, and multi-tier computing (JCSMC) framework is proposed. 多功能基站:In this framework, a multi-functional base station (BS) simultaneously carries out target sensing and provide edge computing services to the nearby users. 多层计算结构:To enhance the computation efficiency, the multi-tier computing structure is exploited, where the BS can further offload the computation tasks to a powerful Cloud server (CS). The potential benefits of employing NOMA in the proposed JCSMC framework are investigated, which can maximize the computation offloading capacity and suppress inter-functionality interference. Based on the proposed framework, the transmit beamformer of the BS and computing resource allocation among the BS and CS are jointly optimized to maximize the computation rate subject to the communication-computation causality and the sensing quality constraints. 两种卸载模式:Both partial and binary computation offloading modes are considered: 1) For the partial offloading mode, a weighted minimum mean square error based alternating optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the corresponding non-convex optimization problem. It is proved that a Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimal solution can be obtained; 2) For the binary offloading mode, the resultant highly-coupled mixed-integer optimization problem is first transformed to an equivalent but more tractable form. Then, the reformulated problem is solved by utilizing the alternating direction method of multipliers approach to obtain a nearly optimal solution. 性能分析:Finally, numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and reveal that: i) the computation rate can be significantly enhanced by exploiting the multi-tier computing architecture when the BS is resource-limited, and ii) the proposed NOMA-aided JSCMC framework is superior in inter-functionality interference management and can achieve high-quality sensing and computing performance simultaneously compared with other benchmark schemes.
背景:介绍ISAC及模块功能并引入IoT An integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system is investigated, where the base station (BS) provides both uplink and downlink Internet-of-Things (IoT) services as well as target sensing services. 引入NO-T:Furthermore, non-orthogonal transmission (NO-T) is introduced for improving the spectrum efficiency. 存在的挑战:The deleterious effects of hardware impairments, channel estimation errors, and imperfect successive interference cancellation are taken into account.论文内容: Both the exact and asymptotic outage probabilities (OPs) of the IoT devices as well as the probability of successful detection (PoD) are derived for characterizing the communication and sensing (C&S) performances. As a further development, in the presence of the sensing requirements, a communication-centric power allocation (PA) problem is formulated for maximizing the sum rate of the IoT devices. Given the non-convexity of the problem, an alternating optimization algorithm is developed for finding a near-optimal PA. 性能分析:The simulation results confirm the accuracy of the analysis and demonstrate that: (1) The above non-ideal factors degrade the C&S performances; (2) The NO-T ISAC system considered outperforms pure ISAC in terms of both its OP and PoD; (3) Compared to other baseline PA schemes, the proposed algorithm maximizes the sum rates while meeting the sensing requirements.
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